"Wait a minute, Mr. Feiyu, who is this girl?"

Sono Yushin took Amagawa Minato's hand and asked with a smile.

"Ah? Don't you know Yushin-chan?"

Sono Yushin and Yoshida Saki were only separated from him, and Sono Yushin often turned around to chat with him. After all, he had seen Yoshida Saki before, so why did he ask Yoshida to him? Who is Saki...

"Eh!? Do I know him?"

Chapter 173: Mysterious Girl or?

Sono Yushin looked at Yoshida Saki carefully again, trying to confirm whether she had really seen her somewhere.

Yoshida Saki's delicate face, blue pupils, and tall figure make her a beautiful girl with long, straight black hair who is not inferior to her.

She is such a dazzling girl, even if it is just a quick glance, she should leave an impression in her mind, but strangely, Sono Yushin just can't remember where she has seen Yoshida Saki.

"It's me... Yusuke-san, have you forgotten? Yoshida Saki...ah"

Yoshida Saki's cheeks turned slightly red due to Sono Yushin's scrutinizing gaze. While she was shy, she also felt disappointed in her heart. She didn't expect that the first friend she made didn't recognize her anymore. Seeing Sono Yushin confused and confused With the appearance of Yoshida Saki, she directly revealed her identity.

"Ah!?? Is this...really Yoshida Saki-kun?"

Hearing the beautiful girl in front of her say that she was Yoshida Saki, Sono Yuki opened her pink lips slightly and showed an incredible look on her pretty face. She subconsciously compared the two women. They were so different. If she hadn't said it, she might never have thought of it. .


"Don't you recognize Yoshida Saki-san after you dress up?"

He Feiyu was listening to the exchange between the two. Judging from their appearance, they seemed to know each other. It was obvious that Sono Yushin almost always stuck to him except when going to the toilet. When did they meet? wrong! If they knew each other, why did Yoshida Saki act as if they had never met before after putting on makeup? He Feiyu really couldn't figure it out, so he tapped Sono Yushin's stupid head angrily.

"But this change is too big~"

Sono Yushin rubbed her little head while murmuring in frustration.

"It's not my fault, Yushin-kun, it's really my own changes that have changed too much..."

Yoshida Saki quickly helped Sono Yushin smooth things over, but there was actually a slight discomfort in the girl's heart. If Sono Yushin could recognize her appearance after makeup, she would be very happy.

"Okay, let's talk again in the classroom. We're running out of time."

He Feiyu looked at the time and interrupted the conversation.


The two girls nodded respectively.

He Feiyu pulled Tianhe Huamin and walked towards the school.

For some reason, when Yoshida Saki saw the two people's hands clasped together, she felt even more uncomfortable than before.

The girl followed the three of them quietly, but her eyes were turned away and looked elsewhere.

Time goes back to when He Feiyu bullied the gangsters and used it for the first time.

In a certain classroom.

A girl with an enchanting and beautiful figure was looking at the school gate from the window. Her gaze seemed to penetrate many obstacles, even through the buildings that blocked her view. Whether it was a coincidence or not, her eyes completely fell on He Feiyu. , staring unblinkingly.

"Time magic? It's still an advanced magic like stopping time. Even I can't move in it, but... why don't I feel the slightest fluctuation of magic power in his body... It's really strange."

The pretty girl's eyes flashed with strange red light, and her charming face showed a look of doubt and thinking, while she was talking to herself


"Haha, interesting~ It seems that I came to the human world at the right time. I thought I would meet them first~ I didn't expect to meet such an interesting boy right after I arrived~"

"Could he be the person I'm looking for? In that case, I will personally do you a small favor."

The girl's face had a seductive temperament that was not for her age, and she seemed more like a mature and beautiful woman. She murmured to herself and stretched out her scarlet pink tongue to lick her lips.

After the girl finished speaking, her mouth moved slightly, and suddenly a huge light mask appeared with her as the center, covering the school and its surroundings.

It wasn't until He Feiyu stopped working that the huge mask of light disappeared.

"Haha, my favor is not so easy to repay~ I just didn't expect that a small magic circle would consume so much magic power. The human world is really in ruins, and there is no magic power in the air anymore, but luckily I Wang can use other methods to supplement~"

The girl stared deeply at He Feiyu and the three girls beside him, then withdrew her gaze, turned around and glanced around at these young girls and boys, revealing an ambiguous smile.

In this way, without He Feiyu knowing anything about it, he owed a favor inexplicably, which was extremely difficult to repay. When He Feiyu accidentally heard her mention this matter in the future, he whipped her angrily for a long time, even though With her physical condition, she had to lie down for several days~

Back to the present.

He Feiyu was staring intently at Canono Yu's slim and handsome back, thinking about how to find that person. When he thought that he might be a tauren, He Feiyu felt like a lump in his throat and was very uncomfortable.

He now has two methods, one is to wait and wait, the other is to use the substitute Melancholic Blues.

