After the appetizers, the first main course was finally served, and the soup was put behind.


He Feiyu opened his mouth so wide that he seemed to be able to swallow the entire beautiful foot of Gunma Kurumi into his mouth. He looked as hungry as a hungry baby waiting to be fed.


Feeling that his mouth was filled with a foreign object, He Feiyu finally showed a satisfied smile. He waited for a while to allow the sweet taste to overflow and spread to every part of his mouth, and then he began to use his tongue to taste the delicacies more carefully.

The smoothness of the stockings and the tenderness of the toes brought He Feiyu endless enjoyment.


Under He Feiyu's experienced ventriloquism, Gunma Kurumi, who originally seemed calm, suddenly, beads of sweat sprung up on her fair forehead like bamboo shoots after rain, and her pretty face was covered with a layer of charming pink clouds. The seductive body under the black veil trembled slightly as the tip of the tongue wandered, and the charming nasal voice echoed continuously in the living room.

Five tender toes danced in He Feiyu's mouth, intersecting with the moist tongue.

He Feiyu devoted himself wholeheartedly to it, even though there was a silk screen

Socks, each tender toe was carefully sucked by him several times. Gunma Kurumi's forefoot had been completely wet, and it fit the thick stockings, becoming more and more like a cup of thick black coffee.

"Ha...ha...ha...still...want to...taste sister's other foot? Or..."

The fire born in Gunma Kurumi's belly was watered by He Feiyu's body fluids. Not only did it not extinguish, but it also became more vigorous. It has spread to the forbidden place and the brain. The intertwined thighs subconsciously rubbed together to offset the difficulty. The words were so hot that she asked with difficulty, accompanied by heavy breathing, and her originally clear voice became much deeper.


The word "simple" explains He Feiyu's thoughts at this time.


Gunma Kurumi raised her leg, wanting to send another dry silk foot into He Feiyu's mouth. The moment the plump thighs parted, a bridge made of water was formed.

"Are you satisfied?"

Twenty minutes later, Gunma Kurumi retracted her legs, slightly bent her graceful body, and asked He Feiyu in a tired voice.


After swallowing the sweetness that had been accumulated for a long time, He Feiyu slowly opened his mouth and said, the confused look on his face was actually heavier than Gunma Kurumi.

"Do you want me to change my sister, or should I continue like this?"

Hearing He Feiyu's answer, Gunma Kurume's eyes moved from the completely wet stockings to the bulge and then asked.

"Anything is fine, as long as it belongs to my sister."

He Feiyu vaguely said that in the past forty minutes, the dragon had been waiting eagerly. As long as the seal was released, it would be able to kill the enemy and remove their armor.

"Then continue"

Gunma Kurumi knew that He Feiyu had mysophobia. For example, after she bit him, no matter how emotional the two of them were next, he would never kiss her again, not only to her, but also to his own mother, so she Only then did she ask aloud. Seeing that He Feiyu had no intention of changing, she stopped talking. Anyway, she had to lubricate it next. If she didn't change, she would save herself a lot of saliva.

His two feet slid down He Feiyu's chest, and he didn't stop until a hard protruding object blocked his path like an unattainable mountain.


As if venting his anger at being blocked, his two feet began to rub randomly around the bulge, like a foolish old man moving a mountain, trying to smooth out the bulging hard object.

But the effect was unsatisfactory. As time passed, not only did it not level down, but it became even taller, with vague signs of tearing the earth apart and gushing out.

"Sister, I'm tired. It's up to you, brother, to do it yourself this time."

After less than a moment of movement, Gunma Kurumi's feet stopped on the bulge. She said in a tired tone. In the past forty minutes, her mind and body had been exhausted by high intensity, and now she was weak.

"Well, Sister Rumi, take a rest and I'll do it myself."

Hearing this, He Feiyu softly expressed concern, and at the same time changed the direction of his body so that he could easily reach the beautiful feet with his hands and save a lot of effort for the next movements.

The barrier that sealed the dragon was quickly removed by He Feiyu, and a towering pillar rose from the ground. Its red head, thick body, and veins wrapped around it like a horned dragon all showed its ferocity and terror.

Looking at the exquisite black silk feet, He Feiyu stretched out his hands and grabbed one with one hand. He held the wet insteps and couldn't help but rub them slowly in his hands. He felt the sticky liquid overflowing from the gaps between his fingers, and his mind became more and more excited. .

He Feiyu placed his feet on both sides of the giant dragon, and then slowly touched them. The deep arches of the feet fit perfectly with the dragon's body, as if they were born for this.

Suddenly, He Feiyu straightened his waist, and the mighty dragon suddenly pushed against his beautiful feet.

The extremely swollen crimson dragon head jumped back and forth on the black jade feet, and the whole body of the dragon could feel the warmth of the tender skin being transmitted through the stockings.

He Feiyu's hands and waist and abdomen performed their respective duties, while he himself raised his head and looked towards the hazy place hidden between his legs.

