Tianhehua Minato, who had arrived late, quickly walked up to the two people who were behaving intimately. He raised his hand and brushed aside his sweat-stained bangs on his temples, and said slightly apologetically.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Sweat breaks out on your forehead."

"It's okay, let's go. I'm mainly worried that you and Sister Yuexin will have to wait for a long time, so I want to come over quickly."

Feeling the gentle wiping from He Feiyu, Tianhe Hua Minato showed a sweet smile on her rosy face. She raised her hand and rolled He Feiyu's hand into her arms. The other hand also held Aangano Yuxin's little hand.

In fact, this is just one of the reasons why Tianhehua got together, but the most important reason is that she wants to stick with He Feiyu, so that they can finally spend one night alone~

"I'll send Yushin-chan home first, and then I'll look for you."

When they came to the fork in the road, He Feiyu thought of what happened this morning and was worried that Sono Yushin, who was not protected by the succubus halo, would be under unknown threats, so he whispered to Amano Hana Minato.

"Well, go ahead, I'll wait for you."

Amaga Minato didn't complain at all and nodded with a smile.

Watching the two disappear from sight, Amaga Minato walked slowly towards home. Then she looked at the time. It was not yet five o'clock, which meant that the two of them had fifteen hours to do what they liked. , thinking of this, the girl's steps couldn't help but become brisk.

the other side.

Sono Yushin and He Feiyu were walking side by side. There was no emotion on her face, but the girl's heart was already turning upside down.

‘What do Feiyu-kun and Hua Minato-sister mean by what they said? ? ? Could it be that the two of them have...'

The girl recalled what the two said to each other before they parted, and a bold picture involuntarily appeared in Sono Yushin's mind. The two naked people hugged each other, and then things fell into place...

Obviously this kind of thing should be very shy for an innocent and pure girl. Sono Yushin's pretty face did turn red. She should have stopped, but such an ambiguous scene made her unable to help but fantasize about it. , and the face belonging to Amaga Minato slowly turned into...


The fantasy was at its peak, and she didn't know whether it was because of shame or because her body was being touched, but a exclamation came out of the girl's mouth.

"Are you stupid? You don't even look at the road when you walk."

Before Cang Nai could ask why, He Feiyu said angrily.


The girl apologized weakly. She didn't know whether it was because she felt ashamed after hearing He Feiyu's words or for other reasons. Sono Yushin didn't even dare to look directly into He Feiyu's eyes.

"Okay, I don't mean to say anything to you, but it's very dangerous to be distracted on the road! If something happens, the family will be very hurt."

He Feiyu's words came to an abrupt end before he finished speaking. He then remembered that the girl's dearest grandmother had left. Although her parents occasionally gave her money, they had actually abandoned her.

Sure enough, after hearing He Feiyu's words, the girl lowered her head nervously, and the schoolbag in her hand trembled with the girl's trembling body, like a child who had made a mistake and was about to be punished by her parents.

"I'm sorry, Yushin-chan, I didn't mean it."

He Feiyu's original intention was to care about the girl, but he thought it would backfire, so he quickly apologized.

"Uh-I know, but, uh-"

Aangano Yuexin also knew that He Feiyu cared about her, but when she thought of painful things, her tears flowed uncontrollably like a flood.

Pedestrians passing by were also attracted by Sono Yushin's sobbing voice and cast their eyes over.

"It's okay, Yushin-chan, I will be your family from now on, and so will Hana Minato-chan and the others."

Seeing the girl crying in sadness, He Feiyu felt uncomfortable and didn't know how to comfort her. He could only take a few steps forward, protecting the girl's waist with one hand, and gently stroking the girl's smooth hair with the other.

At the same time, hypnosis is activated, telling pedestrians passing by to leave quickly.

The girl cried in He Feiyu's arms for nearly five or six minutes. The cold tears wet their chests through their clothes. However, He Feiyu did not feel cold. On the contrary, the skin on their chests stuck together because of the tears. Feel the other person's temperature.

Aangano Yushin seemed to have discovered this, and her cries gradually became quieter until they disappeared completely. He Feiyu's warm body temperature and the unique smell of male hormones made the girl's heart "thump, thump, thump" faster.

"Are you feeling better?"

Realizing that Sono Yui was no longer crying, He Feiyu finally breathed a sigh of relief. People who have not experienced being abandoned by their parents cannot empathize with it. Although he was an orphan in his previous life, logically speaking, he has not experienced it in detail. What it feels like to be abandoned.

Sono Yusuke hummed softly like a little animal in his arms.

"It's all my fault. I promise I won't mention it again in the future."

Seeing that the girl's mood was stable, He Feiyu spoke slowly.

"It's not Feiyu-kun's fault..."

Sono Yushin closed her eyes and gently smelled the scent of He Feiyu's body with the tip of her nose. The moon-like reflection in her black eyes gradually turned into a circle, then became incomplete, and finally formed a pink heart.

