The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 222: To The Pirate World

"Dear Host, please choose the world you want to go to next.

As the sound of the system sounded, Uchiha Qi saw a silver light screen appeared in front of his eyes, and on this silver light screen, grids appeared one after another, and each grid represented a world.

Seeing the screen in front of you, you can only feel that you are very excited.

His "350" gaze landed on the screen in front of him, followed by typing, and he felt extra excited from the bottom of his heart.

The world of pirates is a time that Uchiha Qi has been looking forward to for a long time, so now that he finally has the opportunity to come here, Uchiha Qi is inevitably a little excited.

"May I ask Host, are you sure you want to travel to the world of pirates?"

The system's prompt sounded, and Uchiha Qi naturally followed suit and nodded.

This is the first time he has used the time travel card, so naturally he doesn't know what the process looks like, but since the system has given prompts, he just needs to follow the prompts.

As Uchiha Qi's voice fell, he only felt a flash of light in front of him at this moment, and when he came back to his senses again, he realized that he was actually locked in a dark space at this time.

The dark environment around here made No. 1 very puzzled, and he was naturally a little depressed.

Before Uchiha Qi came back to his senses, he already felt that the environment around his body suddenly became dizzy.

The next moment he heard a series of footsteps coming from outside, and someone was muttering something silently.

"I didn't expect that we would be able to fish such a piece of wood from the sea. Do you think there will be treasures in this wooden barrel?"

Hearing this place, Uchiha Qi was also stunned for a moment, his eyes looked towards 4 weeks, although he said that there was no light around, but he reached out and knocked on the environment that imprisoned him.

Immediately next to his ears, there was a crisp sound. With this sound, the Uchiha dyer could clearly hear it. It was clearly the sound of hitting wood with his hands, which meant that he was actually locked in the In a barrel...

After discovering this matter, Uchiha Qi couldn't help being stunned for a moment, but he couldn't help but roll his eyes at this moment, because after he traveled to this world, he was directly locked in a bucket , there are some big holes in it.

But at this moment, he also clearly heard that someone outside the barrel seemed to be preparing to attack him.

At this moment, Uchiha Qi also trembled suddenly, and he suddenly understood who he was crossing over this time.

Of course, he has watched the TV series One Piece, and now he is locked in a barrel and then salvaged, how could such a plot, Feng Zhibo Qi, be possible? 5. Where did the record appear?

If nothing unexpected happens, then I should have turned into Luffy by now.

It seems that he has traveled through again this time, thinking silently in Uchiha Qi's heart, but now he also feels some doubts.

When I introduce myself to others in the future, should I say I am Uchiha Qi or Mengshan Luffy? .

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