Chapter 196 Fresh Milk

In front of Chu Teng Mingli's house, He Feiyu's hand was raised and put down, put down and then raised.


He had agreed to Hattō Shizuku's request to take care of her mother, but he had not visited Hattō Akari in the recent period, and it was inevitable that he would feel guilty in his heart.

This is why He Feiyu decided to only save those poor girls in the future, but did not want to be too involved emotionally. He is not a ninja, does not have multiple shadow clones, and is not Sun Dasheng. He can pluck out the hair on his body and transform into another. A He Feiyu.

Now that he is still a student, he does not have so much free time to spend and take care of one person, so there must be other people who have no time to take care of him, let alone a group of people.

If there are more and more women around him, there is a high probability that someone will be injured, which is something He Feiyu doesn't want to see.

He has already regarded them as living people, no longer characters in a series, and he cannot let them suffer just because of a fresh desire.

Otherwise, what's the difference between him and those tauren who simply enjoy their desires?

Of course, he will definitely not abandon anyone who has had a relationship with He Feiyu, but he can't let the harem expand any longer, even if his current ability can control several women at night.

Also, except for force majeure, such as the cheating thing he accidentally picked, the reverse push halo. Although it has not been triggered once yet, who knows, it will be activated inexplicably one day.

After gathering his emotions, He Feiyu knocked on the door. After all, Hattō Akari was his woman. Regardless of Hattō Shizuku's entrustment, he also had the obligation to take good care of her. He Feiyu would never become that kind of eagle. Ruthless cows and horses.

Soon, there was movement behind the door.

"Who is it?"

A mature and charming voice sounded sadly.

"It's me, Aunt Mingli"

He Feiyu heard the emotion contained in the words and replied with some shame.

"Little brother Feiyu!?"

Hearing He Feiyu's voice, Hatou Mingli's tone became surprised.

The next moment, the door was opened.

A graceful and beautiful woman had a look of joy on her face and a pair of beautiful emerald eyes staring at He Feiyu. But if you look carefully, you can see that there is a trace of resentment between the eyebrows on her beautiful face, as if she was leaving. The long-lost wife looked at her husband who had just returned.

"What are you doing, little brother Feiyu, standing outside? Why don't you come in quickly? Could it be that little brother Feiyu just suddenly remembered that there is a neighbor like me, said hello, and is about to leave?"

Hatou Mingri's plump body moved away, and then she spoke to He Feiyu who was standing still.

"Oh well"

He Feiyu shook his head in embarrassment and walked towards Hatou Akari's house. When he passed by the beautiful woman, the breathtaking fragrance poured into his nostrils like crazy.

, stimulating the nerves.

He Feiyu swallowed involuntarily, there was nothing he could do, it was all subconscious instinct.

Although He Feiyu swallowed softly, Hatou Mingri, who focused all her attention on him, still saw it clearly.

Seeing this, Hatou Mingri couldn't help but raise a proud smile and closed the door.

He Feiyu quickly changed into his slippers and walked towards the living room.

It seems that he hasn't come these days, and Aunt Akari is really angry. In the past, when Hatsumi Akari saw him visiting, she would open the door and pull him in. Without any explanation, she would hug him and give him a passionate kiss. How is it like now, abandoning him? he.

Although Hatou Mingri went to the kitchen to prepare tea for him, it still made He Feiyu a little uncomfortable.

Bored He Feiyu looked at the quiet and deserted living room.

He found that Hatou Akari didn't even turn on the TV, and Hatou Shizuku also went to school. He really didn't know how Aunt Akari passed the boring time.

He felt ashamed again.

Thinking back to the time when I was so excited, I half pushed and half pushed, had sex, and even had rice bowls, it was really...

He Feiyu decided to take time off from school two days a week in the afternoon to spend some time with Aunt Mingli before going home.

He sat like this for more than ten minutes. He Feiyu just wanted to stand up and go to the kitchen to see what Aunt Mingli was doing. It took so long to prepare tea.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stood up, Hattou Akari walked out of the kitchen with a steaming cup.

Why is this scene so familiar...

He Feiyu's right eyelid twitched wildly.

"Brother Feiyu, this is the fresh milk that Auntie specially cooked for you. Try it and see if it tastes good~"

Hatou Mingri handed the steaming cup to He Feiyu, and then looked at him earnestly.


This scene really became more familiar to He Feiyu the more he looked at it. Isn't it similar to the first time he came here?

It can't be that thing again...

