"You! You! You did this to me!"

Suddenly, a strong sense of shame rushed straight to Nogami Izumi's Tianling Gai, making her face red, biting her lower lip tightly, and said resentfully.

"You're dead! You're dead! I'm a member of the Villainous Girls Club. Don't even think about walking out of school safe and sound after school this afternoon!"

From the time Nogami Izumi could remember to now, in the past twelve years, her parents or even her relatives had never spanked her. But now she was treated with such shame by an outsider, in full view of the public, which made Nogami Izumi faint with anger. The mind moved directly out of the background.


He Feiyu was unfazed by Nogami Izumi's threatening words. Instead, he raised his hand and slapped him again. Not to mention that he had never heard of the so-called evil girls' club. Even if he had heard of it, it was just some girls gathering together to treat him. What other threats could it pose?

"Do you know who the minister of the Evil Girl Society is!? She is the daughter of the president of Shenghua Group. If you offend me, you have offended her. You are done!"

Nogami Izumi was furious and danced on the table like a drowning person. She didn't expect that he moved out of the backstage and He Feiyu dared to hit her. He continued to threaten and even explained the specific situation clearly.


Hearing this, He Feiyu's hand that was about to fall stopped. He naturally knew that Kurashiki Reika had a daughter. He didn't ask carefully. Kurashiki Reika didn't go into details. He had never met her during the summer vacation. He almost forgot that there was such a person. Unexpectedly, I heard it from Nogami Izumi's mouth today.

"Haha! You're scared, aren't you? But it's too late, you're dead!"

There was no burning pain in the buttocks for a long time. Nogami Quan thought that He Feiyu was scared after knowing her identity, and he quickly gloated excitedly.

Nogami Izumi's words brought He Feiyu's thoughts back to reality. He twitched the corner of his mouth. Let's not mention that Kurashiki Reika's daughter will really respect him and call him father when they meet. Let's just say Nogami Izumi.

If he had such a desire to die in a deserted place, he would definitely be killed and silenced.


So He Feiyu followed Nogamiquan's wish and slapped him again.

"Ah! Ah! Ah! You! You! You!"

Now it was Nogami Izumi's turn to be confused. If He Feiyu didn't know who her backer was at the beginning, then after the explanation, He Feiyu must have understood why he dared to hit her. Nogami Izumi felt like he was about to be pissed off.

"Quan, stop talking, um... class is about to start, can you stop..."

Minako Sanada covered her face at the top and advised Nogami Izumi. She just looked at the time and found that class would start in half an hour. Because of the heavy rain today, not many people came, but the longer they delayed, the more people came. The more people came, the more embarrassing the three of them would be if everyone in the class saw them.

"Idiot! Idiot! Idiot! Stupid donkey! Snap! Idiot! Snap! Scum! Snap! Trash! Snap! Pervert! Snap... snap! Snap! Snap!"

Nogami Izumi, whose brain was completely filled with anger, could hear the words of her best friend. At this time, she was full of fire and cursed all the curse words she knew in her life. However, He Feiyu didn't get used to it. After she said the fourth word When, the slap fell.

"Oh, Quan, stop scolding, we were wrong."

"Quan, apologize, we'll let him go this afternoon."

Minako Sanada and Sae Hinata couldn't bear that their best friends continued to suffer, so they tried to persuade them one after another.

"Haha, your two best friends are more aware of current affairs than you. If you don't apologize, if you want to keep doing this, I can accompany you slowly, but I don't know who will be embarrassed in the end."

He Feiyu heard the black-skinned hottie's unfinished words, and black lines appeared on his forehead, but he didn't pursue it and said nonchalantly to Nogami Izumi who was already silent.


There were inexplicable emotions rolling in Nogami Izumi's eyes, like restraint and patience. He was silent for a long time, blushing, gritting his teeth, and finally said three words.

"Ayato-kun, have you forgiven her?"

He Feiyu was not very satisfied with this, but he decided to ask the victim's opinion first. If Tsubaki Ayato forgives her, he will expose it. If not, he will let Nogami Izumi explain clearly.

"Ah!? No...it's okay. In fact, it's not a serious problem for me, and it's true that I walked without looking at anyone."

Tsubaki Ayato lowered his head and grabbed his hair in embarrassment. He was flattered and replied weakly. He didn't expect that one day besides her sister, there would be someone to help him stand up. This was also the first time that he heard someone who bullied him complain to him. Apologize.

Chapter 186 The hot girl who still refuses to give up

Seeing that Tsubaki Ayato accepted Nogami Izumi's apology, He Feiyu did not intend to continue to punish these three hot girls. After all, they had to be merciful and merciful, so he followed what he had said before and quickly overlapping the The hot girls let it go.

