The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 887: Zhongyuan Xujia is in action

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Xu Ziyan could not help but smile a bit. It seems that after so many years, this ancient vine still regards himself as the patriarch of the Aoki family. Xiao Bai is not sure what this is all about, strangely looking at Xu Ziyan and the ancient vine.

At this time, Gu Teng also saw the white white next to Xu Ziyan, reaching out and touching the white head with a smile and said:

"Oh, yes! At this age, it is already an eighth-order monster! I really don't know how you cultivated it."

Xiaobai’s eyes flashed and he smiled and said: “This grandfather, you are also very powerful? Although Xiaobai does not know how many years you have cultivated, the realm of your early Mahayana is absolutely false. ""

"Oh, I know that nothing can be seen in the eyes of Kun Peng!" Gu Teng hoped to laugh and said.

"Hope, have you not broken through again in these years?" Xu Ziyan whispered, and wanted to know if it was difficult to break through during the Mahayana period on the mainland.

Gu Teng hopes to frown deeply and sighs: "No! I don't know how long it has not broken. Since I broke through to the early days of Mahayana, it has always been like this, and I won't get a break."

"Sure enough! It seems that this underwater world still belongs to the vast continent, but it has become a small space. It is also bound by the space spiritual power on the mainland. I just don't know that the warrior continent is a level with the vast mainland. The world, is still a sub-world of the vast continent? Waiting to go back and ask the mountain spirit."

Xu Ziyan looked up and down the ancient vine. The more you look at your heart, the more excited you are. Mahayana period! In the early days of Mahayana! If this is to conquer him, what a powerful beater! The rush of the last time I left, and the great satisfaction of the water is just a successful cultivation, whether it can leave the underwater world. There is no bottom in my heart. Nowadays, she is not only the perfection of the meaning of water, but also the cultivation of her. Don't say that there is still a palm of water this time, that is, there is no water in the palm of your hand, and it is perfected by the meaning of the water of Xu Ziyan. There is no problem with leaving the underwater world with ancient vines.

Gu Teng was looked up and bitten by Xu Ziyan, and asked weakly: "The patriarch, what do you want?"

"Oh..." Xu Ziyan smiled two times, but there was no real taste, but it was treacherous:

"That hope! Have you ever thought about leaving here?"

Gu Teng hopes to shake his head and say: "I have never thought about it. I feel that living in this forest is very good. I don't want to go outside the human world."

"Hope, I am not talking about the world outside this forest. I am talking about the world outside this space. Have you ever thought about going back to the mainland?"

"Hey?" Gu Teng's body was a stiff, slowly looking up and looking at Xu Ziyan, his face gradually became excited, and could not be himself. In the first two steps, both hands grasp the arms of Xu Ziyan:

"The patriarch, you didn't lie to me? You want to take me back to the mainland?"

"Yes! I will take you out as long as you like. And there is a place for you to practice better. But only after you go out, can you tell me. You are not asking why Xiaobai is practicing so fast?" It is because Xiaobai cultivates in a special space."

"I am willing! The patriarch, I am willing, will we leave now?" Gu Teng said excitedly.

"I have to go to the forest to do something. I hope, are you going with me, or stay here waiting for me?" Xu Ziyan saw that Gu Teng promised to leave the underwater world with her, and her heart was excited.

“Oh~~” Gu Teng indulged in a moment: “I am still waiting for the patriarch here. I want to bring some descendants out and pick some high-quality ancient vine seeds. I don’t know if the patriarchs can bring them out.”

"Can. Of course!" Xu Ziyan heard it and laughed happily.


Central Plains. In the place near the alchemy city, a manor was established in Yishan. On the gate of the manor is a plaque with three characters on it:

Yan Jiazhuang.

At this time, within the hall of the speaker's house in Yanjiazhuang. Filled with more than twenty people. Sitting in the middle of the first position is a yellow shirt youth. The repair has already reached the beginning of Yuan Ying. Sitting on the first chair next to him is an old man, but it is the initial cultivation of the god. The remaining twenty people are also monks of the Yuan Ying period. It seems that today is a major meeting of monks above the Yuan Ying period.

At this time, there is a middle-aged monk who is talking angrily: "Now, the purple smoke led the descendants of our Xu family to occupy the Lotus Peak of the Holy Land. Recently, I heard the exact news, saying that Xu Ziyan and Da Luotian Wang Woyun, and the three major cities have all misunderstood, and the refining city master Shen Qianji publicly and Xu Ziyan formed an alliance, and gave Xu Ziyan a shop, Lotus Peak Xu family has begun to prepare to open shops in the refining city.

