The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 878: Gather

I am very grateful to the students who are in the snowy night in July, I feel that today's classmates, dream poetry 0327 classmates, green water Furong clothing classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates pink ticket!


Yang Linglong naturally will not fight against Xu Ziyan in the case that she is obviously not as purple as smoke. That is not a fight, it is looking for abuse. Yang Lingxi’s mentality is not sick, so she quickly opened her mind:

"Ziyan, are you here to have something?" The words fell, and he looked suspiciously toward the mountain below.

"Yeah!" Xu Ziyan nodded. My heart also knew that today's Yuanshi period monk's Beppu could not attract Yang Lingxi's interest. Instead, he would rather tell the other party that he would be considered a small family.

Next, Xu Ziyan directed Xiaobai’s whereabouts, while simply telling Ximen Yu’s things to Yang Ling’s. Yang Lingyi listened, but there was no greed in the eyes, but it was a curious heart.

"Ziyan, I don't have anything to do anyway. If it is convenient, I would like to go see it with you."

Although Yang Ling’s words are somewhat presumptuous, Xu Ziyan also knows that a Yuan Ying period’s Beppu does not really make Yang Ling’s thoughts. I am afraid that both people are from the North World secular world, and the hostility between the two people has already Has long since disappeared. Although Yang Linglong still has been thinking about killing herself and even killing herself. But that is not hostility, but a heart that does not admit defeat. Therefore, probably Yang Linglong also wants to stay with her for a while in the subconscious, only to say this.

Xu Ziyan naturally refused, and nodded: "Good. Let's go and see."

Two people fell under a cliff, and Xiaobai turned into a 10-year-old girl. Standing on the side of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan revealed the gods and shrouded the cliff in front of him, raising one hand. I quickly shot a few handcuffs. After that, Xu Ziyan stepped forward toward the cliff.

The body of Xu Ziyan instantly melted into the cliff and disappeared. Xiao Bai and Yang Linglong also stepped toward the cliff and entered the cliff.

Three people entered the cliff. Looking into the front, I saw a few bamboo buildings in front, a small stream in front of the bamboo building, a long stream of water, and safflower on both sides of the river.

Surrounded by a meadow, there are dozens of demon horses scattered on the grass. Yang Ling’s eyes saw these demon horses and could not help but blurt out:

"Good horse!"

Xu Ziyan looked at Yang Lingyu silently. Whispered: "Exquisite, have you forgotten what I said to you?"

Yang Ling’s look looks awkwardly at the dozens of demon horses: “Ziyan, do you mean... these demon horses are all human?”

Xu Ziyan nodded and couldn't help but sigh: "Yes, they are all changed, but they are not voluntary. Instead, they are changed by the monk of the Central Plains."

Yang Lingqi shook her head and didn't know what to say. Although she practiced suffocating, she could not do such a thing. See who is not pleasing to the eye, killing is. And turning people into monsters, this... is this too abnormal?

Xu Ziyan shook his head and walked to the front of a demon horse. He opened the eyes of Kuang Peng, then handcuffed his hands and quickly printed it into the body of the demon horse. Nowadays, with the repair of Xu Ziyan, I want to remove the deformation of these demon horses. It's much simpler.

quickly. In the shocked eyes of Xu Lingyan, Xu Ziyan solved the deformation of 39 demon horses one by one. Thirty-nine young men and women appeared in front of Xu Ziyan.

After they saw Xu Ziyan returning the last demon horse to adult type. One by one in front of Xu Ziyan, with fear in his eyes.

Xu Ziyan saw the fear in their eyes. Knowing that they can see that they can dispel their transformation, they must think that they are also monks of the Central Plains. Then whispered:

"Don't be afraid. I am not a monk of the Central Plains. I am a family leader."

Thirty-nine young monks kneeling on the ground heard the joy, and the face showed joy. Then they excitedly slammed the head to Xu Ziyan. There was no one in the throat who could choke.

Xu Ziyan waved his sleeves and revealed the true Yuan. He helped thirty-nine young monks, and then how to save Ximen jade, only to know the reason for this. The monks also said their own origins and listened to their origins. Xu Ziyan’s heart was also taken aback. The identity of these monks can be described as very complex, from wherever they are. There are Tianluocheng, there are Da Luotian and Xiaoluotian, there are three ancestral disciples from the fire sect, there are also three family disciples in the city, and some disciples such as the Zongmen family. And some disciples are not low in identity.

