The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 914: Summit match (2)

I am very grateful to Lan Yan confidant (999), Lan Yan confidant (999), large flying pig classmate (999), large flying pig classmate (99), sky blue desert classmate (99) reward!


Yan Xingyun Xiao Luotian and Wang Liyun's Da Luotian have the same pulse. The star-studded swords are out, the sky is swaying, and the time is a star. The magnificent scenery of a pair of stars is in front of the monks. Yunfeifeng is not willing to show weakness, and the red flames are swaying, and the sparks of the stars are rising into the sky, and they are not weak in the sky.

Both overhauls have been familiar with thousands of years. When they get started, there is no mutual temptation, and they directly come up with their own stunts. However, after all, the two people are the realm of the early days of Mahayana. In a short period of time, Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng have become helpless.

At this time, Wang Liyun lost the best flying sword, took out a top-grade flying sword from the storage ring, and fought with the ancient vine. The essence of hope is originally stronger than Wang Woyun. After all, even if it is a live number, hope is more than Wang Woyun.

At this point, I hope that the ten fingers of both hands will become ten ancient vines and entangled toward Wang Woyun. In the hands of Wang Liyun, a sword from the top of the sword was turned into a thousand hundred swords, and he was twisted toward the ten ancient vines. He wanted to smash the ten ancient vines of hope. However, the hope of the body is after hundreds of millions of years of hardening, the intensity is naturally not a superior treasure can be compared. However, it can't stand the flying swords too much, constantly and intensively smashing the fingers of Gu Teng's hopes, and even cutting the ten ancient vines still cracks.

Gu Teng hopes to scream, and the ten ancient vines that have been entangled in the sky are instantly recovered and turned back to the ten fingers. Put your hands together. Quickly pull toward both sides, a huge stick twisted together by the ancient vines appears in the hands of hope. The whole stick is green and jade, full of strong wood power. At the same time, on the back and shoulders of hope, dozens of ancient vines rushed out and rushed to the sky. The tops of the dozens of ancient vines became a huge fist, and the flying swords that flew to his side were blasted one by one, and I hope that I was clasping the thick green vines with both hands and rushing to Wang Woyun.


Wang Liyun instantly took out a shield and blocked it on his head. The huge rattan stick slammed on the shield. The explosion shot a green light, and the value of Wang Liyun fell to the cloud head and fell to the ground.

Wang Woyun once again vacated, and his face was already angry. At this time, he held the shield on his left, and the right hand took out a sword of superiority. Luo Tianjian began to expand, and the heavens and the earth seemed to be covered by a piece of sword net. The hood is hoping for the hope of flying in the air.

Hope and Wang Woyun from the beginning of the temporary match, and instantly turned into hope to violently abuse Wang Woyun, and became a flag. On the other side of the Mahayana, the solitary smoke of Ximen was completely under the pressure of the shackles.

At this time, the solitary smoke of Ximen has clearly realized that the cultivation of 琅琊 is higher than him, and it is the realm of the late Mahayana. This can not help but shocked his heart. How many years have there been monks in the late Mahayana on the mainland? Even the legendary levy of the levy of the mile is just the mid-term repair of the Mahayana. When did this happen to an old monster like this?

The solitary smoke in Ximen played very hard, and the power of the water cloud has been released to the limit. But it was like a mountain, and it was a moving mountain. It broke through the waves and forced the West Gate solitary smoke to retreat.

There, Wang Woyun, who hopes to temporarily pull back the situation, is only a short time after the passage of time, and gradually fell back to the disadvantages under the suppression of hope. Because his life-threatening weapon, the best flying sword, is now trapped in a large array of air marshes. And hope that as the body of the Yaozu is really more than Wang Woyun.

Wang Liyun’s heart is very anxious, but there is still someone who is more anxious than him. That is the Xu Ziyan in the big swamp of the air swamp. Time is passing fast, and it is almost at a quarter of an hour. As long as it takes a quarter of an hour, this aerial swamp will collapse. At that time, I was in the siege of the five thousand great monks. I am afraid that it will be smashed into powder between breaths.

Xu Ziyan’s heart Jiao Wang Liyun did not know, at this time he had been forced to be somewhat confused. Know that if you can't take back the best flying sword, you can't be hurt or even fall. A bite. In the eyes, I revealed a deep bit of grievance, and I hoped for a glance. To the 5,000-day Luotian monk:

"Physical spirit!"

The ten monks who stood in front of the ten-party Luo Tianjian array suddenly gnawed their teeth, and their eyes flashed through their nostalgia for the world. Only the ten monks in the late part of the distraction blew themselves up, and they destroyed the air swamps that had reached the time and collapsed on the edge of the crash. The best flying sword has a stream of light and returned to the hands of Wang Liyun.

The Luotianjian array did not win the pursuit, but the ten-year-old **** of the self-destructive distraction merged into the Luotianjian array and became the ten-party spirit of Luo Tianjian. After the ten monks disperse in the Luo Tianjian, they will completely dissipate between heaven and earth. In other words, regardless of the outcome of the war, Da Luotian has already paid ten lives of the late monks.

