The Mighty Female Immortal

Chapter 928: gambling

I am very grateful to Faywen (10000), Sun Lele 001 (1888), Lan Yan confidant (999), and book 091209160118146 (99) for the reward!


Time is in the fast past, when the two hours are over, the "When" ring rang back around the court. At this time, most of the participating monks have already finished the refining, but there are also hundreds of refinings that have not ended. There are even dozens of monk refining failures. These people are not hesitant to be supervised by the alchemy city. Give it a go out.

Then, a group of refining city disciples who had specially tested the medicinal herbs came in. These disciples, each disciple tested 100 people according to the serial number registered in the original registration, and the results were quickly reported. Both the data and the medicinal herbs were concentrated in the hands of an elder in the city of Alchemy, where the elders loudly reported the data, and the following alchemy monks began the next steps with the data reported by the elders.

A total of 21,642 people participated in the contest, and 512 people were cleared out of the first refining, leaving 21,130 people.

Among them, 2,128 people refined the spirit of Dan Ling, who lost the product, and was cleared. Thus, there were 192,000 monks left. The nine thousand and two monks were awarded the jade card of the alchemy master on the spot and became a product of the alchemy on the mainland.

Among the nine hundred and ninety-two monks, a total of 18,321 people refining the product is the next product, so that the eight thousand three hundred and twenty-one people were cleared. Go out. The refining of the monks who had the next product, the road to the Dandao competition came to an end. You are the best alchemy teacher in the first product, but also the meaning of the second product alchemy teacher? Even if you are not afraid of jokes, you want to be cheeky. Alchemy City does not give you the opportunity to waste herbs.

Thus, there are only 681 monks left in the arena. These monks are allowed to participate in tomorrow's second product alchemy contest. When the news was announced by the elders above, the 681 people, even Xu Ziyan’s face, revealed a happy color. After all, it is in the face of hundreds of thousands of people to make alchemy, and the atmosphere of their own alchemy is very different, which makes Xu Ziyan's emotions very exciting.

Although these 681 people are still only a product of alchemy, the future is not limited. Perhaps after a few hundred years or thousands of years, it will become a famous alchemy teacher. So hundreds of thousands of viewers gave their applause without reservation.

In a round of applause, Han Dan and Yao Danyun glanced at each other and locked their eyes in the back of Xu Ziyan. The eyes sparkled with excitement. They really want to know how Xu Ziyan is refining the essence of the spirit. However, the elder who announced the results did not know why it was very exciting today, and it was endless. The gas is cold and Dan can't wait to fly over. A big mouth will fan the elder to the side, and personally look at the Yunling Dan in the jade bottle whose number is Xu Ziyan.

The old **** of the solitary smoke in Ximen is there, and Wang Liyun’s face is dark and watery. He did not expect Xu Ziyan to really refine the spirit of Dan. And it is not the next product.

Looking at the ugly face of Wang Liyun, the Yan Xingyun, who has always regarded Da Luotian as the enemy, is a refreshing one. Hehe smiled and said:

"Wang Zongzhu, I guess that the spirits of the purple smoke refining must be the best of these monks."

"Hey!" Wang Liyun snorted and said coldly: "I don't think it is necessary. The vast majority of these monks are trying their best to make alchemy all their lives, but Xu Ziyan has not put her main energy on alchemy. It’s already her luck to stay here now."

"Then we want to bet a bet?" Yan Xingyun said faintly.

Wang Liyun's look is a stagnation, and ultimately did not dare to gamble with Yan Xingyun. But I don't want to endure this tone. Disdain to say:

"What can be gambled? One product is an alchemy teacher, and it is too small. It is better for us to gamble that Xu Ziyan can become a second product alchemy tomorrow!"

This time, the look of the Yan Xingyun was a stagnation. After the Yanshan soul swallowed the sacred gods from the hall, it left with Xu Ziyan. He did not ask Yanshan soul, Xu Ziyan's alchemy realm. Therefore, there is no bottom in my heart. Now I was forced by Wang Woyun, and my face rose red.

Seeing the phenomenon of Yan Xingyun, I was depressed for two hours, Wang Liyun’s heart was so cool, haha ​​smiled and said:

"Swallow brother, how? We don't gamble, we bet 100 million best spirits!"

"I am!" Yan Xingyun secretly said in his heart: "Why? There are not many 100 million best spiritual stones, but why should they be so white?"

Yan Xingyun does not think that Xu Ziyan can refine the two medicinal herbs, so he simply ignores the Wang Liyun and turns his head to the side. The other monks around are all looking at the fun, one by one. In the face of so many monks, Wang Woyun saw that he had eaten and lived in Yan Xingyun, and he could not help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha..."

Just as his laughter came, a voice passed over:

"How about my gambling with you?"


