The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 873: Self-destruct

Thank you very much for mourir baby classmates (1888), Xuantian Ziwei Xingjun classmates (100)!


Seeing that there is no trace of killing and Xu Ziyan did not mean to block the meaning of the son, the monks in the house have given way to a road, only the two half-humans are unwilling to look at the son.

Gongziye walked to the middle of the courtyard like a corpse, and whispered to himself:

"Small boat, for the husband will not let you be alone, this will accompany you, we will never separate again from now on."

When the words fell, the breath of the body suddenly fluctuated, and slowly looked back at the male son who was still sitting in the room, twitching at the corner of his mouth and passing a sneer.


A loud explosion, the son of the family smashed, his body and the body of Jiang Xiaozhou in his arms were turned into a fleshy dance, scattered in one place. Mixing in one place, no longer can't tell that it is Gongziye, that is Jiang Xiaozhou.

The surrounding houses collapsed, and the people in the house who had no traces and other people sacrificed the gas shield early, blocking the power of the public. Although the self-destruction of a monk-infant monk is amazing, it is not difficult for these distracted monks to block.

Xu Ziyan spit out a sigh of relief, and he couldn’t say anything in his heart. Gongziye wants to kill him, Jiang Xiaozhou is in front of himself, and this grudge is over. Just looking at the male son who was sitting on the ground, Xu Ziyan’s heart was very awkward.

The temperament of the male forging is obviously changing, from melancholy to sadness. Slowly stood up from the ground, his body was awkward, and almost fell to the ground. Xu Ziyan’s hand reached out halfway. In the end, it was still in the air. At this time, she did not know how to face the male forging. His father is going to kill himself, but his mother died because of himself.

The son forged to stabilize the figure, this is only a step. However, the body is still staggering. The people in the room are silently looking at the male forging. Watching him walk past him and come to the yard. After that, I saw the son of the forge on the ground, with both hands will sprinkle the flesh and blood on the ground a little bit. It is extremely serious to get together.

Looking at the back of the son, forging the sadness, each monk's heart seems to be pressed with a stone. After spending half an hour, the son of the forging put the flesh and blood on the ground, and then took out a box from the storage ring, put the flesh into the box, holding the box with both hands, and the head was not Going back to the house, leaving a sad back in the cold winter.

The male forging disappeared. From this moment disappeared in the refining city, no one found him again! The entire vast continent has also disappeared from his tracks.

Killing silently and silently, yelling toward Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan: "Yan Daoyou, Xu Daoyou, this incident is unfavorable for the protection of our refining city, so that the two were shocked."

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly and looked at Xu Haohe. Whispered

"Uncle Haohe, but what is the wind that has brought things out?"

Xu Hao nodded and said: "Yes, the king. When we threaten him to use the search for magic, he will be all recruited."

Speaking of this, there is a trace of anger in Xu Haohe's eyes: "The Yaozu has an organization in the human world. It is only a branch of them in the refining city. They started to catch the children of the tribes 50 years ago and then sell them. Give some human monks."

The look of Xu Ziyan became dignified: "Do you mean that more than a son of a monk in this refinery city buys a half-human child?"

"Yes! The king." Xu Haohe screamed.

"They bought the half-human children for..." Xu Ziyan's face turned pale, and the two half-humans were trembling.

"Yes!" Xu Haohe nodded hard.

"How can this be? How can this be?" Xu Ziyan muttered to himself, his face flushed with anger.

Yanshan soul slowly walked to the side of Xu Ziyan, reaching out and holding the small hand of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan slowly looked up. The eyes looked coldly and killed. Killing the body without a trace is a shake. Quickly put his hand and said:

"I don't have to eat those kids!"

Xu Ziyan has no words, but looks at Xu Haohe. Xu Haohe nodded lightly: "There are no refining city owners and killing friends."

Xu Ziyan took a light breath, and if this thing was also involved in the refining of the city, this cultivation of the fairyland would disappoint her too much. these days. Xu Ziyan, Yanshan soul and the son of the forging are really good. To this day, Xu Ziyan’s mind is still shining with the shadow of the son’s forbearing sadness, and he waved his heart and waved:

"Uncle Haohe, you hand over the wind to the non-marking friends. This matter has a lot of monks involved, and after all, it happens inside and outside the refining city, and it should be handled by the refining city."

"Yes, the king!" Xu Haohe said with a good voice.

The killing on the side also said seriously: "Xu Daoyou, you can rest assured that our refining city will definitely give you an account."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said, "I don't give me an account, but give the world a monk to explain. Especially to the half-human."

"Yes!" Killing no traces and revealing respect to Xu Ziyan's gaze.

