The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 879: Kirin search

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Once you join the Xu family, you only have two ways to go. One way is to try to master your own family or sect, even if you can't control it, you can influence the decision of your patriarch or lord. Our Xu family does not want to control your family or sect. Just want to make your family or Zongmen and Xu family have a friendly relationship through your efforts. This is the best result.

The other way is that you can't influence your family or sect, and your family or sect is malicious to Xu. At this time, you need to do what you think is a betrayal of your family. However, I can assure you here that as long as your family or sect is not doing anything to sin against our family, I will leave a line of blood for your family or sect.

Don't worry about it, you can still choose now. I can agree to join the Xujiajian Hall. If you disagree, I will erase your memory and let you forget this paragraph. I won't remember me and I won't be in a hurry. Then I will take you out and put them in one place, and you will go home yourself. ”

Everything Xu Ziyan did not avoid Yang Linglong, she has an inexplicable trust in Yang Linglong. She believes that she is hostile to Yang Lingwei, and ultimately she will inevitably have a battle between life and death. However, I deeply trust that Yang Linglong and herself are simply fighting against each other and will not be involved in any other things. Yang Linglong will not betray himself, and will only face up against himself.

For these 39 young monks, Xu Ziyan can only do this. Being a patriarch cannot be considered for his family. Xu Ziyan has slowly integrated into the role of a patriarch, she gave thirty-nine young monks a way out. But it is a road full of thorns.

But they also gave them hope, as long as they are willing to work hard, Xu family can give them rich cultivation resources, even exercises. Let them fill in the lost time in these short periods of time. Catch up with the cultivation of their contemporaries and even surpass them. And promised to fund them to become family leaders or sovereigns.

The purple cake that Xu Ziyan painted for them is very attractive. Every monk has dreams and ambitions. In particular, these 39 people have suffered after a miserable experience. If you can go back to the family or the sect, quickly grow up in the ridicule of the crowd, and finally stand out and let the ridiculous people only see their backs, this temptation is undoubtedly huge. And there is Xu Ziyan's further commitment to them. As long as they have ambitions, Xu will help them.

Of course, they all know what Xu will do for them in the future. Look at their contribution to the Xu family. All of this needs to be built to the extent that it contributes to Xu. What they think at this time is that as long as their family or Zongmen show goodwill to Xu, they will not have the opportunity to sell their family. And each of them has carefully recalled in their minds that their family or Zongmen does not have an enemy like the Xu family. Therefore, after some consideration, these 39 young people all agreed to Xu Ziyan’s proposal.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze looked at the young man who spoke to himself first, and his expression still said lightly:

"You are born in Da Luotian. Now I can tell you that we have an irreconcilable contradiction between Xu Jia and Da Luotian. You should consider it again."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan swept his eyes over other people: "As for your family or Zongmen, there is no contradiction between us and our family. I will let the elders of the family room come here personally. After that, the Presbyterian Church secretly escorted it. You go home. However, you must hand over a glimpse of your life to the Lord of the Temple to show your return."

Xu Ziyan will not simply believe that these people will swear by their souls and follow themselves. Perhaps it is true now. But wait until they return to the family. In gaining a certain status. As the ambition grows, or the situation changes, it is not impossible to sell the Xu family in turn.

Sure enough, these people listened to Xu Ziyan’s words. His face has changed. However, these people immediately consider the benefits and gains. In the end, no one has ever repented. So Xu Ziyan looked at the disciple of Da Luotian. The disciple of Da Luotian hesitated again and again, and finally sighed and sighed toward Xu Ziyan:

"Xu patriarch, please erase my memory!"

Xu Ziyan nodded and turned to the thirty-eight young monks and said: "You are waiting here. After ten days, there will be family members to pick you up."

After that, they stopped paying attention to them, and Xu Ziyan scraped the house. I also found something that made my eyes shine, and then I left Beppu with the big Luotian disciple.

After leaving Beppu, Xu Ziyan took out the news of the jade and told the Xu Haohe about the matter and the handcuffs of the Bhufu formation. When he just put down the jade, he saw a figure in the sky, and the figure suddenly appeared in the air. Then, then turned down and fell in the direction of Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan slightly narrowed her eyes and looked into the air, and saw that figure instantly fell in front of her. Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile:

"Lin brother, how are you?"

