The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 840: Collected as a slave

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Although these four women are unrestrained in appearance, they are also very proud inside. It is not only beautiful, but also unique, and it is also standing at the high end of the mainland. The exercises that they are good at are even more fierce, and they are hard to prevent. At this point, seeing the indifference of Yanshan soul, the desire for conquest in the heart was completely stimulated.

In the eyes of Yanshan, Li Mang flashed again, and glanced at Xu Ziyan, who was standing on the side and looking at it, and his heart moved, looking at the piano and said:

"You will play the piano too?"

When the words are exported, Qin Qing is not willing to listen! What do you hear from this? You will also play the piano? How does Qin Qing suffer? I was despised by Junior Lang! Involved in his own honor, Qin Qing also refused to smile. When I was on the road, I made a serious face:

"Youth Lang, on the mainland of the sky, if I can't play the piano, no one will play the piano!"

"Then we want to compare with one?"

Yanshan soul's mouth flutters a trace of evil spirits, don't forget the predecessor of Yanshan soul, but it is called the evil master. This sinister smile rises on the face of Yanshan soul, adding several times of attraction. Let Qin Qing have a moment of sluggishness and ask involuntarily:

"How do you compare?"

"The two of us play together a song. The person who failed will become the slave of the winner!" Yanshan soul put away the evil laugh, said faintly.

Xu Ziyan’s heart is moving. If he can conquer the women in the mid-peak of the four distractions, it will be invaluable to help the situation in the refinery city. Then he said to Yanshan soul:

"Mountain Spirit. How about your chess and calligraphy?"

"Little things!" Yanshan soul faintly returned.

The words of Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan certainly believe. The past life of Yanshan Soul did not know how many billions of years of living. If he said anything, it would definitely be proficient. It is the accumulation of time. It will also make him see extraordinary. So, Xu Ziyan stood by and looked at the four women once and said with a chuckle:

"Mountain Soul, you see that these four women are all good, and they all have their own good exercises. It is also a good thing to say. It’s better to take them as slaves!"

Xu Ziyan’s sentence was exported, and all four women changed color. Their pride has settled into the marrow. It’s the killing of the late part of the gods. Seeing that they are four, they are also very polite. When did someone dare to say that they were slaves? They absolutely will not believe that Yanshan Soul will win them on the chess and calligraphy. They think that Xu Ziyan is deliberately humiliating them. The four women deliberately did not look at Xu Ziyan, but looked at the Yanshan soul provocatively, and said with a sigh:

"Young Lang, dare not gamble! Rest assured, you become our slave, we will also hurt you!"

Yanshan soul evil evil smiled: "Then we will swear by the soul!"

"it is good!"

The four women each raised a small white hand. Swear by the soul. Yanshan soul naturally does not lie, but also swears by the soul. After that, I immediately put away the evil smile on my face and said faintly:

"Who are you coming first?"

Qin Qing did not speak, and his body flew up, falling far on a lotus leaf, sitting cross-legged and placing the Guqin on his lap. One of these two people is the peak of distraction, and the other is the peak of distraction. If they are two, they will fight on the ship. Didn't you dismantle this ship?

Yanshan soul smiles lightly. A wave of sleeves, the figure rises flat and falls on a lotus leaf far away. It is about 100 meters away from Qinqing and sits knee-flops. Also put a guqin on your lap.

The two men glanced at each other and began to pluck the strings. but. How is Qinqin's piano skills an opponent of Yanshan Soul? Just at the beginning, there was no suspense to lose, and the mind was stunned and sank to the surface of the water.

The posture of Yanshan's soul and knees has not changed. It just slipped into the front of the Qinqing against the surface of the water in an instant. When the void was caught, the Qinqing and the Guqin were set on the surface of the water. Said the opening:

"Gone a little bit of your essence!"

The Qinzhi’s mind has long been taken for, and now I heard the voice of Yanshan’s soul, and immediately spit out a sigh of life. Yanshan soul Zhang mouth sucks, then the life of the Qinqin Qing is swallowed into the mouth. Then, with a wave of sleeves, Qin Qing and the guqin volleyed toward the ship, and Qin Qing, who was in the air, had recovered his mind, and the virtual hand was taken, holding the guqin in his arms and looking blankly. It fell on the boat.


Yanshan soul is still sitting on a lotus leaf on the knees. When the wind blows, the lotus leaves rise and fall slightly, and the shape of Yanshan soul also rises and falls slightly.

Chess wonderful girl Liu Mei a vertical, body volley away, gracefully fell on the opposite side of Yanshan soul, coldly said:

"I come!"

Two people are separated by a hundred meters. Between the chess and the child's wave, a chess board happens to fall in the middle of two people. There is no difference, and it is still there, as the lake rises and falls slightly. Chess Miao Er’s cold face suddenly burst into a charming smile:

"Young lang, let's compare the chess. But if you have to think about every hundred games for every chess, I can't wait for my sister. So if you think too long, you have to lose."

