The noisy bell just rang, and a small white hand immediately closed it.

The phone was picked up, and a beam of light lit up in the dim bedroom, revealing a pair of bright and beautiful eyes, but there was a touch of sadness in them.

Dozens of information were displayed on the bright screen. In addition to today's weather report, there were some important news, and the rest was filled with messages named Xiangya-kun.

Her pure white fingers pointed to the left and right to cross out one irrelevant notification after another, but she paused when it came to the message from Xiangya-kun.

The message was swiped left and right. It was obvious that the owner of the finger did not want to click on it to view it, but this also revealed hesitation.

Finally, the slender fingers were raised, then brought down hard, and they clicked in.

Soon the messages were arranged in chronological order.

"Akane, you must have misunderstood Coach Dong Gang. Coach is definitely not the person rumored to be."

"The coach probably just wanted to chat with you at that time. How could he do something to threaten you?"

"At six o'clock in the afternoon, all of us in the baseball club are going to the hospital to visit Coach Dong Gang. Qian, you are the only one left, are you coming?"

"Come with us to the hospital to see Coach Dong Gang. If you have anything to say, tell us clearly in person, so that the misunderstanding can be resolved."

"Qian, forget it if you don't come. I will question the coach in person at the hospital and try to clear up the misunderstanding!"


"Qian, the coach told me that he really just wanted to educate you at that time and had no other unnecessary thoughts. It may be that his behavior was too rude, which caused you to misunderstand. The coach asked me to apologize to you for him."

"Look, it is really a misunderstanding. It is impossible for a person as good and capable as the coach to lack a girlfriend. The coach does not have a girlfriend because he wants us players to enter Koshien. The coach's character It’s so great!”

"By the way, Qian, Coach Dong Gang told me that the reason why he entered the hospital was because he was beaten by a new student. Do you know him? That person was so bad. He would hit Coach Dong Gang just because he was wrong! All our players did not get a good training today. Next time I meet him, I will give him a lesson and let him know the consequences of wasting time."

"There is also good news. Coach Dong Gang can be discharged from the hospital tomorrow. Since you don't want to come, Qian, let's make it clear to the club tomorrow."

"Akane, Coach Dong Gang is right. Career should be the main focus now. From now on, the relationship between the two of us should remain the same as it was at the beginning. When I enter Koshien and get a good ranking, I will definitely let you Akane." Be my girlfriend in all your glory!”

Ten messages were quickly displayed and read. The general content mainly explained that there was a misunderstanding between two people. The remaining message was that a boy wanted to announce his girlfriend in a high-profile way after becoming famous, so that she could attract everyone's attention.

This kind of thing is very inspiring. Most girls will definitely cry with joy after seeing it. But the owner of the finger deleted all the information and then closed the phone. Suddenly the black screen reflected a beautiful face in the meager light. .

There was no expected joy on that face, but instead it was full of sadness.

Nanao Akane slowly put down her phone, staring at the roof with confused and aimless eyes. She felt as if something was blocked in her throat, uncomfortable and stinging.

"Xiangya-kun, I don't blame you. You must have been deceived by Coach Dong Gang. I will let you see his true face..."

Some beautiful pictures flashed up and down in the girl's mind. After a long silence, Nanao Akane murmured to herself.

Chapter 182 The Domineering Hot Girl

Determined, Nanao Akane swore in her heart that she would expose Coach Togo's unknown ugly face in front of Katase Shoya and other members of the baseball club.

However, Nanao Akane also knew that she would definitely not be able to do it by herself and would need help.

But after much thought, I couldn't find a suitable candidate.

Suddenly, the figure of a young boy appeared in her mind, and she couldn't help but recall that day. If the boy hadn't stepped forward, I might have been...

Recalling that Katase Sho also mentioned bad things about the boy in the previous message, Nanao Akane's beautiful brows couldn't help but frown together, and there was an inexplicable gloom in her heart. After a moment, it turned into a helpless sigh.

