I am very grateful to the students in the heart of the ice point, * Lonely to enjoy the blue * classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin classmates, wqiy2003 classmates, susantsh0905 classmates pink ticket!


Even if you can't stand in the Central Plains in the future, you can base yourself on the oriental cultivation of the immortal world, where the Xiuxian environment is much stronger than the North.

"The remains of the Eastern Wan Jian Zong?" Ling Yijian asked.

Xu Ziyan said the things of the Eastern Wan Jianzong in detail to Ling Yijian, and then said his own speculation. The look of Ling Yijian was obviously excited, and his mouth kept muttering:

"I must go and see, I must go and see! After completing this division task, I immediately set off to the East!"

Xu Ziyan slightly wrinkled and frowned: "What is the teacher's task for Ling Shixiong?"

Ling Yijian heard a deep frown, and his face was worried: "This time it is a task for the teacher. Originally from Huayangzong, the Eastern Shenji Zong and Qing Huozong died. After that, our Taixuan can be said to be standing at the peak of the northern land of the immortal world. However, recently, there has been a thing in the northern land of the immortal world."

Having said that, Ling Yijian’s words turned: “Ziyan, you are now also on the mainland, how can you talk about how people on the mainland have been repaired?”

Xu Ziyan’s eyebrows were picked and whispered: “Whether it’s a law repair or a martial arts, it’s the use of the power of heaven and earth to quench itself, and finally reach the realm of harmony between man and nature.”

"Not bad!" Ling Yijian nodded and said: "This is the nature that our Taoist school said, and it is very comfortable! However, this world may not only have this kind of cultivation method. There is another way to practice the luck of all beings. ”

“Take the luck of all the people and practice?” Xu Ziyan said with a sigh of relief: “What do you mean?”

Ling Yijian sighed: "I didn't know these secrets. It was said that Liu Shizu said to me before going down. Before the big break, there was a cultivation method. Those monks absorbed not the power of heaven and earth, but The power of faith. They don’t stop the gods. They don’t have spells, but they are not martial arts. Well, it should be counted as a physical repair.”

"The power of faith?" Xu Ziyan's heart is a shake.

"Yes, this method of cultivation is extremely harmful to the cultivation of the immortal world. We must know that all of our cultivators have sects, or have family and other forces, and we usually worship our ancestors. And we are also The ancestors' disciples and grandchildren are in the same line.

However, the cultivation method of the power of faith is to widely collect believers. His followers have no power to divide, no matter which sect, or family. Scattered, even mortals who can't cultivate, as long as they believe in him, he can get the power of faith from those people to cultivate. And he regards those who believe in him as slaves, constantly extracting the power of air and faith from those people. ”

Hearing here, Xu Ziyan’s mind suddenly uttered a word: "Witch!"

Is there a witch in this world? However, in Xu Ziyan’s heart, he was still very uncertain, and he whispered:

"They regard those who believe in them as slaves. They continue to extract the power of their faith and the qi, and it is reasonable to say that there should not be many people who are willing to believe in them!"

Ling Yijian shook his head and said: "No, on the contrary, their followers are very fast."

“Why?” Xu Ziyan asked inexplicably.

"Because as long as you believe in him, you can get magical powers in the process of believing in him. The more you believe in the heart of the faith, the more magical power you get. This kind of supernatural power is the gift he has given him. You don't need his followers to practice. As long as the believer's faith is sincere, he will have a supernatural power in an instant. This is fatal to human attraction, especially for those who have poor qualifications. The way to make them obsessed. Once you get obsessed with it, it is very difficult to extricate yourself.

It is not clear how people who cultivate the power of faith actually gain the power of faith and how to give those believers a magical power. However, from the believers we have contacted. They said that when they prayed, it seemed as if a voice would echo in their minds. Let them believe in the people who cultivate the power of faith in a very short time. ”


Xu Ziyan spit a long breath and asked nervously: "What are those people who cultivate the power of faith?"

"Witch!" Ling Yijian said softly.

The body of Xu Ziyan is a shock, it is a witch. In the heart of the excitement, but heard a side of Ling Yijian continued:

"Witches are cultivated on the basis of people. If they want to improve their cultivation, they must develop an amazing number of believers. It is a means of no compromise. Thus, he threatens the people we cultivate and shakes our various sects. The Taoist of the door. Purple smoke, you imagine, if left to develop, our monks who are too Xuanzong also began to believe in him. At that time, will we still be too Xuanzong?

