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Central Plains, an unknown one-of-a-kind.

A whole body was shrouded in a red robe, and only those who showed two eyes stood still. If it is not the mountain wind blowing the red robe, a few doubts are a red stone.

The space was rippling, and above the peak, there was a man on the opposite side of the red robe, silently glaring at the monk of the fiery red robe, faintly asked:


There was a hoarse voice from the flaming robe: "You said yes, it is not."

Later people snorted: "Do you know who I am?"

"嗤~~" The man chuckled a sigh: "Da Luotian's Yin Jiufeng, after the distraction, I am right?"

"Hey!" Yin Jiufeng said coldly: "I came here to trade with the flames. If you are not a flame, this transaction will be fine."

The faint tone came from the red robe: "You Da Luo Tianjia big business, strong tyrannical, is to make us play with flames, we have no way. If you do not want to do this transaction, then I will leave."

The look of Yin Jiufeng is a stagnation: "I want to talk to your chief leader."

"Then you will treat me as our chief leader! You can rest assured that even if our flames come from a small shackle, as long as you promise, you will do it according to the rules. Besides, you are not a big Luotian. Why do you want to see our chief lord?"

"You..." Yin Jiufeng has some gas knots, and he threw out a storage ring. "This is what your flames need. What we want you to do is to fight the descendants of the ancient Xu family." Seeing one kill one, if we can kill Xu Ziyan, our lord has a reward."

The man in the red robe took the storage ring in his hand and said in his hand: "Yin Jiufeng. I am very curious. With the strength of your big Luotian, I want to destroy the descendants of the ancient Xu family, it seems to use Don't hire us?"

“What do you know?” Yin Jiufeng said coldly: “We have a lot of reasons why we can't take it. We have to pay you so much for three years. Three years later. Whether you are Can you uproot the Xu family's descendants or kill Xu Ziyan? After three years, we will have no scruples. We don't need to hire you any more. I hope that you will be able to stand up to our fire in these three years. The price of the sky."


In the Fairy City, Wen Qing’s study in the city’s main house ushered in two people. These two people are Yang Lingwei and Fan Haixin. When Yang Lingyi listened to Fan Haixin’s statement about the witch, he felt that this matter was very tricky. Follow Van Helsing for the purple-eyed zombies. That is, the current witch estimate seems that his cultivation should be the middle of distraction. Now Fan Haixin and Yang Lingqi will not be the opponents of Ziyan. At this time, Yang Lingyan remembered Xu Ziyan, and she also knew that Xu Ziyan should be in the city government office, so he brought Fan Haixin to Wenqing here.

Introducing Yang Linglong and Fan Haixin into the study room of Wen Qing, Xu Ziyan asked strangely:

"Exquisite, how come you are. This is?"

Yang Lingyan gave a fascinating introduction to Fan Haixin to Xu Ziyan. Fan Haixin naturally recognized Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan did not know him. After several people were seated, Fan Haixin said the purple eye from beginning to end.

After Fan Haixin finished, Xu Ziyan was shocked: "The witch was originally a purple-eyed zombie variant!"

“Not bad!” Fan Haixin said with a heavy head: “Actually, I have always felt that the Sovereign is not like a zombie. Many years ago, when he was still in the North Snowy Mountains, his appearance was the same as that of ordinary people. Not stiff, there is no such thing as a zombie. Maybe the trials that I had made when I was in the first place did not create zombies at all. It was just like zombies in the initial appearance."

"Ziyan!" Yang Linglong said, "We are here this time. We invite you to join us and deal with witches together."

Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "Exquisite, this time I really can't take part in the action against the witch. I have other urgent things to deal with."

I saw Yang Ling’s somewhat lost look. Xu Ziyan smiled and said: "Exquisite, and I think. Even if I join, then we can't play any role. Just a few of us will discuss the whole North, and we will consolidate the whole North to deal with the witch."

"Great!" Van Helsing excitedly took a table and stood up.


Suddenly there was a huge roar of sound outside the city's main house, and then it was the sound of the screaming of the sky. Several people stood up from the chair and looked toward Wen Qing.

Wen Qingyi robes sleeves: "You friends first take a break here, let me go out and see."

When the words had not yet fallen, I heard a bang, and the study door was knocked open from the outside. The old housekeeper of the city’s main house rolled in and shouted in his mouth:

"The lord, the big things are not good, the believers of the Witch God rioted in the city. They will kill when they see people, and they will take away the sacred city as the place where the temple of their sorcerer is located."

