He Feiyu came out after washing the dishes, and watched a movie for a while while holding Tianhe Hua Minato. When he saw that it was almost time and it was time to get down to business, the girl began to be absent-minded. She had not been with He Feiyu for several days, and her heart felt itchy.



The two said to each other in unison.

"Hanamato-chan, you speak first."

"I...I, I'm going to take a shower first"

After saying that, Amaga Minato ran away and entered the bathroom.

Chapter 180: Call me husband~


Looking at the back of Tianhehua Minato "running away in embarrassment", He Feiyu burst into laughter.

Even though they both knew each other well, the girl still showed her shy side occasionally.

He Feiyu lay down on the sofa, closed his eyes and relaxed, listening to the ticking sound coming from the bathroom. His heart began to feel peaceful for some reason, as if he had returned to Aunt Manzi's house.

In the bathroom, Kaminato Amaga walked to the floor-length mirror and slowly took off her clothes, leaving only her white bra and bra. The girl looked at her heavy breasts in the mirror, and a blush appeared on her pretty face. She couldn't figure it out. Why are my own breasts so big and growing a second time, far ahead of those of my peers, just like a watermelon?

Suddenly recalling the boy's favorite move in his mind, Tianhehua Minato subconsciously bumped it with his hand, and waves suddenly surged in his chest. It is no exaggeration to say that if it were not for the restraints of the bra, I am afraid the waves would not stop within ten seconds. Down.

When her chest was completely calm, the girl looked at herself in the mirror again, her face even more flushed. She didn't know what she was doing just now. Thinking that He Feiyu was still waiting outside, she quickly took off the last two pieces of clothing on her body. I walked to the bathtub, raised my feet, and slowly approached the water with my toes. I found that the water temperature was suitable, and I was immersed in the bathtub.

After soaking for two and a half minutes, Amaga Minato stretched out her hand to squeeze out the milky white shower gel and applied it to all parts of her body that she could reach. When she felt it was almost done, she started scrubbing, from her delicate neck to her snow-white hands, flawless armpits, The undulating snow peaks, delicate waist, and private areas don't stop until the thighs.

The front part of Tianhe Hua Minato was only slightly cleaned, but the bottom part was related to He Feiyu's preferences. She had to pay attention to it, especially the feet. The girl spent twice as much time on them before she was relieved.

Although Tianhehua spends a lot of time, there is actually no dirt removed. The girl takes a bath almost every day, and her body always smells delicious. In the previous life, before the little fairy degenerated, there was no problem at all in describing the girl. Even if He Feiyu picked it up and slurped it directly, and he could get absolute guarantee in terms of food safety.


“(╯▽╰)It smells so good~”

As soon as the bathroom door was opened and Tianhe Huamin had not taken a step, the fresh and elegant fragrance of the girl spread and filled the entire living room. He Feiyu couldn't help but take a deep breath, revealing

Look of enjoyment.

It's true that before you hear the person, you smell the fragrance first.

And as the girl's figure got closer and closer, the fragrance became stronger and stronger, refreshing and intoxicating, like cream and honey. Once you smell it, you can't help but want to taste it.

He Feiyu followed his inner instinct, and as soon as the girl came close to him, he suddenly sat up, grabbed the girl, hugged her into his arms, hugged the girl's body with both hands, and buried his head deep in her still brave face. On Shuizhu's collarbone, he breathed in the fragrance hard with big mouthfuls.

"Well~ Yu... Yu-kun~ don't want it yet, Hua Minato's body is still wet... wet~"

Tianhe Hua Minato did not resist at all, but twisted her body and adjusted her posture so that her back and He Feiyu's chest were closer together, as if she wanted to blend into his body and feel the hot breath on her neck flowing down the bath towel. , slapped on the chest, the girl murmured shyly.

"I'll help Hana Minato-chan dry it off."

He Feiyu lasted in this position for five or six minutes before raising his head and placing his lips next to Tianhe Huamin's ear.

"Well, Mr. Yu... let go of my hand first, or else~"

The girl blushed with embarrassment, nodded her head lightly, and said in a tired voice.

He Feiyu opened his hands, while Tianhe Huamin raised her arms, revealing the bath towel tied under her armpits, waiting for the boy to take it off and help her wipe her body.

"Ouch~ It's so itchy~ Haha~ Mr. Yu~ Stop~"

He Feiyu did not immediately take off the bath towel from the girl's chest. Instead, he raised his hand and drew it down from the girl's translucent jade arm, all the way to Tianhehua's clean and beautiful armpit, and naughtily touched it with his fingers. Caressing makes the girl's flowers tremble.

"Call husband"

Seeing this, He Feiyu suddenly had an interesting idea, and put his other hand around Tianhe Huamin's slender waist again. The teasing with this hand also slowed down, and he raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile.


