The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 893: Return to the sky

Thank you very much for the reward of Xuan Tian Ziwei Xingjun!


The old man of the **** immediately refused: "The king! The purple smoke is not necessarily the king. The Xu Lingling just listens to the Lotus Peak Xu family. It does not really see the five attributes of Xu Ziyan. Who knows whether it is true or not? But you It is a true king. Everyone here has seen it with our own eyes. And our Central Plains Xu family has been working hard for generations, and now we have the situation of our Central Plains Xujia, so we will pay the results. I gave Xu Ziyan how the king explained to the people who have always supported you?"

"Grandpa, our Central Plains Xujia and Lotus Peak Xujia are family after all, it is an internal problem. Our enemy is not Xu Ziyan, but Luo Luotian. We should focus on the enemy outside, not on ourselves. The family of Xu family."

"The king, you are still small, you don't understand!" The old **** of the gods sighed long.

"I don't understand! I don't understand! I don't know anything?" The young king revealed a hint of shame in his eyes.

"Hey, the king! You must be inside the outside!"

The old man of the gods sighed, and the face of the young king was very embarrassing. In the end, the young king and the old gods were dissatisfied, and time passed three days.

Xu Haozhen and Xu Haolian also returned from the alchemy city and Lingbao City respectively. They were also gray-faced and did not purchase even the smallest shop. Places like Alchemy City and Lingbao City can be described as instinct, and they are priceless and market-free.

Just as they gathered in the hall of the House of Eunuch, they heard a loud bang, and the plaque on the Zhuangmen, which read "Yanjiazhuang", was broken. The entire Zhuangmen has been smashed into powder. The entire manor is full of stern call signs.

The monk in the main hall stood up and rushed toward the outside. Just as soon as I got out of the hall, I looked up and saw a red in the distance. Numerous red robe monks in the air are unscrupulously bombarding everything Xu, disciples, houses, and even livestock.

The **** ancestor exclaimed: "It is the flames flowing. The flames are flowing to kill the village!"

"Old ancestors, what should I do?"

The ancestors of the gods immediately returned to God and hurriedly commanded: "Xu Haozhen, you have a half disciplinary monk to organize a family of elite disciples to protect the king from the secret road immediately away. I am carrying the remaining Yuan Ying period The monk stopped you for a while."

"Old ancestors..."

"Shut up, half an hour must be evacuated, how many disciples can take away with many disciples, and the disciples of each branch should bring some, don't let Xu family break the inheritance. Leave from the secret road. Go to our home Secret base. After hiding for a year and a half, contact the Lotus Peak Xu family and go to the Lotus Peak."

"Old ancestors..."

"Go away now!"

Xu Haojin stood up and said: "The ancestor, Xu family only has a period of meditation, you can not die, or let me lead the family disciples to cover, the ancestors with the king to evacuate."

See the look of the wrath of the gods. Hearing and crying: "Old ancestor, for the family, you still withdraw with the king, the king is still small, the family still needs you at the helm!"

The old man of the gods was stunned, and the two lines of turbid tears flowed down. He turned back and took ten Yuan infantry monks and quickly evacuated.

After half an hour, the flames roamed like a burning cloud. Leaving a ruin, it is a real ruin, leaving nothing valuable. They are not only killing people. And also robbed of anything of value. No one knows why the hooligans are going to kill the family.

but. Some people know that this is the temple of the Lotus Peak Xu family. Since they last came to Yanjiazhuang with Xu Kongling, they have been sending disciples around Yanjiazhuang. When the flames roam the village, they can only watch it. There is no way. The disparity in strength makes them dare not act rashly. And there are only two disciples who stay here, and they only send the news back to the Lotus Peak as soon as possible.


A Kun Peng flew from the sea without waves to the shore and flew high above the clouds. There are a few miles in the wings of Kun Peng. There are more than 500 people standing on her back. It is Xu Ziyan and others who return from the underwater world.

In addition to Xu Ziyan and the vine demon, the rest of the more than 500 people have 28 people in the Lingering family. The rest of the people are the blood of the remaining twelve scorpions, and they are not lacking. However, Xu Ziyan is strange, as far as Xu Tiannian understands, it is no longer strange.

In the Xu family in the ancient times, the multi-lingual disciples who usually have high qualifications and high achievement will recruit twelve blood-stained disciples around him. All the blood-stained disciples will have them, because there are twelve of the twelve scorpions. Like a large array of cultivation, the realm of cultivation will be improved faster.

Therefore, it is the Dollingen disciple who is not qualified to be a high-ranking student. He also tries to summon twelve followers. Every **** disciple in the twelve bloodlines tries to recruit one. Therefore, in the ancient times, each of the disciples of the multilingual family had more or less 12-year-old bloodline disciples around them, but there were also a small number of blood-stained disciples around them.

