Sono Yushin looked at He Feiyu's back and complained unhappily, then turned around and lay on the table, thinking of names, leaving Yoshida Saki, who had witnessed the whole process, dumbfounded.

‘What’s the relationship between Feiyu-san and Yuxin-san? Doesn’t Feiyu-san have a girlfriend...’


"Quan, he's gone, we can take action."

As the detective girl, the dark-skinned hottie Hinata Saying has been observing He Feiyu's every move since get out of class.

"Okay, Saying, get the glue and let's go."

Nogami Izumi was overjoyed and said to Hinata Saying.

Minako Sanada is too lazy to persuade, just destroy it.

However, as two good best friends, sharing blessings and hardships, she would not be a deserter. She just hoped that she would not be spanked in public.

The three of them came to He Feiyu's table sneakily. Hinata Saying and Sanada Minako pretended to be looking at the scenery, covering their ears and stealing the bell for Nogami Izumi to block others' view, so that Nogami Izumi could take action with confidence.

Nogami Izumi took out the glue and applied it evenly on He Feiyu's stool. In order to prevent He Feiyu from noticing, he even handled some details very well, and deliberately smoothed the glue surface so that it would not be easily discovered.

"Are you ready? Quan"

Minako Sanada urged, the longer you delay, the greater the possibility of exposure. If you are spanked in front of so many people, you will not be able to survive!


Nogami Izumi looked at his masterpiece with admiration. As long as no one reported it, He Feiyu would definitely suffer today. He would either take off his pants or stay on the bench all day.

Just thinking about it made Nogami Izumi feel comfortable all over.

"Don't tell him, otherwise I won't guarantee that I will do anything extreme to you!"

Nogami Izumi threatened Yoshida Saki with fierce eyes as the only one who saw the whole process.

Seeing Yoshida Saki nodding obediently, Nogami Izumi left with satisfaction.

"Quan, do you think his underwear will be stuck on and he will go home with his butt naked? Hahaha~"

Dark-skinned hottie Hinata Saying stood next to Nogami Izumi and said with a smile. She had already thought of He Feiyu's embarrassment after sitting down.

"Hmph! I'll take a photo with my phone!"

That scene also appeared in Nogami Quan's mind, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily, waiting for He Feiyu to come back and let her vent her anger.

Yoshida Saki looked at He Feiyu's seat and was stunned. He didn't know whether he should tell He Feiyu that the fierce look in Nogami Izumi's eyes just now was really scary.

Just when the girl hesitated, He Feiyu's figure appeared from the front door and walked slowly.

"Student Feiyu, there is something on your stool, don't sit down!"

There was a battle between heaven and man in Yoshida Saki's mind. Nogami Izumi's fierce eyes and the scene of He Feiyu sacrificing his life to protect her flashed crazily. Just when He Feiyu was approaching his seat, He Feiyu's figure finally defeated Nogami Izumi. The girl no longer hesitated. said decisively.

"Sure! Quan, she told He Feiyu"

"Damn it!"

Nogami Izumi bit his nails and cursed angrily.

"Eh!? It seems not, he sat down!"


When Nogami Quan heard this, he immediately looked over and saw He Feiyu sitting on his own stool. The boredom that had just arisen immediately disappeared.

It disappears and is replaced by joy.

"Haha, he's in trouble now. Let's find an opportunity to punish him later."

Dark-skinned hottie Hinata Saying said with a smile.

"Let's go back to our seats and sit down. Class will begin soon, and it's Tsukishima Kyoko's class. It's really troublesome. By the way, what will happen if He Feiyu is drawn by her?"

Hinata Saying suggested strangely.

"Shaying has a good idea. Later one of us will pretend to raise his hand to answer the question. If he can't answer the question, we will recommend him to get up to answer. If he can't get up by then, he will be in trouble."

Nogami Izumi said happily.

"Haha, Quan, you are so bad, but I like it very much."

Hinata Saying replied with a wink.

Only Minako Sanada glanced at He Feiyu with pity.

Perhaps because of a guilty conscience, Nogami Izumi subconsciously took a look at her own stool when she returned to her seat. It looked like it had been coated with glue, but she didn't see any clues about it. She then shook her head, thinking it was unlikely. .

The bell rings.

The sound of high-heeled shoes "tacking" followed. Nogami Izumi immediately sat down. After a break in class, her butt had healed a lot and she could sit down.

