Staring at He Feiyu's face, which became more and more familiar, Nogami Izumi suddenly exclaimed.

"I didn't take the initiative to find you. Instead, I sent it to you, haha."

The surprised expression on Nogami Izumi's face flashed away, and he hugged his chest with his hands instead, looking at He Feiyu with his red eyes mockingly.

"You did all this?"

He Feiyu ignored Nogami Izumi's incomprehensible words, looked down at Tsubaki Ayato whose clothes were in a mess, and asked calmly.

"Of course, he bumped into me, so of course I gave him a small lesson. Why, you want to stand up for him too?"

Nogami Izumi answered calmly, as if this kind of thing was normal for her.

Behind her, Hinata Sae and Sanada Minako, who noticed something was wrong in the atmosphere, walked to Nogami Izumi to help her.

After getting the answer he wanted, He Feiyu bent down and activated Crazy Diamond at the same time to heal Chunno Ayato's trauma.

", thank you..."

Tsubaki Ayato suddenly felt warm in his body, and then the pain in his body disappeared quickly, as if he had never been beaten again. He didn't know why this happened, but all these changes happened after He Feiyu appeared. With his eyes red, he looked at He Feiyu said gratefully.

She was even more determined to introduce He Feiyu to her sister. Only someone like Brother Feiyu was worthy of his gentle and lovely sister!

Chapter 184 The brainless hot girl


He Feiyu instinctively rebutted what Chunno Ayato said, but when he caught a glimpse of the gratitude on his delicate face and the red marks that had not dissipated after the beating, he couldn't bear it, so he didn't finish his words.

"It's not you big-headed ghost! Who asked you to help him up? I haven't finished having fun yet!"

Seeing He Feiyu helping Chunno Ayato up, Nogami Izumi felt very angry. They were just two pigs that were slaughtered casually, but they dared to ignore her and take action and then talk to themselves.

The delinquent hottie is being looked down upon like this! If the news spreads, why should she hang out in school? Wouldn't it mean that she would be ridiculed by other hot girl groups?

The more Izumi Nogami thought about it, the angrier he became!

"Idiot, remember my name is Nogami Izumi. In this classroom, you can disrespect the teacher and ignore the monitor, but! You must not disrespect me! Do you understand?"

Nogami Izumi glanced at him, reached out and picked up a stool. He hit it hard on the ground with a "bang", then raised his foot and stepped on the stool hard. He made a dull sound again and pointed at her with his thumb. His rosy cheeks were full of arrogance as he stared at He Feiyu and said wildly.

The class fell silent for a moment, and some subtle noises completely disappeared. It seemed that everyone was shocked by the behavior of the hot girl Nogami Izumi.

Nogami Izumi enjoyed this domineering atmosphere. She raised her eyebrows, waiting for He Feiyu to show weakness. As long as he showed a little cowardly behavior, she could pursue the victory and leave an indelible impression in his heart. Then in this high school in the future In three years, I will be able to control him at will.

Thinking of this, Nogami Izumi felt excited for some reason. She was looking forward to that moment, because the young man with black hair and black eyes in front of her was inexplicably attracted to her. She had this wonderful feeling from the first time they met, and she herself also It's hard to tell, maybe it's the unruly look between his eyebrows that is incompatible with this world.

If you can tame him, it will be a very fulfilling thing. You can use it to run errands, bully, or even... it will be a good asset to show off to other hotties.

"I am a fortune teller"

He Feiyu did not answer Nogami Izumi's words, but said with a smile.

He Feiyu has his own way of dealing with this kind of little girl who calls herself a hottie.

"Ah!? Stupid donkey, what are you talking about? Fortune teller? Onmyoji? You don't know how to show off your brain, hahaha~"

Hearing this, Nogami Izumi laughed heartily. In what era are we still practicing feudal superstition?

"What's wrong, Quan, he couldn't have been frightened by you, right?"

"Oh, this is what happens when you offend Quan."

Hinata Sae and Sanada Minako sang in harmony, looking at He Feiyu who was talking nonsense with a playful look.

"Who do you think you are?"

"I'm nothing!"

Nogami Izumi answered subconsciously.

"I am a thing, ah no, I am not a thing, no, no, no! I am... I am not, ah ah! Am I a thing?"