The clear color in Gunma Kurumi's eyes was no longer replaced by endless lust. She placed her hands on the snow peak covered under the black gauze. While kneading her hands, she did not forget to tease the peak with her index and middle fingers. Unintentionally When she caught a glimpse of He Feiyu's actions, her face became even more charming. She actually opened the gap between her originally tightly closed thighs, revealing the hidden beauty.

"Sister Rumi!"

The hidden scenery came back to light, and through the hazy black gauze, it had a special flavor. He Feiyu's eyes were red, and his mouth was dry. He moved his hands up and down much faster, and kept hitting his beautiful feet with the dragon's head the size of his arm. The giant dragon jumped. The amplitude is getting bigger and bigger, and it is becoming uncontrollable.

The dragon-shaped tattoo on He Feiyu's body was also emitting an ambiguous and weird pink light at this time, making He Feiyu's movements weird and crazy. His waist was twitching up and down, as if he were a live shrimp jumping on a hot pot.

"Quick! Quick! Faster!"

The pleasure became more and more intense, and He Feiyu couldn't help shouting loudly.

"Ah! Phew!"

As the second hand of the clock hanging on the wall in the living room went by "tick" and "tick", it happened to be the hour, 'Boom! ' There was a sound, and hot ambergris spurted out from the crimson faucet, splattering on Gunma Kurumi's body and thighs.

Chapter 162 Cat Girl

The black tulle is dyed with white spots, like blooming black tulips, dazzling

, looking so enchanting and charming.

"Want to change?"

Gunma Kurumi's originally fair cheeks were now pink. She held on to her charm, raised her eyelids, and asked He Feiyu who had just finished venting her anger.


Looking at the thick black silk stockings that were completely disfigured by him, He Feiyu nodded and said, "We will set up forts later and attack the city. Being too dirty will make people uncomfortable, and the impact will not be good. Although this is all It was caused by himself, but that didn't stop him from hating it.

"Just wait here for a while, I have a surprise for you."

In this regard, Gunma Kurumi didn't say anything. She quickly took off her pantyhose from her waist and threw them in the trash can. Although she took off her socks, she could still feel the coolness on her feet, as if She was covered with a thin layer of ice, but it was normal. The liquid would absorb heat when it developed. Just as she stood up, she suddenly thought of something. Kurumi Gunma said to He Feiyu in an ambiguous tone.

Looking at the graceful back of Gunma Kurume, He Feiyu couldn't help but look forward to what surprise she was talking about.

"How's it going? Meow~"

Five or six minutes later, Gunma Kurumi knelt down on the sofa, posing in a cute pose, and asked He Feiyu.


He Feiyu's Adam's apple rolled, his heartbeat quickened as he looked at the charming and cute Kurumi Gunma in front of him.

At this moment, there was no black gauze on Gunma's beautiful body. Instead, she was wearing cat ear jewelry on her head and fluffy cat paws on her hands. What was even more incredible was that a white tail was exposed from her back. She seems to be playing the role of a cat lady.

He Feiyu's eyes lit up with Gunma Kurumi's new look, but his attention was always focused on the exposed part of the cat's tail, thinking about how it was tied, because apart from the cat ears and cat claws, there were no other parts. There were no other clothes, which meant that the cat tail on Gunma Kurumi's back was not tied around her waist.

Could it be...

Thinking of this, He Feiyu's pupils turned red again.

"Would you like to touch and see? Sisters like this won't be common in the future~"


Seeing He Feiyu nodding, Kurumi Gunma tilted her body forward and tilted her head, performing the lucky cat's o(=∩ω∩=)m classic movement, and then combined with a soft "meow", He Feiyu felt that the energy and blood all over his body was about to explode.

"Meow~ My sister is Ou Jinjin's meow today~ Meow~"

Feeling the loving support on top of her head, Gunma Kurumi closed her eyes and swayed slightly, as if she were really a cat, enjoying the warmth from the caress of human hands. At the same time, she opened and closed her mouth and said something that made He Feiyu's body tremble. The words of tiger and wolf.

The snow-white jade peak swayed as Kurumi Gunma's body trembled, inadvertently drawing beautiful arcs in the air. Although He Feiyu kept touching Kurumi Gunma's head, his eyes were involuntarily attracted by this beautiful art. , the dragon also became larger to show respect for the art.

"Ha~ Master, do you want to eat Meow Meow?~"

After the previous battle, the dragon did not feel weak at all. Instead, after Kurumi Gunma's temptation, it became more majestic and majestic. The hot breath it exuded made Kurumi Gunma feel its breath with her eyes closed. When she opened her eyes, Opening her eyes, she saw the huge creature in front of her. Kurumi Qianma breathed a breath of hot breath on the top of the dragon's head, then looked at He Feiyu and said seductively.

