'Did one person make them all like this...'

As a nurse, she saw that except for one or two people, the rest of the people had their limbs broken, and their injuries were all in almost the same place, as if they were made by the same person. Suddenly, a bold idea came to Tachibana. appears in the nurse's mind.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk~ The fight between the underworld was so fierce. Almost everyone had their limbs broken and fell into a coma."

While Nurse Tachibana was deep in thought, Nurse Kurokawa, who had made the reinforcement call, walked up to her and said jokingly, her tone returning to the same tone as before.


Nurse Tachibana was already used to Nurse Kurokawa's subtle changes, so she responded perfunctorily without saying her guess.

"Ugh! What does it smell like? It stinks! It's like an old man who can't control his excretion."

Anyway, she was waiting. Nurse Kurokawa walked around boredly, kicking the unconscious people to see if they were dead. She was about to walk to a young boy who looked like a student, and suddenly A foul smell spread into her nose, causing Nurse Kurokawa to retching and vomiting.

"Eh!? This person's balls were...exploded, hahaha~ Who has such a bad taste?"

Holding back her disgust, Nurse Kurokawa pinched her nose and stepped forward to observe. She found that the man lying there had dried blood on his lower body pants, and there was a yellow and white thing on his butt. Because it was too disgusting, she looked at it. He looked away for a moment, then actually put his hand on his stomach and laughed.

Nurse Tachibana came after hearing the sound and looked down at the man calmly, with a calm expression on her face.

"Let's pull him back first. He is the most injured here."

"Do you really want to stay in the same car with him? He smells so disgusting, why not let Hiramatsu do it?"

Nurse Kurokawa frowned and did not hide her disgust in her words. She did not look like a nurse who was saving lives and helping the wounded.

Nurse Tachibana did not speak, but turned and walked towards the ambulance.

"What are you pretending to be?"

Seeing Nurse Tachibana walking away, Nurse Kurokawa sneered disdainfully.

In the end, Nurse Kurokawa and Nurse Tachibana carried Hayato into the ambulance.

"Fortunately, I prepared a mask. It feels much more comfortable now."

Both Nurse Kurokawa and Nurse Tachibana wore masks similar to gas masks on their faces.

The ambulance slowly drove away from the school gate. Nurse Tachibana looked through the rearview mirror at the retreating Brass Academy. She had an inexplicable feeling in her heart that this was by no means her second visit.

Chapter 175: The little thief who steals water


The sound of the ambulance faded away.

"Huh, I hope you don't get into trouble..."

He Feiyu also withdrew his attention from the window and slowly exhaled a breath of turbid air from his mouth. He was not sure if the doctor would choose to call the police when he saw that scene and get himself into trouble, thereby wasting energy on dealing with such trivial matters.

"What's wrong? Yoshida Saki-san"

Just when He Feiyu was praying not to get into trouble, he suddenly felt a sharp touch on his back. Someone was poking him with a pen. He knew who it was without even thinking about it. He Feiyu smiled slightly.

He tilted his head slightly and looked at the girl sideways.

"Thank...thank you, classmate Feiyu"

When Saki Yoshida saw He Feiyu looking sideways at her, the girl quickly reached out her hand and put it nervously on the table, holding on to the pen. Her eyes met He Feiyu's and then she lowered her head in panic.

"Haha, Yoshidasaki-kun, just don't be so nervous next time you answer a question."

He Feiyu didn't expect that Yoshida Saki came to her because of such a trivial matter, so he chuckled and encouraged the shy girl in front of him.

It was a very basic question that he had learned in his previous life in junior high school and high school. He guessed that the girl was nervous because she was whipped to answer the question. He would know that Yoshida Saki was caused by random thoughts and Himuro Kanade being sulky.


Yoshida Saki didn't dare to explain why she couldn't do it, otherwise... So the girl nodded in approval, which was regarded as acknowledging what He Feiyu said.

"Brother, this is the soda I didn't give you yesterday."

Yoshida Saki, who found the opportunity to talk to He Feiyu, originally wanted to say a few more words to He Feiyu, but unexpectedly he was interrupted by others.

A handsome boy with fair skin, who was not as tall as her visually, was holding a bottle of soda in his hand and smiling at He Feiyu.

Regarding Tsubaki Ayato's sudden interruption, Yoshida Saki felt slightly uncomfortable in her heart, but this emotion went away as quickly as it came.

"Brother, did I bother you? I'm really sorry! It's just that I just finished buying soda yesterday, and your figure disappeared. When you came in the morning, you were about to go to class and couldn't find the chance, so after class I Just come..."

Tsubaki Ayato seemed to realize that his behavior was wrong, and he quickly bent down to apologize and explain.

