The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 870: Yanshan soul returns

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"Not... grab me!"

Gongziye sighed a long breath and was relaxing. However, he suddenly felt the earth under his feet vibrate violently. From the outside of the refining city, there was a shouting sound, the sound of the spell and the magic weapon. Impact sound. It is definitely not the fight of one or two monks, and the momentum is definitely more than a thousand people.

Xu Ziyan was standing on the top of the roof of the Qin Qing House. Qin Qing and other four people stood behind her, standing by her side and rushing over Xu Haohe. Xu Ziyan listened to the popping sound outside the city, whispered:

"It seems that the fake knife has been open to these days and has not been able to connect with the real knife. It has been estimated that the real knife is coming out and I want to leave the refining city. But I did not think of the refining city owner Shen Qian. The machine has not moved him. I am afraid that he has long been aware that he is a fake. He has been dragging his hands and wants to force a real knife to open. When he leaves, the refiner city owner will naturally not let him escape.

In such a fierce battle, the monks who ambushed the mines and the Wuliu Mountain saw the rise of the refining city guards. It was time for the hands of the people to come. It seems that all the people who opened the knife will be destroyed. ”

"Oh..." Xu Haohe said with a chuckle: "In this incident, it is undoubted that our family has the most profit!"

"Oh... this thing can't be said!" Xu Ziyan said with a low smile.

"Yes, the king!" Xu Haohe's face is also full of smiles.

"The family is about to return to the ethnic land?" Xu Ziyan suddenly asked.

"It should be almost in ten days."

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded gently.

Two quarters of time. The battle in the city is over, and after about half an hour, the battle outside the city is over. The moat fell slowly, and Xu Ziyan and Xu Haohe also jumped back to their ridges and returned to their rooms. After talking with Xu Haohe for a while. Xu Haohe got up and left. Xu Ziyan was sitting in a chair quietly and pondered.

She is very curious about what the Yanshan soul is doing? It stands to reason that he has disappeared for so long, and the refiner city cannot know. However, no one is looking for himself now. That must be related to the Yanshan soul. Is this the Yanshan soul going to the refiner? And is it a secret refiner? So he said that he should use the fire in the refining city. So what level of equipment is he going to refine this time? Is it... will it be... fairy?

At this time, in the main city of the refining city, the four major passengers, the three major city owners, the three major patriarchs, and some of the top ancestral lords, the family alliance ally and the scent of the singer allied into a circle sitting there, In their hands, a slap-sized jade card was passed, and each monk’s face was filled with excitement and excitement.

The jade in their hands was spent five days in the spirit of Yanshan. Refining a simplest fairy, guarding the jade. Such a fairy is just to use the ground fire to remove impurities, and not to forge, to portray a simple fairy. It is very fast in the refining of Yanshan soul. If it is not because the level of fire in the mortal world is too bad, Yanshan soul will refine it more quickly.

but. Even so, it is enough to shock all the monks in the room. Finally, the jade card was returned to the hands of Yanshan Soul. Yanshan soul thought and moved, and the jade card was collected. All the monks looked at their eyes and their eyes were revealed. However, no one spoke, and no one stopped the move of Yanshan Soul.

The room was quiet, and finally the Yan Xingyun looked at the Yanshan soul and asked softly:

"Mountain Spirit, how do you master the refiner?"

The eyes of Yanshan soul swept over the monks and saw that they were all looking forward to the look. Smiling and said:

"Zhuzu. This is my secret, can't say!"

Yan Xingyun’s face appeared, but there was no reluctance to Yanshan, but it quickly recovered. Kindly smiled and said:

"Mountain Soul, are you wondering why we are gathering here today? Why do you have to hold a circuit competition in each of the three major cities in the past 100 years. Dandao Contest and Fu Dao Contest?"

Yanshan soul shook his head gently.

The voice of Yan Xingyun is a little excited: "I am your ancestor, I will tell you about these things!"

Yanshan soul suddenly shook his head and said: "Master, can this matter be delayed later?"

The people present were a glimpse, and Yan Xingyun asked in confusion: "Mountain Soul, are you in a hurry?"

Yanshan soul shook his head and said: "I am not in a hurry, but the monk sitting here is still one less."


Yan Xingyun asked inexplicably, and the rest of the monks also swept their eyes over the crowd, looking blank. In this room, the powerful monks on the mainland of the Canggu are already present, and they really don't know who is missing.

"Xu Ziyan!" Yanshan soul said faintly.