This caused the ancient Xu family to be inhaled in the non-wave sea, and eventually the inhaled ancient Xu family disciples are very complete. This is an unexpected surprise for Xu Ziyan. However, because of the inability to practice spells in the underwater world, Xu disciples of the underwater world have embarked on the road of martial arts.

Moreover, because of the reasons of the underwater world, the power of the blood can not be turned on. These two aspects add up, and the Xu disciples in these underwater worlds are not very high. The highest level is only the realm of the knot period. Fortunately, you can return to the mainland of the sky. They can not only re-apply the spells, but also open the blood of the lotus peak, even if they can not be too high. Achievements, but their next generation will re-enter the glory of the ancient times.

Therefore, when they saw that Xu Ziyan really brought them out of the underwater world, the excitement of his mood was imaginable. It is now that after three days of flying from the sea without waves, these Xu disciples are still unconscious, and laughter and laughter along the way. Xu Ziyan stood in front of the white back, and his eyes looked down through the layers of clouds. Since the past three days, Xu Ziyan has been seriously observing the way, and seeing that the northern temple has not seen the witch temple, this has laid down the mind. She is most afraid that in the past two months, the situation in the Northland has deteriorated. For the mystery of the witch, Xu Ziyan is also deeply jealous.

Two days later, Xu Ziyan and Xu disciples landed in front of the mountain gate of Taixuan. The high-level sect of Taixuanzong heard that Xu Ziyan returned to the mountain. Naturally, he welcomed the return of Xu Ziyan with the biggest ceremony. Liu Qinghan and the nameless also personally greeted. Xu Ziyan naturally went to see them one by one. After Liang Zhidong sent people to arrange the residences of Xujia disciples and rattans, it was a grand welcome feast. Drinking from the morning to the evening, this is the time to return.

Xu Ziyan returned to the flame peak, the small bamboo building where he once lived. Looking down the window, through the bamboo forest, seeing the clear pool of water constantly overflowing, turned into a waterfall, and a heart returned to the past.

The footsteps coming from outside the door, Xu Ziyan took back his thoughts and looked through the window. He saw Lin Feiyue and Lin Biao's brother and sister and their mother. Xu Ziyan carefully measured one end, and could not help but sigh. Although the cultivation of Lin Biao and Lin Feiyin has made great progress, Lin Biao’s cultivation is relatively high, and he has reached the tenth floor of the foundation period, and Lin Feiyue has reached the eighth floor of the foundation period. But compared with Xu Ziyan, it is already a heaven and a ground.

Xu Ziyan hurriedly stood up. He stepped forward and pushed the bamboo door away. He stood at the door and smiled at the three.


Lin Biao and Lin Fei had a hot heart and excited footsteps. Especially Lin Biao, the eyes quickly wet, and the tears rolled down.

"Mrs. Lin, sister-in-law, brother Lin, come in quickly."

Lin Biao and Lin Fei nodded in a hurry and walked over. Xu Ziyan invited the three people into the room and brewed tea. Then he sat down on the opposite side and asked with concern:

"Which sister, what is the level of your refiner?"

Lin Biao’s eyes flashed a smug look: "I am already a seven-character instrumentalist. I have already surpassed the treasurer of the peak of the peak, Mo Shishu. It is the first instrumentalist of Tai Xuanzong."

"Great!" Xu Ziyan also sincerely delighted Lin Biao, his eyes turned to Lin Fei night. Lin Fei night saw Xu Ziyan looked over, and his face showed a sigh of color:

"Ziyan, brothers and sisters, not as good as Xiaomei. Now it is the five-in-one alchemy."

Xu Ziyan heard it as a glimpse, and then some laughed and laughed: "Lin Shixiong, you are an alchemy teacher, a teacher is a refiner, and alchemy and refining are not like this!"

"Isn't it that I am lower than the younger sister?" Lin Fei asked inexplicably.

Xu Ziyan shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Of course it is not like this. You are an alchemy teacher. The alchemy division has a total of nine products, from one product alchemy to nine products alchemy. And then, it is the Xiandan division. And the refiner It is different. The sister-in-law is now only ranked in the bottom of the instrumentalist. There are six treasures on top of the orchestra, and there are swordsmen above the treasurer, and finally the fairy. So, the two of you are completely incomparable."

After listening to Lin Fei’s night, there was a happy color on his face. On the contrary, Lin Biao’s face was red. It seems that Lin Biao was not in front of her brother. Looking at the expression between their brothers and sisters, Xu Ziyan also felt funny.

Four people chatted for a while, and Lin Fei night took out a jade box before leaving. Put it on the table and push it to Xu Ziyan. Xu Ziyan took the jade box from the table and opened it to see it. The gaze was a move, and there was a snow lotus inside.


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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