"What's wrong, Yu-kun~"

Sensing something strange about He Feiyu, Tianhe Huamin raised her soft eyes and looked at him.

"I miss you"

He Feiyu caressed her and whispered softly next to Tianhehua's earlobe.

"Me too"

Tianhehua replied slowly with eyes shining.

"How about tomorrow?"


The two of them had been chatting for a long time, and Tianhe Hua Minato drove He Feiyu away on the grounds that Canono had waited too long.

'It's been a long time before I can be with Feiyu-kun...'

Aang Noyuki, who was following closely behind, looked at He Feiyu's mouth that couldn't be suppressed no matter how hard he tried, and couldn't help but feel envious.

"I'm back~"

He Feiyu returned home after parting ways with Cang Nao.

"Welcome home, Ha-chan~"

Gunma Manko, who came after hearing the sound, stood at the entrance and stretched out his hand calmly, with a warm smile on his pretty face.

"Thank you for your hard work, Aunt Manzi."

He Feiyu took off his satchel and handed it to Gunma Manko.

"You are so lucky, Yu-chan. How do you feel on the first day of high school? Are you very tired? Do you need to drink water first? Or eat fruit first? Or~ let me eat first~"

Gunjian Manzi waited for He Feiyu to finish changing his shoes, then walked quickly to him, snuggled into his arms, raised his head, and said playfully.

Today, Mitsuko Gunma is wearing a set of purple long-sleeved T-shirts on her upper body and very short jeans on her lower body. Her slender legs are modified by black stockings to make them straight and beautiful. The outline of time cannot be seen at all, exuding youthful vitality. At the same time, she has the charm of a mature woman.

He Feiyu stared at the charming Gunjian Manzi, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a fire ignited in his lower abdomen unconsciously. He thought that after spending time together day and night, he had already become accustomed to the enchanting Aunt Manzi, but he still underestimated her alluring charm.



He Feiyu suddenly lifted up Gunjian Manzi's plump buttocks, picked her up, and placed her on the shoe cabinet in the entrance hall. Then he buried his head deeply in her hair, greedily breathing in the fragrance of Gunjian Manzi. Startled by He Feiyu's sudden move, the satchel in her hand slipped from her hands and fell to the floor.

"Ha-chan, no! Today's main dish is not my auntie~"

Looking at He Feiyu who lowered his head and was about to kiss her lips, Qianjian Manzi turned his head and let the kiss fall on her face. Looking at He Feiyu who still wanted to continue, Qianjian Manzi quickly stretched out a She put her hand against his lips and said softly.

"What's wrong?"

Hearing this, He Feiyu took a deep breath, restrained his desires, and asked with a heavy breath.

"Don't worry, Yu-chan has forgotten something important. It's true! Tomorrow your sister Rumi will go to college, so tonight~"

Seeing He Feiyu's bloodshot eyes, Gunjian Manzi gently kissed the corner of his mouth and explained while soothing his emotions.

"Ah! Damn it, I almost forgot. Fortunately, Aunt Manzi reminded me, otherwise..."

He Feiyu felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on him, his mind suddenly cleared, he exclaimed, and even revealed the national quintessence of his previous life.

"Humph, I remember now, but it's not too late. Go and stay with your beautiful sister."

"After you leave, Sister Liumei, it will be just the two of us~"

Qianjian Manzi gently touched He Feiyu's neck and exhaled softly.


Feeling the oncoming fragrance, He Feiyu nodded.

"Go ahead, I won't disturb you two anymore."

Gunjian Manzi's hand slowly touched He Feiyu's cheek from behind his head.

"Huh! Huh! I almost... almost... I can't help it anymore! But starting from tomorrow, Ha-chan will be the only one at home~"

Looking at the back of He Feiyu walking into the living room, Manzi Gunma, who had a normal expression at first, changed her expression, twisted her waist, and her thighs covered in black stockings couldn't help but rub together. She covered her cheeks as hot as the sun with her hands.

, while licking her red lips and talking to herself.

The brown pupils in her eyes were completely occupied by rich pink.

He Feiyu walked into the living room and immediately saw Kurumi Gunma sitting on the sofa playing with her mobile phone.

He Feiyu naturally sat next to her.

He looked sideways slightly, not knowing what he was seeing, but he was startled when he saw it.

He Feiyu discovered that Gunma Kurumi was only wearing a thin black gauze skirt, and the end of the skirt covered half of her fair thighs.

