The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 915: 蛟王化龙

I am very grateful to Mayfair classmates, Yan Yu 645098 classmates, Sakura melody classmates, cat1199 classmates, sarah0508 classmates, fall in love with Mia classmates, sarahp2008 classmates, little girl dragon dragon classmates, Ж绫罗Ж classmates, small fish and small fish swim ah classmates , f27368999 classmates, Huiyi * Ling Yi classmates, want autumn classmates, Yan Ling Qing Zhang classmates, espflykite classmates, book friends 08842224527034 classmates, Nanxun rain frog classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, empty canned students pink ticket!


The ten-handed sword slammed down, and Xu Ziyan finally glanced at the body of Yanshan Soul and slowly closed his eyes...

Suddenly, Zi Zi opened his eyes, his eyes filled with surprises, the sound of the fire in her body:

"Master, don't worry, the fire is coming!"

"Fire Linger, are you awake?" Xu Ziyan suddenly paused in the air and asked the voice of the fire in the body:

"Are you a few good guys now?"

"Four products!"

The fire spirits fell, and the overwhelming flame spread from the body of Xu Ziyan. If the seal seemed to be closed, Xu Ziyan would be covered in the inside quickly. The whole space seems to be locked up. The ten swords of Luo Tianjian’s squadron rumbling from the air, and the rumbling bombardment is like a closed array. It’s just like a burst of silence, it’s just a burst of jitter, it’s safe and sound.

However, from the scale of the shock like a closed big volatility. Xu Ziyan couldn't help but **** a cold air. If this is like a closed big array or a second-class spirit, it will undoubtedly be crushed by the ten-handed sword that the Luotian lumps out.

However, this Luotian big array is costly. It is necessary to have ten monks in the late stage of the gods to blew themselves. In order to start the big battle with the Yuanshen, it is no wonder that the last time in Da Luotian, when he closed Da Luotian, Wang Woyun just used Da Luotian’s guardian squad and Xu Ziyan to fight. And did not use such a large array. If it is not today's Wang Woyun being rushed to the eye, I am afraid I can't bear the ten monks in the late stage of the gods!

"Fire Linger, how long can this four-strength array last?" Xu Ziyan asked as he would spread around the whole circle and ask in the gods.

"Half hour!" Fire Linger answered with pride.

Xu Ziyan was slightly determined, and this was looking out of the big array. At this time, Wang Liyun had already retrieved the best Feijian, and it was hard to understand the battle with hope. The Yan Xingyun and Yunfeifeng over there are also equal. However, at this time, the embarrassment was completely at a disadvantage, and the solitary smoke at the west gate was completely pressed.

That is because at this time, there are some people who do not care about the solitary smoke. The Yuanshen of the Yanshan soul was originally much stronger than the 琅琊. If this is not the case, I am afraid that I will have swallowed the soul of Yanshan. Nowadays, the soul of Yanshan is angry with his own god, and he has broken into the body of the skeleton. Only this time, he has swallowed one-fifth of the god.

At this time, I don't want to entangle with the solitary smoke of Ximen. I want to leave here and find a place to fight with the Yanshan spirit in my body. but. Among the four Mahayana monks on the former Cangwu continent, the repair of the solitary smoke of Ximen is the highest, and has reached the realm of the middle of the Mahayana. However, it is limited by the aura of the vast mainland, and although it is higher than the solitary smoke of Ximen, it is only the realm of the late Mahayana. At this time, in the body of the Yanshan spirit constantly devour the Yuanshen, the ten-year repair is even more than 60%.

How long has the solitary smoke in Ximen live? That is simply becoming a fine old monster, how can you still not see the situation in front of you. The **** who knows the soul of Yanshan fights with the **** of the scorpion in the body of the scorpion. This is the best time to destroy cockroaches. How to let the cockroaches escape, they made all the stops and entangled the hustle and bustle. Do not let him have the opportunity to escape.

Three people over there. The owner of the refining city tavern, the purple-eyed witch **** (the original purple-eyed zombie) and the demon emperor are competing for the body of Yanshan soul. They only know that the body of Yanshan Soul is a mountain spirit. If the body of Yanshan Soul refining the body of the Yanshan is of great help to their cultivation, it is only time for several Mahayana monks to come out. Fight for the body of Yanshan Soul. However, Xu Ziyan knows. Where is the body of Yanshan Soul? What is the mountain spirit? It is simply a natural stone. The precious place does not know how much higher than the mountain spirit.

Xu Ziyan opened the eyes of Yan Peng, and when he saw his eyes, he knew that the owner of the tavern was only a monk in the middle of the gods, and the witch **** was the cultivation of the peak of the late part of the gods. The demon was the realm of the early days of Mahayana.

Xu Ziyan frowned slightly, and it was not an easy task to grab the body of Yanshan Soul in the middle of such a master. And such an opportunity is only once. If they find that they have such an attempt and are prepared for themselves, I am afraid there will be no chance.

Xu Ziyan’s gaze fell to the bottom, and the disciple of Xu Jiazhan on the nearly five hundred wooden stakes. Seeing them all, they tried their best to look up in the air in their own direction.

