The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 892: Gu Tenglin overall migration

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"Don't fight, answer my question." Xu Ziyan said angrily.

"Oh, huh... we have not been willing to see human beings. We usually don't come out when we see humans, but we can deal with humans by the unformed ancient vines!"

Speaking of this, the face of hope has passed a trace of disdain: "In the past hundreds of millions of years, human beings have occasionally entered the ancestral forest, which is to deal with the unformed ancient vines, who can escape and let them escape. Going out, we are not doing anything.

At the beginning, I was thinking of letting these geniuses come out to meet the patriarchs. However, the patriarch you have never admitted to be our patriarch, afraid to hurt the heart of the demon, so I hope that they will not let them out. This time, you admit that it is our patriarch, and I want to take me out of here and return to the mainland. I will let them come out to meet you. ”

Xu Ziyan’s look is awkward, and my heart is secret. Where do I admit that it is your patriarch, I just want to take you away.

After three full days of work, the heap of herbs in front of Xu Ziyan has been like a mountain. And hope is sitting on the side, has always been a ghostly look at Xu Ziyan. When Xu Ziyan saw that he was a young man, he made a ghostly look. He felt funny in his heart and pretended to be blind:

"What the **** is going on?"

I hope to stick a finger at the mountain-like medicine. Be careful: "The patriarch, what are you going to use to pack these herbs?"

Xu Ziyan snorted: "The patriarch has a lot of magical ways, but after a while you see the wonderful things, can't say it. Do you know?"

"Know! Know! Hope not to say!"

When the words fell, and the thief looked at Xu Ziyan up and down, and saw Xu Ziyan licking him, he said:

"What the magical way? In the end. The patriarch, would you show me first?"

Seeing the desire to scratch his head, Xu Ziyan used the pseudo-five-line conversion method in the body to obtain the control of the purple smoke space, and then he hurriedly released hundreds of peach trees from the purple smoke space. When the peaches and other demons come out, the first thing they feel is the hope of that strong atmosphere, and the keen sense that hope is the demon of their plants.

I hope that although the power is not released, the breath has already caused the peach trees and other trees to tremble. Fortunately, they saw Xu Ziyan sitting next to each other, and they felt bold and daring, but they were still looking forward to hope.

When Xu Ziyan saw their performance in peach blossoms, they reached out to hope, and they smiled at the peach blossoms:

"He called hope, um, the age is much better than you. The repair is also much higher than you. You will call him later... Grandpa!"

When the peaches and other demon listened, they let go of their hearts. At the very least, they know that the green robe old demon in front of them is not their enemy. They all fell to the ground and screamed grandfather, and they hoped to meet.

However, I hope that I will not look at the flowers and other demon, and I will look at Xu Ziyan’s body with great strength. He is very curious about where the demon and other demon come from. Looking at the curious look of hope, Xu Ziyan waved his hand and let the peaches and other demon begin to transplant these excavated herbs into the purple smoke space. After watching the hope, I smiled and said:

"Would you like to go to the place where Peach Blossoms live?"

"Yeah!" I hope to make a nod.

Xu Ziyan’s mouth flicked a sly smile. Say to the hope: "Let the gods. Don't resist."

I hope that I nodded quickly and felt a "squeaky" sound, and I entered a space. The surrounding aura is a hundred times stronger than the outside, looking up at the sky. Starry, look down on your planet. Beautiful. I hope that I will stay there and I will not react.

Xu Ziyan did not go in, but smiled and looked at the peach blossoms. They went in and out of the transplanted herbs. She let hope into the purple smoke space, the expression of hope is in her expectation. Such a place with a strong aura, I hope that once I go in, I am definitely not willing to come out. The Tiandao in the purple smoke space is her purple smoke. As long as she lives in the purple smoke space for a while, hope will be 100% loyal to herself, even if he knows that he is not the patriarch of the Aoki family.

Who knows that there is still no time to go, then Gu Teng hopes to jump out with excitement and ran to the front of Xu Ziyan, screaming at the sleeves of Xu Ziyan:

"The patriarch, what is that place? Too... It's so beautiful, I... I want to bring in my descendants."

Xu Ziyan heard the big joy, this is to give his strength! Quickly asked with a smile:

"How many descendants do you have?"

"Oh, the 20 years of distraction and the sacred period, but there are dozens of Yuan Ying period, and the specific number can't be remembered. There are many in the knot period, and I can't remember it. The patriarch, I mean, not only the ancient vines that have been transformed, but also the ones that have not been transformed, I want to bring them in. I want to transplant the whole ancient vines into them."

