Logically speaking, Nanao Akane should get clean clothes now, go to the bathroom and take a quick bath, prepare dinner, and after dinner, sit comfortably on the sofa and watch TV for a while, talking to Katase Xiang also chatted awkwardly for a while, just previewing the subjects he would study tomorrow, and then having a good sleep after everything was over.

But for some reason, after Nanao Akane took off her white socks today, she went directly back to the bedroom, locked the bedroom door, and dove into bed, looking scared.

Two or three minutes passed.

"Why are you in my head?"

Nanao Akane carefully poked her head out of the quilt, looked around, then stared at the familiar ceiling, and suddenly said to herself.

【Ding! The system cannot answer because the host has insufficient permissions]

The next moment, a mechanical female voice sounded in her ears, making Nanao Akane's heart beat faster.

'It's really not an auditory hallucination, there is indeed something inside my head...'

Hearing the sound, Nanao Akane was as frightened as a bird, and immediately retracted into the quilt. Even her beautiful little feet that were accidentally exposed were taken back by her. Her whole body was wrapped tightly by the bedding, like a rice dumpling.

This is what Nanao Akane saw accidentally when she was playing with her mobile phone. I heard that when you encounter a strange creature, as long as you lie on the bed, curl up under the quilt, and don't expose your body parts, then the ghost can't do anything to you. It is said that this is called It's called the "law of the ghost world".

A few more minutes passed.

"Are you...are you a ghost? Or something else?"

There was no other sound in Nanao Akane's ears except her own rapid breathing, so she tentatively asked again.

【Ding! The system is not a ghost or anything else, the system is the system]

Hearing the voice saying that it was not a ghost made Nanao Akane's fearful mind much more at ease. Although she had never seen a ghost, the unknown was what frightened people. The green face, fangs, and ferociousness were scary. Just thinking about it in her mind made people scared. shudder.

"what is your purpose"

Nanao Akane was scared and irritated at the same time. She couldn't figure out why she encountered so many unfortunate and troublesome things today.

, first she was threatened by the scumbag coach, and then the voice suddenly sounded in her head. Coach Dong Gang could also find the reason. He was coveting her beauty, but what about this voice?

When Nanao Akane finished speaking, a panel appeared in front of her eyes.

She blinked her eyes first and then rubbed them. The panel in front of her did not disappear, even if she closed her eyes.

Nanao Akane simply stopped trying and concentrated on trying to see what was on the panel.

"Mission...goal...defeat He Feiyu...success reward...Zhu Yan Dan...failure without...punishment..."

Nanao Akane murmured to herself, roughly describing what she saw on the panel.

"Strategy? You mean, let me pursue this person named He Feiyu... If I succeed, I will be rewarded, the Beauty Pill... What is this? It... can actually make people look immortal!"

Nanao Akane interpreted it, and she understood the general meaning. When she saw something called Zhuyan Dan, the girl opened her mouth wide, showing an incredible look of shock.

The girl swallowed subconsciously. Although she was the most beautiful at her age and was still far from aging, her ageless appearance was so attractive to women.

If you can make your youth last forever, then who wants it to be just a flash in the pan?

But when Nanao Akane saw the premise, she calmed down as if a basin of cold water had been poured on her.

"You can only get rewards after conquering... He Feiyu... Do I really want to do that?"

Nanao Akane didn't care whether it was true or not, and asked herself aloud.

"No...no! I, Akane Nanao, am by no means a mercenary person. I have already made an appointment to walk into Koshien with Shoya, so I can't break my promise!"

In less than a moment, Nanao Akane made her decision. Recalling the young man sweating his youth under the sunset, the girl's heart became firm.

After figuring everything out, Nanao Akane's temperament improved. Perhaps even without Katase Shoya, she would not pursue an unknown person for the so-called beauty pill. This was contrary to her original intention.

"Fortunately, I can refuse..."

Nanao Akane stared at the panel again and looked down. There were two images of agreement and rejection on the left and right bottom respectively, which made the girl sigh in relief.

"Since you call yourself System, then I will call you System. System, will there be any problems if I choose to refuse?"

Nanao Akane asked cautiously.

【Ding! If the host chooses to refuse, the system will be unbound from the host and the host-related memories will be erased]


Hearing this, Nanao Akane breathed a sigh of relief. It was just erasing the relevant memories. It was not a big deal, and it was still within the scope of her acceptance.

