"Hayato-kun, should you... go and deal with that kid first? That kid shouldn't be able to escape. I've asked several brothers to stop him..."

Even when they didn't dare to speak, the leader moistened his dry throat and stood up. Even he was intimidated by Hayato's aura at first. Unknowingly, he looked at the surly Hayato with no more contempt in his eyes. meaning.

When Hayato heard the leader's words, he suppressed the overwhelming anger in his heart. Even when he was extremely angry, he did not lose his mind. He knew that he could not be too presumptuous in front of the leader. Now he had to rely on others.

"Boss, let's go. I also want to let that kid taste the humiliation he brought me."

Hayato suppressed his emotions, and his eyes full of resentment swept across Yoshida Saki Rika's pale face. Rather than taming the little sheep-like girl in front of him, revenge was more accessible to Hayato.

Otherwise, he is giving away money and women, and almost empties his family's wealth. What is his intention? Anyway, in Hayato's eyes, Yoshida Saki is already in his pocket. After He Feiyu's matter is dealt with, it won't be too late for the girl's turn.

Hayato put the medicine he took out back into his pants bag, turned around and walked out.

As for He Feiyu on the other side, he woke up in the morning and after saying many reluctant love words to Sister Liumei who was still sleeping soundly in his arms, he left the house in a depressed mood under Gunjian's loving good morning kiss. Fortunately, Amaga Minato and Sono Yushin noticed something was wrong with him on the road. As He Feiyu's girlfriend, Amaga Minato kept comforting him thoughtfully. Even Sono Yushin tried her best to make him happy, feeling the two of them. He Feiyu's mood finally improved a lot due to the female Wenxin's actions.

When they were about to approach the school, He Feiyu and the two girls noticed something was wrong this morning. There were actually many students standing outside the school gate, their eyes fixed on a certain corner.

Moreover, He Feiyu looked around and saw that there were many boys and girls supporting each other. Without exception, they all muttered and complained in a low voice, saying that they were so overbearing and rude, and the road was not built by your family. Why are you so arrogant... .

He Feiyu had a thought in his mind and guessed that something had happened. He followed the gazes of the students and saw a group of people wearing colorful shirts. He also found that they all had tattoos on their hands and machetes on their backs. and dangerous items such as batons.

"Heisehui? No, according to Neon, it should be the underworld."

He Feiyu guessed their identities. After all, it is normal for the underworld to exist in this world. He just didn't know why they appeared outside the school. Could it be that two students with underworld backgrounds had a conflict and were planning to have a fight outside the school? solve?

"let's go"

He Feiyu whispered to the two women beside him. He had nothing to do with him anyway, and He Feiyu was too lazy to get involved. Although the two-dimensional neon police seemed incompetent in dealing with the forced girls, a large-scale fight like this was not He should probably take care of it.

After all, the neon in his previous life also had underworld, but under the wild beast of the country, you have to coil up even if it is a dragon, and you have to lie down even if it is a tiger.

Unexpectedly, during the short period of time when He Feiyu looked at the group of gangsters, a gangster who was following him happened to see his appearance. He stared at him for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he immediately turned his head and said excitedly to a few people around him, and then squeezed in. At the same time, four people walked quickly towards He Feiyu.

"Excuse me, what can I do for you?"

He Feiyu looked at the gangsters who suddenly walked in front of them and blocked them, and asked in a cold voice, he didn't remember when he provoked the gangsters.

"Hehe, boy, you have offended someone who shouldn't be offended. He paid us a high price to deal with you. But seeing how you are still young, as long as you introduce the two beautiful girls next to you to the four of us brothers, we will wait. The four of us brothers can be gentler, how about we pass this village, but there is no such store~"


When He Feiyu heard this, he smiled contemptuously and stared at the cannon fodder passerby in front of him with indifference.

"Boy, don't give me a toast or drink as a penalty. The brothers are considering your young age and can't bear the thought of you losing your hands and feet and lying in bed decadently for the rest of your life. Now that you don't have a girlfriend, you can still find one in the future. Otherwise, when you become disabled, then, tsk tsk tsk~"

He Feiyu's contemptuous attitude made the speaker extremely unhappy. He rolled his eyes back, as if

What are you waiting for? In order to delay time, he continued.

"If nothing happens, please get out of the way."

He Feiyu naturally saw his little thoughts, but he didn't care, because in the face of absolute strength, any conspiracy and trick were in vain!

"Boy, who allowed you to leave!"

Seeing that He Feiyu was about to leave, in desperation, the speaker didn't care whether the troops arrived or not, he directly stretched out his hand to grab He Feiyu's collar, but suddenly remembered Hayato's sincere instructions, and quickly changed direction, heading towards what seemed to be the most important place. The weak Sono Yushin grabbed her.