Xu Ziyan really admire the Yuan Ying period monk, and the repair is not very high, but it is all over the mainland. Laughing speechlessly, the cultivation of these people is not very high, the highest is only the knot period, and the lowest is even the refining period. Although Xu Ziyan saved them, they did not intend to send them back separately. They will be very busy during these four months. When there is time to deal with such things, they say faintly:

"Now you are free, you can leave here."

Xu Ziyan fell, but did not think that the thirty-nine young monks were neatly kneeling on the ground, as if they were negotiating well, even swearing by the soul neatly, following the Xu Ziyan for life, only a purple smoke master.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly and did not promise them. She felt that these people didn't help themselves, and they could only be a little tired. I am able to restore them to their human form, and they have done their best, and there is no need to trouble themselves. On the side of Yang Linglong was even more intolerant, snoring coldly, his eyes revealing the killing of the body of thirty-nine young monks.

The thirty-nine young monks were stunned by Yang Ling’s cold eyes. However, these thirty-nine young monks were not forced back by Yang Lingling's gaze, but instead they stood in front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan sighed and said slowly:

"Now that you have gained freedom, why do you have to be a slave to others? Or leave here and go home!"

Thirty-nine young monks looked at each other and one of the older monks said with great courage:

"Xu patriarch, we have a family back now!"

Xu Ziyan looked at the youth road in front of him in disbelief: "I remember you said that you are a disciple of Da Luotian? Hey, you seem to be the grandson of the elder of the Da Luo Tian Choutang. Da Luotian has no How can you be homeless when you die?"

The monk said bitterly: "We were all caught at a very young age. Nowadays, they are all very low-minded and unable to walk in the cultivation of the fairyland. Maybe they will be caught again on the way home, or Death. Then..."

The monk’s face is bitter and bitter: “Even if we were in the family because of the background and the qualifications of our own before we were caught, now even if our background in the family is still there, our cultivation is a fallacy. After that, I missed the best time for cultivation. So, the family is no longer able to provide us with any convenient conditions. We only live at the bottom of being laughed at, and become a shameful existence for our parents. So it is better to die."

Xu Ziyan heard the words, and the look was a bit stunned. She is a person who came out of the family. It is natural to understand the struggles and cruelty in the family and to understand the situation of these 39 people. Suddenly, the heart of the movement, whispered to the thirty-nine young monks who were kneeling in front of them:

"I can take you, but you have to go back to your respective sects or families."

Originally heard that Xu Ziyan could take them in, they all showed joy on their faces, but then they heard that they still had to go back to their homes, and they squatted there one by one. I don't know why Xu Ziyan wants to do this, but I don't dare to ask, just squatting there, revealing embarrassment in my eyes.

"Since you vowed to follow me all your life, then you have nothing to do with your family. I am right?" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Yes!" Thirty-nine people immediately responded.

"We have a room in the Xu family, you can join the Xu family's hall, and then return to their homes to provide the family with the message of your family."

The faces of thirty-nine people were shocked. This is for them to go back and sell their family. Although they have just vowed to follow Xu Ziyan in their lifetime, they have never thought of going to sell their own family.

Their look changes, Xu Ziyan naturally sees clearly, and their thoughts are naturally very clear. However, this matter Xu Ziyan did not force them from the beginning, everything is voluntary. And Xu Ziyan himself has a family, and naturally he is not willing to force these young people who have already been very miserable. Sighed a little, Xu Ziyan said softly:

"I don't want you to sell your family. It all depends on your family's attitude towards our family. If your family is a good attitude towards our family, even if it is only a neutral attitude, we promise The family will never do anything to target your family. However, if your family has a move against Xu, that is, without your existence, our family will take drastic measures against your family. At this time, You need to contribute to our family.

As long as you join the Xujiajian Hall and work for the Xu family, the medicinal herbs that you will cultivate in the future will be distributed to you, definitely more than your family or sect. The instrument or treasure, Xu will also be issued to you. If you have the ambition to become a family patriarch or a sect of the sect, the Xu family will spare no effort to support it, and will never let you become a mocked existence!


Ask for a ticket! Oh...


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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