Wang Liyun seemed to be suddenly stuck in his neck. Huoran turned his head and looked at it, but he saw that the old smoke of Ximen was looking at him in the ground:

"However, the 100 million best spirits are too small, and we will bet 10 billion elite stones!"


All the monks around looked at the solitary smoke of Ximen, and the 10 billion best spirits were able to be taken out by these people, and it was not a big number for these big monks, but it was not a small number. At this time, Wang Liyun also quickly calculated in his heart that the solitary smoke of Ximen and Xu Ziyan were well-known. This is something that almost all the monks on the mainland of the Canggu are aware of. When Xu Ziyan is the knot period, the solitary smoke of Ximen is against Xu Ziyan. Very caring, this can not help Wang Woyun some doubts, is it that the solitary smoke of Ximen knows that Xu Ziyan is the second product alchemy teacher?

If this is the case, isn’t this a spiritual stone for the solitary smoke of Simon? Can't promise! He just wanted to refute, and Yan Xingyun’s eyes turned around. Wang Liuyun thought of it. He also thought of it at the same time, and immediately said with a smile:

"Wang Zongzhu, I also gamble with Ximen brothers, bet 10 billion Lingshi, Xu Ziyan can become the second product alchemy teacher tomorrow."

Wang Liyun’s look is a sigh of relief. Why didn’t you gamble just now? Now that you have a cheaper profit, you can quickly post it! Da Luotian and Xiao Luotian have been fighting each other, regardless of any occasion, as long as they can press each other, the heart will be cool. Just now he just pressed Yan Xingyun, and he was very reluctant to be pressed back by Yan Xingyun. When his heart moved, his face showed a disdainful expression:

"Bet! Yes! But this is still too small. We are better off gambling. If you can make a purple smog, you can be a three-pronged spirit."

Wang Liyun said that he did not believe that Xu Ziyan would be a three-in-one alchemy teacher. The alchemy of the alchemy world has been analyzed. It is simply impossible. Wang Woyun clearly stated that he wanted to overwhelm the momentum of the Yan Xingyun and the West Gate.

Simon's solitary smoke sat there silently, frowning slightly. Yan Xingyun has been paying attention to the solitary smoke of Ximen. He has no bottom to Xu Ziyan, so he has decided in his heart that he will bet if he is willing to gamble. The solitary smoke of Ximen gave up and he gave up. Anyway, when there is a solitary smoke from Ximen, it is not a shame to accompany him.

"What's wrong?" Wang Woyun saw that the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun of Ximen did not say anything, but he was happy: "Don't dare to gamble? This is not the temperament of the Mahayana monks! Yan Xingyun, I am not saying you. Just now, you have retreated. Is it still necessary to withdraw? This is the solitary smoke of Ximen. You are also the highest monk on the mainland of the Cangwu. Wouldn't you have this guts?"

The face of the solitary smoke in Ximen was ugly, and he glanced at Wang Wangyun Road in the shade: "The bet is too small, no interest."

"Oh, the original Ximen brothers think that the bet is too small! Then you say a number, I Wang Woyun picked up!" Wang Liyun's face with sarcasm, in his view, Simon's solitary smoke is clearly guilty, Such a chance to fight against the solitary smoke of Simon is too rare.

The look of the solitary smoke in Ximen was stagnation, and a face gradually rose red. At first glance, the heart of Xu Ziyan did not end, and Wang Liyun forced the appearance of the corner. Mars sparkles in the eyes, faintly has a look of impatience:

"Good! Wang Woyun, I am betting you, 50 billion best spirits, do you dare to pick up?"

"Received!" Wang Woyun thought without hesitation, and then responded to it. After that, he reacted to the solitary smoke of Ximen, which said that it was a 50 billion best spirit stone.

It was just this time that Yan Xingyun saw the opening of the solitary smoke in Ximen and said without hesitation:

"I also swear that Xu Ziyan can become a three-in-one alchemy teacher, 50 billion best spirit stone, Wang Woyun, you can't pick up?"

It is not a small number to combine the 100 billion best spiritual stones. It is also a relatively large number for the so-called sacred gates of Da Luotian. Wang Woyun was hesitant, but when he saw the tension and uneasiness occasionally in the eyes of the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun, his heart settled down.

In his heart, he did not think that Xu Ziyan was the realm of the three-in-one alchemy teacher. Now he is seeing the eyes that are occasionally revealed by the solitary smoke and the Yan Xingyun. This must be that Ximen Lonely Smoke and Yan Xingyun do not want to be crushed by themselves. They want to force themselves to retreat first by raising gambling funds, and then press themselves.

Humph! The thoughts of both of you are good, but unfortunately, your thoughts are still being cracked by me! You can press both of you, and you can win 100 billion of the best spirits from both of you. If you think about it, you will feel cool. Wang Woyun no longer hesitated, laughing a long time:

"Well, I got two of your bets!"


Ask for ... tickets ... 喽 ... (to be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote, monthly, your support, is my greatest motivation.)

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