The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 853: Want the king to be king?

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"Then they said... said..." Xu Shuzhi said.

"Say what?"

"It is said that no matter how big the situation of our Lotus Peak Xu family is, how strong is the strength, but the family rules of the ancient Xu family are the orders of Xu family descendants who must unconditionally obey the multi-lingual system."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, this is indeed the ancestral training of Xu family. This point is that Xu Ziyan, who now has absolute right to speak at Lotus Peak, cannot be violated. Otherwise, Xu, who has just gathered up, must have a loose sand.

"The deputy patriarch is in a hurry and tells the king that you are also a multilingual." Xu Shu said cautiously.

Xu Ziyan does not care to reveal that he is a multilingual root. This matter will be displayed in front of Xujia in the Central Plains sooner or later.

Seeing that there was no change in Xu Ziyan’s expression, Xu Shu sneaked a sigh of relief: “The people in the Central Plains’s family heard it as a glimpse. At first they did not believe it. After that, they said hard, even if you are a king, you are a multilingual. Departments must also personally go to the Central Plains to meet their patriarchs, then greet the Central Plains Xu Family into the Lotus Peak, and then give the patriarch's position to their patriarchs. They clearly tell us that Xu has only one patriarch, that is Their patriarchs, but you can let the king be your deputy patriarch."

"Continue to talk!" Xu Ziyan seems to feel something from Xu Shu's speech, and it seems to be uneasy from Xu Shu's eyes.

"The deputy patriarch asked them angrily why, Xu Xing said... said..."

"What to say?" The uneasiness in Xu Ziyan's heart is quietly expanding.

"They said...their patriarchs are the five spiritual roots, the king of the Xu family!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a glimpse of the five attributes. Xu Jiawang? This generation of Xu family is really awesome! Actually ran out of a king of five attributes Linggen! Xu Ziyan naturally knows that his five attributes are fundamentally a fake, an illusion created by himself using Qiankun. The five attributes of the Central Plains are a real king.

Things are getting more and more interesting!

Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a smile. Regardless of whether the patriarch of the Xu family in the Central Plains is the root of the five attributes, is it the king, this is not important for Xu Ziyan. Because she could not hand over the Xu family of Lotus Peak to others. That is my own efforts, and with the development of the family, it has already reached the time when Xu Ziyan gained benefits. How could it be because the other party is a five-in-one spiritual root, and will give the foundation to the other party?

Say. Give them to them, is Xu Ziyan at ease? It is said that they have not been able to get rid of the rising momentum that Xu’s family can’t easily achieve. To be honest, for a group of people who changed their names, Xu Ziyan seriously doubted their ability. Even if that person is the king, he can change his name and change his name, and he loses the king's temperament!

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly jumped, and she was not worried that the disciples of the Lotus Peak Xu family betrayed themselves. That is based on the fact that the Xu family has only one king of its own. Now there is a king who has emerged. I don’t know how those people on the Lotus Peak will choose. Thinking of this, Xu Ziyan raised his eyes again, looking at Xu Shu with a cold eyes.

Xu Shu met Xu Ziyan’s eyes and looked coldly, and his heart was shocked. He hurriedly lowered his eyes and said softly:

"After that Xu Xing made these words, the deputy patriarch and elders were shocked for a short time. In the event that they had not dared to make their own claims, they should immediately report the matter to the king. That Xu Xing is absolutely too arrogant. When no one is talking inside the hall, he will proudly go to the position of the king again."

The heart of Xu Ziyan is a shock. This scene is definitely a test of the loyalty of the Lotus family to the family. If they let Xu Xing sit on the position of the king, it means that their heart has been shaken, and the things that follow are really difficult.

Xu Shu did not pay attention to the look of Xu Ziyan, still angrily said there:

"This time it is angering the elders of the war, grabbing his neck and throwing him out again. And the elders of Qinglian are angry. When you say the king, you are also the root of the five attributes."

There is nothing on the surface of Xu Ziyan. But in my heart, I put down the heart that was once again hung up. The first time I throw Xu Xing out is the grandfather of God, don't forget that Xu Dingtian is also from the worldly customs with Xu Ziyan, so it is certain that he does not hesitate to maintain Xu Ziyan. However, other people are all condensed by Xu Ziyan. Now Xu Haozhan and Xu Qinglian have a shot. An exit immediately shows the determination to follow yourself. Even if the other party has a king, it will not change their determination.

In fact, Xu Ziyan is somewhat worried. If Xu Ziyan is not a king, these descendants of the ancient Xu family may turn away from Xu Ziyan. However, in their minds, Xu Ziyan is the king, and they are the kings they have personally verified. The most important thing is that none of them are rescued by Xu Ziyan. They died together with them.