I don't know if it was due to the threat from He Feiyu Rao's armpit, Tianhe Huamin heard this and said shyly.

After the girl finished speaking, the blush spread from her cheeks to her neck to her ears. The spring water in her purple eyes quickly turned into substance and overflowed from her eyes. She knew what this meant.

"Call me husband"


Tianhe Huamin said again following He Feiyu's words.

"Master Yu, what is your husband?"

But this time Tianhe Huamin asked He Feiyu doubtfully, "She understands her husband, but what does it mean to have a husband..."

"Haha, the title husband is the respectful title used by wives to their husbands in my hometown in the old days. I can also call you my wife."


Amaga Minato said softly, with a smile on his face.

"Then Hana Minato-chan, do you want to be my wife~"

"Of course I do!"

Without thinking, Amaga Minato didn't hesitate at all, and his tone was even a bit serious.

"I also want to be Hana Minato-chan's husband. How about we call him this when we are alone from now on?"

He Feiyu put his head on Tianhe Huamin's shoulder and spoke slowly with his side face close to her cheek.


"You're so good, baby Hua Min, ugh~"

Listening to Tianhe Huamin's gentle words, He Feiyu happily kissed the side of her face.

The ambiguous pink aura surrounded the two of them, becoming increasingly intense.

"Yu... Husband, help me wipe my body."

Amaga Minato was the first to break the silence. The girl was very smart and obedient, and applied what she learned.


This time, He Feiyu stopped pretending to be weird and slowly opened the bath towel from Tianhe Huamin's armpit.

"Hanamato-chan, please lie down on the sofa first, it will be more convenient."

He Feiyu first wiped the girl's back clean with a bath towel. He found that this posture was very inconvenient when it was the front's turn, so he said.

Tianhehua Minato hugged the bath towel that was about to fall apart, moved her hips from He Feiyu's body to the sofa, then stretched her waist and slowly lay down, with a pair of plump thighs completely resting on He Feiyu's legs.

He Feiyu lowered his head and looked at the charming and shy Tianhe Huamin, especially the looming scenery in the bath towel. His throat couldn't help but roll a few times. His posture on the sofa changed from sitting to kneeling, and he slowly climbed to the girl's chest.

Tianhe Huamin shyly turned her head to the side, not looking at He Feiyu with her eyes.

He Feiyu took the bath towel from Tianhe Hua Minu's hand. At this time, the girl was like a fresh bamboo shoot, and the bath towel covering her delicate body was the bamboo shoot shell.

The bamboo shoot shell was slowly pushed aside by He Feiyu, and the white and tender bamboo shoots were displayed in front of his eyes.

Tianhehua Minato subconsciously stretched out her hand to block the beautiful place, with love in her eyes.

He Feiyu took the bath towel and began to wipe the girl's flat belly. Soon, the water stains on it disappeared. Then his eyes were attracted by the vertical and small navel on Tianhe Huamin's belly.

He couldn't help but leaned down, put his lips on the soft navel, stretched out his tongue, and tasted the girl's warmth.

Amaga Minato felt the moist heat in her abdomen, groaned, then stretched out a hand and caressed the back of the boy's head.

After a while, He Feiyu raised his head, then climbed forward, moved the girl's hand covering her chest away, and moved the hand holding the towel again, first around the snow peak, then to the unattainable peak, and finally It was the ravine hidden between the two peaks, and He Feiyu patiently wiped it clean one by one.

Maybe it’s not that neat after all, because during the wiping process, the towering snow peaks always keep stopping.

The ground was shaking, and he had no choice but to wrap it with his tongue and fix it with his lips and teeth. After a series of strokes, it was finally over.

After getting up, He Feiyu smacked his mouth and felt the fragrance of milk in his mouth, a bit like his favorite Wowo toffee in his previous life. The taste was strong and the fragrance lingered for a long time.

Almost all of it was wiped clean. He Feiyu turned around and moved downwards, drying out the damp thorn jungle before reaching the place with the heaviest moisture.

Even without even getting close to your face, you can feel the moisture it contains.

He Feiyu still wiped the surrounding area with a bath towel first, but for the innermost part, he decided to change the method. The bath towel was now useless and he threw it aside.

First, use the tip of your tongue to quickly lick away the water stains on it, and then go deep into it, because only by digging out all the water hidden inside can you cure both the symptoms and the root cause.

Just like a dog drinking water, it curls its tongue and collects the water in the container formed by the tongue. It quickly brings it up and repeats the tedious actions, over and over again. Under constant stimulation, there is finally a large flow of fresh water. Entering He Feiyu's mouth, the previously dry mouth was now bulging.