This was nothing, what surprised him even more or made his blood swell was that if he looked carefully, he could find that Gunma Kurumi was actually a vacuum, that is to say, she was not wearing any underwear or fat.

‘Is it such a big deal? Is this still the more reserved Liu Mei sister in my impression...'

He Feiyu swallowed in disbelief, thinking in disbelief that even when they were depressed, the three girls in the Gunjian family all followed their most primitive instincts, with extremely exaggerated and explicit expressions, and were very addicted to the love between men and women.

But at least on the surface, Kurumi Gunma was much more reserved than Mitsuko Gunma and Ruri Gunma. It was almost unheard of in his mind that such a bold and charming outfit appeared in public.

Only when you are astringent...

He Feiyu suddenly realized something.

'No wonder Aunt Manzi said that tonight...'

Chapter 160 Black Coffee

"Brother Feiyu, you can see how my sister is different today from the past."

Gunma Kurumi noticed He Feiyu sitting down. She opened a software on her phone and threw it aside. Then she naturally raised her legs and landed on He Feiyu's lap. She asked with a bright smile on her delicate and pretty face. He Feiyu.

"Is it different? I feel like Miss Rumi is more beautiful today, no, she is beautiful every day."

He Feiyu pretended to be calm and answered the question incorrectly.

"Brother, do you have anything to say about your sister going to school tomorrow? If you feel uncomfortable and want to cry, I allow you to act coquettishly in my sister's arms and cry."

Not getting the answer she wanted, Gunma Kurumi was not upset. She changed the direction and continued asking. At the same time, she stretched out a slender white and tender hand to touch He Feiyu's cheek.

"Time flies so fast. Sister Liumei, when you get to college, don't stay at home every day. You should make more good friends. Otherwise, you will become a useless person in the future, and you will need my brother to support you."

Feeling the smooth palms on his face, He Feiyu joked with a smile.

"Hmph! My brother doesn't want to raise his sister in the future! In this case, the sister will have to find a boyfriend in college and let him raise her. Is this okay? Ou Doudou."

Hearing this, the smile on Gunma Kurume's face disappeared, she stared at He Feiyu and said angrily.

"Haha, that's not possible. Sister Rumi can only be mine."

In response to this, He Feiyu retorted in a strong tone, and very roughly hugged Gunma Kurumi's slender waist, pressing her delicate body firmly against his body.

"My overbearing brother, but I don't hate my sister~"

Feeling He Feiyu's cruelty, Gunma Kurume was not bored at all, she leaned her head on He Feiyu's chest.

‘No, what are you doing! Every minute is precious now, and it can’t be wasted like this’

The two cuddled together for a while, and Gunma Kurumi, who had originally closed her eyes, opened her eyes wide as if she thought of something.

"Brother, why are you so anxious?"

Just when Kurumi Gunma was thinking about how to start feeling astringent, she suddenly noticed that her thigh was being pressed against something. It only took a brief moment for her to understand clearly, so she said ambiguously, her thigh was still rubbing against the hard raised object. .


He Feiyu was hard to argue with. He was ignited by Mitsuko Gunma from the beginning. Kurumi Gunma was boldly dressed, with her graceful figure looming under the black gauze skirt. The taboo place exuded a hazy beauty, which was even better than not wearing any clothes. It was so tempting that even a normal man couldn't stand it. He Feiyu simply admitted it directly and looked at Gunma Kurumi with burning eyes.

"Hmph, if that's the case, then~wait a minute, let me put on my silk clothes first~"

Seeing He Feiyu's eager look, Qianjian Jiumei Liu secretly breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. When He Feiyu leaned over to kiss him, she quickly got away from He Feiyu's body. In his doubtful eyes, she smiled seductively.

After a few moments, Gunma Kurumi came back from the bedroom. The difference from last time was that this time she put on black pantyhose on her thighs, and the rest remained unchanged.

Looking at the scenery that was more alluring than before, He Feiyu felt that the ocean of lust was about to swallow up the lake of reason.

"How's it going? Is your sister beautiful?"

Kurumi Gunma stood in front of He Feiyu and deliberately showed off her figure, and some bold parts were also shown without reservation.


He Feiyu swallowed the fluid that suddenly emerged from his mouth and nodded involuntarily.

"What are you waiting for"

He Feiyu's words made Kurumi Gunma's smile even bigger. She picked up the phone from the sofa, put it on the dining table, and pointed the camera side at the sofa, where the battle was about to take place. After everything, he couldn't wait to sit face to face with He Feiyu.