By now, Nanao Akane no longer had any doubts about the so-called system that appeared in her mind. The fact that the voice could sound in her ears without being obvious showed that the system was magical and powerful.

"Then I choose to refuse"

Nanao Akane no longer hesitated, her eyes revealed a touch of determination, and her tone was decisive.

【Ding! To ensure that the host is not impulsive, the choice can be made after two weeks]

"Two weeks later? Well, no matter how many weeks it is, I, Nanao Akane, will never make a decision that goes against my heart!"

Unexpectedly, Nanao Akane couldn't refuse now and would have to wait for a while. Nanao Akane couldn't help but feel a little speechless, but she believed in herself and would not go against her nature just because of something.


"Don't... separate... just... this..."

At three o'clock in the morning, He Feiyu was caressing Gunma Kurumi's dripping back, looking at her pretty face full of fatigue tenderly. When steady and rhythmic breathing came from her chest, He Feiyu wanted to remove Gunma's body from her body. Kurume put him on the bed and let her have a good rest. At this time, the two of them were still connected, so he moved very lightly for fear of disturbing her. However, unexpectedly, Kurume Gunma noticed his subtle movements and put his hand on He Feiyu. The hands on both sides of her body hugged her tightly, and her pink lips spoke softly.

"Well, okay, that's it, go to sleep, Sister Rumi"

He Feiyu didn't move anymore. He looked at Gunma Kurumi with gentler eyes. The hand that was touching her stopped and gently hugged her waist.

"Brother, I love you..."

"I love you too, Rumi-san"

Chapter 164: First Transformation

'Hmm...Why do everyone look at me strangely? Am I still ugly after changing my makeup...'

As Yoshida Saki walked on the way to school, male office workers and some students from the same school would peek at her from time to time, which made the girl feel nervous. She subconsciously grabbed the satchel on her shoulder while still thinking in her mind.

Yesterday was the first day of school. Although she made two...no, one friend, they were just ordinary greetings with classmate Feiyu, but that didn't seem to be considered a real friend.

Yoshida Saki was moved when she recalled the sweet girl Sono Yushin she had taken the initiative to make friends with. After all, except for Sono Yushin, no one was willing to get to know her as a local girl.

But it’s different now!

When she got home yesterday, Yoshida Saki took the initiative to ask her mother for advice on how to put on makeup, and then selected the most popular outfits through some online voting. Combining the two, she finally got the makeup she was satisfied with.

This morning, Tiandu

Before it was bright, Yoshida Saki got up from the bed and couldn't wait to sit in front of the mirror table to start dressing up. It took her two and a half hours before she stopped. It wasn't that the makeup was difficult to put on, but that she was picky. Want to do better.

After everything was settled, Yoshida Saki left home with a feeling of anxiety and expectation, which is why the above scene happened.

"Oh hoo~ Is there any beautiful and fashionable JK girl in this school that I, Shi Lu Sheng, have never seen before?"

Buck Sheng, who was doing nothing at the school gate and wandering around, suddenly caught a glimpse of something. A look of shock appeared on his face that could not express a word, and he murmured to himself in disbelief.

On the first day of school yesterday, he visited and investigated and remembered most of the beautiful girls in Brass Academy. Bucks Sheng can guarantee that he is not good at studying, but he will definitely be able to observe and remember beauties. She is the strongest. He should know such a beautiful JK girl!

Hehe, it doesn't matter anymore, it's the same now that we know each other.

'A bunch of trash who only dare to look and dare not act, haha! Look how I treat this girl in front of you bunch of bastards! ’

Buck Sheng glanced at some of the boys who were also stopping to look at the girl. He twitched the corners of his mouth in disdain and said with contempt in his heart.

he! The Bucks win! I have always had a dream since I was in middle school, and that is to become a superstar! Haha, not the star you saw on TV, but the pick-up superstar! He is inspired to play with ninety-nine women.

Buck Sheng also worked hard for this dream. In the three years of junior high school, he relied on his extraordinary advantages and conquered more than twenty girls with only the simplest physical skills. Although his record was glorious, Some mediocre stuff, and still a ways off from the ultimate goal, so the Bucks are ready to pick up the pace in high school.

The first target he originally determined was his own classmate, a woman named Murasaki Natsuye. Her plump and juicy body had an inexplicable attraction to him. He could clearly see it after just a brief observation yesterday. In addition to her true nature, she is a dissolute person at heart.

