The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 852: Zhongyuan Xujialai people

I am very grateful to Happy 6595 classmates, Songlin Pony classmates, Feng Men's classmates, Donggong Suining classmates, Ai Feng C classmates, Zheng Huifen classmates, yinpp classmates, Yu Yu 645098 classmates, Lisi classmates, xuexue214 classmates, I want to stab students, Donggong Suining classmates, Xiong Zizi dream classmates, Ziyan classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, Dahuoluowan classmates, Luo Luoqi classmates, cat classmates who like to steal, good big fat cat classmates, jiaxinluna2 classmates, blue Xiaoyue classmates, lazy heaven classmates, espflykite classmates, Mayfair classmates, *^*0 classmates, evolutionary reptile classmates, Liu Wuchen classmates, dream alarm clock classmates, 6056918 classmates, feel the pink ticket of today's classmates!


If Huo Linger is sober, how can he be a closed-minded monk, and it is absolutely not a problem to win nine distracted monks.

In the heart of a move, suddenly remembered the water of a palm, if you refine a two-pronged spirit, temporarily let a palm of water take the role of the spirit, is it possible to play the nine-knife open hand net? However, the other party is a distracted monk after all, and is in the middle of hiding. It must be extremely vigilant and will never allow himself to be calmly arranged. How is this going to be good?

It’s better to talk to the water of a palm. I haven’t fully figured out how much potential there is in the palm of my hand. Maybe she will surprise herself. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan called for a palm of water in the knowledge of God:

"Small water!"

"What?" The voice of the milk of the palm of the hand came from the gods.

"If I refine a second-class spirit, let you temporarily act as an ally, can you release it instantly?"

"No!" The water of the palm of the hand answered very simply.

Xu Ziyan could not help but be disappointed. Sitting there, thinking about it. After a while, the voice of the milk of the palm of the hand suddenly came from the gods:

"What are you doing?"

"I want to catch nine monks who are distracted. It is probably a monk in the late part of the distraction."

The water of one palm has been indulged for a while: "Are you finished refining a picture? Is it time to throw it away? Just do it."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth couldn’t help but smile and said: “My level has not yet reached that level.”

After pondering for a while, the sound of a palm of water came again: "With a true two-pronged spirit, it takes a long time to reach the speed of instant, but it is possible to merge with a pseudo-second spirit. ”

"Pseudo second product spirit array?"

“Well!” explained the water of the palm of the hand: “It’s just not using the pillars. It’s using Lingbao. Since you can refine the two spirits, you can of course make the second treasure. I can first make Lingbao In the body, but after refining, it can only exist in my body for two hours, more than two hours, it will automatically dissipate."

"What about its power?"

"Beyond the real two-pronged spirit, it is probably the level of a good spirit. But the other party's distraction period is enough!"

"So... how long does it last after it is released?"

"One quarter of an hour!"

"Only a quarter of an hour! Can it eliminate nine distractions? If those nine monks are part of the distraction?"

The water of one palm has been indulged for a while: "If you set up the Lingbao pseudo-array is the water system, after I refine them, the power can be improved, there should be no problem."

"Water system?" Xu Ziyan quickly searched in the inheritance, the name of a formation appeared in her gods, frozen thousands of miles.

"Is the ice system ok?" Xu Ziyan asked with hope.

“The ice system is a variation of the water system, and it is natural. And the power can be further improved.”

"Great! Waiting for me to finish the Lingbao and find you again!"

Putting down the water of a palm, Xu Ziyan raised his eyes and looked at Xu Shudao: "Notify the temple, you must bite the position of the nine monks. I will find you again by then."

"Yes!" Xu Shugong replied, and then his face was a little embarrassed and said: "The king, there is a message from the family."

When Xu Ziyan heard a message from the family, he asked with some confusion: "Why don't they directly send me a message?"

Xu Shu said seriously: "When things are too big, when the elders in the family are afraid to communicate with you, your situation is wrong, so I and the king will report to a quiet place."

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a shock. There must be something big in the family, otherwise the family will not be so cautious and the complexion will become dignified. Looking at Xu Shu waiting for her to explain to herself.

"Xuyuan Xujia sent people." Xu Shu looked at Xu Ziyan carefully.

Xu Ziyan eyebrows pick one. She looked at the look of Xu Shu sitting opposite, and knew that the Xu family in the Central Plains was definitely not coming to rely on. Otherwise, Xu Shu’s look should be happy, not the dignity of today. And there is a strong anger in the dignified, Xu Ziyan laughed at himself. It seems that the people sent by the Central Plains Doringen must be very arrogant, which has aroused the anger of their own people.

"Is the one that was last encountered in Hosei House?"


Xu Ziyan smiled: "How many people did they come?"

"There are four people. Two of them are Xu Xingba and Xu Kongling met in Heberfest. Now these two people have also reached the beginning of Yuan Ying. There are two others, one is a young disciple of San Linggen. The repair is the tenth layer of the knot, called Xu Xing. The other is the middle-aged monk, but it is the mid-term monk of the Yuan Ying, called Xu Haosheng."