If you let it go, I am afraid that it will not take long. The monks on the entire mainland of the vast continent know only the Lotus Peak Xu family. No one knows our Central Plains Xu family. ”

As the entire hall of the deliberation fell with his voice, it became a mess. Everyone was angrily condemning Xu Ziyan and Lotus Peak Xu. The young man sitting at the top of his head frowned slightly and turned to look at the old man in the early days of the god. The old man in the early days of the **** was also impatient:

"Give me shut up!"

The interior of the hall of the House of Justice was immediately quieted down. The old man’s gaze was swept away from the monks, and he finally stared at Xu’s body and whispered:

"Empty, your heart is fine, and you have seen Xu Ziyan, Grandpa has a few words to ask you."

"Yes, grandfather!" Xu Kongling stood out respectfully.

"Empty, what kind of person is Xu Ziyan in your eyes?"

"This...the strength is very strong! At the beginning, I had witnessed her fighting with the re-installed Taoist people in He Boxian. Later, I saw that after she came out from Heberfest, one person faced many gods and points. The process of the monk's escape. She... is really strong!"

The old man said with a deep sigh: "When I first entered He Boxian, I only repaired it during the Dandan period. Now it is rumored that she is the late cultivation of the gods. The difference is too big! The ethereal, with your understanding, you think Will Xu Ziyan’s current cultivation be the late stage of the gods?”

"Grandfather, Xu Ziyan was already in the Yuan Ying period when he left He Boxian. If it is said that her cultivation is the late stage of the god, it is not impossible."

"Yeah!" The old man no longer speaks, and the entire hall of the council is quiet.

The monks who were very angry were also very heavy-faced. They knew the strength of their own side. The only one who had the highest level was the early monk who was sitting in front of the highest level of the god. And Xu Ziyan, who is now in the realm of the late stage of the gods, and heard that there are several monks in the lotus peak, there is no opponent in the strength.

"Empty!" The old man once again raised his head and asked: "Is the cultivation environment in Lotus Peak really so good as Xu Xing said?"

"Yes!" Xu Kongling immediately nodded: "The cultivation environment there is more than ten times better than ours."

The old man's look gradually gloomy, and his eyes smashed into a slit, and the narrow slits of the eyes sparkled with cold light. Said slowly:

"Do they admit that they are descendants of the ancient Xu family?"

"Yes! This Lotus Peak Xu family has always admitted. They just don't recognize our king, and we want our Zhongyuan Xu family to go to the Lotus Peak."

"Good!" The old man took a chair and said: "As long as they admit that they are ancient Xu family! As long as they admit that they are ancient Xu family, they have to follow the rules of Xu family, not to mention that they only established a lotus peak, that is To lay a big foundation, we have to hand over to our Central Plains Xu."

The yellow shirt youth sitting in the middle frowned slightly, just wanted to talk, but saw the old man suddenly sat up straight, the mighty momentum spread in the hall of the parliament.

"Xu Haojin, you pick a few people and immediately set off to go to the refining city to receive the shops in the refining city. Since the refining city is an alliance with the Xu family, the shop should naturally be taken over by the authentic Xu family. I have to look at it. How does the Lotus Peak Xu Family treat you? Who is in charge of the Xujia shop in the Refinery City?"

"Back to the uncle, it is a disciple named Xu Tianwei. It is said to be the master of the temple of the Lotus Peak Xu Family. Now it is the repair of the tenth floor of the knot."

"Hey, it’s the length of a temple, so it seems that there are many false things in the Lotus Peak Xu family." The old man said coldly:

"A monk in the knot period, let you have a monk in the infancy, and then go with a few monks in the knot period, no more problems?"

"Hao Jin will not bear the mission, just..." Xu Haojin's face revealed a hesitant color.

"What is it?" The look of the old man is a sinking.

"Just... if the refiner of the city is to intervene..." Xu Haojin said a little embarrassed.

The old man waved his hand: "Then tell the owner of the refiner, this is the internal private affairs of our Xu family. I don't think the city owner will be embarrassed with you."

"Yes, uncle wise!" Xu Haojin took a sigh of relief and retreated to the side.

"Xu Haozhen, you pick a few people, and then go to Lingbao City, do your best to put a shop in Lingbao City. Xu Haolian, you also select a few people in the family to go to the alchemy city, do your best to put down a shop. All of this must be done before the Lotus Peak Xu family hands-on shop in Alchemy City and Lingbao City."

"But..." Xu Haozhen and Xu Hao said in a face-to-face: "This requires a lot of Lingshi, and even if there is a Lingshi, you may not be able to buy a shop."

The old man nodded. "You two said it well, but our Central Plains Xu family has experienced the efforts of countless generations and accumulated some resources. I originally planned to purchase a shop in each of the three major cities. The resources of the family are revitalized. But now the plan is ahead of schedule."


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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