
Buck Sheng nodded subconsciously, and then looked at the man in front of him with a flattering smile. Now he no longer expected the other party to give him a face, he just hoped that he would not be angered by that hateful Kameda.

'boom! ’

"Never mind you, what I hate most in my life is people who pretend to be hot and pick up girls. How dare you do this in front of me?"

Before Buck Sheng could finish his words, he was violently kicked in the abdomen and flew backwards a meter or two. Then he heard the leader's angry words.

The boys behind him didn’t laugh anymore this time. They had heard that before the boss joined the club, his wife was deceived by a pretty boy who used the hero-saving method to pick up girls. That’s why the boss hates pretending to pick up girls. people.

Buck Sheng, who was lying on the ground, didn't know that there were such coincidences in the world. If he could do it again, he would definitely not do this again.

The severe pain in his abdomen made Buck Sheng want to moan, but he was afraid of being beaten again, so he chose to pretend to be dead, begging the other party to let him go as if he were a stinky fart.

"Fuck me! But don't kill me, so as not to cause trouble."

But the sound from the other side frustrated the Bucks' hopes of victory.

"Boy, you're in bad luck. Why are you so unlucky? You're just pretending to be the boss of us."


Three or four younger brothers casually walked up to Xiong Lu Sheng from the crowd. After some complaints, they began to teach Xiong Lu Sheng a lesson with their feet. Miserable wails came from Xiong Lu Sheng's mouth.

"Bah, what the hell!"

"Hayato-kun, have you found the person who hit you?"

The leader looked at the moaning Buck Sheng, spat in disgust, and then asked casually behind him.

Chapter 166: Just out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's den again

"Brother, I haven't seen that brat yet. It's probably because we came too early and he hasn't arrived yet."

A yellow haired man quickly walked out of the crowd and respectfully came to the leader to greet him.

"Really? Let's wait and see, but you know that our time is precious..."

The leader nodded calmly, and then spoke very implicitly.

'idiot! What a vampire! ’

"Hey, thank you, big brother. This little money is just a little bit of my kindness. After this matter is over, big brother and the brothers will find a high-end KTV to relax~"

Hayato didn't understand what the leader meant. His originally flattering smile froze slightly, and he complained resentfully in his heart. However, he still pretended to be respectful on the surface. At the same time, he reached out and took out a stack of cash from his trouser bag. , handed it to the leader secretly.

"Hayato-kun is very wise~ Don't worry, I will break the boy's legs as agreed, and then leave the rest to Hayato-kun himself. You can do whatever you want, as long as it doesn't cause trouble. Brother, I can help you fight for your life."

The leader's eyes glanced at the money in his hand. It was worth ten thousand yuan. He estimated the thickness and found that there were at least forty or fifty pieces, which was enough for him to have fun tonight.

Despite his appearance, he was actually just a minor player in their group. It was hard not to feel happy when he suddenly received four to five million yen.

Hayato caught a glimpse of the excitement on the leader's face, and the look in his eyes became even more sinister. He had blackmailed many people, and the money he had earned from the girls he had trained before, working as a bartender, was all gone now!

Speaking of which, Hayato is actually one of the members of this group called Sakura Group, and has even joined the club for three years. In other words, he joined when he was in junior high school, but because of his young age, he did not get an important position.

But Hayato also developed his own way of making a living.

That is to use his natural appearance advantages to deceive the innocent and kind-hearted girls in school. He will first use sweet words and pretended gentlemanly demeanor to deceive the girls. After the goodwill reaches a certain level, when they have trust in him, he will Take away their virginity by drugging them.

In most cases, girls are worried that their reputation will be damaged due to the exposure of the matter, as well as the strange looks from their parents, teachers and classmates, so they will swallow their anger and choose not to call the police. After a period of time, under the influence of special drugs, the girls They will take the initiative to come to him and beg him, and then Hayato will slowly control them. When they can no longer live without Yao and him, he can make the girls a tool for making money.