"Oh!" Xu Ziyan promised to be happy, of course, when is this time not happy?

So, in the next few days, Peach Blossoms were busy transplanting herbs into the purple smoke space, while the ancient vines were busy transplanting the entire ancient vine forest.

After two days, I was busy with everything. Xu Ziyan secretly checked the strength of Gu Tenglin, the hope of an early Mahayana, the mid-tend of ten distractions, the late ten years of the gods, the fifty-two yuan infants, the six hundred and twenty-five knots, the foundation period is not Said, a bunch of piles. It seems that in this underwater world, humans and monsters are too few after all, and they are not enough threats to them. In the past hundreds of millions of years, they have created a lot of plant demon. If this is in the vast mainland, I am afraid that they have not waited for their transformation, and they have been found by humans.

After finishing all this, Xu Ziyan considered that if I let hope and the twenty vines stay in the purple smoke space now, I don't know how to explain it to Xu Tiannian and others. Therefore, I explained the hope with hope, and promised that there was time for them to live in the purple smoke space. I hoped to smack my face and bring out twenty vines from the purple smoke space.

At this time, the purple smoke space is busy, and those vines and demons first discuss the arrangement of the medicine garden with the demon and other demon. Because the herbs I got this time are too many, we need to establish several medicine gardens. At the beginning, some of the first-order monsters caught by Ziyan in Heberfest House have become third-order or fourth-order monsters. They often go to the medicinal gardens such as peach blossoms to steal herbs and eat them. The headache is endless.

However, this time with the ancient rattan, I solved this problem at once. I hope that the whole ancient vine forest has been moved in. I can imagine how many ancient vines will be passed through hundreds of millions of years of reproduction. So the ancient rattan demon became a medical park. Usually they absorb the aura cultivation there. Once the monsters come over and want to steal the herbs, they are responsible for driving them away. Imagine that with such a group of powerful ancient vines encircling the medicine garden, it will not take long for the monsters to steal the herbs.

Xu Ziyan stood at a tomb at this time, standing behind her and looking at the white vines. This tomb is buried in Xu, since she can open the purple smoke space, this time she wants to bring Xu Wei back. Silently looking at the tomb covered with grass, reaching out and gently stroking a tombstone made of a trunk, Xu Wei's scene flashed in the mind of Xu Ziyan, tears falling like pearls.

After taking a step back, the coffin, which was hand-made, was taken out of the purple smoke space, and the sleeves were swung. The soil on the grave was wrapped in mana and thrown into the distance. A simple eucalyptus made of tree trunks appeared in front of Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan reached out and gently lifted it up. The simple coffin with the body of Xu Wei slowly rose from the pit and was placed in the coffin made by Xu Ziyan. Covered and covered in the purple smoke space.

Then, Xu Ziyan will be in the wave, the house age and Yang Gai's simple eucalyptus are also put into the coffin made for them, and they have the space of purple smoke. It’s been a long time, and this is a long sigh. This sigh echoes in the sky above the ancestral forest for a long time...


Xu Haojin took the two dynasty disciples to the family, but he did not know that there were two monks behind him who were secretly following. These two monks were the two people who saw the excitement outside the Xuji shop, but the two monks were flames.

Xu Haojin returned to the family, and the two flame monks in the back left one to continue to monitor, while the other quickly left. At this time, Xu Kongling has returned, and the words of the Lotus Peak have been reported to the people in the hall of the House of Representatives. In the past two days, these monks of the Central Plains Xu are pondering whether Xu Ziyan is the king. If it is the king, what kind of measures they have to take, and at this time, Xu Haojin is back.

When he came back, he gave the sorrow to the monks who were present in the refinery city. After listening to the incident, these monks in the Central Plains were angry and somewhat fearful. A wave of sleeves throws Xu Haojin out of the three people, showing that the monk's repair is very powerful.

Xu Ziyan has been the cultivation of the late Shenhua, and the Xu family has a digital monk in the legend. If Xu Ziyan is really the king, what does the Xuyuan of the Central Plains take to compete with the Lotus Peak Xujia? Is it really necessary to bow to Xu Ziyan? How do you say that you also have a king here, and have worked hard for tens of thousands of years, condensed five blood powers, spent many generations of hard work, just handed over the right to talk, how can this be reconciled?

The young king sitting in the middle seat, the brows deeper and deeper, finally could not help but say:

"Grandpa, we are still working with the Lotus Peak Xu family! If the purple smoke is really the king, let her be the patriarch first!"



*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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