It's the same as some people he has played with before. As long as he shows his advantage a little, he will easily win him. Anyway, it belongs to his Bucks to win. Now let's wait for a while and wait for him to first defeat the JK beauty in front of him. After the girl has taken it, it is not too late to pick the purple palace summer leaves.

The closer she got to school, the more naked eyes she saw, which made Yoshida Saki feel a lot of pressure. She didn't know how they looked at her. Was it disgust? Still like it? No one came up to talk to her, and she wasn't sure...

Yoshida Saki simply lowered his head and stopped looking. When he got to the classroom, he went to ask Sono Yuko for his opinion.

"Hey, this beautiful female classmate, why do you have to lower your beautiful face? This will make the world less dazzling. Please raise your head so that we ordinary people can admire~"

Yoshida Saki, who was walking with her head lowered, suddenly saw a pair of feet in front of her eyes. Before she could even raise her head, some very naughty words came to her ears. However, the girl was extremely shy after hearing this.

"Are you...are you talking to me?"

Hearing this, Yoshida Saki slowly raised his head nervously, and what he saw was a crooked face. However, the girl did not dislike it. After all, she was not very beautiful before she dressed up. She would not be so beautiful after dressing up. Just look down on others.

With three-point looks, four-point makeup, but demanding seven-point men, Saki Yoshida is not the kind of woman who doesn't want a pretty face.

"Cough...cough, of course it's you, otherwise who else?"

Yoshida Saki's pretty face so close to him made Bucks couldn't help but gulp down his saliva. His brown-black hair was scattered around the girl's waist, and his eyes were attracted by his eyes as blue as the sea, which were covered by ordinary school uniforms. Without the graceful figure of the girl, especially those plump white and yellowish thighs, it would be a waste if you didn't hold it in your hands and play with it.

‘Isn’t this the Bucks’ win for our class? It seems like he doesn't recognize me... That's right. The me before makeup and the me after makeup are completely two different people. It's normal that I don't know each other. Is his current behavior trying to strike up a conversation with me? ’

Yoshida Saki suppressed her shyness and focused her gaze on Shiga Sheng's face, only to realize that he was actually her classmate. However, from the look on his face, he didn't seem to recognize her, but the girl soon figured it out.

‘Is it because I have become handsome again? It seems that I can also use my appearance to pick up girls in the future~’

Sensing the intense gaze of the girl in front of him, Shikasheng couldn't help but think shamelessly.

"Classmate, let's get to know each other and make friends. My name is Xiong Lu Sheng. I like singing, dancing, and RAP. Hehe~ RAP was introduced to Neon recently. It's normal that you haven't heard of it. Don't be ashamed of it. If you are interested, we can make an appointment to discuss it together."

Buck Sheng introduced himself in what he thought was a gentle tone. When he saw the girl's confused look, he explained to her thoughtfully. But in fact, he didn't know how to rap at all. He just said this to make him look very fashionable. Some women like to look foreign. stuff, so he often surfs the Internet to learn cutting-edge culture in order to pick up girls.

Yoshida Saki was confused by the RAP mentioned by Shikasheng, and she had little interest in understanding it. However, the girl was very happy to hear that Shikasheng wanted to make friends with her.

Before Yoshida Saki could open his mouth to say something, suddenly there was a bustling sound from a distance, and everyone who had stopped looked towards the source of the sound, including the girl and Shika Masaru.

A group of people, about twenty or thirty people, were walking in their direction. The person directly in front of them had naked arms and tattoos on his left and right sides. They were densely packed like maggots on the tarsus, and his face was full of flesh. , looks fierce and evil, and is someone not easy to mess with at first glance.

Chapter 165 The Clown Buck wins

Compared with the leader, the boys following him were wearing colorful short-sleeved shirts. Unlike him, they were wearing more formal white short-sleeved shirts. The exposed tattoos were also various, but the common feature was that they were not as large as the leader. Big, about the size of a palm.

After the students who were originally blocking the road to watch the excitement and eat melon were violently pushed by them, the remaining people who were still blocking their way also moved away to avoid unnecessary disasters. Those who were pushed down and injured by them did not dare to get angry. In other words, not only did they have a large number of people, but they had knives flashing coldly behind them, they could only swallow their anger.

