The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 888: Xu Ziyan?

I am very grateful to Huiyi* Lingyi classmates, FM1 classmates, 753971235789 classmates, wind man classmates, ヤo Fuluo oοΟ classmates, susantsh0905 classmates pink ticket!


“唉~~” The old man sighed a bit: “Our Central Plains Xu family could not lose to the Lotus Peak in the potential!”

"So, are we going to disclose the identity of our Central Plains Xu family?"

The old man hesitated a moment: "Only Xu Haojin can open the identity of the Central Plains Xu family, and the two roads to Alchemy City and Lingbao City are still talking as a speaker. Now it is not the time for us to be born."

Speaking of this, the old man's face became ugly: "The purple smoke does not know how many things have been caused on the mainland. At this time we can't go out and give her a black pot. This woman is too big for the big picture, you know how to endure, wait until the service After they have, they must teach her a good meal."

When the words fell, they turned their eyes on Xukongling’s body and said coldly: "Empty spirit, you will go to the lotus peak again. There are two things going on here. The first thing, you must sternly blame the Lotus Peak Xujia. Why do they want to reconcile with Da Luotian? Do they not know that Da Luotian is the enemy of our ancient Xu family? If they dare to argue, you ask them if Xu Ziyan does not collude with Da Luotian, why Wang Was there no shot for her in the refining city?

The second thing, telling the Lotus Peak Xu family, since they still admit that they are descendants of the ancient Xu family, they must abide by the rules of the ancient Xu family. As long as it is a disciple of Xu, he must obey the command of the king unconditionally. And the patriarch of our Central Plains Xu family is now a king. Give them a year's time, let that the purple smoke with the lotus peaks of the various temple owners personally come to see the king. ”

"Grandpa. But...the Lotus Peak Xu family said that their patriarch is also a king!" Xu Kongling whispered.

"This is absolutely impossible!" The old man waved his sleeves and said: "Is the king so easy to appear? There is a king who does not know how many thousands of years, how can there be two kings at once!"

"Grandpa!" The young man in the yellow shirt who sat in the middle and said nothing said: "Are we doing this some time?"

The gloomy eyes of the old man immediately became kind, looking at the young gentleman and said: "The king. You are still small, some things you still don't understand. Slowly you will understand, before you understand these means, these things will Give us these old guys to do it!"

"Yeah! King! You will practice well. The size of the family is called to us to deal with! You are the future of the family, the family's revitalization is counting on you!"

Everyone said, I smiled and said to the king sitting in the middle. If Xu Ziyan was sitting here, he would immediately find out that the atmosphere in the main hall of the Lotus Peak was completely different.

The eyes of the young people who looked to the center were full of love and affection, but they did not have a little respect. And Xu Ziyan is in the main hall of the Lotus Peak. The eyes of those who look at Xu Ziyan are almost all respected, but there is some kindness and intimacy in the respect.

In other words. The position of the king who Xu Ziyan obtained was on the one hand because of the five attribute exercises she showed. On the other hand, it is also because of the strength and wisdom of Xu Ziyan. However, the king in front of him seems to have only one of the five attributes of spiritual roots, and has not won the respect of everyone by his own strength and wisdom.

From the look of these elders, they loved the king of their hearts to the extreme, but did not respect their king from the heart, but regarded their king as a child.

A loving face in front of the king. The young king suddenly had a bit of irritability in his heart. He felt like he was a bird in a cage, without the slightest freedom. Every move of their own has been arranged by these elders. Every day, in addition to eating, they are practicing. Whenever they have to give some opinions to the family, they always get "you are still small, and you will understand when you grow up!" "This sentence.

I stood up from the chair irritably and walked outside as I walked.

"The king!" The old man sank his face and shouted.

"The king!" The rest of the elders also shouted to him: "Come back, don't make grandpa angry. Just go with Grandpa!"

The youth’s body stopped at the door. There is already anger on his face. Take a deep breath. Slowly anger the pressure. This slowly turned around, looking at the eyes of these blame, and then looking at the grandfather sitting on the seat with a gloomy face, the young man smiled and said:

"Where is this? Here is the main hall of the House of Representatives! In the hall of the House of Lords. Only the king and the elders, no grandfather and grandson! You want the king to apologize to an elder?"

The air inside the hall is a stagnation. Everyone's look is very exciting. For many years, they have only been fortunate to have a king in this generation of Xu family. They have been pampered by the king since childhood, but they have forgotten that the lion is dignified and they do not need care.

