take a day off

I couldn't come up with 500 words in two hours, and I wanted to write a big chapter of 3,500 words. I thought about it and asked for a day off.

I'm so sorry.

Chapter 178: The Daily Life of Two People

Tianhe Huamin leaned on He Feiyu's shoulder and smiled knowingly, her tender eyes overflowing from her eyes.

The girl rubbed her beautiful little feet in white stockings against Hua Yu's cat head for the last time, then slowly raised her head and hung it in the air, deliberately twisting her ankles, and her beautiful white jade feet streaked through the air one after another. The pleasing curves are like lilies blooming without roots.

"Does it look good? Mr. Yu"

Tianhe Huamin looked at He Feiyu's focused side face tenderly.

The boy in front of her was her favorite person. After two months of inseparable love, she could even call him her favorite person. As long as he liked him, no matter how hard it was, she would try her best to give it to him, just to be able to be with him. He has always had a place of his own in his heart.

The girl's skin is already delicate and fair, and when she wears the holy white socks, the beauty is accentuated, like the icing on the cake.


Without thinking, He Feiyu reached out and took Tianhe Hua Minato's feet in his hands. The moment their skins touched each other, the soft warmth of the girl's thighs immediately came from his forearms.

And the cat on the other side.

The feeling that came from the gentle rubbing on the head disappeared. It raised its head in confusion, and the two two-legged beasts were immediately reflected in the cat's eyes.


Hua Yu knew what was about to happen. Similar scenes were still fresh in his memory. The sound of the two-legged beasts noisy with each other would come out again in his memory, disturbing his sweet dream. The cat's mouth opened slightly and it made a slightly protesting cry.

But the two-legged beasts didn't seem to hear, and still looked at each other. The cats shook their heads, turned around helplessly, jumped a few times quickly, and returned to the warm nest. They were about to lie down and rest, but suddenly realized something and jumped down again. , slowly found a bedroom where he would not be disturbed, jumped on the bed, and closed the peephole.

As for Maomao's behavior, the two people who were chatting with each other were not aware of it at all. After all, in their eyes, there was only each other's figure, and there was no room for anything else.

He Feiyu put one hand around Tianhe Huamin's delicate jade back and finally placed his palm on her slender waist. His palm was intentionally or unintentionally rubbing the girl's soft flesh caused by the squeezing of her sitting position.

The girl still leaned in He Feiyu's arms. She made no unnecessary movements and just closed her eyes. Her fair and tender cheeks were gradually replaced by a gorgeous flush. She enjoyed the warmth and smell of the young man while breathing.

In response, He Feiyu just hugged Tianhe Hua Minu tighter. His eyes followed the undulating lines of the girl's figure, and finally came to the place where he had longed for her.

He Feiyu raised his other hand and pinched the girl's beautiful feet. His palm was pressed against the soft instep through the white socks. Four fingers struck at night, group ⑥;⑨四⑨③'⑥一'三五 slowly closed the cage , completely grasping the jade-like treasure, and began to rub the green toes up and down with his thumb.

The pink and ambiguous atmosphere became more and more intense around the two of them, and the hormones emitted by the two began to merge and entangle.

Tianhe Hana Minato felt the caressing on her feet becoming more and more intense, and slowly opened her eyes. Her moist purple eyes glowed with a seductive spring light, and the love in her eyes almost solidified into a vast ocean, and she looked at He Feiyu lovingly. , can submerge him in it.

After watching for a while, Tianhe Huamin suddenly thought of something, and began to stretch her delicate body. At the same time, she reached out and gently removed He Feiyu's mischievous hand on her waist. Under He Feiyu's gaze, the girl smiled softly, and her upper body gradually left his. In the arms, the lower body gets more free space.

He Feiyu understood Tianhe Hua Minato's intention immediately. He looked down at the girl's plump thighs, his heart beat faster, and he couldn't help but stick out his tongue to moisten his lips that were dry due to the rise in body temperature.

After swallowing the non-existent saliva in his mouth, He Feiyu placed his hands on Tianhe Huamin's delicate thighs and touched them randomly, leaving five light red fingerprints wherever he passed.

His eyes and hands went down his thighs, returning to the very beginning of the dream.

He Feiyu grabbed the girl's feet with both hands and slowly lifted them up until he was still two and a half inches away from his own face. This distance seemed to be filled with unknown magic power.

Pressing Tianhe Hua Minato's feet together, He Feiyu looked at the girl's soles without blinking. Since the girl was wearing relatively thin cotton socks, if you look carefully, you can still vaguely see the texture on the girl's arches.

He Feiyu took the initiative to sniff lightly with his nose, and a astringent aroma penetrated into his nose, making the already weak nerves even more fragile.

Finally, all the work before the meal has been completed, and it’s time to taste this delicious ice cream-like treat~

The distance was under He Feiyu's control, and the distance between his feet and his face was further reduced. Seeing that they were about to touch each other completely, He Feiyu suddenly thought of something, and the movement of his hands stagnated, and he did not continue.