"You are obviously a very beautiful girl, why do you want to bully others? I hope you can learn some experience from today's lesson."

He Feiyu looked at the three silent girls and couldn't help but said something serious and thoughtful that was inappropriate for his age. After all, his real age was six or seven years older than these students who had just entered high school, so he was considered qualified. Speak in this tone.

The three women had different opinions after hearing this.

Nogami Izumi remained silent, with her head lowered deeply, and the fiery red hair on her forehead fell naturally, covering part of her face, making it difficult to see clearly, but some clues could also be seen from the girl's clenched fists. .

The dark-skinned hottie Hyuga Saei had an indifferent attitude. She put her hands behind her head, glanced here and there, and even pouted her mouth, almost whistling, as if what just happened had nothing to do with her and didn't happen.

The level of social excellence made He Feiyu almost give her a thumbs up.

Among the three girls, the one who behaved the most normally was Minako Sanada. When she heard He Feiyu complimenting them on their beauty, a blush quickly appeared on her pretty face. She glanced at He Feiyu secretly like a thief, and then immediately moved away, her white fingers kept moving. Rubbing it, sometimes playing with her long golden hair, and sometimes letting her shirt wrinkle.

But when Minako Sanada heard the next two sentences from He Feiyu, the girl was like a child who made a mistake and was criticized by her elders. She lowered her head in shame, her hands no longer moved, and she carried them behind her back uneasily.

In fact, He Feiyu was not interested in the reactions of the three hot girls. He said such words out of pity and out of instinct, not wanting them to fall deeper into the wrong path.

It can also be said that He Feiyu is double standard. If today's bullying of Chunno Aya Douji looks like the boys the day before yesterday, he might just beat him up. What kind of rationale can he give them?

Maybe this is what netizens often said about Yan Zhili in his previous life...

He Feiyu turned around and patted Tsubaki Ayato, who was still stunned. Then he put the rickety tables and chairs back into their original positions, and returned to his seat without looking at the three hot girls.

"Are you okay, Feiyu-kun? That evil girl club..."

Sono Yushin looked at He Feiyu with a worried face. She had just heard someone whisper about the Villainous Girls Club and learned that there were many powerful female members in it, especially that the head of the Villainous Girls Club was the richest family in Saitama City. The girls were afraid that He Feiyu would offend them, so they couldn't help but feel worried.

"Do you think I'm in trouble?"

He Feiyu smiled lightly

A sound, a relaxed look, with signs of fear and no pressure.

"Have you forgotten the first time we met so quickly?"

Seeing that Cang Naoyuan still had a sad look on her fair cheeks, He Feiyu reminded him softly.

"Yes! Feiyu-kun is so powerful, we are not afraid of some evil girl society!"

Hearing this, Cang Nao smiled broadly. She had almost forgotten He Feiyu's abilities just because of her worry.

"I didn't forget it! Humph! Mr. Feiyu was so fierce just now~ spanking a girl's butt in front of so many people~"

Then Canono thought of something, pursed his lips unhappily, and said to He Feiyu.

She will never forget the memory of that encounter, especially when the boy carried her on his back in the muddy countryside, took off her shoes and socks, and had a warm embrace to accompany her to sleep when she was scared. .

The girl will never forget it in her life, or she will try her best to keep it in her mind as long as she and He Feiyu are together. As for why she was so worried just now, of course it is said online that things change when you truly fall in love with someone. Stupid~ It’s true~

If He Feiyu knew what Aangno Yuexin was thinking now, he would definitely say something subconsciously, you are stupid to begin with, you don't become stupid just because you like someone.

"Haha, if Yuzhen becomes that kind of bad girl in the future, I will too."

In this regard, He Feiyu didn't say much, he just raised his hand and made a slapping gesture to scare the girl.

"Feiyujun, you bad guy! I won't become like them. If...if I change, I...I will let you taste...my...feet."

The girl immediately retorted, and at the same time, in order to be more realistic, she also added a punishment, but as soon as she finished speaking, her face turned red like a monkey's butt.

Fortunately, Sono's voice was not loud, and there weren't many people around, otherwise he would have died.

He Feiyu blushed and touched his nose in embarrassment. What were these? By the way, how many secrets had Hua Minato told him?

At the same time, like a telepathic connection, Tianhe Huamin, who was quietly reading a book upstairs at He Feiyu, suddenly made a very cute Ajiu call. The girl put down the book in confusion and gently rubbed Qiong's nose. My health is getting better and better, and things like getting sick rarely happen, let alone a cold.

Could it be...Yu Jun is thinking about himself~

Amaga Minato thought for a moment, and it seemed that this was the only possibility. Then he showed a sweet smile, turned his head, and looked at the heavy rain still falling outside the window.

You can't go to the rooftop, but you can find a free classroom at noon to have dinner with Yu Jun.


