The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 925: Spectacular

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The second one that was not surprised was Wang Liyun. He learned from Xu’s disciple that Xu Ziyan was going to the Alchemy City to participate in the Dandao Competition. However, those disciples who did not know the extent of Xu Ziyan's alchemy realm, so Wang Liyun only knows that Xu Ziyan is coming to participate in the Dan Dao contest. In his heart, Xu Ziyan may be a product or a second product alchemy teacher. The Dandao Competition is to join the Alchemy Alliance and to establish a relationship with Handan as the basis for the development of Xu. He even expected Xu Ziyan to ask Han Dan to buy a shop in the city of Alchemy, but he would not have thought that Xu Ziyan came to the Xiandan division this time.

The third look is calm, the main Handan of the alchemy city. When a pair of children came back, they told Han Dan that Xu Ziyan saved them both, and said that only Hail Dan can completely cure the fire poison in both of them. I know that Xu Ziyan must know how to make alchemy. However, he thinks the same as Wang Zhongyun's heart, and thinks that Xu Ziyan is also a product of the alchemy, and did not cause him to pay attention. It is now that he heard his captain’s report, and he waved his hand indifferently:

"I know!"

Let the captain retreat. And everyone did not take Xu Ziyan to participate in the Dan Dao contest as one thing. However, the lord of the Central Plains, Tianzong, said with a smile:

"I didn't expect Xu Ziyan to participate in the Dan Dao contest, but it added a lot of color to the 100-year-old Dan Dao contest. When the contest begins, I don't know if the alchemists who compete with her will be stunned?"

Han Dan smiled and shook his head and said: "No. Those monks who participated in the Dandao competition are not very high. They were not able to see the war with the brothers outside the city. So they would not recognize it. Make a purple smoke."

Wang Woyun heard that Han Dan mentioned the war in the past few days. There is some discomfort in my heart, and my face is a cold road:

"Come on the crowd!" Speaking here, look up at Han Dan Road: "Cold City Lord, you are alchemy everyone. From your point of view, Xu Ziyan will be the realm of the alchemy?"

Han Dan was thinking very seriously there for a while, and then he said: "Xu Ziyan is only about forty years old now?"

Seeing everyone nod, Han Dan said seriously: "Everyone knows that alchemy is extremely time-consuming. Don't say that upgrading a grade is to refine a new medicinal medicine. I don't know how much time to study. How many times to refine! So from the age of Xu Ziyan, her alchemy realm should not be high. Well, from the age point of view, she is at most four alchemy masters, which is also her alchemy genius.

This is only a reason, let's look at the background of Xu Ziyan. Everyone knows that the alchemy division is made up of Lingshi, and each grade is upgraded. Both require a lot of alchemy exercises, which requires huge resources. Therefore, behind an alchemy teacher is often a family support. The origin of Xu Ziyan everyone knows that from the secular world, even if she is rich now, she is still very poor in the process of her growth. It is impossible for her to have strong financial support behind her. Therefore, from this point of view, her realm has to be downgraded to a grade, at most, it is the three-in-one alchemy division.

Also, we look at the experience of Xu Ziyan. She has struggled from the secular world to what she is today. Before we admire her cultivation talent. We have to see that in the decades since she grew up, she has almost always lived a drifting life, and even lived a life that was being pursued, and she did not stabilize at all. Have plenty of time to go to alchemy. Therefore, her realm has to be lowered again. At most, it is the second product alchemy teacher. ”

Speaking of this, Han Dan slightly indulged: "To tell the truth, my heart's most inclined determination is that Xu Ziyan is just a product of the alchemy."

Wang Woyun smiled aloud: "A single product alchemy teacher is also very interested in coming to the competition, she does not know shame? I am afraid what is the thought?"

Having said that, Wang Woyun looked at Han Dan. Han Dan naturally understands the mind of Wang Woyun, and the speculation in his heart is the same as that thought in Wang Liyun’s heart. He smiled and said:

"In any case, Xu Ziyan once saved a pair of children. If she really wants to put down a shop in the city of Alchemy, I can give up one of our cold shop to her. Hehe..."

The solitary smoke in Ximen looked at Wang Liyun, and there was a sneer in the heart, a secret road, a product of alchemy? Wait and see, scare you! However, the solitary smoke of Ximen is still a very calm appearance, he will not tell Wang Liyun Xu Ziyan's true ability, he is still waiting to see jokes.

However, the Yan Xingyun sitting there is not happy. After all, Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul are developing in the direction of the Taoist, and Yanshan soul is his most valued apprentice. When Wang Wangyun smashed Xu Ziyan, he said coldly:

"Maybe Xu Ziyan has an excellent talent in alchemy! It is not impossible to break through to the four-inner alchemy!"