"Meow is the owner's pet anyway. If the owner wants to eat meow, he can't resist~"

Gunma Kurumi stretched out her pink tongue and licked the dragon's head briefly, then raised her head and said in a weak and helpless tone of self-pity.

"Okay, master, today I am going to eat you, the cat!"

Seeing Kurumi Gunma performing like a drama queen, He Feiyu felt funny while his body was burning with flames, so he cooperated and said fiercely, and then pressed his whole body on Kurumi Gunma's delicate body.

"Let the master check the meow's body first and take a bath by the way."

He Feiyu looked at Gunma Kurumi like a strange worm and said.


Gunma Kurumi whispered charmingly.

He Feiyu's body slowly slid down, his head crossed the snow peaks, passed the plains, passed through the thorns, and finally stopped in front of the pink peach blossom garden.

Looking at the beautiful peach blossom garden, he raised his hand and stroked it with his fingertips from top to bottom. He was startled. He took his hand back, looked at the water stains on his fingers, and sniffed at the tip of his nose. There was a bitter fragrance coming from it. It smells like lime or peach juice.

But it doesn’t matter, no matter what it looks like, the source is right in front of him anyway. As long as he takes a look at it, he will know exactly what it is~

As He Feiyu got closer, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, just like old wine, which made He Feiyu unable to help but be intoxicated. Finally, his mouth blocked the source of the fragrance. After taking a sip, he realized how sweet it was. The taste is hard to describe, or it may vary from person to person, but the taste in his mouth at this time is unique to Gunma Kurumi.

One mouthful did not satisfy He Feiyu, so he started to suck big and big, but the hole was so big, and there was not much water coming out. The demand was greater than the supply, which made He Feiyu very dissatisfied. Since the hole was small, he had to dig it bigger. Anyway, he had tools. It was very convenient to carry it with him. He stretched out the moist and warm material and began to dig the hole while absorbing the sweetness.

Very narrow at first.

The outside of the cave entrance is pretty easy to say, no need to worry.

The power of gray dug out, but when He Feiyu's tool had penetrated less than a third, the intricate and layered folds made He Feiyu feel difficult.

but! If you are kind, God will not let you down! After two and a half minutes of hard work by He Feiyu, he finally figured out the way. Unexpectedly, there was a magical stone not far from the Peach Blossom Spring. As long as he rubbed it, the Peach Blossom Spring would become soft, which saved He Feiyu a lot of effort.


"Cat is in good health~"

After the soup filled He Feiyu's stomach, he burped, stood up, and whispered next to Gunma Kurumi's ear.

"But! In order to prevent some diseases, injections are needed, so..."


Hearing this, Gunma Kurumi's body trembled slightly.

"Cat cat, lie down on the sofa. This will make it easier for the owner to give you the injection. Be good, it won't hurt, and it will be very comfortable."

He Feiyu touched Gunma Kurumi's cat ears while guiding her to turn her body.

‘It’s actually glued on’

Kurumi Gunma lay obediently on the sofa, exposing her exquisite and perfect jade back. Now, He Feiyu finally knew how she got her cat tail.

"Okay, relax, it won't hurt~"

After being enlightened, He Feiyu didn't worry about it anymore. Giving Maomao an injection was the top priority now. He comforted him while aiming the needle at the pre-planned position.

Gunma Kurume turned her head, her eyes full of clear charm, looking at He Feiyu lovingly.

"Ah ah!"

As the needle was inserted, the instant pain caused Gunma Kurumi to moan.

"Uh...meow! Meow! Uh~! Uh!...Meow! Meow!...Meow~uh!"


"Do young people nowadays have so much fun? It seems that I can occasionally try this with Yu-chan in the future. Oh~ Mitsuru Gunma! Mitsuru Gunma! What are you thinking about? You are Yu-chan's Stepmother! This is so embarrassing! But you can give it a try~"

In order to leave enough space for her eldest daughter and He Feiyu, Gunma Manko went back to the bedroom before the two of them were still agitated, closed the door, but did not rest, but leaned sideways and leaned against the door. , prick up your ears and listen to their voices.

Chapter 163: The determined Nanao Akane

Nanao Akane was the same as usual.

One person walks, one person rides in a car, and one person returns home to attack at night, group ⑥; Jiu Si ⑨ ③ '61' 35.

"I'm back"

After twisting the key and opening the door, Nanao Akane stood at the entrance and whispered into the silent living room.

There was no response, but it was expected.

Bent down, took off his sneakers, and looked at the slightly wet white socks. The sticky discomfort made Nanao Akane frown slightly. Although the baseball manager does not need to do too strenuous exercise, he must always accompany the athletes. Be by your side to cheer them up, and prepare water and other things. It is normal to sweat on a hot day.

Normally after club activities, Nanao Akane would simply take a bath in the free bathroom, put on clean clothes before going home, and then wash her body carefully at her own home.

But today, because of Coach Dong Gang's affairs, she didn't have any free time to do these things.

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