The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 874: Outstanding alliance

I am very grateful to Rainjin students, Donggong Suining students, susantsh0905 classmates, momotrista classmates, Linglin 2 classmates, Feng men's classmates, Dahuoluowan classmates, Fox Linlin classmates' pink ticket!


The next day, Xu Ziyan entered the parliamentary hall of the refining city with the Yanshan soul. Outside the hall of the House of Representatives, surrounded by escorts, the array of sounds and gods was opened within the hall.

Within the hall, at this time everyone has been seated, sitting in the middle of the main position is the refining city master Shen Qianji, followed by the four Dacheng, the alchemy city master, the Lingbao city master and the three masters, the Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan next to each other The three sects of the sect, there are some lords and lords under the two of them. Of course, none of the sects and lords of the Northland are here.

Because this meeting was held because of the existence of Yanshan soul, so the land is not allowed by the Yanshan soul of the ancestors Yan Xingyun to tell the story of the story to Yanshan soul.

Yan Xingyun’s look became serious, and he coughed a little and looked at the Yanshan soul. He said:

"The mountain spirit, since the great destruction of the mainland, no one has ever skyrocketed in the first place, so you know that this thing?"

Yanshan soul nodded, Xu Ziyan's body is always, and his eyes flashed toward Yan Xingyun. In the heart of the dark road, is there no secret that the monks can soar in the mainland? Do these people know? Can I know this secret today?

"Then you know why this is?" Yan Xingyun looked at the Yanshan soul and asked.

Yanshan soul hesitated and said: "But because the heavens and the earth are not enough?"

Yan Xingyun applauded and glanced at the Yanshan soul road: "Yes, it is precisely because of the lack of aura between heaven and earth."

The Yan Xingyun’s words fell, and the hall was silent for a while. This thing is in addition to Xu Ziyan. I am afraid that including the Yanshan soul, it is already clear. So, even if you think that your talent is good again, you just stop in the middle of the Mahayana. In the end, the life of the monk is still exhausted, and the hearts of each monk are very heavy.

"In these years, the monks on the vast mainland have been thinking about ways..." Yan Xingyun’s voice slowly sounded:

"We can't solve the problem of heaven and earth aura. We have to hope that the legacy of the ancient times will be left to us. Whether it is the magic weapon of the ancient times. Fuxi or Dan medicine will have a great help to our ascent."

Xu Ziyan slightly frowned, and the medicinal herbs helped the monk to fly, which was understood by Zi Ziyan. But will the magic weapon and the symbol also help?

Seeing Xu Ziyan slightly frowning, Yan Xingyun said solemnly: "If you have the medicinal herbs left by the overhauls of the ancient times, it will naturally help us to break through to the peak of the Mahayana, greet the day, and finally lift the sky." Even if there is no medicinal herbs, treasures and symbols can be used. In the ancient times, some magic weapons have the function of agile aura, and they have great support for the cultivation of monks. They are also some space magic weapons, which can absorb the aura of the heavens and the earth, so that within the magic weapon. The aura is extremely rich, allowing the monks to practice in it. The cultivation is extremely fast."

"Isn't that the equivalent of a small world?" Xu Ziyan was shocked.

"It is Fu, and there are Lingbao that has been lost for a long time. Maybe there will be a fairy, and their role is no less than that of the drug." Yan Xingyun continued:

"With the efforts of our ancestors, we finally found three monuments in the underground of Renzhenguan, Dizhenguan and Tianzhenguan. However, these three underground monuments are covered with fairy tales, and our ancestors could not solve them. I want to find a way to enter from the front door, but the gates of these three monuments are locked. It needs special methods to open, such as the monuments in this town. There is a key at its front door. Hole. As long as we have the key to the door, we will be able to enter the monuments of the people."

Xu Ziyan heard the heart move, does the key need a spirit, or a fairy? It must be like this. Otherwise they will not pay so much attention to Yanshan soul. For the sake of Yanshan, Wang Woyun and the three major cities were able to let go of their own grievances. It’s only about the vital things that make them soar. Only then can they be desperate.

Sure enough, the Yan Xingyun went on to say: “The ancestors of the past spent a lot of time researching the shape of the key, and finally studied the shape of the key, but the result was surprising. Since the great destruction, the highest grade on the mainland. The refiner was the top-level treasurer, but the key to the top-quality treasures that he produced was not open to the door, but he was smashed by the array within the gate.