Suddenly, the entire Luo Tianjian array released an extremely dazzling light. Ten long swords were erected from the Luo Tianjian array. The ten long swords continued to grow up and inserted into the sky. The entire half of the sword body was hidden in the sky. It seemed to insert ten holes into the sky, and the sword tip could not be seen.

Ten long swords in the sky will surround Xu Ziyan in the middle, emitting the power of the ancient. Just like the world that formed a sword, in the Luotianjian array, the swordsman flickered and cut towards Xu Ziyan. The ten-handed sword has not yet been smashed down, but the liberated swordsman will spur the blood from the purple smoke.

Not bad!

It is the impact! Instead of killing!

The countless swordsman was originally smashed or stabbed on Xu Ziyan's body, but Xu Ziyan's body has a palm water body. After the collapse of the air marshes, the water of a palm returned to Xu Ziyan. Therefore, those Jianmang are not able to pierce the defense of a palm of water, but they will hurt the internal government of Xu Ziyan. This is also because Xu Ziyan's body swords have been cultivated to the skin, meat, and bones. Refining the marrow, but not reaching the realm of refining the dirty. If you reach the realm of smelting, it is only because of these swordsmanship that you can't hurt Xu Ziyan.

Yanshan soul outside the Luotianjian array saw Xu Ziyan repeatedly vomiting blood, a heart has already reached the extreme. but. Na Luotianjian, he could not enter. A heart will hate to the extreme. If it is not for the sake of stopping the solitary smoke of the West Gate, there is a Mahayana monk in the green robe. How can I force Xu Ziyan to such a situation? Xu Ziyan is dead. What hope is there for him to live? As soon as he gritted his teeth, he rushed toward the battle of Zheng and Ximen.

When I saw Xu Ziyan gnashing his teeth, he did not think of Yanshan as one thing. Just throwing a palm casually, I will fly the Yanshan soul out. However, just in the moment when Yanshan soul was shot, a group of Guanghua rushed out from the eyebrows of Yanshan Soul, and suddenly rushed into the body. It is the **** of Yanshan soul, he abandoned his own body. Rushing into the body of the cockroach, to devour the sacred god.

The **** of the gods who saw the soul of Yanshan came in and couldn’t help but look at it. I heard the roar of Yanshan soul:

"Oh, you are mean!"

"Mountain spirit, you calm down!"

"Brother calm down! If the purple smoke is dead, what is the meaning of living?"

"Mountain Soul, I just want you to forget the sentiment. I am helping you. Don't forget, our past lives are all cultivating love, ruthless and ruthless. If you are addicted and affectionate, even if I will You swallowed it, and planted a seed of affection in my soul, so that I will die! I didn't want to harm you, you and I were one."

"Hey! Since you have swallowed up my god, afraid that I will plant a seed of love in your soul, let me devour you!"

"Even if you swallow me, the result is the same. My ruthlessness will be planted in your soul. You will be in a battle of affection and ruthlessness for the rest of your life, and finally you will inevitably die. This is the destined, the mountain spirit, Forgot Xu Ziyan. You went to kill him by hand. Cut off the sentiment and return to ruthlessness!"

"Fart. My life is not for me!"

When the words fall, the Yuanshen of the Yanshan soul flutters toward the **** of the scorpion...

The body of Yanshan, who lost the **** of the gods, fell helplessly from the air, while on the other side, Xu Ziyan’s body was beaten by Wandaojianman, and the body tumbling in the Luotianjian array, and the blood was pouring in the mouth. .

"Ha ha ha..."

Wang Woyun laughed wildly. Xu Ziyan looked at the body of Yanshan soul falling down, tears poured out of the eyes, completely unable to feel the pain of the body, just whispered to himself:

"Why? Why is this? You are not abandoning me? Are you trying to kill me? Why are you so desperate for me now?"

The ten swords that stood in the sky and sky began to slowly slam down into the Xu Ziyan in Luo Tianjian. Xu Ziyan’s eyes did not have the ten swords, only the body of the Yanshan soul that was falling.

Suddenly, a figure flashed out of space. In an instant, I arrived at the body of Yanshan Soul, and stretched out a hand and grabbed it toward the body of Yanshan Soul. Xu Ziyan’s look changed, and the man was the owner of the tavern in the refining city. And just as his hand caught the body of Yanshan Soul, a burst of laughter came from the air:

"Ha ha ha ..., it turned out to be a mountain spirit, but it is a big complement, but it is cheaper!"

The volley explored a big foot and kicked the tavern boss out, and reached out to the body of Yanshan Soul with a big hand.

"The demon!"

The majesty of the Mahayana monks in a few fierce battles is a glimpse. I haven't waited for them to react, but I saw a purple light coming out of the space, and bombarded the body of Yanshan Soul, and let the demon emperor grab an empty space.

"Who? Who? Dare to grab the deity's things?" The demon was furious.

"It is this god!" A figure stepped out from the space, a pair of purple eyes flashed.

The ten-handed sword slammed down, and Xu Ziyan finally glanced at the body of Yanshan Soul and slowly closed his eyes...


I wish my comrades a happy National Day!

Festival! The bell is still in the code word! Still adding more! Comrades, throw the pink ticket to the ring!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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