The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 924: Suspicious

I am very grateful to wqiy2003 classmates (1888), Lan Yan confidant ぁ classmates (1888), Xuantian Ziwei Xingjun classmates (100) reward!


In all directions in the city of Alchemy, all the monks looked up. The alchemy monks scattered around the patrol quickly swept toward the registration office. The extremely beautiful colors in the air have not disappeared, and the sound of the raging of the robes came from the air. Numerous alchemy monks crossed the air like a meteor shower and landed on the ground of the registration office.

"What happened?"

A monk in the late part of the distraction just fell to the ground and asked the little captain.

When the captain saw his own captain, he immediately felt emboldened and hurriedly walked toward the captain:

"The captain, some people made trouble at the registration office, beat our people, and then arrested and beat us."

The captain’s gaze was a stern look, and he said coldly: "What about people?"

"On there!" The captain pointed his finger at Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, and the look of your death was fixed.

The captain's look looked cold and frozen, his face was a pumping, and his look changed dramatically. He is different from the captain and the monk at the registration office. In the past few days, when Xu Ziyan was fighting outside the city, he also went out to see the city. Therefore, he knows Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan.

The two men in front of him, one who killed the Mahayana period, and a Wang Dayun with the Mahayana period, and also called to be with Wang Woyun after the Dandao contest, and become a fair battle. . None of these two people is provoked. Alchemy City is not able to leave Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan tough. But is the Lord of Alchemy the main idea?

And with the repair and vision of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, will it cause trouble in the city of Alchemy for no reason? And is it still a person who is so low? This is not equal to them! With the skills of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, I am afraid that the one team that the small captain brought with the squad will be smashed into a slag, but now it seems not. This proves that Yanshan soul is a lover. This matter needs to be cautious. If one is not handled well, it may be the punishment of the city owner Han Dan.

These thoughts flashed quickly in the mind of the captain, which is the moment. The decision was made immediately. I can no longer let the surrounding monks watch the excitement, so I am going to the Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan:

"Two friends, can we go in and talk?"

Yanshan soul has seen from the other side's look that the other party recognized himself, then nodded and returned to the house. The captain looked at the little captain coldly and said:

"People who are related to this matter come in with me!"

When the words fell, they walked towards the registration room. The little captain and the monks in the registration office looked at each other and saw from the other side that things were a little bad. The team leader glanced at the monk at the registration office. Stepping behind the captain, the monk in the registration office also hurriedly followed him.

After entering the room, the monk at the registration office turned to close the door under the direction of the captain. This is how to say to Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan:

"I have seen Yan Daoyou and Xu Daoyou!"

"I have seen a friend!" Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan also bowed their hands at the same time.

The face of the little captain and the monk at the registration desk was changed. The story of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan in the past two days was rumored in the city of Alchemy. How could they not know about the two? Now I see the captain politely calling the other side as Yan Daoyou and Xu Daoyou. Naturally, I know that the other side must be Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. Otherwise, which surname Yan and the surname Xu will be so polite.

in this way. The coldness of the two monks ran down. The captain was very good at doing things, and did not open his mouth to ask Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, but looked at the little captain and said coldly:

"Let's say, what is going on?"

Although the little captain had sweat on his forehead, he was not very scared in his heart. After all, he saw that the monks in his alchemy city were beaten, and he gave a slogan to Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, but in fact he did not cause any harm to Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan so far, so he honestly said:

"Reporting captain, I am patrolling around here. I heard someone shouting and beating people. I ran over with the players and saw that the disciples in our registration office were knocked down on the ground, so I will take them back to death. After that, they were thrown out by Yandao friends."

The captain looked at the monk at the registration office. The monk is a glimpse of the whole, naturally he dare not lie. If you lie. Eventually arguing, maybe the captain will search for himself, and he will be ruined in his life. If you tell the truth, you will be punished at the most, and you should still sin not to die. Therefore, he honestly said the reason for the matter.

First of all, the captain’s face changed. Isn’t this pock, not a pock, a pit man? What is this doing? You said that you want to make a profit, you have to look at people? Who is not good to provoke, but is it to provoke Yanshan soul and Xu Ziyan? Are they you can provoke?

If it is a monk with no background strength, maybe this is the case, and directly take Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan. However, Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan are people without strength and no background? If this matter is said to go out, I am afraid that Xiao Luotian’s ancestor Yan Xingyun will go to the city owner to ask, is your alchemy city crazy? Want to blackmail the soul stone of his son Sun Yanshan? Didn't you lose the face of the city owner?