In the girl's impression, Xiangya-kun, who worked hard for his dream to attract her, shouldn't be such a headstrong person who never attacks at night, group ⑥; 九四九③'Lu Yi' Sanwu knows the real reason and speaks ill of him behind his back.

The cause of all these mistakes, Nanao Akane naturally attributed it to Coach Togo, and the girl wanted to expose it even more.

Take a long breath

Nanao Akane stood up and opened the curtains. The dazzling sunlight drove away the darkness in the bedroom through the screen window. The girl raised her hand to cover her blue eyes. After she got used to it, she slowly let go. She looked into the distance and felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart. Share confidence.


"Hana Minato-chan, get up and have breakfast."

He Feiyu took the newly cooked glutinous rice balls and a piece of poached egg, walked to the bed and sat down, gently shaking Tianhe Huamin, who was still sleeping with his pillow in his arms.

"Ha-kun? Hold Hana Minato and sleep for a while~"

Feeling that the body was being shaken, especially the chest that was swinging from side to side, the uncontrollable heaviness made Tianhe Hua Minato slowly wake up. With confused eyes, he looked at He Feiyu who was sitting up. He instinctively threw away the replacement pillow in his arms and moved toward He Feiyu. (/≧▽≦)/ rushed towards him, hugged his waist, and rubbed him lovingly.

"Be good, finish your breakfast, clean up for a while, and then it's time to go to school."

He Feiyu put his arms around Tianhe Hua Minato's body, held her in his arms, leaned against the wall, and spoke to the well-behaved girl as if coaxing a child.

"Ugh~ I'm so tired. I really want to rest. I don't want to go to class. I can only see Yu Jun again at noon and afternoon. I'm not happy."

Tianhehua Minato closed her eyes and buried her head on He Feiyu's chest, coquettishly.

In the past, Fuyutsuzuki envied Tianhehua Minato for being able to go to and from school with He Feiyu, but now Tianhehua Minato envied her for being in the same class as He Feiyu and spending more time together.

"Okay, okay, I will spend more time with Hana Minato-chan from now on."

He Feiyu gently caressed the soft flesh of the girl's waist, which was as warm as jade, and whispered softly.

"But now, hurry up and finish your breakfast, the sun is shining on your butt!"

Before Tianhe Hua Minu could continue to act coquettishly, He Feiyu changed his tone and said.

"Well, um, ah~"

Hearing this, Tianhe Huamin stretched her graceful figure, and her beautiful body was unreserved in front of He Feiyu's eyes. After the girl stretched, she felt that the fatigue left by yesterday had disappeared a lot, and then she opened her lips like a cherry. With a small mouth and a little bit of the pure white teeth exposed, the girl now looks like a baby bird waiting to be fed.

Seeing Tianhe Huamin like this, He Feiyu just smiled slightly and began to slowly feed the girl spoonful by spoonful, occasionally picking up a tissue to wipe away the soup that overflowed from her mouth.


"The weather can change at any time. Fortunately we went out late, otherwise we would have been unlucky, right, Mr. Yu~"

Under the umbrella, Tianhe Huamin held He Feiyu's arm and looked at the heavy rain pouring down. She said with a sullen face, but the girl's tone was different from her expression, as if she was asking for credit, because she had been grinding before. After waiting for a while, He Feiyu bullied his chest. Unexpectedly, when he was about to go out, it started to rain heavily, which was very serious. If the two of them had gone out earlier, they would have become drowned.

"Yes, Hana Minato-chan is the best, thanks to Hana Minato-chan, Hana Minato-chan is great."

He Feiyu didn't know what the girl was thinking, so he followed her wishes and praised her.


Amaga Minato has done a great job. Not only are she two okay, but Yushin Sono, who was waiting at the tram stop very early, didn't suffer either. It's just that the three of them are under the same umbrella, which makes it seem a bit crowded, but for this , but neither woman had any objection.


But not everyone is so lucky.

At this time, in the classroom of Class 1, there were three wet girls standing at the door, slapping the rain off their bodies with resentment on their faces.