Those fallen girls will be introduced by Hayato to the custom industries under the Sakura Group, and they will be asked to work as "accompanies". The money they earn will naturally go to Hayato, who will then give them the medicine. This will increase their performance and money. , beauty, Hayato has them all.

Hayato is also planning to make this industry chain bigger and stronger directly after graduating from high school. With this method, he will become an important member of the Sakura Group.

How much does this person in front of him take from Hayato? One day in the future, he! Hayato! Be sure to get it back twice as much!

"Okay, let's go down first. You and I are too conspicuous standing together. Don't alert others. When you see that person later, just tell the brothers to catch him."


Just when Hayato was still thinking about it, the leader interrupted his ambition. After hearing this, Hayato immediately nodded obediently in agreement.

‘Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...beautiful girls, the kind who get pregnant as soon as you lie to them, looks good

The Emperor really favors me, Hayato! ’

Just as Hayato was about to turn around and blend into the crowd, his eyes accidentally glanced at Yoshida Saki who was standing there at a loss. He was suddenly startled. Based on his experience in deceiving innocent girls in the past few years, he could see Yoshida Saki clearly at once. The essence of it, I couldn’t help but say with ecstasy in my heart.

Such a high-quality beauty is not comparable to the ordinary goods he has played with before. Whether he keeps it to himself or lets her go out to "accompany him with wine", the benefits obtained are very considerable.

"What! Hayato-kun, are you dissatisfied with my arrangement?"

The leader looked at Hayato still standing there stupidly, and said with dissatisfaction, ever since his wife was deceived by the pretty boy, the leader has been very hostile to handsome people, and there is a saying that when it comes to looks alone, Hayato is still He's quite handsome, otherwise he wouldn't have been able to trick so many girls.

"Boss, you misunderstood"

Hayato heard the leader's angry voice and quickly bowed his head and apologized to him.

Then Hayato put his head next to the leader's ear and whispered softly.

"Hayato-kun, this is beyond my obligations, so..."

"Three beautiful clams!"

"Okay, happy, I like to deal with smart people like you, Hayato-kun, hahaha~"

A look of pain appeared on Hayato's face. The beautiful clam in his mouth was the abbreviation of the girls he had trained, which meant that he wanted to give the leader three women, which would reduce his already small property. But when he thought about making money from the top-notch beautiful girl in front of him, Hayato felt that he could accept it.

Yoshida Saki didn't know that she had been used as a profit-making commodity by others. At this time, the girl looked at Shiga Sheng, who was lying on the ground dying, and didn't know what to do. Seeing that the person in front of her had no intention of making things difficult for her, the girl just thought After they vented their emotions and left, she called Xiong Lusheng to be sent to the hospital. After all, others wanted to make friends with her, so she couldn't ignore her friends.

"This beautiful female classmate, is he your boyfriend?"

"Um...he...he's not...my boyfriend..."

Looking at the man who walked out of the crowd and suddenly asked him a question, Yoshida Saki hesitated nervously.

"Then what is the relationship between the two of you?"

"Should...should be considered friends..."

Yoshida Saki didn't know why the person in front of him asked these questions, but he still answered honestly to avoid irritating the other person.

"Oh, actually what just happened was a beautiful misunderstanding. Classmate, you must be a freshman. I am one year older than you and I am also studying at Brass Academy. You can call me Hayato-senpai."

Hayato whispered to Yoshida Saki with a kind smile. When he heard Yoshida Saki say that Shiga Sheng was not her boyfriend, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. It was not her boyfriend. Then after he succeeded, there would be less fun. a lot of.

Apart from training girls, Hayato's favorite thing is to show affection in front of his mistress and enjoy the pleasure of occupying other people's things.


Yoshida Saki looked at the half-dead Shika Katsu who was lying on the ground and said uncertainly.

"Yes, it was a misunderstanding. Do you know them? The purpose of their coming is to punish a very bad person. It happens that your friend looks very similar to that person, so we accidentally made a mistake. We have already Call an ambulance for your friend and send your friend safely to the hospital in a moment. We will cover all the expenses."


