The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 886: Goodbye hope

I am very grateful to z408678490 classmates, Miao Ling Qing Zhang classmates, Min Qing classmates, book friends 14944729 classmates, ice_123 classmates pink ticket!


There was a roar of four sides, and a light rose. The moat method was finally raised by Wen Qing. There is nothing wrong with Xiaobai and Yang Linglong here. The shape of Xu Ziyan flew up to the sky and spread the knowledge.

There are now about 5,000 flame monks in the entire city of Sanxian, and there are tens of thousands of monks in the city. However, most of the strength is not as good as the flame of the monk, Xu Ziyan is slightly frowning, but see Wen Qing led more than two thousand monks killed. The repair of these two thousand monks is obviously higher than most of the monks in the city.

Xu Ziyan started his brow and knew that this was the real power in the city. Looking down at the direction of the city's main house, I saw that Xiaobai and Yang Linglong had already solved the opponent. It is rushing toward other flame monks in the city. The three white monks of Xiaobai, Yang Lingqi and Ling Xiao are in the present scattered city, except that Xu Ziyan is the highest. These three people rushed into the city of Sanxian, directly disintegrating the attack of the flame. Soon, the riots of the flames in the Sanxian were calmed down. There is a big battle in the city, and no one who has a flame is missing the net.

The smoke after the war is still pervasive, and the monks in the city of Sanxian are busy rebuilding their homes. Xu Ziyan, Wen Qing, Yang Lingqi, Ling Yijian, Fan Haixin and Ling Xiao stood at the gate of the city. Xu Ziyan looked into the city:

"After this war, the Northern Territory should be calm for a while. I have already informed Chess, and she will soon come to the North."

"Ziyan. You said that the purple eye will no longer be hidden behind the scenes, come out to kill?" Ling Yijian asked with some anxiety.

"The possibility is not big!" Xu Ziyan shook his head and said: "He is not strong enough now. At the very least, he should not have reached the realm of the Four Dacheng. If this time appeared, he would have come to any of the four majors. It is his Doomsday. So, he will definitely hide deeply, leaving no trace of where he can be found."

Speaking of this, Xu Ziyan’s face also showed a trace of anxiety: “But this time he lost so many believers, the Northland foundation that was finally built up was almost destroyed, and he said that he would jump into the wall. When you come out and kill a big one, the Northland Xiuxianjie still needs to unite as soon as possible and prepare for all the response."

"Ziyan, this time the scattered fairy city can escape a catastrophe, I really thank you." Wen Qing said.

Xu Ziyan shook his head slightly: "Uncle Wen, this is the whole thing of the cultivation of the immortal world. Since it is encountered, I naturally have to make a contribution, and I am not thankful."

"Ziyan Gaoyi!" Wen Qing is a heavy tribute to Xu Ziyan: "Ziyan, up to two days, after I have finished dealing with the things in the Fairy City, I will immediately go to Tai Xuanzong to discuss the Northland event. ""

"Good!" Xu Ziyan's eyes looked at Yang Lingwei and Fan Haixin.

Yang Lingyi smiled faintly: "I and Haixin are here for the time being. Waiting to go to Taixuan with the literary master."

"Good!" Yang Lingling, who has a sacred period, and Fan Haixin, who is in the middle of Yuan Ying, have basically secured the security of Wen Qing. In this way, Xu Ziyan also let go of his heart. With Ling Xiao, Ling Yijian and two people took a small white and flew in the direction of Tai Xuanzong.

One day later, Xu Ziyan left Taixuan, and took a small white flight to the north of the North.



In a underground hall, a monk hurriedly pushed open a door with a flame totem carved on the door and walked toward it. I didn’t know a few bends and passed through layers of guards. The monk finally stopped in front of a gate. Give a jade card to the guard in front of the door. Speaking in a low voice, the guard took his jade and walked in. After a while, the guard came out again and handed the jade card back to him. Whispered:

"The leader will let you in!"

The monk took back the jade card and stepped into the door. Enter the gate. It is a hall. At this time there were five monks sitting in the main hall. In the middle of the first out of the seat one person, the next two sides of the two sitting.

The monk who came in from outside the door bowed in front of the monk who sat in the middle of the door, and said with a voice:

"See the leader!"

The person at the top of the first light "hmm", then no longer speak, just looking at the monk who was kneeling on the ground. The monk lowered his head slightly, and a drop of cold sweat dripped from the corner. He said:

"The leader, the branch of the Northland flame has not been contacted. Today, there has been news that more than 5,000 people from the North Branch of the Flame want to capture the Temple of the Witch God, but they are met by the Xu Ziyan, who happens to be there. On the spot, the leader of the Northern Branch was killed, and all five thousand believers were killed."