At this time, Huo Linger is trying to expand this as a closed-up, while Luo Tianjian is trying to block the expansion like a closed array. The two sides are constantly colliding and squeezing. However, the four products like the closed-minded array gradually occupied the upper hand, and gradually pushed the Luotianjian array toward the outside.

Xu Ziyan conveyed to the fire in the gods: "Fire Linger, concentrate on the bottom of the wooden pile to break through the Luo Tianjian array, I will save the Xu family's war disciples. In case the Da Luotian's monk is ashamed for a while Get angry and smother them."

"it is good!"

Fire Linger responded with a sigh of relief, and saw a flame bursting out of the power of the four spirits. This is one-third of the power that Huo Linger concentrated on the big array, one toward Luo Tian. The direction has hit the past. In the direction of the sky, the time was swept away by a gap, and at the same time as the opening, there were dozens of Da Luotian monks who were swallowed up like a closed array, just a moment of dying. Burned to ashes.

As if the seal was like a big squad, just rushed out of the Luotian big array, and then quickly rushed toward the disciples of the Xujia Warlord below. The monks in Luo Tianjian’s array were flustered, but in the voice of a monk. Rotating quickly, and restored the formation, stabilized the position. Also bursting out the dazzling swordsman and power.

However, just in the moment of Luo Tianjian’s panic. If the seal seems to be closed, suddenly a large hand is turned into a large hand, and the five hundred wooden piles are held in the hand, and the nearly five hundred disciples of the war hall are held in their hands, and they are retracted as if they were closed.

Xu Ziyan's eyes swept away. They knew that they had been sealed up, and they had been handed over to Luo Linger. The body of Xu Ziyan swiftly swept around the disciples of the nearly five hundred wars, and lifted their seals one by one, and then Looked beyond the big array. Xu Haoce and others looked ashamedly behind Xu Ziyan.

In the vision of Xu Ziyan, the body of Yanshan soul was robbed by the three monks in the air. What made Xu Ziyan unexpected was that the tavern owner was not an opponent of the demon and the witch. However, the ability to fight and fight is very strong. After being bombarded, it is still re-joined as a fight.

Although the demon emperor has just entered the Mahayana period, it is not stable enough for the realm of the Mahayana period. However, the power of the Yaozu is to let him face the purple-eyed witch **** and the tavern boss still prevail, completely suppressing two people. However, the tavern owner and the Witch God are very difficult, not to mention that the tavern owner is not dead. That is, the body of the Witch God is also very strong, and the action ghosts, although falling, have not lost in a short time.

The demon emperor also knows that as long as he fights this way, it will not take long before the two individuals who compete with themselves will fall into their hands. But he is afraid! He was afraid that the few Mahayana monks in the air would pour out their hands and lost the chance to compete for this mountain spirit. Therefore, the demon's pair of demon eyes, the two hands suddenly become a dragon claw, wirelessly amplified in the air. Grabbed the past to the tavern owner and the witch god. And on his chest, there was another dragon claw that caught the body of Yanshan soul.

The figure of the owner of the small restaurant suddenly slammed. The body suddenly folded and suddenly released, and turned into a fairy house in the air. The Xianfu opened the door with a loud bang, and a strong suction came from inside the gate. I sucked the body of the Yanshan soul in the air.

"He Boxianfu? Yuejing!" Xu Ziyan exclaimed.


The demon's claws were bombarded on Xianfu, and the river was born. It was hard to take the pick of the demon. At the same time, the body of the Yanshan soul is rapidly flying toward the gate of Heberfest.

"God said that time is still!"

Suddenly, the voice of the purple-eyed witch **** came out in the air. I saw the body of the Emperor, the River Boss and the Yanshan soul in the air suddenly stopped. The figure of the Witch God is impacting the past with the soul of Yanshan, which is still in motion.

Xu Ziyan looked sharply and saw that the seven eyes of the purple-eyed witch **** had already shed blood. Knowing that he made such a supernatural power is not small for him.

"Fire Linger, Yanshan Soul!"

Xu Ziyan rushed to drink, and Huo Linger and Xu Ziyan communicated with each other, and immediately grasped the intention of Xu Ziyan. The power of one-half of the big bangs slammed in the direction of the Yanshan soul. In an instant, there were more than one hundred monks in the Luotianjian array that were involved in a large array of seals. Luo Tianjian was blown open a gap, and turned a big hand. Before the Witchcraft flew, he took the body of Yanshan Soul into the big circle.

At this time, the power of time stillness disappeared. Everything that happened between Xu Ziyan and the Witch God, Yue Jing and the demon king did not know. For the two monks, the moment did not exist. After the end of the time, the demon's hand still grabbed the original place of the Yanshan soul body, and He Boxian still moved toward Yanshan. The direction of the soul body is absorbing strongly. However, the Emperor’s hand was caught empty. I fixed my eyes and saw the body of Yanshan Soul, so the demon anger! Really angry!

He didn't know where the body of Yanshan Soul went, and naturally thought it was robbed by one of the Witch God and Yue Jing.


The demon emperor screamed and showed the truth. It turned out to be a dragon, Xu Ziyan suddenly remembered, when the solitary smoke of Ximen was said to the Yaozu above the wall of the refining city:

"Is it the king of the dragon?"


Third, when you look cool, just throw a few pink tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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