If you follow the rules of the ancient Xu family, let alone let the king apologize to the elders, that is, sitting in front of the king, are the sins of decapitation. However, most of the monks in this hall grew up with the king, and there was no fear of the king in his heart. They also intentionally or unintentionally ignore those rules. Now it was asked by the youth and the twenty monks within the hall stood there.

"I don't agree with Grandpa's decision. We and the Lotus Peak Xu family are both descendants of the ancient Xu family, a family!"

The words fell, and regardless of the feelings of the monks, they stepped away from the hall of the proceedings.

There was silence throughout the main hall, and the eyes of the monks focused on the old man. In the end, the gloomy face of the old man gradually slowed down and said faintly:

"All plans are going on as usual, the king is still a child, he will grow up!"


In the next few days, the entire Central Plains suddenly changed, and it was known as the flame of the first rogue organization on the mainland of the Canggu, and it fixed its eyes on the Xu family. Xu Jia suffered several consecutive blows. However, the Xu family was not strong enough, but had to close the mountain, and the shops that had been packed in the refining city had to be temporarily closed.

Many people don't understand why the first hooligans on the mainland of China are going to start with the newly-launched Xu family. However, these people also know that Xu Ziyan is not a loser. Now Xu Ziyan is not in the Central Plains, but goes to the North. I heard that the witch **** believers were swept in the north. Therefore, everyone is waiting for Xu Ziyan to come back and watch Xu Ziyan return to the Central Plains, how to treat the flames.


Xu Ziyan left the forest of the underwater world in Xiaobai and flew to the place where humans lived. Looking from the air, there is war in the entire underwater world. I don’t know who is playing, and it’s a mess.

Xu Ziyan let Xiaobai fall from the air in a sparsely populated area, and then took Xiaobai all the way to the crowded place. During the period, I also experienced several battles, but those monks were too lazy to work for Xu Ziyan and Xiao Bai. However, after some inquiries, Xu Ziyan could not help but feel bitter.

From the mouths of those people, Xu Ziyan also guessed that Yang Linglong used the shackles left by him to leave the underwater world. Because Yang Lingzhen had accumulated countless anger and killed countless people, Yang Guo and Chen Guo were killed by him. However, when Yang Lingyi left, the underwater world was divided into dozens of forces and fought each other, forming a state of separation of princes.

Xu Jia also became a self-contained force, established a small country, and is constantly in the process of daily deforestation. I heard the exact location of Xu Jia, knowing that Xu’s disciple is still there, Xu Ziyan breathed a sigh of relief and flew directly to the small country established by Xu Jia.

When I came to the home of Xu family, I watched Xiaobai in the air, and Xu Ziyan could not help but smile. Is this a country?

The whole country is built according to the mountain, but the radius is only a hundred miles, but the whole mountain is full of red leaves and layers. That tree is like a torch, burning with raging fire.

Xu Ziyan did not avoid the people below, but flew directly to Xiaodan’s simple palace building in the foothills.

Such a big bird slowly fell from the sky, and immediately scared the guards on the palace square. For a time, they pulled their bows and arrows, and the arrows of the sky rushed toward the white light in the air.

But those seemingly fierce and sharp arrows were slammed by the big white wings and they fell. Not only that, but the guards on the square below are also fanned by the wings of Xiaobai, unable to stand up.

Xu Ziyan jumped from Xiaobai's back, and Xiaobai became a ten-year-old girl standing in front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan looked up at the gate of the palace, but saw a group of people rushing out from the gate, "Hula La". The person who was in the middle was a 40-year-old monk. At this time, he was holding a hand. The sword, stunned at the guards on the square, screamed and screamed:

"who is it?"

Looking over the guards on the square, I saw two people standing in the middle of the square, a young woman and a girl of about ten years old. The sun shone from the air without a cover, and Xu Ziyan seemed to be in the light. The man in the crowd looked awkward, raised a hand to cover the sun in front of his eyes, and looked carefully at Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan also looked at the man surrounded by the crowd, the man wearing a yellow robes and wearing a crown on his head. A heroic spirit, at first glance, he is the king of this country established by Xu.

"you are……"

The king suddenly separated the people and strode toward Xu Ziyan.


"His Majesty……"

The courtiers and the guards were scared and exclaimed, competing to chase the king. The king stopped his footsteps and waved his hand to stop the crowd. His eyes fixed on Xu Ziyan, and the voice shook with emotion:

"Xu Ziyan?"


Ask for a pink ticket!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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