Nogami Izumi, who had just finished replying, felt something was wrong, and immediately changed his words, but felt that it was wrong, and said again, but it seemed that no matter what he said, it was wrong. In the end, his head fell into confusion, and he was so anxious that he could not speak clearly.


Everyone in the silent class couldn't help laughing when they saw Nogami Izumi's funny performance, even Hinata Sae and Sanada Minako did the same.

"Pig! How dare you tease me!?"

Nogami Izumi, who noticed that he was being teased by He Feiyu, blushed. He first turned around and glared at the two best friends, then immediately reached out and grabbed He Feiyu's collar, looked at him angrily, and said viciously.


In this regard, He Feiyu just said calmly.

"Huh? Apologize!? Is there something wrong with my ears? You actually asked me to apologize, hahaha, it's really ridiculous. Even my parents are here, they don't have the qualifications, huh!? Just you?"

Nogami Izumi seemed to have heard a big joke, and his originally angry expression was instantly replaced by ridicule.

Forget it, let's stop talking nonsense. Nogami Izumi decided to take action and teach He Feiyu a lesson. Today, he will definitely let him know what the dignity of a hot girl cannot be desecrated. If he is not satisfied with the beating later, he will skip school and drag it to a place where no one is around. continue.

The obstructing stool was kicked away by Nogami Izumi. She still held He Feiyu's collar tightly with one hand, and quickly raised her other hand to slap He Feiyu in the face.

Seeing that the slap was about to fall on He Feiyu's face, he was caught in the next moment. The grip was so strong that Nogami Izumi couldn't move his hand at all.

Nogami Izumi was not annoyed about this. Seeing He Feiyu smiling, his attention was almost entirely attracted by the movements of her hands. A cunning look flashed in his red eyes, and then he took the opportunity to lift one foot up and move his knee towards He Feiyu's crotch ran.

As a young girl, Izumi Nogami knew very well where a man's weakness was. The movements on her hands were completely feints, a cover to attract He Feiyu's attention. The violent attack below was the killer move.

Thinking of seeing He Feiyu crying and crying soon, Nogami Izumi's eyes became excited and his body began to feel hot again.

"Your next sentence is: Haha, it's too late~"

Nogami Izumi's attention was always on He Feiyu's face, because she wanted to appreciate her masterpiece immediately. She found that He Feiyu had noticed her true intention and wanted to fight back, but it was already too late, so she wanted to add fuel to the fire. , but she didn’t expect that before she could say anything, He Feiyu beat her to it.

"Haha, it's too late~"


Nogami Quan said with surprise on her face. She couldn't imagine how He Feiyu knew what she was going to say. Moreover, Nogami Quan also found that her thigh was actually tightly clamped by He Feiyu's legs, and the sneak attack was not successful. She couldn't help but exclaimed. road.

"Haha, what's so surprising about this? Brainless people like you are called hot girls at best, or imbecile girls at worst. You only need to use your brain as big as an ant to know what you are thinking."

Although He Feiyu was smiling, his words were full of sarcasm, belittling people like Nogami Izumi as worthless.

"You! Pig! Let me go quickly, otherwise, otherwise..."

Being ridiculed by He Feiyu, the face-loving Nogami Izumi could not give up. He raised his hand and grabbed He Feiyu's collar angrily. In anger, he followed his instinct completely. As expected, he was captured again.

"Haha, apologize and I'll let you go."

"Apologise? Don't even think about it! Saei, Minako, why don't you come help me quickly!"

Now Nogami Quan is being carried like a chicken by He Feiyu. She has no choice but to ask for help from outside.

"I didn't expect that I didn't even get the spring, it's interesting."

As the black-skinned hottie Hyuga Saei spoke, she untied her school uniform jacket from her waist and seemed ready to attack with all her strength.

After putting her school uniform away, Hinata Saei began to move her body in a decent manner. First she tilted her neck, then twisted her hands, and finally, she got into a fighting position.

"Hahaha, Saying is a yellow belt in Taekwondo. Just wait to be beaten and cry. But as long as you let me go now, I can ask Saying to be gentle."

It's a pity that all he got in exchange was a look at He Feiyu looking like an idiot.

"Enter Saying!"

"I'll fight!"

The hot black-skinned girl stepped out with her legs and kicked He Feiyu, who was also unable to move, and yelled quite powerfully.