Tianhe Hua Minato was already ready to accept the bath from He Feiyu. She even felt the boy's hot breath on her feet. She was waiting for the warmth and moisture to hit her. However, she felt that He Feiyu stopped and made no next move. The girl He looked at He Feiyu doubtfully, as if asking why he stopped.

"I was talking after eating~"

Under Tianhe Huamin's puzzled gaze, He Feiyu held Tianhe Huamin in his arms again and said to her with a smile.

"It's okay, Mr. Yu, I'm not hungry. You can continue if you want."

Tianhe Hana Minato shook his head and said, indicating that he was not hungry.

"That's not possible. It takes a long time and requires a lot of physical strength. If Hana Minato-chan is starved, I will be uneasy."

He Feiyu scraped the girl's nose with his hand.


Seeing He Feiyu's determined look, Tianhe Huamin obeyed, and at the same time felt sweet in her heart, because He Feiyu could resist tasting his favorite thing for the sake of her physical safety.

"What do you want to eat, Mr. Yu? I'll make it for you. Is it eel rice? Or curry?"

Tianhe Huamin hugged He Feiyu's arm, with a bright smile in his eyes, and asked He Feiyu happily.

The girl said what He Feiyu liked to eat more.

"Hmph, I won't eat these today."

"If you don't eat these, what will you eat? Could it be that Mr. Yu~"

Hearing this, Tianhehua Minato tilted his head in confusion. In vain, a bold idea appeared in the girl's mind. When she was browsing the Internet to learn various food recipes, she accidentally saw an article, which was also a food, but it was very delicious. It was not serious, she took one look at it and immediately turned it off, because it was so perverted, she actually smeared sauce on the girl's feet, and then placed a salad next to it...

The memory that was about to fade away suddenly came back to the girl's mind, maybe it was inseparable from He Feiyu's special hobby~

"What are you thinking! What I mean is that I will cook today's meal and let you taste the delicacies of my hometown."

He Feiyu looked at Tianhe Flower

Judging from her pretty red face and the tone of her words, I guessed that the girl had misunderstood and pinched her petite nose angrily.


A slightly nasal voice came from the girl's mouth.

"Okay, I'm going to see what's in the refrigerator. Hana Minato-chan, just sit here for a while."

He Feiyu stood up and placed the Tianhe Hua Minato in his arms on the sofa.

"do you need my help?"

"No, Hana Minato-chan's job now is to stay on the sofa and wait for feeding for a while."

He Feiyu rejected Tianhe Hua Minato's kindness. He wanted to give the girl a surprise and surprise her. If he asked the girl to help, it would lose the sense of mystery.

"Okay~ Yu-kun, come on!"

Seeing that He Feiyu was resolute, Tianhe Hua no longer persisted and could only encourage him.

Chapter 179: I won’t become fat after eating!

He Feiyu confidently walked into the kitchen, ready to show off his skills and cook delicacies from his hometown for the girl, but when he opened the refrigerator, he was dumbfounded.

There were very few ingredients in it, only some vegetables and eggs, which really made it difficult for him. If he went to a convenience store to buy it now, it would be a bit troublesome, and the surprise of being seen by a girl would be much less.

He Feiyu thought for a moment and decided to use local ingredients. After all, delicious dishes often only need to be cooked with the simplest food. These vegetables can be paired with eggs to make many delicious dishes. Combined with Tianhehua, which has been on the lighter side recently The taste quickly came to mind.

He Feiyu took out the ingredients to be used next from the refrigerator and officially started cooking.

Twenty minutes later.

Tianhe Huamin, who was curled up on the sofa with her arms and legs folded, heard the noise coming from the kitchen. She sat up suddenly and looked expectantly in the direction of the kitchen. She knew that He Feiyu should be coming out soon, because the sound lingering on the tip of her nose The fragrance is getting stronger and stronger.

Less than two and a half minutes after He Feiyu entered the kitchen, the girl remembered that the ingredients in the refrigerator had been almost consumed by her, leaving only some simple things.

Tianhe Hanamin originally thought that He Feiyu would come out and either give up or go to the convenience store with her to buy some things. However, after waiting for a few more minutes, he still did not walk out of the kitchen, and there was slowly a smell in the living room. The aroma of the food is also very tempting.

Tianhe Hana Minato suppressed the fuss of greed in her stomach and waited curiously on the sofa.

And now it's finally time to clear up the dark clouds and see the sunshine.

"It's time to eat~"

Following He Feiyu's soft call, Tianhe Huamin immediately put on her slippers and trotted towards the kitchen happily.

While the girl was helping He Feiyu carry things, she also wanted to see what kind of food the boy had cooked and why it was so delicious.

At the dining table, Tianhehua tilted her head and looked at the three dishes and one soup in front of her with confusion. She obviously knew every dish, but it was a little different from the dishes in her memory. The taste seemed more fragrant and more attractive to her.

"Ha-kun, is this chawanmushi? And this, is it tomato scrambled eggs?"

"This is not called chawanmushi, it's called steamed egg. This is fried egg with tomatoes."

Looking at Minato Tianhe who was like a curious baby, He Feiyu explained patiently with a smile.