Yanshan soul smiled and said: "That is to play fast, you say, save the loss is not convinced."

"Well, young lang, have the power!" Chess said with a thumbs up: "During the game, if the board first floats to the side of the party, even if it loses. However, in addition to throwing the pieces, you can use force. In addition, the rest of the time does not allow the use of force to block the board."

"it is good!"

Yanshan soul promised very happy, it does not matter. This can't help but let the chess girl feel a tight, dark road. Is his chess power really as good as his piano sound? However, the thought of one's own cultivation is a little higher than the Yanshan soul. Even if your own chess power falls in the wind, as long as you can hold on for a while, you can completely hit the board to the other side. This is the release of a heart. With a slap in the face, a chess box with a chess piece flies toward the soul of Yanshan.

Yanshan soul single-handedly picked up the chess box. The opposite chess player has already picked up a chess piece:

"Youth, you have to be optimistic!"


Do not wait for Yanshan soul to return. The piece in the hand has already broken out.


A crisp, it has already fallen into the board, and the strength of the piece will smash the board. The chessboard is like a sharp arrow, rushing toward Yanshan. Just in an instant, it is already close to the body of Yanshan. Yanshan soul raised his hand, and a piece of chess fell into the board with a sound of breaking the air. The board slammed into the momentum and rushed back in the direction of coming.

The character of Chess is a shrink. A tight heart. Be aware that the board is an ordinary board. Not to mention the two distracted monks, the two monks in the refining period, throwing the piece with such force, not to say that the board is broken, but it will also play the hole in the board. The hole fell into the water.

This difficulty is still second, and it is not too difficult for the distracted monks like them. but. The result of the Yanshan soul throwing the piece of chess made the chess player frightened. Because, after the board returned to the middle, it stopped there and did not move in the direction of the chess player. This is clearly telling the chess wonderful child, Yanshan soul gave her enough time to think, that is, to beat her in chess.

Now that Qin Qing has become the slave of Yanshan Soul, Qiu Mier definitely does not allow such things to happen to him. So, although she understood the idea of ​​Yanshan Soul. It stands to reason that she should only compete with Yanshan soul. However, she is not willing to take risks. Since Yanshan is stupid. Give up the opportunity to attack yourself. Then you have to seize this opportunity. Therefore, she is still throwing a piece of chess, and the board flies like a lake, rushing toward the Yanshan soul by the wind and waves. She is not thinking about the time of Yanshan.

but. Yanshan soul still throws a piece of chess very casually and falls on the chessboard. Hit the board back to the original place. Every time it is like this, Chess Club plays the board like a sharp arrow, but every time Yanshan Soul does not have to think about throwing a game in general, throwing the board back and staying in the middle.

However, with the depth of the game, Chess is thinking longer and longer. Every time I have to consider it for a long time, I will be willing to go down. However, in contrast to the Yanshan spirit, it is very casual to throw out the pieces every time, and hit the board back, still staying in the middle.

After half an hour, the sweat of Chess is flowing down. She knows in her heart that if it is the time that Yanshan Soul does not think for himself, he will use the chess pieces to hit the board directly, I am afraid that he has already lost. And even if Yanshan Soul gave her enough time to think, she also saw that the game lost herself. Looking up and looking at the opposite Yanshan soul, the chess player suddenly smiled:

"Youth Lang, do you really want your sister's life?"

"What do you say?" Yanshan soul looked at the chess and laughter.

"Hey..." Chess Miao said with a smile: "Youth Lang, you only have the cultivation of the early part of the distraction, but the sister is already the cultivation of the peak of the distraction. You must know that your cultivation is not as good as me, you I am not afraid of my back, control and you."

Chess is really telling the truth. If the spirit of Chess is higher than that of Yanshan, it is really possible to control Yanshan soul in turn. However, the Yanshan soul himself did not know how high his mental strength was, and how he would be afraid of the threat of chess. So, I said faintly:

"If you can fight back, then I will be controlled by you."

Chess is a bite: "Well, this is what you said, and you must not violate the oath."

"Nature!" Yanshan said faintly.

Chess is divided into a glimpse of the fate of the gods and flies toward the soul of Yanshan. Yanshan soul Zhang mouth a suction, then the life of the fine sputum was inhaled by the Yanshan soul. Seeing his own life is inhaled by the Yanshan soul, Chess is going to control his own life and resent the Yanshan soul. But the result is that the soul in her body is painful like a needle. The voice of Yanshan is faintly heard from the ear;

"Don't struggle, or I have a thought to destroy your god!"


Recommend a little sister's book:

Title: [Yi Ling Xiu Xian Ji] Book No.: 2132875.

Brief introduction: Xiu Xian all the way to the wind and rain, Yi Ling is not afraid! (Warm and sweet, such as a cup of tea, not thick, light, like, come see!)


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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