In this way, the ancestors decided that the key to open the front door must be the grade above the spirit. Therefore, the refiners on the mainland of the Cangjie worked hard from generation to generation, and unselfishly opened the refining tower for the monks to study for free. They wanted to be able to discover a genius, which was accepted by the contemporary refiner city master as a disciple. I hope that one day I will be able to refine the key to open the front door. ”

Having said that, Yan Xingyun couldn't help but look at the refining city owner Shen Qianji. Shen Qianji remembered that he had been in the arena of the instrumental competition, and in front of hundreds of thousands of viewers to collect the soul of Yanshan. The face is not red, I think he has experienced nearly a thousand years of cultivation, and finally broke through the barrier of the spiritual master in this retreat, reaching a spiritual instrument. I originally thought that I was standing at the top of the Cangwu mainland refiner, and I was trying to announce my breakthrough through this instrumental competition. But did not expect to be crushed by Yanshan soul ruthlessly his glory.

However, in the absence of loss, it is an excitement in his heart. Because Yanshan soul refining a fairy in front of his face, which made him see the hope of opening the town to shut down the door.

Yan Xingyun saw the expression of Shen Qianji, and there was a smug look in his eyes. Yanshan soul is his apprentice, the prominent point of Yanshan soul is to give him Yan Xingyun long face. In this way, the voice of the speech is a bit higher:

"However, the efforts of generations and generations did not appear as a monk who could make breakthroughs in refining. I did not expect to be able to witness the birth of a fairy teacher in the generation of the old man! And it is the grandson of the old man, ah Hahaha... This is really the glory of the old man, ah hahaha... This is really the glory of Xiao Luotian, ah hahaha..."

The monks in the main hall are all envious and hateful, and the face of the refining city master Shen Qianji is even more embarrassing. The look of Yanshan's soul is nothing to change, just looking at the eyes of Yan Xingyun with a smile.

Xu Ziyan was thinking about another thing at this time. Now she understands why the refiner tower is free to disclose. In this way, she naturally thought of the free and open alchemy tower and Lingbao Tower in the city of Alchemy and Lingbao, and I also heard Yan Xingyun say that there are also historical sites in the towns of Guandi and Tianzhen. The free opening of the Alchemy Tower and Lingbao Tower is also for the search for alchemists and monks with excellent qualifications. Is it not the key, but the alchemy and the tune, that is needed to open the monuments in the towns and towns?

The laughter of Yan Xingyun finally stopped and proudly glanced at the monks in the main hall. This continued to say:

"So we have the hope of opening up the people's towns and historic sites. However, we don't know what kind of key is needed for that front door. And once the monument is successfully opened, we also need time to prepare for the entry into the monument. Besides, in another four months, it is the Dandao competition, and then half a year is the road competition. Therefore, we decided to enter the monument three years later.

In the past three years, only the grievances of our little Luotian have been grievanced. He needs to refine a key for each of us from a good spirit to a nine-character. ”

Having said that, Yan Xingyun’s eyes are affectionately looking at the Yanshan soul road: “Mountain Spirit, what are your conditions, even though. The forces on the mainland will do their best to satisfy you.”

Yanshan said with a faint smile: "There is no condition, as long as you prepare the materials needed for the refiner!"

"This is no problem!"

Every monk in the hall is rushing to express his position. Yanshan soul shrugged and no longer spoken.

"Yan Xianshi, I don't know how long it takes for you to refine these keys?" Shen Qianji is the master of the refining city, and he is particularly respectful of refining. For the Yanshan soul in front of it has been used to respect, and very natural.

Yanshan soul frowned slightly, thinking about it: "Nine pieces of aura do not take much time, about half a year will be completed. It is only a long time that the fairy takes a long time, mainly because of today's vast continent The aura is not enough. If you make some gadgets, you can do it yourself. However, to make a real one, it needs to absorb enough aura. This time is slow, it takes about a year."

"Good! Yan Xianshi has lived in the city government since today. Any resources are needed. As long as you open your mouth, we will do our best to prepare for you. Hehe, Yan Xianshi, the efforts of the generation after generation of the mainland, the accumulated materials Will definitely satisfy you."

Yanshan soul nodded and said: "Today, I will go back to Ziyan and go to the city government tomorrow!"

Shen Qianji listened and immediately smiled at Xu Ziyan: "Xu patriarch, welcome you to the city's main government. From today, your Xu family is an ally of our refining city."

All the monks in the hall are a glimpse, but most of the monks are in vain. Yan Xingyun looked at Shen Qianji with his alert eyes. Xu Ziyan was sitting there awkwardly. She did not think of Shen Qian’s opportunity to form an alliance with herself in the face of Wang Liyun. This is undoubtedly in the face of Wang Liyun, the slap in the face.

She didn't understand why Shen Qianji would be like this. Even if she asked for the soul of Yanshan, she could dismiss the misunderstanding with Xu, and she was already worthy of Xu Ziyan. Directly with the Xu family, that is to put the refining city and Xu home in the same position. Xu Ziyan asked himself, Xu's strength is still far from the refining city. Especially in these few days, I saw the hidden power of the refining city, and this feeling is even stronger.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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