The middle leader’s right hand forced the armrest of the chair and said in a tone: “Xu Ziyan, I have not had time to take action against you. You have gone to my arm in the north, then let you and you Xu Jialai bears my anger!"

Five days later, Xu Ziyan came to Wubohai. Riding the white circle in the sky that I was sucked in at the beginning, put a sword that was condensed in the hand into the Fengling array in the purple smoke space. These days, as long as there is time, Xu Ziyan will condense the sword. Now her sword is already the best treasure, and it is very powerful.

In the five days of flying in the white, Xu Ziyan took out the Yunling that was obtained in the sea of ​​clouds. However, she really didn't know how to raise Yunling. I took Yun Ling in my hand and looked at it for a long time. I don't know how to deal with it. It is the look of Yun Yun, a pair of cloud babies, very popular. After thinking about it for a long time, I didn’t think of it, so I just threw Yunling into the purple smoke space. Thinking about the aura inside of the purple smoke space, it may have great benefits for the growth of Yunling.

Xu Ziyan threw Yunling over the sky where the peach blossoms they lived. Sure enough, the extremely rich aura made Yunling very happy, fluttering joyfully in the air, and the body gradually extended like a small cloud.

At this point, Xu Ziyan no longer pays attention to Yunling, has been condensing the sword. There was no rest in the past five days, and I have reached the sea without waves.

Jumping from Xiaobai's body, Xiaobai also turned into a 10-year-old child, standing in the side of Xu Ziyan. Looking at the ocean below, Xu Ziyan thought of a move, suddenly remembered the water of a palm, then used the gods to know the water of a palm:

"Small water, can you feel that there is another space under this water?"

I can feel the fluctuation of the water in one palm, and then the sound of the water in the palm of my hand: "Can!"

Xu Ziyan’s heart is a happy saying: “Can you open up a channel?”

"Where it is related to water, it is not a problem for me." A buffalo said with a sigh of relief.

When the voice just fell, I saw that the water of one palm fell off from the body of Xu Ziyan, like a drop of water dripping to the bottom of the sea. When the drop of water fell into the sea, it saw the sea surface suddenly swaying, forming an oversized vortex. And the middle of the vortex is a passage.


Xu Ziyan snorted and jumped into the middle of the whirlpool, followed by Xiaobai.

About a quarter of an hour, "哗啦", Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai fell into the water. Xu Ziyan’s eyes swept around, the same cave that he had fallen from last time. Looking up, I saw a vast ocean hanging over my head, and the passage of a vortex was gradually closing. After that, a drop of water was dropped from the ocean in the head hanging on the head, dripping on the head of Xu Ziyan, and spreading against the surface of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan knew that the water of a palm came back.

"Little white, let's go!"

Xu Ziyan first walked to the outside. Xiaobai’s figure jumped up and wanted to fly, but he slammed from the air and fell. Xu Ziyan laughed:

"White, this is a no-fly. If you want to fly, you only have to restore the body."

After listening to Xu Ziyan's words, Xiaobai was very convinced, and had tossed a few times. When he saw that he couldn't fly, he just followed Xu Ziyan behind him.

Out of the cave, the front is suddenly bright, it is an innocent prairie. Xu Ziyan stood in the mouth of the cave and looked at the empty prairie. There seemed to be a voice in his ear, and there seemed to be a figure in front of him.


A sigh, the shadow in front of the eyes dissipated, and the sound in the ear disappeared. Xu Ziyan woke up from the memory, and it was still an empty prairie.

"White, let's go!" Xu Ziyan reached out and touched the head of Xiaobai.


A long sound, Xiaobai turned into a Kun Peng, Xu Ziyan jumped to her back. One bird and one bird flew to the forest deep in the prairie.

Sitting on the back of Xiaobai, Xu Ziyan tried it and found that his storage ring and purple smoke space is still the same as last time. After entering here, I lost contact.

Commanding Xiaobai to fly to the ancient vine, and soon Xu Ziyan and Xiaobai fell in front of the ancient vine. I remembered the adventures in the ancient vines, and my eyes glanced around to see if there were rabbits in and out of the ancient vines.

The surrounding scene seems to have not changed in the slightest, and everything is exactly the same as last time. Xu Ziyan put two hands into a trumpet and placed it in front of his mouth, shouting at the ancient Fujilin:


"Hope ~~ hope~~~"

The little white squinting eyes standing on the side turned and smiled and said: "Master, is there really a shaped ancient vine here?"

As soon as the voice was over, I felt the ground vibrate. From the far and near cages on the ground, I suddenly broke a huge ancient vine in front of Xu Ziyan. The end of the ancient vine turned into a big face, looking at Xu Ziyan. The face was initially stunned, and then ecstasy, the figure was lifted in the air, and when it fell to the ground, it had become a green-shirted old man, and prayed to Xu Ziyan:

"The patriarch, you are back!"


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*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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