Resisting the urge to swallow, He Feiyu quickly came to Tianhe Hua Min with blushing cheeks and blurred eyes, kissed her lips, and shared the peach juice in his mouth with the girl. During the entanglement, the two of them drank half of it each.

I don't know when the two of them were honest with each other.



After calling each other affectionately, the giant dragon slowly entered the lair and began a rhythmic attack. The beautiful sound of waves crashing on the rocks was also heard in the living room, and at the same time, the girl's sandalwood mouth also played a seductive song. People's songs.

Two hours later.


He Feiyu looked at Tianhe Huamin who was dripping with sweat and exhausted. He was about to get up and take the girl to the bedroom to rest. The dragon was just a little bit away, but he never thought that the girl still had strength. Her soft thighs were intertwined tightly. Clamping his waist tightly, the dragon returned to its lair.

"Hanamato-chan, you're already very tired. Come back next time, okay?"

There was no other way, He Feiyu could only lean down again, close to Tianhe Huamin's delicate body, and whispered thoughtfully into her ear.


When Tianhe Huamin heard He Feiyu's words, not only did she not let go, but she was afraid that he would run away, so she also hugged He Feiyu's neck with her hands.

"It won't happen next time. From now on, you must put your body first, do you understand!?"

Seeing Tianhe Hua Minu's stubborn appearance, He Feiyu decided to accommodate the girl once. It was related to his health. His attitude must be tough and he could not let the girl get hurt because of these things.


Tianhe Huamin narrowed his eyes and rubbed He Feiyu's cheek happily.

Another hour and a half passed.

Amaga Minato finally fell asleep contentedly.

Chapter 181 Crack

At seven o'clock the next morning.

He Feiyu opened his eyes on time and planned to go to the kitchen to make lunch for the two of them. After the battle last night, Tianhe Hua Minato's body was no different from a puddle of mud. In order to let the girl rest for a while, this task was naturally On to him.

Feeling the soft touch and warm breath on his shoulders, He Feiyu turned his head, and a beautiful face as delicate as a porcelain doll came into his dark eyes.

It seems that the afterglow of yesterday's battle has not faded away. There is still a slight blush on Amaga Minato's beautiful face, and her long eyelashes that quiver with her breathing are really cute.

He Feiyu was attracted by Tianhe Huamin's cute appearance, and couldn't help but kiss the girl's pink lips gently, and then admired the girl's face for a moment before getting ready to get up and cook.

He moved his body slightly, not wanting to wake Minato Amagawa.

But I felt that the left half of my body was extremely heavy, as if it was entangled with something.

He Feiyu immediately thought of something and carefully opened the quilt. It was as expected.

Just now, all his attention was attracted by the sweet look of Minato Amagawa, but he didn't notice any abnormality in his body. He was talking about why the left side of his body was so warm. It turned out to be Minato Amagawa holding him tightly.

The girl's plump body, especially the exaggerated snow peak, has become the best bed-warmer.

He Feiyu looked at his left hand that was tightly hugged by Tianhe Hua Minu and was even caught in the ravine. He tried to twitch, but because the friction was too strong, it had no effect. On the contrary, the white flesh was like elastic jelly. The same thing, swaying back and forth, with magnificent waves, especially the stunning cherry red color, drawing a gorgeous arc in the air.

He endured the rising flames in his lower abdomen, and since he couldn't pull his hands away, he tried his feet. It was also unsatisfactory. Amaga Minato's soft thighs were intertwined with each other, making it difficult to move away without disturbing the girl.

Looking at the sleeping posture of Tianhe Hana Minato who wanted to melt into his body, He Feiyu once again felt the girl's deep affection. If today was a rest day, He Feiyu would directly turn over and hold the girl in each other's arms, and continue to have a good sleep. Unfortunately, it was not .

He continued to try, until he caught a glimpse of Tianhe Huamin frowning slightly, He Feiyu immediately stopped, smiled helplessly, waited for a few more minutes, and finally decided to cheat.

After all, there is no problem that the invincible Platinum Star cannot solve.

Time paused, He Feiyu placed his pillow in Tianhe Huamin's arms, then stopped at the end and stood by the bed waiting for the girl's reaction. If the situation was not right, then think of a solution.

Tianhehua Minato was confused and felt

He Feiyu's body seemed to be softer in her arms, and the touch had changed significantly. Her brows immediately knitted together, and her limbs holding the pillow began to move wildly, like a blind person who had lost his crutches, becoming anxious, but her ears There was a familiar voice and a reassuring smell lingering on the tip of her nose. The girl slowly calmed down and continued to cuddle up with the person she loved most in her dream.

Tianhe Huamin regained his composure, He Feiyu slowly stood up, exhaled softly, looked down at the girl's peaceful appearance, a smile couldn't help but appear on the corner of his mouth, and then quietly walked out of the bedroom.



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