Melancholic Blues can use the "memory" of the location to "rewind" the avatar to a specified point in time and transform into a character who appeared at that time and place, replaying his actions at that time.

But this is not about finding a needle in a haystack. He Feiyu still remembers that in the original JOJO book, when Apache used this stand-in to find the identity of Diavolo, the boss, he was still in a very small and specific location, and there was also information about Boss Diavolo. The clues were finally found by combining the two.

He Feiyu's location and clues were not clear at this time. The use of melancholy blues was completely funny. He was not sure whether the person was in school. If he was there, his feet would always be exposed. When the time comes, he would use a substitute to find him. It was much better, so He Feiyu decided to adapt to circumstances.

After thinking about it, He Feiyu moved his eyes away from Sono Yushin's back and looked at Himuro Kanade who was wearing a teacher's uniform on the podium and talking about math problems seriously with a pretty face.

The teacher's uniform perfectly fit Himuro's curvy figure, especially her hips, which were rounded by the short skirt. As she walked, the absolute area between her plump thighs was inadvertently exposed.

He Feiyu stared directly at Himuro Kanade. He felt very moved by Himuro Kanade. He subconsciously remembered the scene of the two of them in the warehouse yesterday. He couldn't help but licked his dry lips, but Himuro Kanade didn't provoke him. He Feiyu There was no excuse to savor her alluring scent.

What He Feiyu didn't know was that Himuro Kanade's attention had always been on him. From the beginning of class, Himuro Kanade noticed that He Feiyu, a pervert, was staring at the girl in front of him, which made Himuro Kanade feel very uncomfortable. Then yesterday's humiliation resurfaced, and her discomfort was immediately replaced by anger. She really wanted He Feiyu to stand up and answer the questions on the blackboard. As long as he couldn't answer, she could scold him as a matter of course, but she was afraid that He Feiyu would take this as an excuse. The excuse was that she deliberately made things difficult for him and then did something excessive to her, so Himuro-san endured it.

Unexpectedly, He Feiyu looked at the girl in front of him with lustful eyes, and then looked at himself with lustful eyes, which finally made Himuro Kanade unable to bear it anymore.


take a day off

I'm a little tired today.

Guaranteed to update tomorrow~

Chapter 174: A nurse who doesn’t look like a nurse

For some reason, from the beginning of class, Yoshida Saki couldn't help but focus on He Feiyu in front of him.

Recalling that she had just entered the classroom, most of the people in the class looked at her with a mixture of surprise and confusion, which was roughly the same as Aono Yushin's reaction, especially when she saw herself walking towards the last seat, all of them had a look of shock on their faces. .

If the bell hadn't rang at the right time, Yoshida Saki guessed that they would have walked up to him and asked her who she was...

In this regard, Yoshida Saki felt happy in her heart, which meant that her makeup was effective and she might be able to make more friends in the future. But somehow, she always felt a slight sadness lingering in her heart.

Is it really good to make friends based on appearance...and what will happen to me in the future...

The girl's confused eyes didn't know whether it was a coincidence or intentional, but they finally landed on the back of the boy in front of her.

Yoshida Saki watched as He Feiyu sometimes turned his head to look out the window and stared into the distance, and sometimes remained motionless in a daze. This interesting scene made the girl's mouth slowly curl up.

'He...seems to be different from others


The previous scenes reappeared in Yoshida Saki's mind. In danger, the young man landed beside her like a magic weapon and saved her from despair. And the most important thing is that He Feiyu is not different from other people, even if he is The first friend he made didn't recognize her immediately after she put on makeup, but He Feiyu could...

‘Feiyu-san likes me...! ? ? It’s still the legendary love at first sight! ! ! ’

A bold idea came to Yoshida Saki's mind. When she thought about it, she suddenly felt that everything made sense. Otherwise, how could He Feiyu recognize her in the first place and risk so much to help him? , if this is not considered liking, then what can be counted as liking?

'But Feiyu-san seems to have a girlfriend, and she is so beautiful, and Yushin-san has a good relationship with him...could it be that Feiyu-san is the legendary Sea King? ’

Yoshida Saki's mind was very fast. He was thinking randomly and made up a series of things in his mind. Sometimes he had a silly smile on his pretty face, and sometimes he had a wizened face. It was so exciting.

The changing expressions on the girl's face happened to be witnessed by an audience member, and unfortunately it was Kanade Himuro who was about to explode and couldn't find an outlet.

"Yoshida Saki, stand up and tell me the answer to this question."


Yoshida Saki, who was not paying attention to the class at all, suddenly heard the majestic voice of Himuro Kanade. The girl immediately stood up instinctively and looked quickly towards the blackboard.

Obviously Yoshida Saki could recognize each symbol separately, but when put together, she couldn't figure out what it was.


Yoshida Saki didn't know the answer at all, and now she just hoped Himuro Kanade could let her go and let someone else answer the question.

Under normal circumstances, Himuro will ask someone to stand up to answer a question. If they can't answer the question within ten seconds, she will ask them to sit down and either explain directly or ask someone else to answer.

