The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 883: Northland turmoil

I am very grateful to the students of Sansheng Dao (100) and wqiy2003 (100) for their reward!


"You don't know what I have been doing for years." Fan Haixin asked quietly.

"What are you doing? I have heard that you swear at the beginning that you will not destroy the last zombie and will not give up."

"Not bad!" Fan Haixin's eyebrows raised: "I have been chasing zombies all these years, and now there is only one zombie left. He is the master who we used to forget. But things have changed now. ”

“has changed?” Yang Ling’s look floated up and confused.

Van Helsing’s eyebrows are locked with a dignified road: “I saw the Sovereign a few days ago!”

"Well?" Yang Linglong put down the teacup in her hand, and there was a hint of coldness in her eyes: "But you traced him?"

Fan Haixin shook his head and said: "No, it is me who came to see him!"

Yang Ling's look is a glimpse: "He took the initiative to see you? Is he not afraid of you killing him?"

Fan Haixin’s face twitched and his eyes filled with bitterness: “In fact, I have never been his opponent. In the past, he was hiding from me and would not want to see me! Maybe he still remembers me. Disciples, under the mercy."

Yang Linglong sat there in a dull moment. Suddenly, she was shocked and jumped out of the chair. "He came to you personally? You mean that the zombie has thoughts?"

Fan Haixin’s face is even more bitter: “He didn’t have thinking now, but he had thoughts very early. If it weren’t for his mercy, I’m afraid I’m already dead.”

“How could this be?” Yang Ling珑 was sitting on the chair weakly.

Van Helsing’s gaze suddenly became blurred. Mouth in his mouth said: "After the Lord came, I will take care of me, and then give me the details of the ins and outs."

Yang Ling’s spirit is a sensation, sitting straight from the chair. Looking at Van Helsing with a gaze. Fan Haixin’s eyes are even more confused, as a general mechanical said:

"The lord said that we used to forget the power of cultivating the soul, but this method is very difficult to cultivate. Therefore, they are thinking about inventing a method of practice. But they did not expect to eventually make a forgotten He died. The original lord thought he had become a zombie, even though he later had wisdom, and his body was already like human beings, no longer a zombie.

However, when the lord broke through the distraction period equivalent to the human monk, he suddenly spontaneously generated a martial art in consciousness. The lord knows that he does not know why he has embarked on the path of witch. According to the analysis of the lord, it may have been after the so-called zombies. Has lost the **** of the gods. After that, I don’t know why, maybe there is no god, he can only refine the body, and after reaching the distraction period, the hidden witchcraft in the heavenly way is accidentally sensed by him, and he is completely embarked on the path of witchcraft. . ”

"That...he...what is your purpose for your lord to come to?"

Fan Haisin said with a wry smile: "He said that there is only one disciple left behind me, so the responsibility of revitalizing the forgotten sect falls on my shoulder. He wants to give me a big chance. Let me join. The witches, practicing witchcraft, setting up witchcraft, he is a witch god, I am a witch master."

Yang Lingzhen listened, his face changed, his eyes looked at the opposite Fan Haixin with some hesitation, and finally said coldly:

"You promised? So, you invited me to invite me to join the Witch? I don't know what position the Master will give me?"

Fan Haixin’s face appeared in a stunned color, and then he cried and said: “Let’s. Do you think I will join?”

“Why not?” Yang Lingwei is still a questioning tone. However, his face has eased a lot.

Fan Haixin stared at Yang Linglong, who was sitting opposite, and asked: "Deep, I am afraid you still don't know about witches?"

Yang Ling’s look looked awkward and then nodded: “Yes. I don’t understand!”

Fan Haixin sighed a long time: "The witches' cultivation methods are different from ours..."

After half an hour, Fan Haixin gave the details of the witches to Yang Lingyu in detail. Then worried and said:

"We are a world without faith in the heavens. We all believe in ourselves and we are honed ourselves. We are fighting in the sky, and cultivation is so strong that it is against the sky. Now there is a kind of Faith, if it can't be destroyed when it is in its infancy, its followers will pop up like mushrooms, which will bring disaster to the entire continent."

"That... what did you call me this time, would you want me to join you to kill your lord?"

Fan Haixin shook his head and said with a smile: "The two of us are not his opponents. I invite you here, just want to invite you to join me and deal with the believers who joined the witches. See one kill one, so Those monks who have not yet joined the Witch will be afraid, and the roots of the witches will be broken from the roots. As long as his followers are less and less, he loses the power of faith, and the cultivation will become lower and lower. It’s easy to eradicate him at that time."

