I am very grateful to asd21323 classmates, Zi Yan? Zhao Yilin, Qiu 513, z408678490, hahaha 30, tutupaleng, susantsh0905, hielome22, Yan Yiqian, Yan Yan 007, luyiii, tears, Bai Xinting, vivizhou classmate, big active pill classmate, SOi classmate, lime flavor classmate, memeqweroo classmate, Faywen classmate, chong1978 classmate, baby anniez classmate, Sa Ning classmate, Xiaofan classmate, tracypanpan classmate, lamian0129 classmate, 蘩羽645098 classmate , Dream poetry 0327 classmates, book friends 08910205917581 classmates, QQ Yan Yunmei classmates, kineika classmates pink ticket!


At this time, Wang Liyun has been paying attention to Xu Ziyan. He saw Xu Ziyan’s smooth and beautiful movements, and then felt the atmosphere of the surrounding monks, and felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He did not think that Xu Ziyan could become a three-in-one alchemy teacher, but it is now the recognition of Xu Ziyan, which makes his heart very uncomfortable. The corner of the mouth smashed, and I sneered at it with a disdain:

"People's favor!"

All of this in the stands was temporarily put down, and the "dang" sound of Xu Ziyan falling down on the alchemy canopy surprised those who were seriously matching the herbs. Intuition that some people have a scorpion, it is likely to overturn the alchemy furnace. I looked at each other with a sneer. The sneer on the face instantly solidified on his face. Then it became shocked, because in their vision, a young woman wearing a sapphire blue dress was standing there with her eyes closed. And the alchemy furnace stood there intact.

Is it that her herbs have been matched and started to refine?

The eyes of the participating monks could not help but fall on the herbs on the front desk of Xu Ziyan. As a result, only one herbal medicine was left on the table. Thus, there is only one result. That is, Xu Ziyan has completed the steps before alchemy and entered the process of alchemy.

Suddenly, these participating monks felt nervous. Before the Dandao Competition, every monk was full of confidence, imagining that he stood out in the Dandao competition, famous in the world, and some monks dreamed of being taken by Han Dan and accepting them as disciples. but. Now I feel the pressure inexplicably, only I feel heavy in my heart. Silently regained his gaze, and his movements were quicker.

Xu Ziyan transmitted the knowledge into the alchemy furnace and observed the heat of the herbs. This process is slow, but it is very important. Even if it is a product, the drug is also divided into the next product, the middle product, the top product and the best product. The most important thing to get a good grade is to get the right fire.

If the first step is bad, it is the latter to compensate, and it is impossible to obtain a good grade. This is why it is not difficult to refine a medicinal herb in each medicinal drug. However, it is much more difficult to refine a Chinese medicinal product. It is extremely rare to be able to refine a top-grade medicinal herb. Not to mention the refining of a great medicinal herb, even if it is now sitting on the jury, Han Dan and Yao Danyun refining a product of Dandan Yunling Dan, it may not be able to refine the best, because when alchemy. Even if there is a slight error. The result will be a thousand miles.

Xu Ziyan’s eyes drooped down and suddenly opened, double-handed.

This is the moment!

This moment is the best moment of the first heat!

A handcuff was shot on the alchemy furnace. A strong enthusiasm broke into the Dan furnace, and the hands slap the sound of the alchemy furnace like a phoenix like a crane, and the rhythm of the scorpion is echoing. It seems that it is not in alchemy, but in the heart of everyone. Let everyone in the stands be intoxicated.

However, the time of intoxication was short-lived. There were only 18 words in the Taoist dynasty. When the people were awake from the intoxication, they saw Xu Ziyan hanging down and standing there. At the same time, on the field, the sound of the alchemy was beaten, but other monks began to make a turn.

But that voice...

In fact, I can't say it badly, but I just heard the Xu Zi flue of the Scorpio. At this time, I listened to the voices of the monks who slapped the alchemy furnace. I only felt that it was difficult to listen to it, and I frowned. More and more monks have begun to enter the dojo, and the sound of "Dangdang" is endless, and it is even more refreshing. This kind of sound is not only for the audience to feel so, that is, those monks in the game are inevitably affected, many monks have a deviation, and even some monks are frustrated to find that they have completely failed.

The eighteen gongs that Xu Ziyan entered into the alchemy furnace formed eighteen mysterious symbols in the alchemy furnace. They floated above the alchemy furnace and could not stop rotating. They continued to shoot from the eighteen symbols. A mana, formed a twisting force, completely twisted the herbs that had been crushed by the purple smoke into powder.

After a quarter of an hour, the water in the alchemy furnace has evaporated by 90%, and the liquid has become very viscous. Xu Ziyan extended a finger and pointed it on the Dan furnace.


A whisper, such as a drop of jade...

This whispered sound, even in the moment, covered all the noisy "Dangdang" sounds on the field, like a clear spring flowing into the heart of the people, let all the audiences feel at ease, even those who participated in the competition are also impetuous The peace of mind is calm, and the movements in the hands are free. Everyone in the heart is both admired and grateful to Xu Ziyan.