"It's okay. Can you keep walking?"

"Hey, my body is a little... stiff."

Just as the girl was about to move, she staggered. Fortunately, He Feiyu held her up, otherwise she would have fallen to the ground.

"Come up"

After thinking for a while, He Feiyu walked to Cang Nao Yuexin and squatted down, then turned his head and said to the girl.



Aangano Yuxin did not refuse, it would be better to say that it was exactly what she wanted. She squatted down slightly with her fair and slender thighs, leaned her body, and pressed her whole body against He Feiyu's back. Her pretty face no longer looked like she was crying, but there was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. giggle.

On the road, a handsome young man was carrying a petite and cute girl on his back. The sight of this handsome young man and his beautiful appearance attracted frequent glances from passers-by.

Cang Nao was on He Feiyu's back, her eyes closed tightly, her cheek caressing He Feiyu's ear intentionally or unintentionally, causing He Feiyu's body to feel numb, and he almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the stimulation was not very strong, so he held on. With trembling thighs, we finally reached the downstairs of Gunjian Apartment.

"It's... it's... Yuzu...chan...can you...go...up...by yourself?"

He Feiyu's words became awkward.

"Okay, that's it. Feiyu-kun, please let me down."

Sono Yushin held back her smile and said, she didn't expect that what Sister Hua Minato said was actually true. He Feiyu's ears were his weakness. She just rubbed them for a while, and he became like this. If...

"See you at the electric... tram station... tomorrow..."

He Feiyu didn't know whether Cang Nao's intention was intentional, but he was going to deal with the initiator and wanted her to know that the secret couldn't be leaked casually!

"Okay, see you tomorrow, Mr. Feiyu"

"Jiu Mi~"

After bidding farewell to Canano, He Feiyu was about to turn around when suddenly a gust of fragrant wind hit him. Before He Feiyu could react, warmth left on his face.

"It seems that I am still too naive..."

Seeing Canano's figure running away with no sign of discomfort, He Feiyu touched the warmth left by the girl just now and couldn't help but smile and shake his head.

Seeing the girl's door being opened and closed, He Feiyu turned around and left.

"Hey, Feiyu-kun, you said it yourself that we will be a family from now on~"

When the girl returned home, her petite back was pressed tightly against the door, breathing heavily. The hot breath of the girl could be seen in the air. At the same time, Sono Yushin raised a hand and put it on herself. On the chest that was shaking violently, after confirming his mind, he said dreamily.

Chapter 177: Cat is very angry

He Feiyu walked for a while and saw no one around. In order to save time, he took out his invisibility cloak and bamboo dragonfly. After putting them on, he couldn't wait to fly towards Tianhe Hua's home.

In less than two minutes, He Feiyu's figure landed in front of Tianhe Hua Minato's house.

"Hanaminato-chan, here I come."

Looking at the familiar building, He Feiyu straightened his hair that was messed up by the wind, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Here you go, Mr. Yu!"

Amaga Minato's happy voice immediately responded. The joy in the girl's tone could not be concealed even by the heavy iron door.

Immediately, the sound of slippers stepping on came from far and near in the house.


When the door was opened, He Feiyu instinctively opened his hand, and the next second, as before, Tianhehua flew into his arms and bumped into his arms.

Just because the two mountains on the girl's chest were too plump, Tianhe Hua Minato's body was actually bounced away by the soft flesh after hearing "Duang Duang" twice. However, He Feiyu had long been used to this, and he hugged the girl's waist. Only because of her own advantage did she get hurt.

"Why are you so careless at home?"

He Feiyu put his arms around Tianhe Hua Minato's delicate body, helped her stabilize her body, lowered his head and said to the girl with a smile.

Amaga Minato always looked sweet and calm when she was outside, which was very reassuring, but as soon as she returned home, the girl began to become careless in some aspects.

"When I think of being alone with Yujun, my body and brain just don't obey~"

Tianhe Huamin also held He Feiyu with both hands, and she rubbed her forehead hard against the boy's chest. As for why it wasn't her face, it was because the girl's snow peak was too big.

In the past, Tianhehua could still enjoy the body temperature of He Feiyu's chest with half of her face, but since she had been with the boy for two months, her body had started to grow again for some unknown reason.

Amaga Minato found that not only had she grown a lot taller, but her body had also become much stronger. During the physical education class, she was not as tired as she was in the first year of high school. However, the most obvious change was that the two lumps of soft flesh on her chest had become more... Towering into the sky.

Normally, most people would be excited about such a change, and Tianhe Hana Minato was also the same at the beginning, because apart from her feet, He Feiyu's favorite thing was... but the girl did not expect that she would not be able to be with him under normal circumstances. He Feiyu applied it carefully, which made her feel mixed.

"Me too"


As He Feiyu's pampering words fell, Tianhehua was picked up by Princess He Feiyu with a joyful exclamation, and they entered the house together.