He Feiyu lowered his head and looked at the turbid, milky white liquid, and smelled the smell, which was indeed like milk.

Hesitating whether he should drink it or not.

Although you don’t drink less when you’re feeling astringent, it’s something that only happens on certain occasions, just like when you’re eating top-quality steak in a five-star restaurant and the one you’re holding is Coke, which is inappropriate.

"Brother Feiyu, do you dislike what Aunt Mingli made?"

Chu Teng Mingli looked at He Feiyu who kept holding the fresh milk she had carefully brewed in his hand without drinking it, and spoke with resentment again.

"No, the milk made by Aunt Mingli is delicious."

Hearing this, He Feiyu gritted his teeth and took the risk, feeling deeply emotional and feeling depressed.

He drank all the liquid that looked like milk into his mouth in one breath.


It didn't taste like I expected, it did taste like milk.

There was a faint sweetness and milky aroma in his mouth, and the sweet taste lingered in He Feiyu's mouth for a long time.

"The milk made by Aunt Mingli is really delicious, is there any more?"

He Feiyu put down his cup and asked Hatou Mingri, whose face was flushed for some reason.

Little brother Feiyu drank~

"Also, but Auntie only cooked this cup."

Hatsumi Mingri's cheeks turned red, her eyes filled with spring, and she slowly spoke.

"There is cold fresh milk in the refrigerator, but drinking cold milk is not good for your health. Auntie will treat Little Brother Feiyu to drink hot milk later."

Seeing He Feiyu drink up her fresh milk in one gulp, Xuefeng, who had only tried to relieve it before, started to swell and ache again, Hatou Akari added in a charming voice.

He Feiyu nodded and smacked his mouth. The milk smell was very pure and full of umami. He planned to ask Hatou Akari which company's milk she ordered before leaving later, so that he could call him Aunt Manzi. Go order it too.

The scene suddenly turned cold, at least for He Feiyu, who didn't know what to say.

"Brother Feiyu, please sit here for a while while Auntie goes to change clothes~"

After a moment of silence, Hattō Akari was the first to break the awkward situation. Of course, it was partly due to her own reasons. Hattō Akari looked down at the circular wet marks on her pink sweater and had no choice but to say, she wanted to wait. Er gave He Feiyu a surprise, but he couldn't let him discover it now.

Chapter 197: Hatsuto Akari has low self-esteem

He Feiyu didn't know why Chuteng Mingli suddenly wanted to change clothes, so he nodded numbly.

After sitting awkwardly alone for another five or six minutes, Hatto Akari walked out of the bedroom. She was no longer wearing a white sleeveless sweater, but a tight orange dress.

Her thighs were covered with flesh-colored stockings that fit the color of her skin. Under the light of the living room, they looked like freshly cooked egg whites, smooth and elastic. They set off her plump thighs so beautifully that she couldn't help but feel People thought about it, and then started to touch it themselves, carefully feeling the softness of the stockings on her thighs.

Moreover, Hatto Akari didn't seem to be wearing any pants under her fleshy waist. He Feiyu took a closer look and discovered that Aunt Akari's round and huge Haofu L was held up high, so that it could reach halfway to her thighs. Her skirt was so short that it only covered her thighs.

Hatsumi Akari's perfectly curved plump buttocks wrapped in black fat accompanies her every move, looming, and the bulging buttocks are full of the motherhood and voluptuousness of a mature woman, which directly hooks people's hearts and souls.

But to be honest, He Feiyu felt that this suit

The clothes worn by my Aunt Manzi are more suitable. When Aunt Mingli wears them, they are too bulky in some places and appear to be abrupt, which is why they are tight.

But overall, I still have a strong sense of improvement. I shouldn't be too aggressive towards a Cao thief like He Feiyu.

Being looked at by He Feiyu's direct eyes, Hatou Mingri not only did not feel uncomfortable, but also enjoyed the naked gaze. The initial inferiority complex in her heart suddenly disappeared a lot, and her fleshy face showed a With a charming and confident smile, she walked towards He Feiyu and sat down next to his body.

I don’t know if I smelled a familiar fragrance or just had a great visual impact.

Although I drank milk not long ago, my mouth has become dry.

With a dry mouth, He Feiyu lowered his eyes and subconsciously searched for a source of water. Unfortunately, except for the cup that he drank cleanly from the table in front of him, there was nothing else to quench his thirst. He had no choice but to moisten his throat with saliva.

