The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 881: Ling Yijian's ambition

Mrs. Wen looked at the Xu Ziyan around her, and her eyes immediately became wet. Xu Ziyan and her deceased daughter are eight-pointed, and now her son Wen Hao does not know where to go, just telling her that this mother's heart is like a knife. Now I saw Xu Ziyan face to face, where I could bear the thoughts in my heart, and when my eyes were red, I shed tears, and I slammed it on the table.

Xu Ziyan naturally knows why Mrs. Wen’s tears, and she extended her hand to hold Mrs. Wen’s hand and told her to meet the Wenqing couple in the Central Plains. Just now she did not say to Wen Qing, just want to wait until Mrs. Wen came forward to say. When the Wenqing couple heard that Wen Hao was rescued from the hands of the Yaozu by Xu Ziyan, the two men stood up and thanked them without a word.

When I heard that Xu Ziyan took Wen Hao to the Xu family, it would let the old lord of the Sanxian League, Guangtian, teach Wen Hao Gongfa. The Wenqing couple were even more excited and didn’t know what to say, only to take care of it. Dedicated to purple tobacco. After waiting for a few glasses of wine, Wen Qing was sitting there for a while. Because he really can't remember what he can give to Xu Ziyan, express his gratitude.

Xu Ziyan naturally knows the mind of Wen Qing, and she laughs and says that she regards Wen Hao as her own brother, so that the Wenqing couple don't think too much. Xu Ziyan didn't care, but Wen Qing, as the ally of the Northland, did not care. As Wen's father, he couldn't care more. In my mind, I thought about the growth of Xu Ziyan. In the end, I was ready to bite the fate of the Xianxiang League on Xu Ziyan.

Standing up from the chair, he bent down deeply toward Xu Ziyan and said:

"Xu patriarch. Wen Qing is willing to lead the Northland Sanxian League to the Xu family, willing to be Xu Jiama."

Wen Qing called Xu Ziyan the head of the Xu family, which is to express a formal attitude. Xu Ziyan hurriedly stood up from the chair and reached out to raise Wenqing Road:

"Good! Since the author of the literary alliance has come up. Ziyan is not tempted. I will let the family elders come to talk with you about this matter. Every year, the Xianxian League will give Xu a lot of Lingshi and resources, and Xu Jia will give it to the Xianxian League. How many medicinal herbs and remedies, when you talk about it yourself.

Ok! but. Our Xu family can give two places to the Xianxian League every ten years. The Sanxian League can send two monks to our family to practice for ten years. ”

Wen Qingwen’s eyes are bright, although he does not know how Xu’s cultivation environment is, but how is it in the Central Plains. As long as it is in the Central Plains, the cultivation environment there will be many times stronger than the North. Only after the two monks of the Northland Sanxian League went back to the Northland Sanxian League ten years later, the growth of the cultivation was actually making the whole Northland surprised.

After the two monks described the cultivation environment of the Xu family, the Xu family immediately became the cultivation place in the hearts of the Northern monks. Many of the sects of the Northern Territory have been returned to the home after the Xu family. Every decade, every force will hold a big ratio for the two places that they have received from their sects or families, in order to get a chance to practice in the Xu family for ten years.

This is all afterwards, the Wenqing couple strongly invited Xu Ziyan to stay in the city's main house for one night, Xu Ziyan also smiled and promised. However, when three people walked out of the restaurant, they encountered Ling Yijian who came in from outside. It turned out that after Ling Yijian had finished his own affairs, the more he wanted to think that the woman who was opposite to him was Xu Ziyan. Then he hurried back and saw if Xu Ziyan had left, but did not expect to have Xu Ziyan stuck in the door.

"Ling Shi brother!" Xu Ziyan saw Ling Yijian, he was pleasantly called out.

"Ziyan, really is you!" Ling Yijian saw Xu Ziyan recognize himself, and his heart was more happy.

In this way, Xu Ziyan left the Wenqing couple. In the restaurant, Xu Ziyan used the communication jade to tell the story here and grandfather Xu Dingtian. The family will soon send an elder to the Northland. Therefore, Xu Ziyan can also leave with confidence. It’s just that the Wenqing couple’s face is full of regrets.

The building in the city of Sanxian is much worse than the Xu family. It is a lot worse than Tai Xuanzong. However, it has different characteristics from Tai Xuanzong. Whether it is Xu family or Tai Xuanzong. They are all based on nature. Everything is for the trend. Therefore, many of the house lofts are hidden between the mountains. However, the scattered fairy city has risen from the plains, from nothing.

The hard rock is cut into pieces. It also seems to be neat and tidy, and houses and streets have been carefully planned when they were built tens of thousands of years ago. It’s orderly, and this style has been preserved to this day.