The person who came is Xu Lin, now Gong Sunlin. Looking at the eyes, I saw Yang Linglong around Xu Ziyan, the little things in the secular world, and the three people here have long since lost their hearts. What's more, when Wushan took the side-by-side battle when he won the treasure, Xu Lin did not hate Yang Lingling. Smiled and nodded to Yang Lingyu:

"Exquisite, you are too!"

Although Yang Lingyi once fought side by side with Xu Lin in Wushan, she also met in He Boxian. However, she really didn't know the details of Xu Lin. She saw Xu Lin and she greeted herself, and called herself an exquisite, and when she was shocked, she frowned slightly:

"you are?"

Xu Lin smiled and said: "Under Xu Lin!"

Yang Ling stunned her finger and pointed at Xu Lin. "You... you are... Xu Lin? Your face..."

Xu Lin smiled faintly: "I don't want to mention the reason, but you two, how come here?"

"We are just a chance encounter!" Yang Lingyi saw Xu Lin, also from the secular world, and was a little happy in her heart. She simply said something about this.

Xu Lin turned his head and glanced at the big Luotian disciple standing behind Xu Ziyan. His eyes flashed and his eyes were hidden in the eye. The big Luotian disciple was swept away by Xu Lin’s gaze, and he was so scared that his face turned pale. At this time, Xu Ziyan did not pay attention to the look of Xu Lin, but focused on the shoulder of Xu Lin, a kitten-like monster, whispered:

"Lin brother, is your unicorn on your shoulder?"

“Not bad!” Xu Lin said happily: “My father has already given me the Kirin.”

The eyes of everyone gathered on Kirin's body, but the unicorn suddenly jumped off the shoulders of Xu Lin's shoulders, his body suddenly became bigger, and his predecessor slightly swayed, posing an attacking posture. Everyone was a glimpse, waiting to look at the gaze's alert look, but found that Kirin was watching Violently.

On the other hand, Xiaobai is a disdainful look, and he is too lazy to take care of the opposite unicorn. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but feel funny. Both Kun Peng and Qi Lin are the blood of the beast, and the two beasts are not bad on the blood. However, today's Xiaobai is already an eighth-order monster, and the opposite unicorn is just a sixth-order monster, which is two levels worse. Xiaobai naturally does not put Qilin in his eyes.

Xu Lin naturally knows the origin of Xiao Bai, then he reached out and stroked two unicorns, whispering:

"Kirin, don't make trouble, that's a friend!"

Kirin looked at Xiaobai and was very upset about the disdain expressed by Xiaobai. But he also knew that he couldn’t beat Xiaobai, and he slammed two times and put away the posture.

Xu Ziyan smiled a little for his own little white sorrow. When he saw the opposite Xu Lin squinted at himself, he said something awkward:

“Congratulations to Lin’s brother to break through to the gods.”

Xu Lin shook his head in a blank voice: "There is nothing to congratulate. Compared with you, Lin brother is very far away."

This problem is not good enough to go on, and then it will be touted myself, so Xu Ziyan said:

"Lin brother, where are you going?"

"I want to enter the demon territory." Xu Lin said solemnly.


Xu Ziyan’s heart was shocked and his face looked worried. Regardless of whether Xu Ziyan was away from Huo Zong, did he have a view on Xu Lin’s actions, Xu Lin was a person of the same sect with her, and from the secular world to the cultivation of the fairy world, the feelings have been very good. Xu Ziyan could not completely let go of Xu Lin’s brother and sister because of a person who had nothing to do with him. There is something in my heart that is not comfortable for a short time, but it will never last long.

Xu Lin caressingly and stroking the unicorns beside him: "I want to take Kirin to his ancestral home, Kirin Hill, where there is his inheritance."

Looking up at Xu Ziyan and Yang Ling, "What about you?"

"I went to the North to spread the fairy city." Xu Zi flue.

Yang Lingyan accidentally looked at Xu Ziyan and said: "I am also going to the North Fairy City."

Xu Ziyan also looked at Yang Lingling with amazement, but did not ask her why she went to the North to spread the fairy city, but to Xu Lin and Yang Ling:

"Lin brother, I will send you a paragraph, anyway, I will also drop the road. Linglong, send my Lin brother, we will go to the Fairy City together."

"Good!" Xu Lin and Yang Linglong responded together.

One day later, not far from the border between the Yao and the humans, a Kunpeng slowed down in the air and slowly hovered in the air. Xu Lin stood on the shoulders of the narrow unicorn, stood up from the back of Kun Peng, and marched toward Xu Ziyan and Yang Lingyu:

"We will say goodbye here!"


I am asking for it!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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