Yoshida Saki looked at the direction they were heading, estimated their approximate location, and found that he was on their route, so he prepared to avoid it. After all, there were many girls blocking the road before, and they were pushed away arrogantly. , not caring whether you are a man or a woman, in a sense, true equality between men and women.

"Don't be afraid, classmate. I know a lot of people on the road. When they come, as long as I say my name, they will be shocked and then give us a face."

Buck Katsu noticed Yoshida Saki's restlessness and found it was a good opportunity to pretend to pick up girls. When he saw the girl preparing to move her body, he quickly patted his chest vigorously and said with confidence.

Yoshida Saki saw the Bucks' confident appearance and was infected by his confidence, so he stepped on his feet and chose to believe him.

Although Yoshida Saki is still a little scared in her heart, this is the second friend she has made and the first friend after putting on makeup. If she chooses to retreat at this time, then this friend may become useless, so She will stay.

As the figures of the group of people got closer and closer, there was a cloud of darkness, exuding an overbearing aura, which made Xiong Lu Sheng begin to roll his Adam's apple unconsciously, retreating in his heart, not sure that the people he met on the road were really useful. ? Can they really be allowed to give themselves a face?

But at the moment of imminence, Bucks had no choice but to take a big gamble. As long as he succeeded, it would be easy to win over the girl next to him. When he thought of the girl's plump body hidden under the rustic school uniform, he was as excited as if he had been shot.

"Ahem...cough, hello, brothers. My name is Xiong Lu Sheng. The biggest barbecue restaurant on the east side of the street is owned by my eldest brother..."

When the group of people was approaching, Xiong Lusheng hurriedly ran up to them, introduced himself with a nod and bow, and then moved out the eldest brother he knew. Xiong Lusheng only hoped that they had heard of it, even if it was just a small sale. He doesn't care about anything.

The word color means a knife on the head.

In order to pick up girls, Bucks Sheng even forgot some of the most basic things. In reality, there are legal restrictions, and the neon gang is more restrained. They all have legitimate jobs on the surface, but their actual income is still obtained through violence, which is just It's just more hidden.

Moreover, there may be several gangs in the same area. Because of the friction between the gangs for mutual interests, small-scale melees often occur. The light ones will be broken hands and feet, and the serious ones will be buried in Tokyo Bay forever. Not to mention the chaotic and brainless, just a trivial matter is forced to fall into the second dimension.

‘Pah! ’

“Baga! Who allowed you to block the road!?”

When Xiong Lusheng just finished speaking, before the flattering smile on his face completely disappeared, he felt a burning pain on his face. He stretched out a hand to cover his swollen face, and an incredible look emerged.

“I... I... My eldest brother’s name is”

‘Pah! ’

“Are you talking about that kid Kameda? He owes our group two months of rent and hasn’t paid it yet, and you dare to mention him in front of me!?”

Xiong Lusheng thought that the person in front of him didn’t hear clearly, and hurriedly wanted to report his eldest brother’s name, but he didn’t expect that the other face was also slapped, and then he heard the leader say dissatisfiedly.


Then there was laughter behind him.

Xiong Lusheng was dumbfounded. He recalled that day when he boasted to him how powerful he was. He said that during a gang fight, the boss of his group was ambushed by the enemy, and he was trapped in the enemy camp alone. He was like Zhao Yun of the ancient Dragon Kingdom, who went in and out seven times. He not only rescued the boss, but also beat the enemy into fleeing. In the end, his boss insisted on pulling him to become a brother of the opposite sex. Or he couldn't stand the life of walking on thin ice, so he chose to retire and opened a barbecue restaurant. He also heard him say that on the day he retired, everyone in the group burst into tears, especially his boss, who was reluctant to let him go and almost knelt down to beg him not to leave.

When Xiong Lusheng thought of his admiring look at that time, he wanted to give him a few more slaps on the face. When he heard Kameda say so powerfully, he wanted to hug his thighs. Seeing Kameda's entanglement, Xiong Lusheng gave him all the money he earned, and even gave him a woman who was trained by him to know everything, and then he became sworn brothers with Kameda. Unexpectedly, he was deceived. Kameda was a barbecue restaurant owner. Blah!

"Boy, you want to show off in front of girls, right?"

Before Xiong Lusheng woke up from the pain of being deceived, the rough voice sounded in his ears again.

"Hehe~ Can you.

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