And the so-called king of the other party, they have not seen it, how is it? How is it repaired? What is the ability? How is your heart? And these aspects in the body of Xu Ziyan, the bit by bit is to make them convinced. In this case, how can they turn away from the king who has been following, but go to another king?

"and after?"

"Then they heard that you are also a king, and they are determined not to believe! In the end, they said that since you are also a king, compare them with their kings. Whoever wins is the real king of Xu."

Xu Ziyan’s mouth passed a trace of irony: “Is this thing that he can do the Lord?”

Xu Shu also smiled: "If they really have a king over there, then it is the turn of the king who is the one who comes to be the master. After all, they still don't believe that you are the king."

Xu Ziyan smiled and laughed at himself, and my heart was really fake. However, this is naturally not to say, but to say faintly:

“Do they say how they want to compare?”

"That said, let the king go to them to try, and only to test the dragon and the phoenix and destroy the soul."

Xu Ziyan said with a smile: "They are still not faint!"

Xu Shu said: "Where do they dare to let their king and you be better than others. Isn't that looking for abuse?"

"Do you want the king to be king?" Xu Ziyan said in the heart: "I don't know how much the king of the Xu family in the Central Plains has trained Long Fengming and the spirits?"

Xu Ziyan frowned deeply and meditated there.

At this time, the Yanshan soul who had been sitting silently on another table, his eyes lifted slightly, and there was a glimmer of gaze in his eyes. As the blade swept the old man sitting in the counter. However, in the eyes of Yanshan soul like a knife, the boss did not react at all, still looked like a statue in the door. Yanshan soul frowned slightly. He had clearly felt a sway of volatility from the boss, and the volatility was definitely not friendly.

The son who sat opposite him felt the change of Yanshan soul, looked at the Yanshan soul strangely, and whispered:

"what happened?"

Yanshan soul frowned slightly, and finally shook his head and said: "Nothing!"

The other side of Xu Ziyan is the wrinkle and tighter, because she really did not grasp the dragon who defeated the Central Plains Xu family in Long Fengming and the spirits. She will not convert the five elements, but the king of the Xu family in the Central Plains should be converted into five lines. In this way, Xu Ziyan really encountered a strong enemy.

The practice of Dollinger’s major is the sound work. If you change your purple smoke, you will be stronger. If you are not as good as the other, it will be defeated. So how do you solve this problem? The only way is to learn the pseudo five-line conversion.

Xu Ziyan’s heart suddenly moved, and he did not have the opportunity to learn the pseudo-five-line conversion method of the ancient Xu family. It is no secret that the pseudo-five-line conversion method is not a secret in the ancient Xu family. They are not useful for others to learn. They are not multi-lingual, and they do not. Therefore, the whole method of practice is an open practice in the ancient Xujiaduogen. As long as you find a descendant of the ancient Xu family who is not a multi-rooted system in the Central Plains, but will be a pseudo-five-line conversion method, you can learn. And Xu Ziyan just knows that there is such a place, with a group of descendants of the ancient Xu family. That is the underwater world, where her dragon and phoenix was learned.

"It seems that I have to go to the underwater world again!"

Xu Ziyan's eyebrows gradually stretched out and looked up at Xu Shu and asked: "Now they are still in the family?"

"Yes, they have to wait for the king to go back and say that you will take you to see their king."

Xu Ziyan smiled faintly and said: "You tell Grandpa God, let Grandpa tell them that they are willing to stay in the Lotus Peak. Just keep the rules of the Lotus Peak. If you don't follow the rules, just blow them out. If They want to leave, let them go. But tell them, I am very busy now, I don't have time to pay attention to them. Let them leave the address of their residence, I will go see it when I pour out the time."

"Yes. King!"

"You go to do what I told you!"

Xu Ziyan waved his hand and banned it. Xu Shu stood up from the chair and immediately left the tavern after giving a gift to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan continued to sit in the chair and thought for a while, then stood up from the chair, greeted the Yanshan soul and others and paid the Lingshi, leaving the pub. Behind them, the boss who has been stunned for a long time, like a sculpture for most of the time, looked at the back of Xu Ziyan, and there was a glimmer of glare in the dull eyes.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul have nothing at the moment. Xu Ziyan has not heard the words of Xu Shu, nor has he gone to Wushan. Yanshan soul will naturally not mention it. Seven people did not take the monster car, but enjoyed the scenery of the refining city all the way, all the way to the residence of Gongziye.

It was also far away from the mountain where Gongziye lived, and saw countless monks surrounded by the mountain, looking at the road that Xu Ziyan and others came. Walking in the Xu Ziyan and Yanshan souls, the son of the forging is a squat, slowing down the footsteps and whispering:

"Xu Daoyou, Yan Daoyou, we can't go any further!"


Comrades, are there any pink tickets? The situation is very serious, the great gods are very powerful, and the bottom of the pink ticket is guaranteed!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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