Yoshida Saki looked at Hayato's kind smile and didn't know what to say about it. Judging from the other party's behavior, it seemed that it was just a coincidence.

Chapter 167 The hero appears

"Senior sister, let's go chat somewhere. It's not appropriate to wait like this in the middle of the road."

Seeing Yoshida Saki's confused look, Hayato laughed secretly in his heart. After a few words, he was sure that the pure girl in front of him was really as stupid as the girls he had deceived before. It seemed that his intuition was indeed correct.

Because their location was in the middle of the road, there were many students coming and going, and because of what had just happened, many people were watching. There were too many people to see, which was not conducive to what to do next, so Hayato made a gentle suggestion to Yoshida Saki.

The boss behind him also smiled knowingly when Hayato said this. With a wave of his hand, several younger brothers lifted up the fainting Shikasheng and walked towards a corner outside the school gate.

In fact, the leader happened to have the same idea. It looked too ostentatious in the middle of the road. He then remembered that there were many people with prominent backgrounds in this brass academy. If he was too arrogant and offended them, he would be punished. It might bring disaster to the Sakura group, so it's better to be careful.

Yoshida Saki bit her lower lip lightly, looking at Shikasheng who was being carried away, and Hayato who sincerely invited her, the girl's hands hanging at the top of her thighs pinched the hem of her skirt helplessly.


Under Hayato's sincere gaze, Yoshida Saki struggled for a moment. Out of concern for Shikasheng who wanted to make friends with her, she nodded slightly and agreed to the invitation.

‘Maybe it’s really just a misunderstanding’

The girl thought hopefully in her heart.

‘Bagaya Deer! Unexpectedly, he was cut off by Hayato who suddenly appeared! Instead of eating the beautiful meat, he got a beating. What a damn bastard! ’

The eyelids of Buck Sheng, who was supposed to be unconscious, moved unnaturally. After he felt himself being put down, he complained angrily in his heart.

The damage done to him by those people just now was not enough to make him pass out. Starting from junior high school, he was often beaten for trying to pry into other people's corners. Naturally, his body became more and more resistant to beatings.

Shikatsu heard the conversation between Hayato and Yoshida Saki clearly. Although Hayato pretended to be a gentleman, perhaps because they were the same kind of people, he understood Hayato's intention immediately.

If there are only two of him and Hayato now, then Shiga Sheng will definitely tell Hayato's conspiracy directly. At worst, neither of them can get it. But now that others are outnumbered, he can only endure it if he doesn't want to, but it's a pity that it is so I don’t know if I will ever meet that easy-to-deceive little sheep again.

However, Bucks Sheng changed his mind and attacked overnight, group six; 玖④⑨三'⑥一'③ Wu Xiang, his own specialty is to pry corners, it doesn't matter if he is not first-hand goods, with his advantages, as long as he finds an opportunity, let the girl Realize the happiness he brings, and still follow him wholeheartedly.

‘Haha, Hayato, I’ll let you be arrogant for a while, and then let’s see how I turn you green. Two and a half years to the east of the river, two and a half years to the west of the river! ’

Buck Sheng swore silently in his heart.

He, the Bucks, will take note of this grudge!

Yoshida Saki followed Hayato to the corner. The girl looked at a group of gangsters with weird patterns tattooed on their hands. It was impossible not to feel scared in her heart. However, she saw that they didn't have any weird behavior. The high-hanging heart Her heart was slightly relieved, and now the girl just hoped that the ambulance would come quickly, and then she could leave.

Hayato, who was standing not far from Yoshida Saki, twitched his nose imperceptibly. Suddenly, a fresh fragrance mixed with the fragrance of virginity poured into his nose. Hayato couldn't help showing a greedy look. It was so sweet. He smelled it. It tastes fragrant. If you eat it in your mouth, it will be so delicious.

With his throat rolling, Hayato finally couldn't bear it anymore and winked at the gangsters around him. The gangsters also understood and soon the inner and outer layers blocked the view. People outside could still see vaguely. What happened in the corner was now completely unclear.

"Hayato...Senior, what...what is going on...?"