Is this not to follow the black pot? If you come up indiscriminately, you will kill Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, but who knows that this is the case? Mom*, is this something?

The captain over there was even more angry and his chest was undulating. Taking a deep breath, this reluctantly put the pressure of anger down, looking at the monk in the registration office and said coldly:

"So you haven't signed up for Xu Daoyou?"

"No!" said the monk at the registration office weakly.

"Isn't that fast?" the captain shouted with a red ear on his neck.

The monk at the registration office was in a squat, and slammed into the back of the counter with a bang, which was definitely faster than his repair. Quickly took out a jade card, and looked at Xu Ziyan with a smile:

"Xu patriarch, what grade are you alchemy?"

"I have not confirmed it!" Xu Ziyan said faintly.

"Oh!" The monk no longer spoke, quickly conveyed the message of Xu Ziyan, and then took the top stone from the storage ring and handed it to Xu Ziyan.

Xu Ziyan did not take back the top grade Lingshi. She also thought about finding a shop in the city of Alchemy in the future. Naturally, it would not be because of these small things that broke her reputation. Just put the jade card up and turned and said to the big captain politely:

"Thank you for your friend, we will not bother, leave."

"Do not disturb! Don't bother!"

The captain saw that Xu Ziyan did not take back the top grade Lingshi, and he knew that Xu Ziyan would not care about this matter again. After being polite towards Xu Ziyan and Yanshan, I immediately turned to face the monk and the captain of the registration office:

"Don't hurry up and thank the two friends?"

The two monks rushed to the front of Yanshan Soul and Xu Ziyan, and they were apologizing to Xu Ziyan and Yanshan Soul. Xu Ziyan and Yanshan were too lazy to pay attention to them, and they quickly left the registration office.

Alchemy City Hall of Deliberation.

The three major city owners and the four great monks are concentrated here, chatting with each other about the Dandao competition that begins tomorrow. Here, the refining city master Shen Qianji is very proud, because they have a Yanshan soul in the refining industry, and their hearts are consciously higher than the other two cities. Han Dan and Yunhe Fairy are also somewhat depressed, but there is no way for them. Whoever makes them have no such power in Alchemy City and Lingbao City. At this time, the voice of the captain came from outside the door:

"The subordinates see the city owner."

Han Dan listened, faintly said: "Come in!"

The captain entered the hall of the parliament and once again bowed to Han Dan, and once again saw other monks within the hall, and then said seriously:

"The city owner, today, I met Xu Daoyou and Yan Daoyou at the registration office."

Tomorrow is the Dandao Competition. The captain thinks that Xu Ziyan’s participation in the Dandao Competition should be known to the city owner. After all, Xu Ziyan is not an ordinary person today. If the city owner knows this thing in the future, but he has no return, even if the city owner does not blame him, there may be some gaps in his heart.

And Xu Ziyan will appear in the Dandao competition tomorrow, it will not be a secret, so the team leader will come directly to the discussion hall to report. Sure enough, when his words fell, many people in the hall revealed the color of surprise. But there are also people who are calm, and these calm people are the solitary smoke of Ximen, Han Dan and Wang Woyun.

Among these three people, the solitary smoke of Ximen is the best understanding of Xu Ziyan's alchemy realm. When Xu Ziyan used the Sanyuan Dan to save Ximen Yu, the solitary smoke of Ximen certainly knew, and he would not think it was passed down by Xu Ziyan's ancestors. At that time, the background of Xu Ziyan was too weak. Therefore, the solitary smoke in Ximen determined that the Sanyuan Dan was made by Xu Ziyan. In this way, Xu Ziyan's realm of alchemy is ready to come out.

The realm of this speculation has stunned the solitary smoke of Ximen, knowing that at that time, the main Handan of the Alchemy City, which was in retreat, was just an eight-inner alchemist. In this way, Xu Ziyan is simply the first person in the alchemy on the mainland. Therefore, the solitary smoke of Ximen is more optimistic about Xu Ziyan, and he tries his best to make good contact with Xu Ziyan.

However, he did not say anything to this person. On the one hand, this kind of resources should be left to himself. If you let others know, you will want to please Xu Ziyan. Where can you leave your feelings in Xu Ziyan? On the other hand, he said that there may not be someone to believe. what? A young girl is a nine-inner alchemy? More powerful than the main Handan of the alchemy city? Is the head sick?


This time there are two more gods, and I am excited again!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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