The people inside the house have changed color, and this matter is too serious. If the believers of the witches took the city of Sanxian, they really established a base. With the support of the city of Sanxian, the strength of the North, there is no way to take these witch believers.

"Was the witch come from?" Wen Qing grabbed the butler and asked Tie Qing.

"No, listen to those believers who seem to be led by the flames of the Northland's first tie to lead the believers in the city."

"Don't talk, let's go out and see!"

Through the gate, Ling Xiao looked at the brilliant colors of various spells in the night sky and the explosion of the rumble.


Xu Ziyan first walked out of the door of the study, but was very careful to communicate with the water of a palm, to determine the water of a palm attached to his body, did not run out to play. With a palm of water, Xu Ziyan’s timidity has grown a lot, and when he missed his mind, he took out the Thunderfire sword in his hand.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw the gate of the courtyard of the city's main house being crushed by a sword. A group of monks were on the ground and drowned from the air.

When Xu Ziyan’s eyes flashed, he saw that the three monks who were headed were flying towards them from the air. The middle one was actually the cultivation of the early part of the distraction, and the other two were the later cultivation of the gods.

On their side, Ling Yijian, Wen Qing and Fan Haixin are simply not enough to see. Xu Ziyan turned to look at Yang Ling:

“Can you deal with the late stage of a god?”

Yang Ling tightened her long sword in her hand, and her face eagerly tried: "Try it!"

"Good!" Xu Ziyan turned his head and said to Xiaobai: "Xiaobai, you deal with a late stage of the gods, and the middle part of the distraction is given to me at the beginning."

Finally, and Ling Xiao said: "Ling Xiao brother, you protect the literary lord, immediately open the Guardian Array, can not let the outside Witch God believers come in again."

It is the effort of these few words, the three people have already rushed to the front of Xu Ziyan and others. The early monk who was headed by the distraction looked at the side of the crowd and finally locked his eyes on Xu Ziyan’s body, saying coldly:

"You are Xu Ziyan?"

"Not bad!"

The early monk of the distraction pointed the long sword in his hand to Xu Ziyan: "Take your family to join us in the flame, but you can't die."

Xu Ziyan was mad at the time, and the early part of the distraction was higher than his own cultivation, but Xu Ziyan really did not put a monk in the early days of distraction in his eyes. Not to mention that she now has a palm of water, that is, without a palm of water, she will not take a distracted monk as one thing.

Xu Ziyan was too lazy to talk nonsense with the other party and shouted: "Little white, exquisite, we are!"


Xiao Bai and Yang Lingqi followed the shape of Xu Ziyan from the ground and smothered toward their chosen opponents. In the air, I can see that the whole refining city is now a mess, and the sound of shouting is ringing everywhere, the house is constantly falling, and the screams rang through the sky.

Xu Ziyan sees this, and there is no longer the mind of the other party. With a palm of water to defend herself, she did not dodge on the other side's long sword, and greeted the other side's swordsman and rushed over. At the same time, the fire sword in the hand blew two thunder fires and bombarded the opposite monk.

The opposite flame monk did not think that Xu Ziyan would rush over without slamming. He thought that he was a monk in the early days of distraction, and he took out a sword. How could Xu Ziyan in the late stage of the gods dare not hide?

Things are too much for his expectations, can not help but have a moment of blasphemy. It was only at this moment that the sword he had pulled out was already on the body of Xu Ziyan, but Xu Ziyan’s coming did not stop at all, and the two thunderfires did not hesitate to bombard each other.

This is equivalent to the thunderbolt bombardment of the best treasures on the other side of the body, immediately let the other party's strength damage most of the. The strength of Xu Ziyan was originally equivalent to the strength of the late part of the gods. The thunder fire sword in the hand followed the two thunder fires and went to the opposite monk.

The northern leader of the flame, the arrogance and disdain on his face had already become a panic, and his body quickly flew back toward the rear. Where Xu Ziyan allowed him to retreat, a teleport had already arrived at him, and he had not waited until he reacted, and he had already destroyed it.

At this time, the surrounding area has already been killed. Ling Xiao, Ling Yijian, Wen Qing and Fan Haixin have all been killed, and Xiao Bai and Yang Lingyu are in the face of two monks in the late stage of the gods, but they have the upper hand. It can be seen how strong the fighting power is. She sighed here that Xiao Bai and Yang Linglong’s fighting power was strong, but they did not know that their combat power shocked Xiao Bai and Yang Ling. A monk in the early days of distraction was killed by Xu Ziyan in almost one round. This made Xiao Bai and Yang Linglong shocked, but also a triumphant heart, pressing the opposite monks step by step.




*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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