We are in harmony with the heavens and the earth, and the Tao is natural. And they are taking advantage of the air. As long as he wants to constantly improve his cultivation, he must continue to enslave mankind. In the end, in order to gain more faith, he will wage war at all costs to conquer all human beings who do not believe in him. Witch is the disaster of the whole cultivation of the immortal world. ”

"The teacher’s door makes you down the mountain this time..."

"唉~~~" Ling Yijian sighed a sigh: "I don't know what it is for, maybe it is because of the low cultivation of our northern monks. The witch chose our northland, and now it is already in the north. There are many people who believe in the witch. Many temples have been built to worship the witch. In the long run, the cultivation of the immortal world is critical."

Xu Ziyan’s face is a change: “Is there a witch in the North?”

"Not bad!" Ling Yijian's face was dignified: "This time the division is to let a few disciples of our generation go down the mountain, that is, to go to various places, destroy all those temples. But..."

"but what?"

"But the ending was not as good as we thought. After the believers saw that we destroyed the temple, we attacked us madly. And after we left, they would build another temple and continue to worship!"

"This..." The look of Xu Ziyan also became dignified: "So, we must find the witch and kill it before we can solve this problem fundamentally."

"Not bad!" Ling Yijian nodded hard, but then his face was awkward: "But we too have not found the place where the witch is in the place, he is very embarrassed."

"What does he look like?"


A dark and remote alley, away from the center of the city of Sanxian, where there are some relatively poor conditions.

Several scattered and lazy sitting on the edge of the alley chatting, suddenly heard a slight footsteps from the alley. A few scattered men turned around and saw a woman wearing a flaming dress and a graceful walk in the footsteps. A red hair fluttering in the wind, a kind of wild beauty that immediately attracted the attention of those scattered.

The woman in the red-haired red dress, Nana, fluttered like a fairy from a few scattered eyes and walked toward the depths of the alley.

A few scattered throats couldn’t help but swallow a sip of water, one by one:

"This woman doesn't know if it is a loose repair. It's beautiful like a fairy. If it's a loose repair, if she can form a Taoist with her, she will be more happy than Shengxian."

A few scattered eyes have been staring at the woman's back in the red-haired red dress, slim waist, fat buttocks, long legs, and every time the woman's body changes, they have spent their eyes.

Suddenly these scattered expressions were stiff on the face, and then revealed the color of horror. One by one, they hurriedly bowed their heads, because the action of bowing was too urgent, and they twisted their necks and squeaked. Because they suddenly found themselves and others to see through the other's cultivation, isn't that the woman in the red-haired red dress who is going to be above them? The cultivation of the immortal world is cruel, the level is clear, staring at a monk who is repairing beyond himself, and there is still a sense of guilt in the eyes. Is this not looking for death?

The red-haired red dress woman walked to a small red-brick blue house, and with a slight glance, she knew that it was a very small and very simple place to live, with green moss on the roof and walls.

The red-haired red dress woman walked up and grabbed the door knocker and gently knocked a few times, and there was a footstep from inside. As soon as the door opened, a tall young man emerged from the inside. Although his face was young, his eyes were full of vicissitudes.

"Exquisite, you are here!" The youth's eyes flashed a glimmer of joy.

"Hai Xin, I received your message, I immediately set off, I don't know what trouble you have caused this time?" Yang Ling asked softly with concern.

Fan Haixin’s face was dark, and he opened half a position and whispered: “Come in and say it!”

Yang Lingyi nodded and stepped into the door. Fan Haixin closed the door and led Yang Linglong into the house. She also made tea for Yang Lingling, which was sitting opposite Yang Linglong.

Looking at the opposite of Yang Linglong, Fan Haixin’s eyes flashed a trace of thought: “Exquisite, these days are good?”

Yang Lingyi nodded and said: "Fortunately, nothing more than cultivation. You still talk about what happened!"

Fan Haixin sighed deeply and his face was awkward. For a long time, he said with a deep voice: "Exquisite, I know you from the origins. But there are still some things you don't know."

"Oh?" Yang Ling's eyebrows picked and picked.

The opposite Fan Haixin seems to have fallen into a memory and said slowly: "Learly, you know that I am a disciple of the Northland. I also know what I did when I was in the past, and now I am only forgetting." I am left with a disciple. But you don't know what I have been doing for years."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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