Obviously the three girls are wearing school uniforms, but they are slightly different. For example, the collar of the white one-inch shirt is open without hesitation, revealing the attractive ravine. However, the cuffs are raised to the joints, and the white arms are You can see everything at a glance, and the school uniform jacket tied around the waist has no intention of putting it down even if it gets wet by the rain. It is a very standard hot girl outfit.

There happened to be a handsome young man who was trotting with his head lowered and ready to enter the classroom. Unexpectedly, there were three people standing not far from the door. He caught a glimpse of it from the corner of his eye and hurriedly paced, wanting to stop to avoid hitting them. Fortunately, he stopped ten centimeters away. When I got down, I was about to pat my chest to relieve the tension, but I didn't expect that the floor wet by the rain was a bit slippery. I lost my balance, tilted my body, and bumped into a girl with fire-like hair, causing her to stagger. , fortunately, the two people nearby reached out to hold him, so he didn't fall.

But the handsome young man was not so lucky. He fell to the ground with a "bang". Fortunately, he was half-clothed on the ground. Although he was in pain, it was not serious.

That handsome young man was Tsubaki Ayato. The reason why he was so anxious was because it was his turn to be on duty today.

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't look at the road and bumped into you. Is everything okay?"

Ignoring the pain in his body, Tsubaki Ayato pressed one hand on the ground and raised his head to look guiltily at the girl he had accidentally bumped into just now.

Logically speaking, it was an honest mistake on his part, and since nothing bad happened to the other party, his fall was pitiful, so he should be forgiven.

But what Tsubaki Ayato didn't expect was that the red-haired girl was filled with anger. She threw away the two girls who were supporting her with both hands, walked up to him angrily, then raised her foot and stepped on him hard. on the back.


"Bedbug! Don't you know where to look when you're walking?

! ? If you hit this lady, can you, a scumbag, afford to pay for it? ah! ? "

Tsubaki Ayato was already thin. He couldn't breathe after being stepped on by the red-haired girl. He coughed a few times before he felt a little better. He didn't know why this girl was so angry. She was obviously not injured! But his cowardly character made him want to apologize immediately, but before he could say anything, sharp pain came from his back again. After being beaten too many times, Tsubaki Ayato instinctively protected his head, and then took a posture that would make the injury less serious. While enduring it, the girl's harsh insults could be heard in my ears.

Chapter 183 The kind-hearted Qianli

"Hey, Quan, you have to be careful and don't beat anyone to death~"

"Yeah, just let him vent. Who told him to be unlucky? He had to show up when Quan was angry."

Seeing Nogami Izumi kicking her wildly, the two women who were supporting her had no intention of stopping her. Instead, they joked to the side.

These three people were the trio of hot girls who thought He Feiyu was inexplicably easy to bully, the red-haired Izumi Nogami, the black-skinned Hinata Sae, and the blond-haired Minako Sanada.

Because yesterday's mobile phone predicted that today's weather would be sunny, the three hot girls happily made an appointment to play together after school this afternoon. However, they did not expect that the world would be unpredictable, and they were all wet by the sudden heavy rain on the way. , such a result made the three of them more or less accumulate a lot of resentment in their hearts, and they only needed a punching bag to vent.

Unfortunately, Tsubaki Ayato happened to be the punching bag.

If Ayato Tsubaki had bumped into Sae Hyuga or Minako Sanada, he might have only been insulted for a few words, but he was very unfortunate to bump into Izumi Nogami, who had the hottest temper.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to..."

Tsubaki Ayato curled up on the dirty floor soaked by the rain, and kept numbly apologizing to Nogami Izumi.

"Apologise? If an apology works, why do we need the police?"

Ignoring the apology from Tsubaki Ayato, Nogami Izumi looked happy and was still kicking wildly. Now she didn't look like she was venting after being hit, but more like she was enjoying the pleasure brought by the abuse. .