But as soon as she sat down, she felt a stickiness coming from her buttocks, as if she was sitting on a water balloon.

'how come! ? ’

Nogami Izumi exclaimed in his heart. He reached out and touched the stool in disbelief. Before he even touched the surface of the stool, his fingers felt sticky.

She stood up immediately, but the skirt under her buttocks was stuck to the bench surface. The blow on her buttocks made her feel cold, and the bench was dragged along making a "frame" sound.

Chapter 188: Dark Wind

Nogami Izumi was shocked.

She didn't know why her stool was covered in glue.

Could it be that someone happened to take revenge on her in the same way?

After reacting, she wanted to ask Hinata Sae who was standing beside her, but when she saw Tsukishima Kyoko's scrutinizing gaze because of her unusual behavior just now, she stopped immediately and hurriedly adjusted her posture to sit up.

Don't look at the arrogant things she says in front of others. You don't have to listen to the teacher in this classroom, but you must respect her...

She can be appropriately arrogant behind her back. They are all good friends anyway, and there will be no snitching. Even if she is found out, the school will not do anything to her, and there is a backer behind her.

But you still have to behave well in person. If you are caught like this, it will be difficult even for someone else.

After a while, she noticed that Tsukishima Kyoko no longer paid attention to her.

‘Could it be that he swapped his stool with mine? ’

Nogami Izumi secretly turned his head and looked in the direction of He Feiyu, and found that he was calm and composed, without any reaction that he should have after being teased, and he couldn't help but feel doubtful.

'impossible! My eyes never left him, and such a huge formation would never be silent.'

Gritting his teeth, he overturned the suspicion he had just raised.

Nogami Izumi's eyes were dull, staring at the blackboard without focus. His thoughts fell into deep confusion, and he completely forgot about the next step of teasing that they had made.

Dark-skinned hottie Hinata Saying would peek at Nogami Izumi from time to time, waiting for her signal to continue teasing He Feiyu. However, Tsukishima Kyoko asked several questions in a row, and her best friend did not give any hint, so She couldn't help it.

Among the three hot girls, she plays the role of a fire-fighter, the kind of person who doesn't take it too seriously to watch the excitement. Whenever Nogami Izumi hesitates to give up, she will fan the flames. How could the fun-loving person let the fun end like this? , anyway, the matter will be settled in the end, the eldest lady Sanada Minako will pay another sum of money, and the compensation for those who were treated as entertainment will be greater than the harm they suffered.

They had fun, the other party also got money, and neither lost money. Wouldn't they be happy?

But what she doesn't know is that people who have been bullied will leave scars in their hearts to some extent, and they may not be able to heal them throughout their lives.

Back to business.

Seeing that Nogami Izumi didn't make any move for a long time, the dark-skinned hottie Hinata Sae finally couldn't help it and decided to take action.

When Tsukishima Kyoko asked another question, Hyuga Sae raised her hand decisively. People like her who never raised their hands once in ten thousand years were the easiest to be selected.


After Tsukishima Kyouko looked around on the podium, she saw Hyuga Sae who was actively raising her hands. She had been in class for two or three days, and this was the first time she saw this girl with wheat-colored skin raising her hands, so she planned to Give her a chance to show off her talents.

"It's just you"

Everyone looked in the direction of Tsukishima Kyouko's finger, and when they saw the person raising his hand, there were expressions of surprise on their faces.

People who have not experienced what happened in the morning, but who know a little bit about the personality of the hot girl in the class, suddenly think that today's hot girl has changed her ways. He actually raised his hand to answer questions...

Those who had experienced what happened in the morning glanced at He Feiyu meaningfully, expecting that something interesting would happen in the boring English class, or in Kyoko Tsukishima's class.

They never thought in the first place that the real intention of the black-skinned hottie raising her hand was to answer

The problem is, after all, if you want a hot girl to become good, you have to have a sow climb a tree!

At this time, Nogami Izumi also came to his senses, realized that something was wrong, and wanted to stop Hinata Saei, but unfortunately it was too late, the black-skinned hottie had already stood up with a smile.

Of course, Hinata Saei was not an idiot. She thought for a while before answering the question, and finally chose an answer at random with a serious look on her face. After all, it was a multiple-choice question with four choices, otherwise she would not have dared to raise her hand.

If she was usually picked up to answer questions, Hinata Saying would have started to pray that her luck would be so good that she would be right, but now, she just hoped that she would not be right.