"Jun Yu, put me down quickly and I'll help you change your shoes. Don't get your own shoes dirty."

Looking at the slippers that the girl had prepared for him, He Feiyu was just about to step on the slippers with his left and right feet when he heard Tianhe Hua Minato in his arms say to him.

"That's not okay. I don't know why, but as soon as I hugged Hana Minato-chan, you couldn't bear to let go~"

How could He Feiyu let Tianhehua Minato stoop to do such a thing under such circumstances, so he imitated the girl's words and answered.

Before the girl could speak again, He Feiyu quickly changed into his slippers and walked towards the living room.

He Feiyu hugs Tianhe Flower

He sat on the sofa and ignored the girl nuzzling him like a kitten in his arms. Instead, he looked around for something with his eyes. After searching for a while, he finally saw the familiar cat shadow on the cat climbing frame.


The sleeping cat was lying comfortably on the high seat. Next to it was Amaga Minato, who was wearing a maid outfit. The girl was patiently picking up piece after piece of cat food and feeding it to its mouth with a smile on her face, accompanying her from time to time. He fanned the girl thoughtfully, looking very uncomfortable.

What makes Maomao even more happy is that under the stairs, there is a ragged young man with tears in his eyes. He bows to his hands and begs for his favor. As if he is moved by the young man's miserable appearance, Maomao opens his eyes slightly. Her eyes looked at the young man below with contempt, then she gave a soft "meow" as if giving alms, and stretched out her cat's paw lazily, like a western princess waiting for a knight to swear allegiance with a kiss on the hand. Seeing this, the young man felt as if he was being favored, and even The rolling belt crawled towards it.

"Hey, hey, hey~ Come here, Huayu"

Before Maomao could show a proud look on his face, a nasty sound suddenly came from his ears, and his wonderful dream was shattered.

"Meow meow!!!"

The awakened cat was puzzled for a moment, and then suddenly became furious. It was just a little bit wrong, but it was the two-legged beast with no eyes that disturbed its sweet dream, but it still used the method of teasing the dog. It is absolutely unforgivable!

Maomao looked angrily at the source of the sound, and a very unphotographed face appeared in the cat curtain, making Maomao furious.

"Hey, I, I, I, I, I, I"

Looking at Hua Yu's fur that was fluffy because of anger, He Feiyu wondered if there was something wrong with the way he teased the cat, so he changed his tone.


A sharper cry came out of Hua Yu's mouth than before, and even sharp cat claws were revealed.

"Pfft~ Stupid Yujun, you are just teasing a duck!"

Tianhehua couldn't help laughing as she leaned into He Feiyu's arms, her plump and delicate body trembling slightly, and the majestic snow peaks hit He Feiyu's chest like a wild horse that had escaped the reins.

The girl woke up from her attachment state when He Feiyu made a funny dog ​​sound from his mouth. She knew that He Feiyu wanted to tease Hua Yu, but she didn't expect that the boy made mistakes twice, making Maomao even more angry.


Hearing this, He Feiyu shook his head in embarrassment.

In fact, he liked dogs more, so he subconsciously used the same method of teasing dogs to tease cats.

"It should be like this, Huayu, come here, be good"

Tianhe Huamin twisted her body, sat up slightly in He Feiyu's arms, raised a hand and waved to Huayu, her tone was very gentle.


The soft voice of Amano Hana Minato made Hua Yu relax. The cat knew that Amano Hana Minato was inviting it to come over, but the character of a cat should not be so easy to follow. However, thinking of the two-legged animal's meticulous care, it made her feel angry. After hearing He Feiyu, Maomao still chose to jump off the cat climbing frame, walked slowly to the girl's feet with elegant cat steps, gently rubbed the girl's snow-white socks with its furry cat head, and also used blue socks in his spare time. The vertical pupils stared at He Feiyu arrogantly, as if to say, male Two-legged beast, you are not worthy of my love!

Regarding Maomao's performance and inner monologue, He Feiyu just found it interesting and funny. Huayu ate his Momotaro rice ball. As long as he wanted to control it, he could even let Maomao dance hip-hop. Of course, the prerequisite was that he knew how to do it.

Although Tianhe Kaminato also gave Hana Yu Momotaro rice balls, the quantity was not as large as his, so He Feiyu had the first control, and could communicate directly and hear his voice. For the girl, although she also had control over Hana Yu Power, but it can only make Hua Yu hear her voice, but she cannot hear Hua Yu's voice.

The more Huayu clings to Tianhe Huamin, the happier He Feiyu becomes. After all, Maomao is the girl's second line of protection.

He Feiyu, who was originally enjoying the sight, slowly disappeared from the play with one person and one pet, and instead focused all his attention on Tianhe Huamin's feet. The already small and beautiful feet with soft contours were wrapped in snow-white socks, complementing each other. , set off the exquisite beauty, He Feiyu's appetite increased, and his body instinctively became hot.

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