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, remembering the last time in He Boxian, the Xu Xingba and Xu Kongling who saw it in front of themselves, but changed their names in the Central Plains, and could not help but shake their heads. Needless to say, this time the Central Plains Doringen went to the Lotus Peak, and it would not be nice to say it.

However, Xu Ziyan is also very strange in his heart. It stands to reason that he is not a small person who is now unknown. His reputation in the original Xu family must have been heard, why do they dare to be so arrogant? What is their dependence? Is it because they are multi-lingual, I feel that the descendants of the ancient Xu family should be willing to drive for him? Xujia in the Central Plains will not be so naive?

Xu Ziyan thought of this, raised his eyes and said to Xu Shu: "They said what they said after they came, and told me carefully. Don't miss it?"

Xu Shu’s eyes flashed a faint anger, and then tried to suppress the anger in his heart, only to objectively report to Xu Ziyan. After all, this is a major event in the ancient Xu family, she did not dare to mix her emotions into the report. So as not to affect the mood of the king.

"Yes! The king! The news from the family is very detailed, and Rong Shuer tells you carefully."

Xu Shu paused a little, sorted out the thoughts and said softly:

"The four of them just entered the big array. They saw the cultivation environment in our Xu family, and they were all shocked as stupid, and then they were filled with greed. Once they entered the hall of the council and introduced each other, the multilingual The young man sat directly on the chair that the king had made."

Speaking of this, Xu Shu’s eyes finally flashed a trace of anger. Xu Ziyan was also very surprised. She did not think that the monks of the Xu family in the Central Plains would be so mad. To be honest, Xu Ziyan was very uncomfortable when he heard this. At the time when the Xujia of the Lotus Peak and the Xu family of the Central Plains did not reach an agreement. Your Central Plains Xu family is just a guest of the Lotus Peak Xu family, but how do you want to take the lead? Slightly picking up an eyebrow, Xu Ziyan condensed and asked:

"Who is the family who received the reception?"

"The family heard that the Xu family of the Central Plains was looking for it. The hearts were very happy and excited. The deputy patriarch personally led the elders of the temple to personally greet them."

"How did the grandfather of the day deal with this matter?" Xu Ziyan asked quietly.

"Daddy God is in a hurry, directly licking Xu Xing's neck and throwing him out." Xu Shu's eyes revealed a smile.

Xu Ziyan has been hanging some of his heart. Although she knows that she is confident in this group of families that are completely self-contained. But after all, it must be tested. Now, with such a fierce reaction, Xu Dingtian can see that the Xujia disciples of the Lotus Peak will never rebel against themselves, even in front of the multi-lingual roots of the ancient Xu family.

“Later?” Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly felt a little tired. On the one hand, the Xujia disciples of Lotus Peak were happy with themselves, and on the other hand they were troubled by the Central Plains Xu family.

"Later, the people of Xujia in the Central Plains were furious and quarreled with the elders and other elders on the spot."

"Just noisy? Didn't you start playing?" Xu Ziyan's mouth flicked a smile.

Xu Shu snorted and snorted: "They also know that they are not opponents of the elders, so they are just fierce, but they don't dare to do it."

"How is it noisy?" Xu Zi's mouth is more smiling.

"At first they asked us to apologize immediately to the Xu Xing, and then respectfully ask Xu Xing to sit in the seat of the king."

Xu Ziyan smiled. It was teased. What happened to this Central Plains Xu family? Is it psychologically distorted by external pressure? Being bullied outside. Use the energy to the home? Needless to say, this is not impossible. There are many people like this, and there are many families.

"The deputy chiefs and family elders naturally would not agree. And the deputy chief angered them. Later, they agreed not to apologize to the Xu Xing. But insisted on sitting in the position of the king."

Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed a stern color, and the face of the Xu family in Central Plains was very clear. Faces can be left temporarily, but the position of the patriarch is staring at them. However, what do they like in the Central Plains?

"The deputy chiefs and family elders naturally would not agree. Later, the deputy patriarchs would want to blast them out. When we talked with them, they would be unreasonable with us. When the deputy patriarchs and them came tough, they But it began to tell us reason.

Business parameterizing them are not very weak, and we are less than the same. The family has a much shorter resource than we have. There is no strength in our strength. There is only one ancestor in the other side. At first, they could not see through the cultivation of our Xujiahua monk monk, and thought it was the monk of the late Yuan Ying. They arrogantly lifted out their gods and ancestors, until they knew that there were several monks who were on the side of us, and they had been sluggish for a long time. ”

Speaking of this, imagine the original scene, Xu Shu can not help but "snap" and laughed out. I quickly glanced at Xu Ziyan and quickly became serious. However, Xu Ziyan heard Xu Shu’s speech and imagined the original scene, and could not help but smile.

"Then they said... say..."


They said that if you want to chase them away, you have to let us hand over the guaranteed pink tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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