The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 871: Gongziye is in action

Today there are two more gods! Thank you comrades! Seeking a full book, a new book! Bells thank you!


The slight movement of Xu Ziyan immediately awakened the soul of Yanshan, but the pain in his eyes but more was disappointing. He didn't want Xu Ziyan to see his face at this time, his arms were strong, and Xu Ziyan was tightly held in his arms. Xu Ziyan struggled a little, and then he no longer struggled softly, letting Yanshan soul hold himself and sniffing the taste of this man in his arms.

The reluctance of Yanshan souls gradually took up all of them, driving away the sound of the shackles in my mind, leaving only one voice:

"I can't give up the purple smoke! No! Absolutely not! Oh, I am different from you. Now I am no longer the embarrassment of the last world. I am a brand new me. My things are my own, and no one can affect me!" Can't be the master of me."

Xu Ziyan can feel the Yanshan soul in his arms, but the tender atmosphere is coming back. Xu Ziyan is in the arms of Yanshan soul, his mouth is tilted upwards, and a happy smile gradually blooms on his face.

Time passed quietly in silence, and the two eventually ended up being blushing, but the hands were still tightly held together. Yanshan soul single-handedly, a chair moved from the other side, next to another chair, Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan hand in hand sitting side by side on two chairs, you look at me, I look at you.

Yanshan soul thought suddenly moved, took the fairy body jade card out, let it float in front of himself, and then took out a section of the beast to put the jade card. All that was done was based on spiritual strength, and the hand that held Xu Ziyan did not separate.

Using the mental power to send the jade card to the front of Xu Ziyan, whispered:

"Ziyan. This is a bodyguard jade card, you wear it."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and the beautiful eyes, extended the other hand to catch the jade card in the air. I watched it in my palm, and my heart was full of joy. Hanging the jade card on his neck, hiding it in his clothes, looking at the Yanshan soul warmly.



"I have explained to you the three major city owners your misunderstanding with them. They also said that they will not care about this matter. However, the defense should be prepared."

Xu Ziyan heard it, and his eyes were astonished, but the color of gratitude appeared in an instant: "Mountain Spirit, thank you."

Yanshan soul gently shook his head and said: "Where do you have a thank you word? You should be punished!"

Xu Ziyan dropped his eyes slightly and his mouth tilted upwards.

"But... Wang Wangyun just promised to temporarily put down the grievances between you. In the days to come, you still have to be careful to guard him."


"Tomorrow, you will go to a party with me. By that time, the confusion of your days will be solved."

“Hmmm?” Xu Ziyan looked up at Yanshan’s soul and said: “That... you can’t talk to me first?”

Yanshan soul shook his head and said softly: "I know only what I guessed. I don't know if they know it is the same as me. Or listen to what they say, if they don't know it, after I come back, I will say it again. I will listen to you."

Xu Ziyan twisted his body slightly. Just want to say something, but heard a footstep in the yard, and then heard the voice of the male forging:

"Yan Daoyou, are you coming back?"

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are separated, and Yanshan soul will go out and call: "Forging friends come!"

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and moved the chair next to him back to the opposite side. He raised his hands and bent his fingers toward the back of Yanshan Soul. Then, immediately put his hands behind him, his face showed a smile. Looking at the male forging from outside the door.


at this time. In the room of Gongziye, Gongziye and Jiang Xiaozhou sit opposite each other. The atmosphere inside the house was extremely oppressive. In the end, the son of the family could not stand the suppression of this kind of depression.

"The news came. The city owner took the shot and the knife was over!"

Jiang Xiaozhou is speechless. A heavy sigh came from the mouth of Gongziye. The voice can't tell the repression:

"Small boat, let's go to the Yaozu!"

Jiang Xiaozhou shook his head and shook his head. "No! You can't go! There is a Yaozu! The Yaozu has been fighting with humanity since ancient times. If you go to the Yaozu, you may be imprisoned by the Yaozu. Get up and become the beggar of the demon family every night, our children will become their hostages, this is impossible!"

The son smelt and listened, jumped up from the chair, like an ant on a hot pot, usually on the ground to make a circle. Jiang Xiaozhou looked at the eager public son, and the look in his eyes became more and more determined, whispering:

"French, you still flee with a forging, even if you flee to the North, escape to the South, or even go to the secular world, the things here are carried out by the boat."

Gongziye suddenly stopped his footsteps and quietly looked at the opposite side of Jiang Xiaozhou. The corner of his mouth gradually floated a little smirk, and gradually laughed out loudly. In the end, he laughed loudly, but the tears in his eyes could not stop flowing. Down:

"Small boat, do you have a dead sorrow? Everything that my son Ziye has done is to save you. Now you have to die for me. How do you call me? Hahaha..."