"And, Uncle Haohe, you will take Mo Lion away with them!"

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan reached out and waved at the two half-humans. Two lions came to the front of Xu Ziyan and gave a deep ritual to Xu Ziyan:

"Thank you!"

Xu Ziyan naturally knows that Mo Shi thanked himself because he had sold out the children of their half-human family and shook his head:

"You go with Uncle Haohe. Some things will be told to you, and your thoughts can also be told by Uncle Haohe."

"Yes, thank you Xu chief!" Mo Lion once again respectfully salute.

Xu Ziyan nodded and let Xu Haohe leave with Mo Shi and others.

At this time, there are Xu Ziyan, Yanshan Soul, and Qin Qing and other four women in the house, and then the monks in the refining city where no traces are found. Killing no traces and not personally following Xu Haohe to leave, to receive the wind, but sent six men to follow Xu Haohe to leave.

Just now, he felt the space fluctuations over the Qinqing House around the Qinqing House, and he scared him away. Because the owner of the refining city once severely scolded him, he must protect the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan. There is no trace of killing at first, as long as Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan do not go out of the refining city, what will happen? Are you a rule in the refining city?

However, he did not expect that there was something wrong with Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. Isn't this playing his face?

Therefore, he also refused to be shocked, with more than a dozen monks who were trained as high-powered, and flew into the house of Qin Qing at his fastest speed. These ten monks were repaired as the worst monks in the middle of the distraction, and only a dozen or so residual images in the sky disappeared.

It’s really scary to kill without a trace. In case the Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan have something in the refining city, think of the attitude of the city’s Shen Qianji, not to mention that the leader of the Guards in this refining city can’t go on. It is hard to guarantee your life.

These days will kill the traces without suffocating, searching in the mountains of Wushan, but only searching for two different valleys. It is still frozen within a valley, although it has entered the early winter season, but it has not reached the cold to such a degree.

There are countless cold fragments in the valley, and the frozen parts are the various parts of the monk's body. These pieces are handed over to the Shen Qianji, and the shape of the Shen Qianji is extremely dignified. Such a spell effect makes Shen Qianji also tremble. Strictly kill the traces and search for Wushan carefully.

In this way, killing another trace will search another valley again. That is where he traced Xu Ziyan from there. This valley is like a flooded water. Moreover, in the valley, the bodies of more than fifty demon people were found, and the fragments of hundreds of demon corpses, which were carefully observed after being killed, were also frozen.

After some investigation and no search, I returned to the refining city. However, there was a great battle with the knife, and the mine outside the refining city and the Wuliushan war. However, it is precisely because of the constant occurrence of abnormal things, Shen Qianji will give more and more high-powered monks to the killing of the leader, which is why killing no trace can bring a dozen or so high-strength in an instant. The reason why the monk appeared in the room of Xu Ziyan.

At this point, killing the traces will leave the rest of the men out, Xu Ziyan also waved to let Qin Qing and other four women go out to clean up the house destroyed by the bomb. In this way, there are Xu Ziyan in the room, Yanshan soul and kill no trace.

Although Xu Ziyan did not suffer the slightest injury, it was also extremely dangerous. If it was not because of the water of a palm, as long as it was at night, he would probably be married with Jiang Xiaozhou in two sections. This is also thanks to Jiang Xiaozhou's occlusion, giving Xu Ziyan a little more time.

All three people sat in a chair silently, remembering the death of Gongziye and Jiang Xiaozhou, everyone's heart is extremely complicated. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul looked at each other. The two men abolished their strength and rescued Jiang Xiaozhou from the fire, but did not expect such an ending.

Silenced for a long time, or killing the traceless opening broke the silence: "Xu patriarch, Master Yan. Can you tell me about this? If the city owner asks, I have a response."

Xu Ziyan gently nodded, slowly how to know how to know the half-human, how the semi-humans ask themselves, how their family disciples found the wind and the demon are connected, and finally they sent Qin Qing four women before I went to arrest the wind and other things. Of course, everything is around the children of the semi-human beings and try to avoid other things. For example, Wushan knife opened and the demon family.

It’s also a serious listen to killing. After listening to it, it seems to be casual but seriously asks:

"Xu patriarchs, do not know those who are colluding with the wind, you Xujia know their foothold?"

Xu Ziyan immediately shook his head: "I don't know, Xu family is still very weak. Those demon people are all alert and the family disciples are not tracking."

Killed no trace and smiled and thanked Xu Ziyan, and then left the house of Qin Qing. Just after leaving the gate for more than ten meters, I looked back and looked at the slowly closing door.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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