As far as the Northland is concerned, Taixuan is a place of cultivation, and the city of Sanxian is more like a gathering place for transactions.

Xu Ziyan and Ling Yijian walked slowly along the wall. I remembered that I was in this place. I was invited by Lu Guangtian to eat, and finally I received Lu Guangtian, and I couldn’t help but pass a smile.

The roads that are attached to the city walls are all small trails. Very few people pass by here, and they are very quiet. Xu Ziyan and Ling Yijian walked slowly on the path, and Xu Ziyan chose to talk to Ling Yijian about what happened recently in the Central Plains.

Ling Yijian listened to the eyebrows and danced. When he heard Xu Ziyan’s breakthrough outside the refining city and the Yaozu, he even sighed and sighed. He couldn’t wait for him to fight with the Yaozu outside the refining city.

Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "You are now the twelfth layer of the late stage of the Dandan period. It will take a long time to break through to the Yuan Ying period. The repair of Ling Shixi is definitely a top figure in the North, so in the North. Is there anything wrong with me? Although I have some reputation in the Central Plains, but I am not living in danger all the time. And whether I am on the king, or on the big family, I am a big ant. The situation of the tree, the days are not good!"

Ling Yijian frowned slightly and advised: "Ziyan, the danger of the Central Plains, when I was still in Xuanzong, I heard the elders said, now you have a family, do not be too impulsive. Don't be impulsive like last time, one person hits Da Luotian."

Speaking of this, Ling Yijian suddenly sighed: "To say that we were all at the time of Tai Xuanzong, although there are battles between our peaks, but the purpose is very simple. At that time, although we cultivated It’s very low, but every day, except for cultivation, there aren’t so many troubles. Everything has elders squatting. Now our cultivation is growing, but the responsibility is heavy. The carefree life is really It’s gone forever."

I heard that Ling Yijian was feeling there, but Xu Ziyan’s face showed a smile. She carefully thought about her years from the secular world to the cultivation of the immortal world. It seems that she never had the kind of freedom and freedom that Ling Yijian said. I almost never have elders to do anything for myself, and I have always been fighting for independence.

If you haven’t been in Taixuan in the beginning, you should be able to live a leisurely life in Taixuan by your own time and status.

Do not!


Xu Ziyan shook his head. When he left Taixuan, he was forced to be forced by the Eastern Green Fire. Later, although the Eastern Shenzong and Qing Huozong were destroyed, they also agreed to the conditions of the solitary smoke in Ximen. It is no longer possible to return to the North. This is life, it is fate that forces me to step by step to today, so that I can not retreat in the slightest.

Xu Ziyan sighed a bit: "Yeah, since leaving the Northland, there has been almost no peace. I hope that after going back from the North, I can have some quiet days."

Ling Yijian saw Xu Ziyan's eyebrows locked in exhaustion, and he smiled and said: "Ziyan, you should not be too pessimistic. Now our days are not allowed to do our own, it is because our repair is not enough. If we With absolute strength, and who dares to let us be leisurely and comfortable, by then, they are afraid that we will not care about anything and enjoy ourselves.

Purple smoke, the brothers believe you, if there is a person in this world who will stand at the top of the entire cultivation of the world, so that all the monks on the entire continent can look up, there will be only one person, that is you. ”

Ling Yijian said more and more excited, excitedly said: "At that time, not only the pride of you alone, but also the pride of my brother, the pride of Tai Xuanzong, the pride of the entire Northland!"

Looking at the excited appearance of Ling Yijian, Xu Ziyan’s mood was also infected by him. The psychological exhaustion of tension has been relaxed all the time. I only feel that my mind is open and I can’t help but laugh:

"Don't always talk about me, I know that Wan Jianfeng's disciples have always been sharp and aggressive. Do you really want to live that kind of leisurely life?"

Ling Yijian’s sword eyebrows triumphed: “Ziyan, the biggest ambition of my life is to take Taixuanzong out of the North and establish Taixuan in the Central Plains.”

Said here, Ling Yijian took out the sword from the storage ring, single-finger one, the sword sounded softly. Said with a serious face:

"Ziyan, after waiting for this Northland thing to be finished, I will go to the Central Plains!"

Xu Ziyan heard a move in his heart, suddenly remembered that he had speculated that the Eastern Wanjianzong might be the predecessor of Taixuan, and that it was the true master of Taixuan. So, he whispered:

"Ling brother, I see you go to the East first, there is a relic of Wan Jianzong, you go there to see if there will be any chance!"

Xu Ziyan thought that if Ling Yijian really had an encounter, he would be able to bring Tai Xuanzong to the Central Plains and Xu Jiayao in the future, which is undoubtedly the best situation. As for the Northland, it is entirely possible to support the Chiyang Emperor of Lingxiao. By that time, the Northland is still in a state of alliance with itself.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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