"Quan, are you okay? It wouldn't have been so miserable if I had apologized earlier."

Minako Sanada looked at Nogami Izumi with concern and said in pain.

"Quan, you don't really want to ask eldest sister and the others for help, do you?"

Hyuga Sae also asked about Nogami Izumi.

Nogami Izumi didn't say anything in response to the questions from her two best friends. Her buttocks were now sore, and it was even more unbearable when she touched the stool. Her body instinctively stood up. The girl gritted her teeth and turned to look at the person who caused everything. , but saw that he was "flirting" with others, especially putting the hand that had just spanked her on her nose to smell it.

Seeing this, Nogami Izumi's already red cheeks became even redder, but he didn't know whether he was embarrassed or angry.

"Look! But we need to recover some interest first!"

Nogami Izumi could only use her hands to support the table, which made her more comfortable. She guessed that her buttocks had not lasted for half an hour and she could not sit at all. After thinking carefully, she spoke fiercely.

"Goodbye, Izumi, let's not provoke him"

"Izumi, what do you mean by that?"

"Hmph! Sae, is there still glue in your desk, the kind that can't be removed once it's stuck?"

Minako Sanada's words were automatically ignored by Izumi Nogami. She had to take revenge. If she didn't, how could she be called a hottie!


"Well, there's still glue, there's always glue, can it be! Izumi, are you ready..."

"Yes! When he goes to the toilet, we'll act!" Izumi Nogami said fiercely with a firm look in his eyes.


The black-skinned hottie agreed, leaving Minako Sanada with a helpless look on her face.

Chapter 187: Reap what you sow

The rain is still falling.

Sure enough, no matter what world you are in, students are almost the same.

Most people in He Feiyu's class entered the classroom within the last ten minutes after the bell rang, including the girl Yoshida Saki behind him.

The first class was Chinese.

The first thing gentle teacher Shirakawa Miwa did when she walked into the classroom was not to give a lecture, but to ask if the students who were soaked by the heavy rain needed to ask for leave to go to the health room to rest.

No one raised their hands, but many people looked at her with admiration, because not all teachers are like Shirakawa Miwa, who is people-oriented and cares about the health of students.

Shirakawa Miwa also keenly noticed the abnormality of Nogami Izumi. After all, who would use both hands to support the table, half a head taller than others.

The previous incident between He Feiyu and Nogami Izumi had not spread, and most people looked at Nogami Izumi with curiosity, wondering why she was like this.

If she cared about her at ordinary times, it would be fine, but now...

Nogami Izumi hurriedly said that she was fine, and fortunately she forced herself to sit down regardless of the pain in her buttocks. Shirakawa Miwa did not continue to ask, but in less than two and a half minutes, Nogami Izumi blushed and stood up again. Without waiting for Shirakawa Miwa to speak, she said that she wanted to sleep, so she stood at the back.

Since then, He Feiyu felt a burning gaze from behind him. If eyes could kill, he guessed that he would have been dead.

get out of class is over.

He Feiyu was about to get up to urinate. He drank too much peach juice yesterday and hadn't been to the toilet yet.

As expected, Aono Yushin turned around and occupied his desk as usual.

"Ms. Meiwa is really gentle~ not like Ms. Hibiki Kanade and Ms. Kyouko"

The girl supported her cheeks with both hands, her eyes stayed on He Feiyu's face, and said with a smile.

"Haha, Ms. Meiwa is really gentle"

He Feiyu didn't know how many times Aono Yushin had mentioned the goodness of Shirakawa Meiwa to him, which made his ears almost calloused, but to be honest, compared to Hibiki Kanade and Tsukishima Kyouko, she was indeed several times gentler.

The Tsukishima Kyoko he mentioned here is the English teacher of their class. Her attitude towards students is even more severe than that of Hirumuro Kanade. All the students who dared to act weird in her class had their parents called. It was really terrifying.

"I don't know who will get such a gentle teacher like Meihe in the end, but I seem to see a diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand. Is she married?"

"What do you do in class?"

He Feiyu knocked the girl's head unhappily. Seeing that she was so serious in class, it turned out that her heart was elsewhere.

"Feiyu-kun! Didn't I tell you not to knock my head? If it's broken, what will happen if others despise me for being stupid and I can't get married!?"

Canno Yuxin hugged her head and said aggrievedly.

"Isn't it normal for an idiot to not get married? If you get married, you'll be a nuisance to others, so it's better not to get married"

"Okay, I'm going to the bathroom"

He Feiyu saw that Cangnai was about to say something, so he quickly ran away after scolding her, so cool~

"Humph! Nuisance to others? I won't blame you for the rest of my life, and I'll give birth to three big fat boys for you, and annoy you to death!"

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