"Steamed eggs? It looks like chawanmushi, Yu-kun, look at it~"

Tianhe Huamin took out her phone and entered chawanmushi. After looking at the picture that looked similar to a steamed egg, she immediately handed the phone to He Feiyu.

"Haha, it does look a bit like it, but it's definitely not as delicious as mine."

Taking a look at the photo Tianhe Huamin handed over, it was indeed a bit similar, but there were still differences, so He Feiyu said proudly that he made it according to the eight recipes rewarded by the system, because as long as he browsed the dishes on the recipe, his brain would The complete recipe for this dish will appear in the video, and it is the kind that has full proficiency, as if it is innate.

"Okay, Yujun's cooking is the most delicious~"

Hearing this, Tianhehua put down her phone with a smile, then stretched out a hand, touched He Feiyu's head, and said with doting eyes. The scene was like a loving mother encouraging a child to take credit after winning an award.

At the same time, the girl also gave up arguing with He Feiyu about tomatoes being tomatoes. Anyway, it is whatever Mr. Yu says. Who told me to be his girlfriend~

"Cough...cough, don't touch Hana Minato-chan, please try to see if it tastes good."

He Feiyu felt a little disgusted by the girl's pampering. Thinking that it was time to eat, he quickly changed the subject.

"Then let me try the steamed eggs made by Yu Jun"

Amagawa Minato withdrew her stroking hand, picked up the spoon, and scooped it towards the bowl of steamed eggs.

When she reached the top, the girl looked at the golden dishes that were like works of art. She felt unbearable and didn't want to destroy them.

"Why aren't you moving?"

He Feiyu asked in confusion as he watched Tianhe Huamin keep his hands hanging in the air and hesitate.

"The steamed eggs made by Yu Jun are so beautiful, I don't want to eat them just like this."

There was a look of reluctance on Tianhe Huamin's pretty face.

"Haha, the food is just for eating, why don't you give it up?"

Unexpectedly, Tianhe Huamin had such a reason, He Feiyu couldn't help but laugh.

“Have a try”

He Feiyu held Tianhe Huamin's hand that was hanging in the air, scooped it into the bowl, dug out a piece and put it in the girl's bowl, and said.

At this point, Amagawa Minato no longer felt distressed. He picked up half a spoonful of rice with a spoon and put the jelly-like steamed egg into it.

Scoop it up and slowly put it into your mouth.

"Mmm~ It's delicious!"

As soon as it enters the mouth, before Tianhehua Minato chews it with her teeth, the smooth and tender steamed egg turns into egg liquid like ice cubes meeting fire and blends into the rice. The crystal-clear and full rice combined with the smooth and delicious egg is on the tip of the tongue. A wonderful feeling immediately hit her taste buds, and the girl subconsciously squinted her eyes with an expression of enjoyment.

Seeing this, He Feiyu thought that the girl would explode. After all, some food shows in the previous life were like this. But after waiting for a long time, there was no movement. Even the steamed egg was almost half eaten by the girl. Then he thought, this is not an anime, how could it be possible? Yi, and then shook his head at his ridiculous idea.

"Yu...Yu Jun, did I eat too much..."

Unexpectedly, He Feiyu's shaking head was glimpsed by the girl. Tianhe Hua Minato's hand movements froze, looking at the steamed eggs that had mostly disappeared in the bowl, and then thinking of the way he had just "gobbled" the food, his pretty face was immediately taken over by a blush, and he turned his head and said sheepishly Looking at He Feiyu, he whispered softly.

"Hanamato-chan likes to eat the food I cook. I'm so happy before it's too late. How could I dislike you for eating too much, Hanamato-chan? I just thought of some funny things."


After listening to He Feiyu's explanation, Tianhe Huamin relaxed her grip on the spoon.

"Of course it's true. Even if Hana Minato-chan becomes fat from eating, I won't dislike it."

"I won't eat until I'm fat! I usually eat very little at night, but the food Yu Jun made today was so delicious, so~"

Hearing He Feiyu say that she had become fat from eating, the girl puffed up her cheeks, put her hands on her waist, and retorted that because her breasts were unusually developed, she had been controlling her appetite recently.

"Okay, okay, Hana Minato-chan won't become fat because of eating. Eat more now. After all, how can you have the strength to lose weight if you don't eat enough?"

He Feiyu followed Tianhe Huamin's words and said.

Next, the girl also ate a lot, but to be honest, He Feiyu's three dishes and one soup were not high in calories. Even if Tianhe Hua Minu had finished eating them, they would not gain weight as long as they exercised after the meal, and the two of them would soon be Wrestling, maybe the energy the girl replenished has not been exhausted~


After drinking the last mouthful of seaweed and egg drop soup, Minato Tianhe leaned on the stool and touched her slightly bulging belly contentedly.

"Yujun, hiccup~ I'm going to wash the dishes."

"Sit down, I'll go. After Hana Minato-chan is full, take a good rest."

Holding down Tianhe Huamin who was about to get up, He Feiyu walked into the kitchen carrying all the bowls without giving her a chance.

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