
"I'm going to buy something from the vending machine. Do you want me to bring something?"

He Feiyu suddenly remembered that Yoshida Saki told him the prank of the three hot girls in the morning, but he had not yet given a symbolic thank you, so he decided to buy some snacks for the girl to express his gratitude.

"Feiyu-kun, please bring me a bottle of the drink you drank last time. It's quite delicious~"

Tianhe Hana Minato shook his head, but Canono thought of something in his heart and said to He Feiyu expectantly.

"The drink you drank last time? Yushin-chan, you..."

He Feiyu was confused. The girl said that the drink last time was delicious, but in his impression, it seemed that Sono Yushin had never bought it. How could he know whether the drink was delicious... There was only one situation for this, that The girl secretly drank his water because she felt something was wrong at that time.


Seeing He Feiyu's expression, Sono Yushin realized that she had accidentally spilled the beans, and hurriedly hid behind Amano Kaminato, pretending to be dumbfounded.

"You guys go first"

He Feiyu didn't have any intention of pursuing it. Anyway, he didn't suffer any loss, so he could only take a sip.

"Goodbye Yu-kun"

He Feiyu bought a bottle of soda, a bottle of milk, and a few lollipops with different flavors. The other snacks were not in good condition, so he was not prepared to buy them for Yoshida Saki.

When we arrived at the classroom, everyone was almost there. After all, most people would choose to eat in the classroom.

When he passed the podium, he was inevitably stared at with vicious eyes. It wasn't until he returned to his seat that those eyes had to disappear. Without even thinking, he knew who it was.

Without paying too much attention, He Feiyu stretched out his hand and squeezed Canono Yuxin's soft shoulders. When the girl turned her head, he deliberately placed the water on the path she must pass. The girl was caught off guard, and her pink cheeks pressed against her. Drinks served.

The cold touch of the plastic bottle made Canono's heart tremble suddenly, and then she saw He Feiyu's deliberate expression.

With a smile, she immediately understood that He Feiyu was teasing her.

The girl was like a puffer fish. She puffed up her face angrily and stared at the hand that was close at hand pretending to be strange. She actually opened her mouth and bit it. But how could He Feiyu let the girl get what she wanted? In an instant, he pinched it with his other hand. The girl's chin.

Sono Yushin was controlled by He Feiyu. He felt the smoothness and tenderness of the girl's cheek and couldn't help but pinch it gently.

Now the girl is a little sheep under the control of others, with no room for resistance. He Feiyu slowly felt the tenderness of the girl's skin, but unexpectedly, Sono Yushin stretched out her pink tongue and swept across his fingers. At the moment of touch, , He Feiyu immediately let go of his hand and looked at the girl in shock.

It seems to be saying, should we be so exaggerated and do such a thing in public, regardless of the image of a lady?

Looking at He Feiyu's expression, Cang Nao raised his head proudly, with a proud expression on his face, as if to say, little brother, you are sweating! You can’t do it either, are you letting go now?

Then he took the soda on the table and turned his head quickly. His originally fair cheeks suddenly turned pink, as if they could bleed.

It was fine when the two of them were alone, and she even dared to suck the boy's fingers into her mouth, but in full view of everyone...

Aangano opened the bottle cap with her heart in mind, looked at the mouth of the bottle, and recalled the last time she drank secretly. She subconsciously stretched out the tip of her tongue to moisten her pink lips, and then, like a groundhog eating snow cake, she lightly Take a sip.

But it wasn't as sweet as she expected, and it was completely different from the last sip she took.

The girl thought, could there be some other reason?

Regarding this, Aangano could only think of He Feiyu... She was determined to find an opportunity to go further!

He Feiyu didn't know that his sudden thought of teasing Sono Yui would pave the way for the girl to launch a fierce offensive.

After teasing the girl, He Feiyu decided to give the gift he bought to Saki Yoshida.

He Feiyu turned around and placed the milk and lollipop on the girl's table in a very straight man's way.

"Classmate Feiyu, what are you doing?"

Yoshida Saki, who was looking out the window in a daze, noticed the movement in front of the table with his peripheral vision, came back to his senses, looked at the extra snacks on the table, and asked doubtfully.

"This is a small gift to thank Yoshida Saki-san for reminding me this morning."

He Feiyu explained.

"no, I'm fine!"

When Yoshida Saki heard this, he was flattered and quickly waved his hand to refuse.

"Don't be so polite. Is it because Yoshida Saki-san dislikes the gift I prepared?"

Seeing the girl's refusal, He Feiyu changed his explanation and joked.

"Nothing! It's just... last time Feiyu helped me, I didn't even prepare a gift for Feiyu. Now how can I have the nerve to ask for Feiyu's gift... And what I did is the same as Compared with you, Classmate Feiyu, you are completely worthless, and I cannot ask for your gift..."

Yoshida Saki lowered his head, his slender hands were twisted into a ball by her, and said in an embarrassed tone.