"court death"


Before the man could touch Canano Yushin, He Feiyu grabbed the salty pig claw he extended. When he felt He Feiyu's hand, the man was not angry but laughed. His role was to hold He Feiyu down, no matter how he used it. The method he used was to capture He Feiyu or He Feiyu to capture him, as long as the effect was achieved. Anyway, the large army was coming soon, and then they would slowly deal with this little bastard. Moreover, he found that the two women He Feiyu was protecting behind him were both extremely beautiful girls. The round-cornered girl he found in a custom shop was many times more beautiful, and he wondered if he would have a chance to play with her.


But the next moment, the excited smile on his face stopped abruptly. There was just a "click" sound, and a heartbreaking pain suddenly erupted from the arm held by He Feiyu, and the miserable screams of ghosts and wolves were heard. It came out shrilly from his mouth.

The cannon fodder passerby endured the severe pain and looked around, only to find that his own palms had fallen naturally and helplessly, and his forearm held by He Feiyu was completely dented. In other words, his arm was brought alive by He Feiyu. The ground was crushed.

The other three people around also saw this scene. They couldn't help but take a step back, sweat dripping from their foreheads, and they all showed expressions of disbelief.

He can crush his bones with strength alone. Is he still a human being? ?

Is it really okay to ask them Karami to deal with such people?

Chapter 169 The Beauty of Symmetry

Not to mention other things, as members of the underworld, they often had fights with other gangsters over territorial issues. They had also encountered the kind of macho man who compared one with the others, but they had never been timid even with such a person!

But now.

Facing He Feiyu, their legs couldn't help but tremble.

Their teammates were almost there, and all their fear came from the lack of firepower. They didn't believe that twenty or thirty people taking turns to fight together could not kill the young man in front of them.

It's a pity that they can't see such a scene.

A phantom appeared behind He Feiyu, and the man with a broken arm was suddenly pulled in front of him. Before the man could groan in pain, he kicked him dozens of meters away with a lightning-fast kick. The hum didn't even sound, and he passed out directly.

The other three people were in a flash of lightning. They only heard the sound of their pants being blown by the wind and rustling, and then they saw their brother flying backwards like a cannonball.

They just wanted to do something.

But the next moment.

There was a pain in his chest, and he flew out like a charm.

The four people flew out from four angles. Even the corpse was almost far away from He Feiyu. It was very beautiful, like a fairy scattering flowers.

"You two go to school first, and I'll go take care of a little matter."

After dealing with the four little Karami, He Feiyu turned to the two women behind him and whispered instructions.

It's not that He Feiyu can't protect the two women, but he cares too much. He doesn't want the two women to face even the slightest risk.

"Well, Mr. Yu, be careful and don't hurt yourself."

Tianhe Kaminato nodded obediently, and after telling He Feiyu, he pulled the still dumbfounded Sono Yushin and walked away.

Seeing that the two women had reached a safe position, He Feiyu turned around and walked towards the crowd of people who were swarming towards him with unkind expressions on their faces. He wanted to see who he had offended.

A dense crowd of gangsters quickly surrounded He Feiyu and surrounded him in the center.

Each gangster held a terrifying weapon in his hand, staring eagerly at the half-grown boy in front of him.

"I wonder why I have offended all the bosses for a long time?"

Facing the crowd, He Feiyu didn't feel the slightest stage fright. Instead, he asked the big Kalami who was looking down at him with a smile on his face.

"Haha, kid, take people's money and help them eliminate disasters. If you want to blame, just blame yourself for your misfortune. Don't worry, we just broke your legs, not to kill you. If you give up resistance, you will suffer less. It’s a lot of sin, so we brothers can just call it a day and go home, and we haven’t had enough sleep so early in the morning~”

"Ha ha ha ha"

The leader looked at He Feiyu with a playful look, and his words made the gangsters around him burst into laughter.

Although the gangsters were all laughing loudly, there was no doubt that everyone who was staring at He Feiyu had a look of vigilance in their eyes, and the hands holding weapons were always ready to attack, as if He Feiyu did anything out of the ordinary. , the weapons in their hands will pour down like a heavy rain, falling on He Feiyu's body.

The leader also kept a safe distance from He Feiyu and was able to react immediately.

These people seem to be arrogant and domineering, and they act as if they are full of weaknesses. If they are ignored, even their bones will be devoured by these evil wolves in the end.

"Can you please make me understand? Who wants my life?"

It was the first time for He Feiyu to meet

He didn't know how to communicate with the underworld, so he imitated the words of people in TV series and martial arts novels from his previous life.

"This is not what you kid can do..."

"Then I'll let you die clearly!"

Before the leader finished speaking, a voice that sounded familiar to He Feiyu interrupted him. Hayato slowly walked out of the crowd and stood shoulder to shoulder with the leader. His brows were completely filled with anger.