Hinata Saying is very confident in herself, because He Feiyu's hold made Nogami Izumi unable to move, but the force is mutual, so He Feiyu can't move either. Isn't this just fish on the chopping board?

"Ah! Saying! Why did you kick my ass? You kicked his!"

"Ah? Quan, I'm sorry. I didn't expect that he could actually dance with you and changed the position. I accidentally..."

Listening to the accusation from Nogami Izumi, Hinata Saei shook her head in embarrassment. She didn't expect that the inevitable blow would fall on her best friend, and she quickly explained.

'I have to say, Quan's butt is really elastic~'

Feeling the bullet that just came from her legs, Hinata Saying complained in her heart.

"Hoo! Hoo!"

Hinata Saying tried to kick her several times, but she almost hit her best friend every time, which made her a little tired.

"You're a man, so if you have the ability, don't move!"

Seeing Hinata Saying panting, Nogami Izumi quickly said angrily to He Feiyu.


As expected, He Feiyu looked at him like an idiot again.

Chapter 185 Punishing Hot Girls

no? If you want to hit me and still make me stand still, do you think I am a fool?

"One last chance for you"


Feiyu issued an ultimatum to Nogami Izumi, who was wide-eyed and blushing.

In fact, he doesn't really like hitting women.

"Bah! Don't even think about it!"

Sure enough, what he got in return was an unrepentant and tough answer.

"Quan, this is my last kick!"

Even while he was talking, the dark-skinned hottie Hinata Sae secretly found a good angle and attacked him again.

I take back what I said about not liking to hit women, at least not little girls.

He Feiyu originally held Nogami Izumi's wrists with each hand, but now he used brute force to squeeze her wrists with one hand, and with his feet, before Nogami Izumi could react, he immediately let go, and then quickly A table was hooked up, and by the time Nogami Izumi realized she wanted to fight back, she had already had her arms tied back and tied to her back, and her whole body was pinned down on the table.

As for the whip kick of the black-skinned hottie that was almost at his waist, He Feiyu easily caught it with his hand through the wet bubble socks, and then pulled hard, her body lost balance and tilted towards him. With a scream from Hinata Saying, she was pressed on the table like Nogami Izumi, but He Feiyu was very funny and put her on Nogami Izumi, and the two were stacked together like building blocks.

"Saying! Are you here to help me, or to make me angry!"

Feeling the weight on his body, Nogami Izumi tried to get up, but after struggling for a while, he still couldn't move, and could only say angrily.

"Izumi, of course I came to help you, but he is too powerful, I really can't do anything"

The black-skinned hottie Hinata Saying said helplessly and aggrieved.


Looking at the two best friends who were just like clowns, the blonde Miss Sanada Minako hesitated. She didn't know whether she should go forward to help. The bystander is clear, but the person involved is confused. She just saw He Feiyu complete a series of actions in a short time. This reaction speed is not like that of an ordinary person. If she goes there now, it will only add to the jokes.

"Minako! What are you still hesitating about?"

Nogami Izumi was desperate and tried all kinds of methods. At this moment, she just wanted to get rid of the embarrassing and embarrassing situation. When both of them were captured, she actually asked for help from the young lady who had the least fighting power among the three.


"Ah! Ah! Ah! I'm coming!"

Sanada Minako sighed in her heart when she heard Nogami Izumi's words. For the friendship of the three people, she finally chose to face the challenge. While she was saying words to increase her own momentum, she rushed towards He Feiyu.

As expected, Sanada Minako was also captured. Well, the three of them piled together looked more like a hamburger.

"Damn it! Idiot, let us go!"

"Hey, we're all caught now!"

"Oh, so embarrassing!"

The three of them had their own reactions.

Nogami Izumi was still yelling at He Feiyu to let her go.

Hinata Saeki resigned herself to stating the facts.

Sanada Minako was at the top of the three and received the most attention. She felt the strange looks from the people around her and covered her face with her hands in shame, pretending to be a camel.

For Nogami Izumi who was still yelling, He Feiyu naturally showed no mercy and raised his hand to slap her butt that was exposed between the thighs of the other two girls.


A crisp sound echoed in the quiet classroom. When everyone heard this sound, it was as if time had stopped. Apart from being stunned, they did not do anything else.

The person involved was even more incredulous. She couldn't believe that He Feiyu dared to spank her butt until she felt a burning pain on her buttocks, and Nogami Izumi woke up from her dream.

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