"Sister Rumi, what are you doing?"

Although He Feiyu is very manic now, he has not lost his mind. He saw the actions of Gunma Kurumi, so he was confused.


"I only come back after going to college except for holidays. Then I won't be able to see my brother, and my sister will feel lonely, so~"

Kurumi Gunma didn't finish her words, but her meaning was very clear.

"Don't worry, my sister will only watch alone and no one else will know about it. Could it be that my brother can't bear the thought of my sister being lonely and cold in a faraway place?"

Seeing that He Feiyu was still struggling, Kurumi Qianma put her hands around his neck, lowered her head and kissed the corner of his mouth flatteringly, while giving a serious assurance while being miserable.

"Don't spread it out."

Seeing the pitiful look on Kurumi Gunma's face, He Feiyu's heart softened, so he agreed, but still gave instructions.

"Yeah, definitely!"

Seeing that He Feiyu agreed, Gunma Kurumi nodded obediently.

"Okay, I want black coffee"

Since Miss Gunma Kurume wants to take pictures, He Feiyu is ready to use all his 18 martial arts skills.

"Okay, if my brother wants to drink, my sister will give it to you."

Gunma Kurume's tone was doting. She had known He Feiyu's preferences, otherwise why would she change to black stockings?

He Feiyu stood up and placed Kurumi Gunma in his arms on the sofa. Then he found a carpet that could accommodate him to sleep on. After placing it, he lay down on it.

"Don't do anything, let my sister do it this time."

Gunma Kurumi leaned slightly on the sofa, with her head lowered and her face looking charming. She slowly extended her beautiful feet in front of He Feiyu and hovered, only an inch away from the tip of his nose. Seeing that He Feiyu couldn't hold back, he wanted to reach out. Going to get her feet, Kurumi Gunma stepped directly on He Feiyu's face and said while twisting.


A strange feeling rose from the bottom of He Feiyu's heart. He did not move the foot that was moving around on his face, but let it abuse him wantonly. Because his mouth was blocked by the heel, he could only stammer vaguely.

"Ou Doudou, drink slowly and taste carefully. Sister will not be able to sip for you often in the future."

Qianjian Jiuliu saw He Feiyu enjoying it, and her face was full of a flower-like smile. She raised her foot again and stacked it on her other leg. It takes at least half an hour to brew a cup of black coffee. Who told He Feiyu to like it so much...If she moved it herself, she couldn't hold on without support, so she could only do it one cup at a time.

He Feiyu looked at the beautiful black feet so close, and his mouth couldn't help but want to move, but tasting too directly was the performance of a low-level gourmet, and as a high-end gourmet appraiser, he naturally had to brew it before tasting.

Looking up, the tip of his nose pressed against the arch of the foot, gently rubbing, and immediately a fragrance came to his nostrils.

The fragrance was rich and lingered in the nose for a long time. In addition to the body fragrance of Gunma Kurumi, it was also mixed with the quaint fragrance of the stockings placed in the cabinet. The two complemented each other and were even more intoxicating than ordinary fragrances.

After brewing for about a minute, He Feiyu felt satisfied and laid her head flat on the blanket again. Since Gunma Kurumi asked her to do it herself, He Feiyu let her do it.

Under the gaze of the hot eyes, He Feiyu stuck out his tongue, like a dog cooling off.

Gunma Kurumi began to slowly slide the beautiful feet in front of He Feiyu. The itchy feeling came from the arch of the foot in a short while. With each slide, she could clearly feel the warmth and heat through the stockings.

As time passed, the stockings that were originally dry before became more and more sticky, almost completely sticking to the soles of Gunma Kurumi's feet, looking extremely thick.

Chapter 161 Wrestling

The sweet smell of sweat on the soles of Gunma Kurumi's feet became weaker and weaker, and He Feiyu's taste buds were no longer satisfied.

He wanted to absorb more, so he stopped licking.

Feeling the warmth and heat on the soles of her feet disappear, Gunma Kurumi moved her feet away in confusion, revealing He Feiyu's hopeful and eager eyes. No one knows a brother better than his sister, and she immediately understood the meaning in He Feiyu's eyes.

"Come on, sister will let you taste enough today"

Gunma Kurumi turned her ankles and slightly opened her five toes like a cat to relax. The wet stockings fit the flesh of her soles completely, making her feel a little uncomfortable. She felt much more comfortable after stretching, and then her beautiful feet tilted slightly, pointing her slender toes like tender bamboo shoots at He Feiyu, and said charmingly.

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