The girl didn't finish her words. Because of the hot girl's threat, she didn't dare to tell He Feiyu right away. She still struggled in her heart for a while. But He Feiyu faced a group of twenty or thirty gangsters at the beginning, and he still dared to take action. Help her, but she hesitated because of three hot girls of the same age, which made Yoshida Saki feel very ashamed. How could she be embarrassed to ask for He Feiyu's gift.

"It's one thing for me to help you, but it's another thing for you to help me. I still have to thank you for what you deserve. Yoshida Saki-san, just accept it. It's not a valuable thing anyway."

He Feiyu didn't know what Yoshida Saki was really thinking, so he continued to speak patiently.

Half-heartedly, Yoshida Saki finally accepted He Feiyu's gift.

The girl looked at a few extremely cheap lollipops in her hands, feeling ashamed but also happy at the same time. Since she put on makeup, she has also become popular. Not only did she meet He Feiyu and Sono Yushin, There are other students in the class, and even seniors from other classes and other grades.

Many of them gave her gifts, some expensive and some cheap. When she accepted them, she was not as emotional as when she accepted the gifts from He Feiyu.

Yoshida Saki decided that she would keep one lollipop as a collection to commemorate her friendship with He Feiyu. At the same time, the girl also had the idea of ​​buying a gift for He Feiyu.

To repay a favor, you can't just ask for it. But when Saki Yoshida thought that all her own money was used to buy cosmetics, and there wasn't much left, she was discouraged. Moreover, the company where her father worked was also experiencing difficulties. In addition to daily necessary expenses, she was too embarrassed to ask for money from her family.

what can we do about it?


Yoshida Saki remembered that some of her new female friends worked in KTVs and heard that they could earn a lot of money. The girl decided to find a time to ask if she could get in there as well, as long as she played one or two If you work for a month, you should have enough money to buy gifts for Mr. Feiyu.

Yoshida Saki imagined the happy look on He Feiyu's face when he received her gift, and the girl's pretty face couldn't help but become hopeful.

He Feiyu didn't know that just because of this small act that he suddenly remembered today, Yoshida Saki would soon suffer an unreasonable disaster.

Chapter 195: Not a hot girl who wants revenge but not revenge

The rain was still pouring down, and the autumn wind knocked the raindrops on the windowsill.

Although the first period in the afternoon was Hinuro's mathematics class, He Feiyu had no time to listen, his thoughts were too early

Has flown to the sky.

With his current ability to read ten lines at a glance, even if he doesn't listen to one class, spending more time one or two weeks before the final exam will be more than enough.

He didn't expect that less than a week after entering school, he would actually meet Hanako, the creature in the ghost story. Although it was the otherworldly version, he was still a little surprised. After all, those things in the past life only existed in novels and TV.

Now that we have met Hanako, will the slit girl and Hachisha-sama be far behind?

He Feiyu couldn't help but look forward to it. It wasn't that he was lustful, it was just pure curiosity.

He Feiyu in the audience was wandering, while Himuro on the stage gritted his teeth.

Every time she went to class, she couldn't help but want to look in the direction of He Feiyu. It was not because this little bastard bullied her that she had special feelings for him, but because she was looking for him to be embarrassed and kneel before her. A chance to lick her feet at her feet. No one knows exactly what it is, but at least that’s what Himuro Kanade hinted at herself.

Looking at He Feiyu, who had been distracted frequently since the start of class, she subconsciously pinched a brand new piece of chalk in her hand and then threw it on the podium angrily. She saw that there were already five or six pieces of chalk on it in the same situation. The broken pen lying down was even more angry. He wanted to get angry, but he was afraid of being counterattacked.

That scene always existed in her mind, and she could not forget it for a long time. No matter how long she remembered it, it still made people feel angry, but... that feeling made her body numb and hot, as if there was a weak electric current flowing up and down. egg on.

Her cheeks couldn't help but feel hot, and there was something strange coming from below. Himuro Kanade quickly picked up the book to cover the blush on her face, and at the same time slowly rubbed her plump thighs covered in black stockings. Fortunately, the podium was high enough for her to speak. Shi's tone was still as cold as usual, which prevented him from attracting any attention or suspicion.

After four or five minutes, Himuro Kanade felt much more comfortable.

Then I realized that I had to take the book off my face, otherwise it would definitely arouse the students' suspicion.

But she needed to find a reasonable excuse to cover up the blush on her face. While thinking about it, she saw a simple but often misunderstood typical question in the book, and her brain turned around and she came up with a solution.

Himuro Kanade explained this question very carefully.

Then, the next moment.

'boom! ’

"Everyone, please listen carefully! No matter how many times I tell you such a simple question, someone will always make a mistake during the test. I don't want to see one student in our class make a mistake when the test results come out next time. otherwise!"

Himuro Kanade slammed the book on his face onto the podium, making a huge roar.