The leader felt a little unhappy when he was interrupted by Hayato, but since the other person was his employer now, he could only tolerate it and wait until the matter was over before finding another opportunity to give him a good beating.

He Feiyu suddenly realized it when he saw Hayato, and he couldn't stop laughing when he recalled that Hayato's head was placed on the toilet by him yesterday.

"Who are you?"

Suppressing a smile, He Feiyu asked pretending not to recognize him. At the same time, he deliberately raised his hand and fanned the tip of his nose, as if to dispel some unpleasant smell.

"Damn bastard! How dare you humiliate me!"

He Feiyu's actions undoubtedly added fuel to the anger of Hayato. His originally handsome face was now ferociously twisted, his eyes were bloodshot, his eyes were about to burst, and he was gnashing his teeth. He wanted to eat He Feiyu alive.

It reminded Hayato of bad memories again. Yesterday, he came home in a daze with his hair and face unkempt. He took off his clothes immediately and went to the bathroom to take a bath for no less than two hours. After all the skin on his body was rubbed off, he felt that the disgusting and unpleasant stench disappeared, but this did not change the fact that he had been defiled.

Hayato has always been the only one to bully and insult others, when will it be someone else's turn to hurt him!

Even if he spends all his money, Hayato still wants to take revenge, so he will not hesitate to give away his own money and the women he has worked so hard to train.

Just to take revenge on He Feiyu! Let him also taste the feeling of having his hair washed with urine!

"Now you have two choices. One is to break your legs and completely destroy them. The other is to crawl under my crotch and let me pee on your head. Choose for yourself!"

Hayato took a deep breath, restrained his anger and said, instead of directly destroying He Feiyu, it is better to let him experience hope and then give despair, so that it can be called revenge!

"Oh? Really? Since you gave me two choices, I will also give you two choices. One is to kneel down and apologize to the student you just bullied, and the other is to have my limbs broken. How about it? Yes Isn’t mine more reasonable than the choice you gave me?”

He Feiyu did not answer, but smiled and replied to Hayato in the same tone.

"Do it!"

Hayato heard the words and stopped talking nonsense. In fact, no matter what He Feiyu chose, he would break He Feiyu's legs and let everyone pee on He Feiyu's head.

"I gave you a chance. If you don't cherish it, sit in a wheelchair and repent slowly!"

The leader added in a pretentious manner, then waved his hand to indicate that it was time to take action.

He knew that He Feiyu was good at fighting, otherwise he wouldn't have beaten away the four younger brothers at the beginning, but so what? A good tiger cannot hold off a pack of wolves. Under siege, even monsters will have to lie down!

A group of gangsters had been gearing up for a long time and couldn't help their bloodthirsty impulse. The old-fashioned dialogue almost made their ears calluses. When they heard that they could finally take action, they became more excited than the other. They picked up their weapons and aimed them at He Feiyu's head and body. fall.

Looking at the weapon that was about to fall on his head, He Feiyu remained calm.

Time begins to pause...

Everything fell into silence, and there was no more noise in my ears.

The gangsters were fierce, stern, and cruel, and their expressions fell into He Feiyu's eyes.

He walked up to everyone calmly, changed their movements personally, and adjusted the direction of the attack that originally fell on him. After everything was done, He Feiyu looked at his masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction to himself. , excluding him, there were exactly twenty-eight people present, paired in pairs, with a kind of symmetrical beauty~

Chapter 170 I don’t eat beef

Time starts to flow.


"Hi~ Doihara-kun, why did you hit me!?"

"Kitsuda-kun, you are the one! Oh~ why did you hit me in the face!"


Screams sounded from the crowd one after another, mixed with anger and confusion.

"Hayato! I want your explanation!"

Among them, the most hysterical sound of anger resounded throughout the audience, causing everyone else to subconsciously shut their mouths.

"Boss...Boss, I...I don't know why. I didn't even raise my hand, so why did I slap..."

Feeling the violent emotions coming from the leader, Hayato lowered his head and became restless, like a child who had done something wrong. Although he was unwilling to stay under others for a long time, he was still a little boy, and he would bow his head when it was time to do so. .


"Baga! Have you been dissatisfied with me for a long time?"

Ignoring Hayato's apology, the leader used all his strength, slapped Hayato on the face, and roared.

"I...how dare I be dissatisfied with the boss..."

Hayato touched his swollen face aggrievedly and stuttered in reply.

"One, it must be him, yes, it must be this kid!"

His gloomy eyes happened to glance at He Feiyu, who was watching the fun with a smile. Suddenly an idea flashed in his head, and he immediately pointed at He Feiyu and said,

Qi said with determination.

"Hey, hey, hey, don't be slanderous~ I've been standing here and haven't moved at all."

He Feiyu spread his hands, showing a harmless look.

"Impossible! We were all injured, but you were the only one who was not injured, and you still said it was not you who did it."

Hayato analyzed with reason.

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