Predictably wrong.

Hinata Saying breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

"Classmate, please sit down first and listen carefully to the teacher's explanation later. Now, let's ask someone else to answer."

Kyoko Tsukishima is not the kind of person who scolds students when others make mistakes. Her severity is only directed at students who are disruptive and idle in class. She is quite patient with students who take the initiative to raise their hands to answer questions.

"Teacher, he can!"

Just when Kyoko Tsukishima was about to make a substitution, Saying Hinata quickly pointed at He Feiyu and said.

"He can? Well, this classmate, please get up and answer the question."

Hearing this, Tsukishima Kyouko frowned, feeling displeased in her heart. What's going on, treating class as child's play? Call your boyfriend to act cool? He suppressed his dissatisfaction and said coldly.

She decided that if the boy couldn't answer, the two of them would stand outside the door and enjoy the cold air.

Seeing that her intention had been achieved, Hyuga Saying sat down and celebrated with a playful wink at Izumi Nogami, who was looking at her. Little did she know that her next fate was entirely determined by He Feiyu.

He Feiyu figured out the whole story the moment he was pointed at by Hinata Saying. He didn't expect that the hot girl's method of revenge was similar to that of an elementary school student, and he couldn't help but laugh and cry in his heart.

But without Yoshida Saki's reminder, he might really make a fool of himself this time. Of course, the possibility is pitifully small, just like being pretended to be dead by a dump truck and traveling into the second dimension.

Looking at the simple grammar question on the blackboard, I still have to choose one of three. If I still can't answer it, I might as well just hit it head-on.

"Feiyu-kun, choose C!"

Just as he was about to get up, a soft and anxious reminder from Sono Yui suddenly came from in front of him.

"This is a fixed match, catch sb.doing sth. So I choose A"

He Feiyu twitched the corner of his mouth, then stood up and said with determination.

"Very good, this classmate gave a perfect answer. Sit down and keep up the good work next time."

Tsukishima Kyouko's frown relaxed and she nodded with satisfaction. As long as she answered, everything would be fine.

He Feiyu sat down slowly, but at the end she glanced at Nogami Izumi who was looking at her, and a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, although the other party just looked at each other and immediately looked away.

"Woo~ Why choose A? No matter what, just choose C"

Just after sitting down, Aono Yui's depressed voice reached his ears, which made him laugh and cry again.


'It must be him! '

If Nogami Izumi was just suspicious of He Feiyu at the beginning, then now, she is 100% sure that it was He Feiyu who did it, and all kinds of signs can prove it.

'But how did he do it? If it was really him, why didn't he imitate Saeki and make me embarrassed? Did he fall in love with me? No, no, no, how could it be possible? If he fell in love with me, why would he spank me in public... and let the glue stick to my skirt, what's going on! ! ! ’

Nogami Izumi’s head was in a mess, and finally she had an embarrassing idea that made her blush, but she immediately denied it. When it comes to issues related to men and women, it seems that the inability to figure it out will eventually involve feelings, which is also strange.

Unable to figure it out, Nogami Izumi simply gave up thinking, and the most urgent thing now was how to get out of the stool.

Until noon, the hot girls didn’t bother He Feiyu. After all, they had things they had to do and had no time to harass him.

He Feiyu took Aono Yushin, who was still distraught because she gave him the wrong answer, and Tianhe Hanami, who came to find him, to find an empty classroom to eat together.

After going around, the three of them also found a classroom suitable for eating. There was only one classroom in the entire corridor with students, and the rest were empty, so He Feiyu randomly picked one and walked in with the two girls.

As soon as the door was opened, a cold wind blew in, making Aono Yushin shiver. Although it was raining heavily outside, He Feiyu felt that the temperature in this classroom was even lower than the temperature outside.

But he didn't take it too seriously.

He Feiyu took off his school uniform jacket and put it on Aono Yushin. With his physique, he was not afraid of catching a cold at all. Although Hanamito, who had been moisturized by him, was not as good as him, she was not afraid either.

The girl blushed, and the residual heat and fragrance from her clothes made her feel warm, as if she was wrapped in something other than clothes...

He Feiyu walked forward, put the two tables together, and then took out a rag to wipe off the dust, but he didn't expect that the tables and chairs were unusually clean, as if they were often cleaned. However, after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was normal. The school often had general cleanings and hired outside nurses to come in and clean.

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