This sentence exports, Wang Liyun and the face of the three major city owners have become ugly. They have been watching the face of Yanshan soul. There is no difficulty in making purple smoke, but they did not think that the spirit of Yanshan was instinct, and they wanted Xu Ziyan to participate in such an important meeting. This is too much. Yan Xingyun just wanted to open the mouth to persuade the Yanshan soul, but saw Yanshan soul shook his head slightly and turned his eyes to the three major city owners, sincerely said:

"Three city owners, when your three big cities were attacked by the so-called Xu Ziyan, I have been around Xu Ziyan, I can testify that Xu Ziyan has nothing to do with this matter. If for whatever reason, you just want to press this thing on Xu Ziyan. There is nothing to talk about between us."

Seeing the soul of Yanshan said that the look of the faces of the three major cities is good. After all, the Yanshan soul proves that the people who attacked the three major cities are not Xu Ziyan, which gave them three people a step. And with the identity of today's Yanshan Souls, it is impossible to lie. My heart has decided to put things aside with Xu Ziyan.

Yanshan soul saw the look of the three major city owners have already guessed the answer, nodded slightly, and turned his eyes to Wang Liyun, said faintly:

"Wang Daoyou, the hatred between you and Xu Ziyan is hard to resolve. This is not because Da Luotian was the main culprit in the destruction of the Xu family in ancient times, but because of what Wang Daoyou did for Xu. I will not Asking you and Xu Ziyan to resolve this hatred, just ask you to temporarily put down, wait for this, and what to do."

Wang Woyun called him a friend of the mountain for Yanshan soul, but there is no contradiction. A fairy teacher can completely sit on his side. And watching the rising momentum of Yanshan soul, I am afraid that it will not take long, you can catch up with him when you are repaired. However, in the face of so many monks, the words of Yanshan soul are very rude, which can not help but let Wang Woyun some can not go down. So, his face sank, and the voice said:

"Yan Daoyou, you are not afraid that I will kill you and Xu Ziyan in the refining city?"

Yanshan soul smiled and said: "If you can, you have already done it, why wait until now?"

Speaking of this, Yanshan’s soul looks like a cleansing: “My meaning is very clear. From now on, all actions must be accompanied by Xu Ziyan, otherwise we will take a shot.”

At this time, everyone's eyes are concentrated on Wang Woyun and the three major city owners. These monks did not have much resistance to Xu Ziyan. In their hearts, with the strength and power of Xu Ziyan, even if she let her join, how much benefit can she get? Maybe it will die in the process of joining. Therefore, they all waited for the opinions of Wang Woyun and the three major city owners with an indifferent attitude.

The three major city owners exchanged their eyes, and one purple smoke and one purple smoke. They felt that there was no difference in their hearts. Now the Yanshan soul has given them a step, so they just exchanged a look and nodded at the same time:

"We agree to join Xu Ziyan!"

So everyone's eyes were focused on Wang Liyun's body. Wang Liyun's face was extremely ugly, and he struggled with his heart. In the end, he still resisted the killing of Xu Ziyan. His face restored the insignificance of the Mahayana monks:

"I have no opinion!"

"That's the way it is today! We will talk again tomorrow. I have been tired for a long time." Yanshan soul stood up from the chair.

At this time, as the Yanshan soul, the ancestral Yan Xingyun would have to speak, but his gaze was only swept in the faces of the other three Mahayana monks and the three major city owners. The other monks were too lazy to take care of them.

"Yes, the mountain spirit has experienced nearly two months of competition, and it is really tired. Let's let him take a day off. Anyway, that thing will not be solved in a short while."

All the monks nodded, and the Yanshan soul also went to the city's main government after bowing to the monks, and went to the house of Qinqing.

Yanshan soul has not yet reached the door of Xu Ziyan's room, Xu Ziyan opened the door and stood there blankly. The soul of Yanshan walked to the front of Xu Ziyan, and there was a lot of love in his eyes. In the past, Yanshan soul had not been so attached to Xu Ziyan, but since the two people had been in the house alone, the Yanshan soul was full of Xu Ziyan. Since Xu Ziyan disappeared, to appear again, Yanshan soul seems to wait for several years.

At this time, seeing Xu Ziyan stood in front of himself, and Yanshan soul couldn't help but stir up the heart. He stretched out his arms and gently shook Xu Ziyan into his arms.

The two people are quietly embracing each other at the door, and they can feel each other's heartbeat and the temperature of each other's body.

"So long, where have you been?"

Xu Ziyan quietly lingered in the arms of Yanshan soul, the happiness in her heart made her faint at this time. I heard the words of Yanshan, and replied softly:

"Going to deal with some family things."

In the mind of Yanshan’s soul, suddenly, and what he said, his face turned pale. Although Xu Ziyan was in his arms, he could not see his face, but he could feel the sudden change of the atmosphere. With both hands gently pushing the chest of Yanshan soul, I want to look up and see what happened to Yanshan Soul.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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