In the alchemy furnace, the eighteen characters were touched by Xu Ziyan, and the sound of "嗡" was printed toward the sticky liquid in the middle.

The eighteen ballasts began to spin fast against the viscous liquid.

Xu Ziyan's finger was hooked and shot, and another fire spirit was bombarded into the hearth of the alchemy furnace by Xu Ziyan, and the liquid in the alchemy furnace was spinning rapidly in the eighteen lanes. It is gradually rotated, and the faster and faster, the impurities in the liquid and the only remaining moisture are smashed out, and at high speed. A Dan Pill quickly condenses.

"Condensation Dan!"

The eighteen ballads suddenly went in to the Dan Maru, and Guanghua flashed into the Danmao. Eighteen streams of light flowed over Danmao and gradually disappeared into Danmao. But Nadan pill has become crystal clear. The fragrance is overflowing. Only the overflowing medicinal scent was tightly locked in the alchemy furnace, and there was no overflow.

With a wave of sleeves, the fire charm inside the hearth was extinguished, and the monk around the circle was swept up, and then he lowered his eyes. From the inheritance, the message of a product of Xiandan was transferred, and the process of alchemy was repeated over and over again in the knowledge of the gods, and the steps were decomposed in detail.

All the monks in the stands were stunned and saw Xu Ziyan extinguish the fire spirit. Everyone knows that she has completed the refining of Yun Ling Dan. The entire refining process took only half an hour, using only a quarter of the time given by the contest, and this was the reason why Xu Ziyan started to squat for a while.

Has she really refining it?

This is the idea in everyone's mind in the stands, even Han Dan and Yao Danyun are no exception. It is to let them go through the refining of a product, but it is only half an hour or so. This is still a good condition, otherwise it will take more than half an hour.

At this time, the two people were somewhat hesitant in their hearts. They are wondering if Xu Ziyan is really an alchemy genius. Is it really refining Yun Ling Dan? After all, if this thing is true, it is too enchanting.

However, if Xu Ziyan did not succeed in refining, would the behaviors in front of her be spent? No, how can the behavior that coincides with the trajectory of the heavens be a flower shelf? Han Dan and Yao Danyun could not help but entangled in their hearts. Their eyes slid from time to time on the alchemy furnace in front of Xu Ziyan. At this time, the hearts of these two alchemy masters scratched their hearts, and they could not wait to jump to open the alchemy furnace. Look at what is inside the alchemy furnace.

But after all, two people are people with identity. It is impossible to do this, and the expression is very calm, but the innermost urgency is only known to the two individuals.

The rules of the Dandao Contest in the Alchemy City and the Reconstruction City Contest are different, because the rules of the instrumental competition are. Whoever completes the refining, you can take your own refining finished product to review the test. but. The rules of Dandao's competition are different from those of the road competition. Every refining monk is not allowed to refine the Dan furnace. After the end of the time, the alchemy city will be sent to the stadium for uniform inspection.

Wang Liyun's face is very difficult to see at this time, even if he does not understand alchemy, see Xu Ziyan is the first refining, he also knows that Xu Ziyan's talent is not bad. He did not think that Xu Ziyan was a refining failure like Han Dan and Yao Danyun, because he did not know how to make alchemy. Naturally, he did not know how terrible the speed of Xu Ziyan was.

In the stands, Han Qi and Han Feng thought that Xu Ziyan would be alchemy, but he did not expect to be terrified to this point. For a moment, he opened his mouth and slugged there. Wan Liyun also vaguely knows that Xu Ziyan will refine Dan, but in his heart, he obviously does not believe that Xu Ziyan has succeeded in refining Yun Ling Dan. His eyes are full of doubt. On the contrary, that medicine and Wutuo are completely awkward.

Because of the relationship between Han Dan and Han Feng, the two of them also pay attention to Xu Ziyan. The two of them want to know what is special about Xu Ziyan, why it will cause such interest in Han Feng and Han Qi.

It is necessary to know that Han Feng and Han Qi are both proud people. These two people are the children of the main Handan in the alchemy city. They have a family history and the level of alchemy is definitely a leader in their peers. And Wu Tuo is also arrogant, just as the medicine incense and Wu Tuo two in the face of the cold seal and Han Qi, the same arrogant. How can such two people's attention to Xu Ziyan now not attract the attention of medicine and Wutuo?

However, the two people now watched a confused, looking at the Xu Ziyan in the arena, the hearts of the two people are really confused. What I think in the hearts of both of them is, how can Yun Ling Dan refine so quickly? It seems that the girl is a failure. What kind of attention does this garbage have? Is it that Han Feng took a fancy to the girl and wanted to be a Taoist with her?

This girl is beautiful, but there is no such thing as alchemy. Even a product can be refining. But it is a vase, such a garbage, even if it looks good, how can it be a Taoist? Thinking of this, the medicinal fragrance and Wu Tuo looked to the cold-blooded brothers and sisters to become disdainful.


I am sick, this chapter is late, my comrades are forgiven!


*(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for the recommended ticket, monthly pass, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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