"Didn't I tell you not to call me big brother? Others thought I was bullying..."

He Feiyu reached out and took the soda in Chunno Ayato's hand and said angrily.

"How could it be! Only a righteous person like Brother is not that kind of scum!"

Hearing what He Feiyu said, Chunno Ayato became excited, and his petite body retorted sonorously to what He Feiyu said.

"Haha, I'm not as good as you said. Don't call me big brother from now on. You can call me Feiyu-kun or Feiyu-san."

He Feiyu was stunned. He didn't expect Chunno Ayato's reaction to be so great, as if he was talking about him, and then he shook his head and said with a smile.

"Okay, Feiyu Da... Feiyujun"

Tsubaki Ayato nodded quickly and subconsciously responded, but saw He Feiyu's frivolous eyebrows and quickly changed his words.

"Feiyu-kun, then I won't disturb you anymore."

The task of delivering water has been completed. Tsubaki Ayato looked at the time and prepared to return to his seat to preview the content of the next class.


When Saki Yoshida saw Tsubaki Ayato leaving, she didn't know what to say to He Feiyu for a moment.

The atmosphere got weird.

He Feiyu didn't care that much. Yoshida Saki didn't say anything, so he turned his attention to the soda given by Chunno Ayato. He sat up straight and opened the bottle cap. Many bubbles popped out. He Feiyu hurriedly looked at it. Drink from the bottle.


The grape-flavored bubbles danced on the tip of He Feiyu's tongue, and he couldn't help but show an expression of enjoyment. Sure enough, the first sip of soda is always the best.

"Feiyu-kun, is this soda delicious?"

Sono Yushin, who had been paying attention to He Feiyu's every move, heard He Feiyu's comforting voice. The girl turned around, put her white hands on He Feiyu's table, supported her little head with her hands, blinked her eyes and looked at He Feiyu softly and asked.


To be honest, soda drinks are usually perfect only under certain circumstances. For example, after a workout or when you get home after a hard day and put down all your baggage to get ready to stay home. In this case, he simply thinks that the first sip is delicious, and then he is ready to drink it. Take a sip when you're thirsty.

"Do you want to drink it, Yushin-chan? If you want to drink it, I will buy you a bottle later."

The girl's eyes were fixed on the soda he drank. He Feiyu thought that Cang Nao was thirsty, and he happened to have to go to the toilet for a quick refreshment, so he thought of bringing her a bottle when he came back.

"Haha, no need"

Canano's pink lips raised, she nodded slightly, indicating that she didn't need to, but her eyes were still looking at the soda He Feiyu put on the table.

"Okay, I'm going to use the toilet."

Seeing He Feiyu's figure slowly disappearing at the door, Canano turned around and stared at the soda He Feiyu had just drank. Her pink tongue involuntarily swept across her lips, and her little hand near the soda began to move slowly, as if she was afraid of being seen. She quickly scanned the surroundings like a thief, and after finding that no one was paying attention, the girl moved her hands even faster.

Finally, the soda was held in the girl’s hand!

The delicate body immediately turned her back to everyone, turning to a blind spot where no one could see. She quickly opened the bottle cap with her little hands and looked at the mouth of the bottle, which seemed to be wet. Aoi's cheeks swelled up with worry. Get red.

What's going on? Why am I acting like a slut? If Mr. Feiyu sees me like this, will he feel disgusted...

However, I really can't bear this feeling anymore. Anyway, Sister Hua Minu also acquiesced. I must get ahead of others and become Feiyu-kun...

Having made up her mind, Sono Yushin's will became firm and she no longer hesitated. She pressed her pink lips to the mouth of the bottle, raised her little hand, and the soda flowed along the bottle and into her mouth.

I haven’t waited for Aonano to be careful.

Taste, the bell rang, and the frightened girl restored everything to its original state in less than two and a half seconds, and the soda in her mouth was swallowed whole in panic.

‘Is this considered KISS with Feiyu-kun? ~’

Although the girl felt a little regretful, she was mostly filled with joy, and the sweetness in her mouth seemed to spread down her throat and spread throughout her body.

"Hello, classmates~ I am the teacher responsible for teaching you Mandarin in your first year of high school. My name is Shirakawa Miwa. You can call me Teacher Miwa~ If you encounter any unsolvable problems in life and study, you can come to me. ~"

A gentle voice sounded, like a spring breeze soothing Sono Yui's restless heart. The girl raised her eyes, and a mature woman exuding gentleness and intelligence was introducing herself on the podium.