But now it is a special situation. Himuro Kanade just had a panoramic view of Yoshida Saki staring at He Feiyu's back, which made her extremely unhappy. She couldn't figure out why such a pervert would be liked, so Himuro Kanade was ready to educate Yoshida. Saki, to prevent her from going astray, and at the same time, it can also have a deterrent effect on He Feiyu like beating a cow from across the mountain, and He Feiyu can't find an excuse to do it to him.

Think of it, you can kill three birds with one stone! Himuro Kanade was in a beautiful mood at this moment, but she didn't show it. She still looked like a thousand-year-old iceberg, exuding a special aura that made people feel cold.

"Why don't you say anything, Mr. Himuro Kanade? It's so... so embarrassing."

As time passed by, Yoshida Saki still couldn't answer the question, and she also noticed that the fiery eyes of the people around her were slowly gathering towards her. Due to nervousness and shame, there were already crystal beads of sweat on the girl's fair forehead. It came up and my face was burning hot.


Just when Yoshida Saki's pretty face was about to bleed, a soft voice from the front reached her ears. The girl seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and spoke hastily without thinking.

‘It’s all over now, I’ve made such a big stink, it’s impossible for anyone to want to be friends with a fool like me anymore’

After saying that, Yoshida Saki felt a little regretful. It couldn't be that simple. She obviously didn't recognize some symbols, so how could the answer be a simple number?

‘This is what Feiyu told me, he will definitely not lie to me! ’

Yoshida Saki couldn't help but look at the place where the sound came from, and found that it was He Feiyu, and his heart that was still shaken suddenly became firm.

"Correct, Yoshida Saki, please sit down and don't get distracted next time."

Then I heard Himuro Kanade speak.


Hearing this, Yoshida Saki nodded happily, and his anxiety was replaced by joy.

‘Feiyu-san really didn’t lie to me’

The girl sat down and spread her clenched hands, which were already wet with sweat. Yoshida Saki picked up the paper towel in the desk and wiped her hands clean. Then she raised her eyes and looked at He Feiyu with gratitude.

After watching for about half a minute, Yoshida Saki quickly looked away and looked at the blackboard. He had already been caught once. If he was caught again later, he would be in big trouble. He had better listen carefully.

But less than four or five minutes passed, Yoshida Saki's eyes couldn't help but fall on He Feiyu again. This time it wasn't that she didn't want to listen carefully, but that she couldn't understand, so she just lost her mind for a while. It has completely become something she doesn't understand.

The reason why I'm not good at math is just because I lowered my head and picked up a pen in a math class. It was really not a joke. Yoshida Saki thought it was just an exaggerated joke, but she didn't expect that one day it would actually happen to her. It's simply ruined. Big deal... Big deal, I'll ask you for advice sometime...


"It's really troublesome! Why are we two doing these boring things again? It was just the two of us yesterday?! After all, it's someone else's turn today!"

"It's so hot! It's so hot! It's so hot!"

"Nurse Kurokawa, please be calm and don't kick the things in the ambulance. If you are held accountable, you will have to pay for the damage alone."

Listening to the impatient complaints from Nurse Kurokawa next to her, Nurse Tachibana just drove the car expressionlessly without any response. It wasn't until the front of the car was banged by Nurse Kurokawa's feet that Nurse Tachibana's eyes turned cold. , speaking without emotion


"Tch—it's better to follow that guy Ping Song."

Nurse Kurokawa's foot was about to kick towards the front of the car again. Although there was extreme displeasure on her evil face, she still put down her leg obediently, but she still said something back.

In response to the provocation from Nurse Kurokawa, Nurse Tachibana did not fight back and remained focused on driving. She could see nothing but a cold expression on her face, as if she would always have only one expression on her face.

"We're finally here, let me see where the injured guy is."

As soon as the ambulance stopped, Nurse Kurokawa couldn't wait to open the door and jump out.

"What...what's the situation? Doesn't it mean there's only one person?"

Nurse Kurokawa's red eyes swept across the school gate, and finally stopped not far away. Her originally gloomy and casual expression turned into shock, and she looked in disbelief at a group of people lying on the ground in a mess like garbage.

"It should be a gang fight"

Nurse Tachibana walked up to Nurse Kurokawa and looked at this scene coldly, not as surprised as Nurse Kurokawa.

"Wouldn't this increase our workload? It's really troublesome."

After hearing Nurse Tachibana's explanation, Nurse Kurokawa's expression returned to normal, but her tone of voice was not as aggressive as when she had just faced Nurse Tachibana.

"Call for reinforcements and ask the headquarters to send more vehicles."

Nurse Tachibana said calmly. After speaking, she walked towards the crowd, leaving only Nurse Kurokawa alone.

After stepping over a few people in front of them, Nurse Tachibana slowly walked to the place where the most people fell to the ground. A strange circle appeared at one point, as if they were beating one or two people. It seemed different from what she had guessed. It's not a gang fight.

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