"Kill his followers? Can we kill it?" Yang Ling said with a sigh of relief, hesitantly said.

"Of course, I can't kill it!" Fan Haixin's tone is full of killings: "But we can start with those big forces. If we destroy those big forces, we will have enough deterrent effect."

"What?" Yang Linglong was once again jumped out of the chair and said: "He has built a force?"

"Not bad!" Fan Haixin also stood up from the chair and said in a deep voice: "The Sovereign has established several forces. The biggest force is a bunch of hooligans. This gang is very simple, called the flame. They The organization is very strict. It is said that there are tens of thousands of members all over the mainland. I don’t know what method the lord used to bring the organization of the flame to the path of the witch. What we have to do now is to eat this flame organization."

Van Helsing’s look is more and more serious: “The lord told me that the slogan of this flame organization is to unify the entire cult of the celestial world and to lead the entire humanity on the vast continent to the path of the witch cultivation.”


In the open-air market in the city of Sanxian, business is still hot and crowds are bustling. Although there is nothing good in this stuff, it is cheaper, and sometimes it can really be cheap here. Therefore, many monks are willing to come to this open-air market to trade, that is, do not buy anything, but also come here to turn around, who knows when, can you miss it?

At this time, Ling Xiao is walking in the bustling open-air market, but his eyes are only passing at the booths at random. It seems that the spirit has not been put on the leak.

In fact, this action against witches was not only sent by Taixuan, but also to the various sects of the Northern Territory. If this matter is allowed to spread, it will indeed affect the foundation of the cultivation of the immortal world.

As the lord of the Chiyang ancestor, Ling Xiao will naturally have to contribute. Although his current cultivation is very high, but the strength of Zongmen is still only a third-rate sect, so he had to go into battle personally. Today, Ling Xiao has already reported revenge, and regained the Chi Yangzong. The mentality has also calmed down. It was originally the body of the stalwart. Now, the previous experience has been precipitated, and the temperament of the sect is becoming more and more concentrated.

At this time, all the statues and temples of the witches in the Northland were swept away by the Northern Immortals, but they still did not find the witch. Ling Xiao walked around the city in a boring way, followed by a woman by his side.

The woman was wearing a pale yellow blouse, and a jade pendant hung from the waist of her grip, and she swayed with her gait. The woman’s eyes did not go to the booths. Instead, she stared at Ling Xiao from time to time, her eyes blurred and she was red.

"Ling Xiao brother, what do you have fancy?" The woman saw Ling Xiao some gods, and asked with some enthusiasm. However, I still try my best to make my voice soft.

"Sorry, Zhang girl, we are not the same brother and sister, you still call me Ling brother!" Ling Xiao frowned slightly, his eyes flashed a trace of intolerance.

"Oh ~~" Zhang girl's eyes flashed a trace of lost: "Ling... Brother, what do you see in the square?"

Ling Xiao’s gaze glanced around and lazily said: “No!”

Zhang’s girl’s eyes turned and squatted in front of a booth, picked up a stone and shook it toward Ling Xiao:

"Ling...Senior, what is this material for you?"

Ling Xiao shook his head helplessly, stepped forward, kneeling beside Zhang's girl, looking at the stone in her hand. Just looking at it, I am no longer interested:

"A low-level material, nothing looks good."

“Oh~~” Zhang girl released a disappointing color, put the stone back to the booth, and then hugged Ling’s arm and stood up:

"My brother, I am really useless, or my brother is very powerful. I can see at a glance that it is a useless stone."

Ling Xiao frowned again and pulled his arm out of the woman's hand. The tone was a bit cold:

"Zhang girl, you and I only know each other through this battle of sweeping the witches. The time is short, we are not familiar. Please ask the girl to stop calling her brother in the next..."

I haven't waited for Ling Xiao's words, and a clear voice sounded from his opposite side: "Ling Xiao brother!"

Zhang girl heard that someone called Ling Xiao brother, half of her heart was happy. Since two months ago, the Witch God appeared in the North, and since the Northern Territory began to conquer the Witch God, their disciples of the Baihua Palace saw Ling Xiao. When I saw Ling Xiao, there were countless Baihuagong disciples who took a fancy to Ling Xiao.


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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