Nogami Izumi's cheeks were flushed, and streams of hot breath came out of her pink lips. Her proud chest rose and fell violently with her breathing. She lowered her head and looked down at Tsubaki Ayato, who was as docile as a sheep, and felt waves of warmth surging in her body. , unusually warm, even overshadowing the coldness brought by the rain. The water drops dripping down the white cheeks are not known to be rain or sweat.

About one-third of the people from the second class of the first year came, and they were witnessing the scene of Nogami Izumi beating Tsubaki Ayato. However, most of them were hindered by Nogami Izumi's hot girl dress and did not dare to step forward to persuade and stop them, for fear of causing trouble. Upper body, after all, people like them might know some vicious gangsters outside of school. If they offend them, they might be hooded and beaten up when they leave school that day.

But some people with status and background are indifferent to this, because they do such things often. Wouldn't it be nice to just be a quiet member of the public?

But such a world does not lack people with righteous hearts.

"That's enough! Nogami Izumi-san, Tsubaki-san, I have already apologized to you, and I have been beaten by you for so long. Please stop your violence!"

A girl with purple-red hair could no longer stand the sight of Nogami Izumi being unreasonable. She stood up suddenly, pointed at Nogami Izumi and shouted loudly.

"Oh!? Who do you think you are? Stop just when you tell me to stop?"

Nogami Izumi didn't expect that someone would dare to accuse her, and the tone was so harsh, which made her feel very unhappy, so she raised her flushed face and looked towards the source of the sound.

"Just because I am the deputy squad leader! I have the power to stop your atrocities!"

The purple-red haired girl looked at Nogami Izumi's sharp eyes, doing her job, especially when she said that she was the deputy squad leader, her heart was filled with courage.

"Ha! Deputy monitor? If I recognize you as the deputy monitor, you are the deputy monitor. If I don't recognize you, then you are nothing! Even if the monitor comes, you will be like this! Let alone you, a little deputy monitor."

Hearing this, Nogami Izumi sneered and said, not giving any face to the purple-red haired girl.


The purple-haired girl was angry, and that seemed to be the case.

"have a finger in the pie"

Nogami Izumi saw the purple-red haired girl deflated, sneered, and started kicking Tsubaki Ayato again.


The purple-red haired girl hesitated for a while, then stepped forward, walked quickly from her seat to Nogami Izumi, and stretched out her hand to push her away.

"Ha, you are so shameless, right? Then just go with him!"

As a little girl, Nogami Izumi was not polite at all. Seeing the lame attack of the purple-red haired girl, contempt flashed in his red eyes. He took a step back slightly to get out of the way. At the same time, his hand quickly took the purple-red-haired girl's stretched out hand. As he pulled his hand forward, he kicked the girl's knee with one foot.

The purple-red haired girl suffered pain in her legs, and her hands were dragged, causing her body to lose balance and fall forward. It was inevitable that she would be thrown into the mud.

Compared with young girls like Nogami Izumi who often get into trouble, the girl obviously suffered a disadvantage.

The purple-haired girl looked at the approaching floor and closed her eyes in fear.

Qianli didn't feel the pain of falling to the floor for a long time. Instead, he felt like he fell into a warm embrace.

Purple crescent-shaped eyes slowly opened, and Qianli saw a man with black hair and black eyes.

handsome boy


As the deputy squad leader, Qianli manages the class affairs together with the squad leader. Naturally, the first thing he does is to remember those classmates in the class and recognize the black-haired boy in front of him at a glance.

"Well, thank you Feiyu, can you..."

Qianli felt the squeezing feeling on her chest, a blush instantly appeared on her fair cheeks, and she said shyly.

"Oh! Sorry, I didn't mean it."

Following Qianli's gaze, He Feiyu noticed something strange. He smiled awkwardly, helped the girl up from his arms, and immediately withdrew his hand after she stood firm.

"Huh? Here comes another nosy person."

Nogami Izumi raised his eyebrows and looked at He Feiyu who appeared out of nowhere with an impatient look.

"It's you!?"

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