"Hah! Then I would like to congratulate the cold city master!" When it comes to this, Wang Woyun is waving to Han Dan: "There is really a congratulation to the alchemy of the world, a genius, maybe the cold city will accept purple smoke. For the disciple, the talent of Xu Ziyan will become an immortal teacher in a few decades, so that we can open the ancient ruins of the town, which is really gratifying!"

Ximen’s solitary smoke said leisurely: “If Xu Ziyan really has the talent to become an immortal teacher, will Wang Woyun give up his fight with her?”

"Cut!" Wang Woyun said disdainfully: "Don't say that she has the potential to become an immortal teacher. Even if she can become a three-in-one alchemy teacher this time, I can consider giving up her fight, and everything is waiting for three years. After that, the ancient ruins were opened and said."

"Oh, Wang Xiong, I remember your words!" Simon smoked a faint sigh, and the old **** was sitting there without speaking.

However, the words of Ximen Lonely Smoke and Wang Woyun made Han Dan serious. Sitting there thinking for a while, seriously speaking to Wang Woyun:

"Wang Zongzhu, Hanmou has something to do here. If that purple smoke has really become a three-in-one alchemy teacher, Hanmou is determined to accept her as a disciple. You also know that it only opened an ancient relic in the town, not Being able to completely restore the aura on the vast continent, I am afraid that only a small part of the restoration will be restored. If the ancient ruins of the town can be opened in the future, the aura on the mainland can be restored more. This is to benefit the whole sky. On the mainland, I hope that the king will be fulfilled."

Wang Liyun listened directly to a white-eyed road: "I have already said that as long as she Xu Ziyan can achieve the results of the three-in-one alchemy in this Dandao competition, if you think that her Xu Ziyan has the potential to become an elixir, I will cancel the fight, and everything will be three years later."

"it is good!"

Han Dan’s eyes revealed a glimmer of expectation. The body of the solitary smoke in Ximen was a glimpse of a face. Fortunately, he was a monk in the Mahayana period. He only took a deep breath and quietly stabilized his impulse to laugh.

"Receiving the audience? Accepting the purple smoke as a disciple? It is really a dog's blood! The scene of the squandering of the thousand people is going to repeat itself. Shen Qianji is really lucky. This time, someone has been shameful with him!"


The entire central square is noisy, and an image of a very wide-ranging building is released at this time, live broadcast of the live inside the stadium. The crowds around us are all those who are not qualified to enter the arena. Through the image can be seen at this time in the arena, almost all of the participating Dan has entered their position, one by one excited and tense.

Xu Ziyan and Yanshan soul entered the hall. The entire hall was empty. There were dozens of guards standing there like statues. They were not moving, and there was no sound. Compared with a big hall, it is like no existence. After the Yanshan soul put a cheering posture on Xu Ziyan, he went to the stands from another road, and Xu Ziyan walked along the silent passage to the gate leading to the stadium.

Soon he came to the front door and reached out to push the door open.


The huge and noisy voice almost pushed Xu Ziyan back. Xu Ziyan held the door with one hand and looked at the stadium.


It’s spectacular!

When she watched the Yanshan Spirit Competition on the stands of the Refinery City, there was no feeling from now on. But now standing at the doorway and looking into the arena, the densely-knit 20,000 monks are like a wooden peg, standing extremely quietly in their position. Looking up, surrounded by a large circle of stands, the audience in the stands is a shocking day, making people feel very small.

Stepping into the arena, the roar of hundreds of thousands of viewers made people unconsciously boiled. Even Xu Ziyan, who has always been calm, feels that his blood is pouring into his face at this moment.

For the first time, this kind of high-profile event, although the audience in the stands may not be her, but the rendering of the atmosphere is not enough.

Xu Ziyan gently stepped forward and looked around for his position. Now there are not many places on the court, only about a dozen or so, Xu Ziyan remembers his number, so he quickly found his position. When I just wanted to walk, I heard the door behind me and looked back. I saw two monks opening the door, pale and a shocked look.

Xu Ziyan has already recovered most of the calm at this time. Under the expression of this atmosphere, it is really difficult to completely calm down. In particular, the monks who came to participate in the one-piece alchemy contest were almost the first time. Even if the age is bigger, the temper will be inevitably excited. Xu Ziyan walked up to his position briskly. Although he has been quietly alert and calm, he feels very comfortable with hundreds of thousands of people!


The double pink ticket is coming to an end! Dropped the top ten again! Comrades, throw two tickets!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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