Shirakawa Miwa's face looks gentle, and her every move reveals incomparable warmth. Compared with the cold and stern Himuro Kanade, many students can't help but feel good about this gentle teacher in their hearts. Sono Yui The same is true for the heart.

‘What’s wrong, Mr. Feiyu is still in the toilet’

Suddenly the girl realized that He Feiyu was still going to the toilet. You must know that Himuro Kanade once said that anyone who is late for her class will be punished by standing for ten minutes regardless of any excuse. I wonder if Miwa Shirakawa will also have such a punishment. I couldn't help but worry about him.

Say Cao Cao, and Cao Cao will arrive.

After returning from using the toilet, He Feiyu was standing quietly outside the classroom door looking at Shirakawa Miwa, whom he had never met before, guessing that she was the new teacher. Seeing that she was still introducing herself, he did not interrupt.


After Bai Hemihe finished speaking, He Feiyu knocked on the door politely and explained the reason for being late.

"Okay, classmates, please come in."

Shirakawa smiled softly and did not say anything to establish her authority. You must know that in order to manage students, almost all teachers will state her classroom requirements during the first class.

"I'm so lucky ~ I met Teacher Miwa"

As soon as He Feiyu returned to his seat, Canano turned his head and whispered to He Feiyu unwillingly.


While replying to the girl's words, He Feiyu reached for the soda on the table. He had just finished releasing it, and he was thirsty again without realizing it.

'what happened? Why do there seem to be less sodas? Is it my misunderstanding? ’

He Feiyu took the soda in his hand and was about to take a sip when he found that the level of the water seemed to have dropped a lot, as if it had been drunk by someone else. But how could there be such a perversion in the classroom? He immediately rejected this conjecture. It was funny. The ground shook his head.

"What's wrong with you, Yushin-chan? Why is your face so red? Do you have a fever?"

After drinking, He Feiyu pursed his lips. He suddenly felt that the soda seemed to have become sweeter. He opened Mandarin and looked at the blackboard, but he caught a glimpse of the girl who had not turned her head, and the side of Aono Yushin's face was red. There were still waves of light rippling in his black eyes, and He Feiyu quickly expressed concern in a low voice.

Unexpectedly, the girl didn't have any answer, but quickly turned around as if running away, leaving only a beautiful back view for He Feiyu.

He Feiyu rolled his head in confusion. He didn't know what was going on with Sono Yushin. He couldn't figure it out, so he focused on looking at the blackboard. What he didn't know was that at this time, Sono Yushin was putting his hand on his violently rising chest. , the corners of her cute mouth are curved.

He Feiyu did not encounter any tauren incidents from the following time until school was over in the afternoon. He Feiyu was quite satisfied with this. This way, it was like a normal world, a high school that should be, instead of just walking a few steps and encountering The fat boy, the yellow-haired man, the bald old man, Shota is threatening and coercing the girls.

But He Feiyu knew that this was just a flower in the mirror, and the moon in the water would be broken at any time, so taking advantage of his free time, he found an opportunity to take out three Momotaro rice balls and collect all the birds in the school under his account, letting them act as eyeliners. As long as he found If a man plots something against a girl, he will immediately tell it to him and use the description to judge whether to take action.

Chapter 176 The girl who is gradually deteriorating

Outside the school gate.

"Feiyu-kun, why aren't sparrows afraid of you? Birds like this usually fly away before I get close to them on the road."

Aangano Yuxin tilted her head and looked curiously at a few sparrows standing quietly on He Feiyu's shoulders.

"Maybe I'm more popular with little animals than you, Yushin-chan~"

He Feiyu said jokingly.

"Hmph! How is that possible!"

Cang Nao pursed her lips and reached out unconvincedly to touch the sparrow on He Feiyu's shoulder.

"Is it true that you, Mr. Feiyu, said that I am not liked by little animals at all?"

The small sparrow didn't even flap its wings in response to the girl's outstretched clutch. It just jumped deftly and skillfully avoided Sono Yushin's little hand. The unconvinced girl tried several more times, but unfortunately the outcome was the same every time. The result made Yu Sono couldn't help but frown, and the sparrows who escaped all turned their heads to look at her, with a lot of ridicule in their little eyes.

"Okay, birds like this are naturally timid and alert. It's normal that they can't be touched. I also used some tricks. You can touch them again and see."

Seeing the girl's unhappy expression, He Feiyu smiled and touched her hair to show comfort, and at the same time he spoke to encourage her.

"Hehe~ The little one is so cute~"

He Feiyu's words rekindled the sparkle in Canano Yuxin's eyes. The girl reached out her hand and touched it carefully again. This time, it was numb.

The bird did not run away, and she teased the bird's head with her fingers as she wished.


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