This sudden explosion startled most people, especially those who were drowsy as soon as they started math class. When they heard the sound, they quickly sat upright, pretending to be listening, but when they saw Himuro Kanade's face Hongxia, which was spreading because of anger, lowered her head with guilty conscience.

"Okay, it's not that I want to say anything to you, I just hope you don't lose points on such a simple question. Maybe you will meet each other when you take the exam for your favorite university in the future."

Himuro Kanade was very satisfied with everyone's performance. No one was suspicious. His expression immediately softened and he spoke in a calmer tone.

I originally thought that Himuro Kanou suddenly went crazy because some people from his aunt heard what he said. Suddenly, he felt guilty in his heart. He felt regretful for the complaints that had popped up in his mind earlier. Such a good teacher actually insulted her. It was really Not a thing.

Of course, not everyone will think so. Some hot girls and gangsters who have no intention of studying are as uncomfortable as eating flies. Teachers in other classes will not care so much. They love to learn or not, as long as they don't make too much noise. How come? Things have changed here.

He Feiyu looked at Hirumuro Kanade on the stage and silently praised her in his heart. Although her hobby was not quite right, it was precious in such a world.

Apart from this little episode, the afternoon passed in a dull manner.

The three hot girls were very tactful and did not bother He Feiyu again. Of course, it was also possible that Nogami Izumi was still stuck to the stool. Anyway, He Feiyu did not see Nogami Izumi walking around after class. He always sat very well and chatted with the other two hot girls, but his expression was not very good.

After school, the expected thing of being blocked by the hot girls at the school gate did not happen. He, Tianhe Hanami and Aono Yuxin left the school safely. Although he did not know what the three hot girls thought, it was good that no trouble happened.


"Izumi, everyone has left, take off your skirt and put on this one"

Looking at the classroom where there was no one else except the three of them, Minako Sanada reached out and took out a skirt from her backpack and handed it to Izumi Nogami. She asked the housekeeper to deliver it at noon, but she couldn't find a good opportunity to give it to Izumi Nogami to change into, so she could only wait for everyone to leave.

"Izumi, what on earth is going on? It's obvious that the three of us did apply glue on his seat, but how come it's you, Izumi, who is stuck, and he's fine. It's really strange~"

The dark-skinned hot girl Hinata Saye said puzzledly while lying on Izumi Nogami's desk.

"I don't know why!"

Izumi Nogami was about to change her skirt, but when her best friend said that, she became inexplicably irritated, and turned to her head with her hands, unable to figure it out at all.

"Could he be the legendary Superman, Thunderman, or Bronze Man?"

The black-skinned hottie was thinking aimlessly, and suddenly, she thought of the superheroes she had watched recently, and then she raised her head and said in surprise.

"..." ×2

"Saying, don't watch those science fiction movies anymore"

Sanada Minako stroked her forehead speechlessly.

Nogami Izumi also nodded in agreement.

"Then tell me, how did he change the chair in public!"

The black-skinned hottie firmly believed that she was right.

Now Sanada Minako and Nogami Izumi were silent. Although they didn't know what to say for a while, they didn't agree with Hinata Saying's wild ideas.

Seeing that her two best friends didn't believe her, the black-skinned hottie decided in her heart that she would find evidence that He Feiyu was a superhero!

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's help Izumi take off her skirt."

Sanada Minako changed the subject, but Nogami Izumi did need help. After a long time of hesitation, she still couldn't get out of her skirt. Her butt was too tricky to sit in, so there was no good angle to take off the skirt, and she was stuck by her butt every time.

The three of them tried their best, but in the end, they had no choice but to take out the scissors and cut off the skirt, and Nogami Izumi successfully got out of trouble.

"Ahhh! I'm so angry! Damn He Feiyu!"

Nogami Izumi changed into a new skirt, staring at the broken old skirt, her already red eyes widened, as if they were about to spit out fire.

No matter whether He Feiyu did it or not, Nogami Izumi still put the account on him.

"Who asked you not to seek help from the big sisters?"

The black-skinned hot girl looked at the angry Nogami Izumi and said.

"Hmph! You can't even handle a little He Feiyu, which damages my reputation as a hot girl."

"But Quan, you have suffered twice at his hands~"

"It's just a mistake, I will succeed next time."

Nogami Quan said stubbornly.

"Quan, don't bother him anymore, otherwise..."

"Minako, don't say anything more, if you don't take revenge, you are not a hot girl."

Nogami Quan interrupted Minako Sanada's words of admonition, with a raging fire in her eyes.



On the other side, after not seeing his aunt Manzi for a day, He Feiyu stood outside the gun room Manzi door with excitement. He was about to knock on the door, but he saw that the house of Hatteng Mingli was silent. Thinking of Hatteng Jingjiu's instructions, he realized that he had not been with Aunt Mingli for several days. He put down his hand that he had just raised and turned to walk towards Hatteng Mingli's house.

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