The autumn morning was not too hot, and occasionally there was a cool breeze blowing, but at this time, there were a lot of beads of sweat as big as beans on the girl's fair and delicate forehead, flowing down her cheeks, destroying the girl's meticulous appearance. Wearing light makeup, Yoshida Saki looked at the people gathered around and asked in confusion.

It was not that Yoshida Saki was suspicious of their sudden encirclement, but they blocked the road like this. If the ambulance came, Shiga Sheng would not be able to get in the car immediately. The girl was a little worried about this new friend she had made.

"Hahaha~ Now that the school girl has found out, I will stop pretending to be a senior."

Hayato thought that Yoshida Saki had noticed his intention, so he simply stopped trying to hide it and said wildly, in fact, it didn't matter what happened. Pretending or not, Yoshida Saki was just a fish on the chopping board for him to slaughter.


Yoshida Saki, who is dull or in other words, longs for friendship and easily trusts others, still does not understand her current dangerous situation and Hayato's dirty intentions.

"What? Hahaha~ The school girl is more innocent than I thought~"

Hearing Yoshida Saki's answer, Hayato smiled even more unbridled. It seemed like a compliment, but when used at this moment, it seemed extremely sarcastic.

"Senior sister, eat it and join my big family!"

After Hayato fumbled in his pants pocket for a while, he found a few brightly colored pills in his hand. He showed them to Yoshida Saki and walked slowly towards her.

"Senior...you are...don't want it!"

Yoshida Saki, no matter how slow he was, understood the malice that Hayato was showing now. Looking at Hayato who was slowly walking towards her with an evil smile on his face, the girl stepped back step by step in fear.

But where can I retreat? There is a wall behind me, and the surroundings are blocked. Surrounded by twenty or thirty people, it is difficult to escape even if I have wings.

Facing a crisis, Yoshida Saki suddenly remembered an incident that happened in her class when she was in junior high school. There was a country girl who dressed almost as rustic as she did before, but had many friends.

One day after school, she went to a KTV with a few hot girls in the class who were close to her. At that time, Yoshida Saki was very envious. They were all local girls, so why did she have so many good friends, but she was alone.

On the second day, everything changed. The local girl started to dress up. Although she didn't look very beautiful, she was more attractive after putting on makeup. Many boys confessed to her, but she rejected them all. , I heard that she had a boyfriend at school, and he was a handsome guy, which aroused envy and jealousy among the girls in her class at the time.

But a week later, Yoshida Saki never saw the girl coming to school again. By chance, she heard that the girl's boyfriend was a scumbag. He not only cheated the girl's body but also used her identity to borrow money from usury. The girl At the end of the road, she could only rely on her body to pay off her debts, and was forced to become addicted to drugs. Although she did not hear the whole story later, Yoshida Saki had already imagined how miserable that girl would be in the future.

"Please, no, senior, please let me go! I...I have money, I will give it to you!"

If she was also addicted to drugs... Yoshida Saki couldn't imagine it. She looked at Hayato who was pressing closer and begged with tears in her eyes. At the same time, she took all the little money she had in her hand. He desperately handed it to Hayato.



Hayato smiled coldly and looked at the money in Yoshida Saki's hand with disdain. He knew how to choose between sesame and watermelon.

"Hayato-kun, we have found the person you are looking for."

Just when Hayato was about to feed Yoshida Saki with violence, a reminder sounded in his ear.

"Finally... it's... coming!"

Hearing this, Hayato's movements froze, and his originally wanton smile quickly disappeared, replaced by a hideous and terrifying face, his eyes were bloodshot, like a devil, he said hoarsely word by word.

Chapter 168 Me, me?

The gangsters around Hayato were frightened by his sudden burst of cold aura, and their eyes were full of fear when they looked at Hayato for a while. I don't know what kind of hatred would lead to such a great resentment.

Hayato didn't care about other people's opinions at this moment. Recalling the shame of yesterday afternoon, his eyes were bloodshot and his teeth were bitten by him, and it seemed that there was a foul smell lingering at the tip of his nose.


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