"Little brother Feiyu, are you very thirsty?"

He Feiyu's every move was watched by Chuteng Mingli. She leaned close to her body and asked with concern.


There was no hiding it, he admitted it readily.

He Feiyu urgently needs to drink water now, otherwise he feels that he will be dehydrated directly. Moreover, he glanced at Hatou Akari, and her proud snow peak squeezed on his arm, making the already bad situation worse. More serious.

"Little brother Feiyu, please be patient for a moment, and Auntie will treat you to fresh milk again."

Chuteng Mingli raised her hand, gently rubbed He Feiyu's cheek with the back of her soft and delicate hand, and said enthusiastically.

Hearing Chuteng Mingli's words, He Feiyu felt much better.

Looking at plum blossoms to quench thirst really works.

"Aunt Mingli, I'm sorry that I haven't come to see you for so long..."

Feeling the concern from Hatou Akari, He Feiyu said to her shamefully.

"It's okay. Auntie knows that you are in high school and spend a lot of time studying and clubbing every day. You are too busy. Auntie understands."

Chuteng Mingli said nothing, but as she said it, she didn't know if she was thinking of sad things. A few drops of tears flowed from the corners of her eyes and fell on He Feiyu's hand on his thigh.

"Aunt Mingli, why are you crying?"

He Feiyu looked at this scene and panicked. Why was he crying just now when he was fine? He quickly held Hatou Mingri's delicate body in his arms, stretched out his hand to wipe away the wet marks on her face, and asked nervously .

"Ah... Auntie didn't cry. It's all Auntie's fault. Even though... I know that little brother Feiyu is in high school, I still can't help but think about you. Every afternoon, I start to expect a knock on the door. , I hope I can see little brother Feiyu as soon as I open the door... However, there has been no sound for several days... If little brother Feiyu hadn't come today, aunt... aunt would have thought that you had already I forgot, and Auntie also knows that compared to those girls in their prime, Auntie, I don’t have any advantages. I am still older, bloated, and not attractive at all..."

Hatsumi Akari covered her already red eyes with both hands, sobbing and speaking intermittently, telling all the loneliness and grievances she had felt at home alone these past few days, with a tone that was comparable to that of a budding girl. self-abasement.

"How could it be Aunt Mingli's fault? It's because I ignored your mood, Aunt Mingli, and I just like you, Aunt Mingli, who is mature and juicy."

Hearing this, He Feiyu spent a lot of effort to remove Hatou Mingli's hand that was covering her cheek, looked at her red eyes seriously and sincerely and said.


Chuteng Mingli's eyes flickered and she didn't dare to look at He Feiyu. She didn't want him to see her ugly appearance.


He Feiyu put one hand around Chuteng Mingli's voluptuous waist, put one hand on the back of her head, and said sincerely.

"Auntie, I don't believe it!"

Hatou Mingri said coquettishly like a little girl. If He Feiyu looked carefully, he would find that her emerald eyes were full of joy and were no longer as sad and uncomfortable as before.

"Then Aunt Mingli, why do you believe it?"

"Auntie wants you..."

When Chu Teng Mingli heard this, she hooked her hands around He Feiyu's neck, raised her head, and leaned towards his ear to exhale like a blue road.


Since Aunt Mingli wanted it... He Feiyu held her hand tighter.

Hatou Mingri felt the big hands on her back moving away, and her red eyes were covered with a light mist after crying.

But after waiting for a long time, she didn't see the skirt falling off her body. Her blurred eyes regained some focus. She saw the slightly anxious look on He Feiyu's face, and then noticed the panic in the big hands behind her. Then she realized that it was He Feiyu who didn't know what to do. Taking it off, I couldn't help but feel funny in my heart.

So he put one hand behind his back and unzipped the zipper on his back in less than two and a half seconds, but did not take it off. Hatsuto Akari handed the initiative to He Feiyu.

Inside the clothes was another gift she had carefully prepared.

He Feiyu lowered his head to look at the rosy-cheeked Hatou Akari. The beautiful woman had just cried because she had just cried. Her whole body was charming and weak at the same time, making people unconsciously feel the desire to protect her.

He Feiyu reached out and was about to take off Hatou Mingli's orange dress, but as soon as the tip of the iceberg was exposed, he noticed something was wrong.

Why is Aunt Mingli still there at the end?

A plain black outfit?

Driven by curiosity, He Feiyu's hands moved faster and faster, and the orange dress had been thrown aside by him.

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