Jiang Xiaozhou opened Zhangkou, but he was stopped by the son of a singer, and he said:

"Small boat, this thing is for the husband to deal with, you are waiting at home!"

When the words fell, Gongziye turned and walked out of the room, leaving Jiang Xiaozhou one. When his feet crossed the door, his eyes flashed a stern color...

Jiang Xiaozhou looked at the back of Gongziye, his eyes filled with worry, anxiety and bitterness, but finally became firm.


In the courtyard of Qinqing, at this time, Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan and Gongzi Forging have each returned to their own room. Xu Ziyan sat in the chair, one arm on the table holding his chin, looking at the opposite wall with a gaze Somewhere, sometimes a corner of the mouth passed a smile.

Outside the palace of Qinqing, the four monks in the middle of the distraction stood at the four corners of the Qinqing House. Everyone raised a flag and the flag was inserted into the bottom. The entire residence of Qin Qing was soon covered by a layer of colorless arrays.

At this time, in the room of the lower man in the Qinqing House, sitting on a squat. Suddenly the ear moved, and then took out a fragrant incense, inserted in the incense burner on the table, first served a medicine, and then lit the column incense.

The incense is very weird, but the incense is red, but there is no cigarette. Colorless and tasteless...

One of the people on the Qinqing House quickly stunned, and then the two and a half people also fainted, and the male son who was sitting cross-legged in the room was also unconscious. Four women, such as Yanshan Soul and Qin Qing, also unconsciously stunned the past. Xu Ziyan’s hand with his chin suddenly slammed, and he fell on the table and closed his blurred eyes.

Outside the palace gate of Qinqing, there were five figures appearing in abrupt manner. Standing in the middle is Gongziye, and behind him are four mid-disciplinary monks who have just arranged.

Gongziye extended a hand and quickly shot a few handcuffs, then pushed open the door, and five figures entered the house, and the door was closed.

Upon entering the courtyard, the four distracted monks quickly released the gods, but they took back the gods in an instant and nodded toward the son standing in the middle.


Gongziye spit a long breath and the look on his face relaxed. Stepping toward the room of Xu Ziyan, he reached out and pushed the door of Xu Ziyan. The figure of Xu Ziyan on the table appeared in the eyes of Gongziye. When the son made a finger move, a long knife appeared in his hand.

Both hands held the long knife and walked toward Xu Ziyan. When they walked to the front of Xu Ziyan, they lifted the long knife high. Xu Ziyan leaned over the table, his hair scattered to the side, and the white-necked jade neck appeared in the vision of Gongziye, and the long-lifted long knife slid down the neck of Xu Ziyan like lightning.

The long knife was smashed down like a pair of knives. Just squatting down, the son of the smelt felt wrong. When I glanced at it, my heart was taken aback. At this time, in the chair in front of him, there was a figure of Xu Ziyan, looking up, but I saw Xu Ziyan looking at him with cold eyes.

In the heart of Gongziye, there was a sigh of relief. I just felt that my long knife had reached people. How could this happen?

In the moment of coma, Xu Ziyan knew that he was in the middle of a fascinating scent, a drug that made the monk stunned. Under the horror of my heart, the dark road is neglected this time, and maybe my life will be accounted for here. However, she did not think of who was concealing herself when she was in a coma.

However, just as she was in a coma, the water of her palms suddenly spread out in the body of Xu Ziyan. The countless tentacles are like countless suckers, which quickly absorb the ecstasy and then put it. The ecstasy fragrance was sent into the purple smoke space, disappearing without a trace.

And at this moment, the long knife of Gongziye fell from the air. Xu Ziyan evaded the past with a teleport, but at the moment of her teleportation, she clearly felt that someone had inserted in front of her and blocked the knife for herself. However, when she was watching, there was no one between her and Gongziye.

Gongziye also looked at the opposite Xu Ziyan. The four distracted monks behind him were also a glimpse. They just wanted to leave for Xu Ziyan, but they saw a figure between Gongziye and Xuziyan. Out, from light and thick, a clear figure appeared on the opposite side of Gongziye.

"Small boat... How are you here?" The body of Gongziye suddenly trembled.

Xu Ziyan’s look was awkward, but she couldn’t take care of it at this time. The water of the palm of the hand sneaked into the ground from the bottom of Xu Ziyan’s sole, and instantly arrived at the Yanshan Soul, the Gongzi Forge and the Qinqing four-person room, breaking out of the ground. Drill into everyone's body.

Only in a moment, the fascinating scent of a few people was absorbed by the water of a palm, and all were sent into the purple smoke space.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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