The Migrant Workers Of Uchiha's House

Chapter 223: Alvida's Ship

But after pondering for a while in his heart, Uchiha Qi quickly recovered and calmly figured out this matter.

Now that I already have a certain identity, there is no need for me to hide my original identity. His identity is Uchiha Qi, and there is no need to change this identity for other reasons.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi's mood naturally became much calmer, but at this moment, he heard that someone around him seemed to be about to open the bucket 21.

At this moment, Uchiha Qi also froze for a moment, but he almost jumped up without any hesitation, and got out of the bucket.

He rushed out of the bucket with such a sudden force, naturally with a huge force, the bucket was directly smashed by Uchiha.

In the environment of 4 weeks, Uchiha Qi looked towards 4 weeks at a glance, only to realize that he was standing on the deck of a ship at this time.

There were many pirates standing around him, and each of these children looked towards him with weapons in their hands.

"Who are you and why are you in this barrel?"

Of course, the appearance of Uchiha Qi startled those people around, they just thought that there should be some treasure in the wooden barrel they salvaged from the sea.

But they never thought that after they opened the barrel, what popped out of it was not a treasure, but a living person.

They looked at Uchiha Qi with wariness in their eyes.

Uchiha Qi looked around again, and then he remembered the identities of these people around him.

Just when Uchiha Qi was still recalling who the owner of this ship was in his mind, suddenly there was a fat woman with a very large figure walking towards this side not far away.

The fat woman held a mace in her hand, and her fierce eyes fell on this piece of Uchiha Qi.

"Who are you and why did you appear on my ship? I should have said that foreigners are not welcome on my ship.

The fat woman said viciously, at this place, her eyes were full of cold light when she looked at Uchiha Qi, and Uchiha's eyes fell on Fei Po's body, and he was also stunned for a moment.

But he quickly remembered something at this moment: "If I remember correctly, your name should be Alvida, right?"

This is the first boss that Uchiha Qi encountered in the plot of One Piece, so after seeing this boss again, Uchiha Qi naturally remembered his name immediately, but it was not because of the powerfulness of this boss700 or unique places.

It's just because the boss is so ugly, so No. 1 remembers it very clearly, but Uchiha Qi welcomes the fat woman over there, but he is stunned for a while.

Alvida's gaze landed on Uchiha Qi, looked him up and down, and was obviously very surprised by what Uchiha Qi said just now, followed by some questions: "How do you know my name?"

"I understand, it must be because I'm too powerful, so my fame has already reached your ears, right? Didn't you think you could remember my name, if that's the case, then I can let you go." .

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