The truth is revealed.

He Feiyu looked at the black reflective gauze covering Hatou Akira's body. There were special openings in some key parts. It was unusually bold, and it suddenly made her swell uncomfortably.

"Auntie...Does Auntie's bloated body look good?"

Chapter 198 Sweet

Chuteng Mingli raised her hand to slightly block the spring light leaking from her chest. Her eyebrows were affectionate and slightly rosy, like a sandalwood mouth with exposed petals. She asked He Feiyu expectantly and nervously.

"It's beautiful~ Also, Aunt Mingli, your figure is not bloated, but plump. I like it very much."

Still holding the pipa and half-covering her face, it is very suitable for Hatto Akari's current state. A real translucent black tulle tights vividly shows off her curvy figure. Her proud snow peak and mysterious realm are not. It is completely covered, with a carefully designed special opening on it. In addition, the beautiful woman is half-covered at this time, and there is a pink color revealed from the white jade hands, as if she is hiding two budding flowers. The flower bones seemed to be so full that they were about to burst out at any moment, which greatly satisfied He Feiyu's senses.

After hearing this, Hattō Akari had a happy smile on her rosy face, and her emerald-like eyes were visibly brimming with spring water.

He Feiyu's heart beat wildly when he saw the charming appearance of Hattō Akari, and the unknown fire in his belly was as if gasoline had been poured on it. It was burning fiercely and vigorously, and someone was already waiting for it.

He Feiyu struggled to look away from Chuteng Mingli. He raised his eyes and looked at Chuteng Mingli's face. The desire in his eyes was ready to come out, but he was very restrained, with a hint of solicitation.

"Little brother Feiyu, you have to ask your aunt to speak ~ I hate it so much"

Hatou Mingri said dissatisfiedly, and finally bit her lip and nodded shyly and enthusiastically.

After receiving the promise, He Feiyu also became proactive.

He leaned down and threw Hatou Akari onto the sofa. He held the beautiful woman's delicate jade hands with both hands and stretched them behind her, just like a prisoner being interrogated, but the method was not in line with common sense.

He Feiyu put his head under Hateng Mingli's delicate neck, looked at the clear outlines and smooth lines on it, and couldn't help but plant red strawberries that belonged to him in a domineering manner.

"No~ there's something... dirty..."

He Feiyu's hot breath made Hatou Akari, who had not been moisturized for several days, confused. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the warmth from the boy on her body, especially on her neck, the slightly painful but inexplicably comfortable sucking. She couldn't help but hum softly, but slowly, she realized something was wrong. The strangeness in her neck moved to her armpits. The warm and moist heat stimulated the fragile nerves. She endured the blur and squirmed. She didn't know when it had become sticky. Mouth, said in a tired voice.

He Feiyu didn't answer Hatou Akari, but his mouth that didn't stop licking seemed to respond. After a while, he looked at the armpits that were already flesh-colored and stuck together with gauze, turned his head, and continued to paint the other side. .


During this period of time, the whole house was the only one whose seductive voice echoed one after another. But soon, the high and seductive voice turned into a soft hum like a coquettish kitten, because He Feiyu had already Blocking her pink lips.

Carefully sweep the beautiful woman's lips, then go deep into them, explore the white teeth, and finally suck the soft and jelly-like pink tongue into your mouth, slowly tasting the sweetness.

He Feiyu is like an industrious little bee. He flies wherever there is fresh nectar. He works tirelessly to explore the treasure land that emits sweet liquid, and greedily wants to take it all for himself.

It took a long time before they separated.

A silver-white thread was pulled out from the corner of Hatou Akari's bright mouth. Following the movements of the two, it was pulled and broken, and it was attached to the lips of the two.


He Feiyu swallowed the liquid in his mouth, sat up, lowered his head and admired Hatou Akari's beautiful body. It seemed that because of the passionate kiss just now, the beautiful woman's body was covered with a layer of hazy pink clouds, which was already astringent. The body looks more charming and charming, and one can't help but want to indulge in the most primitive desires.

He Feiyu finally understood why the rumored King Zhou in his previous life was so debauched because of Su Daji. He could sing and sing every night and enjoy the company of beauties. Who would have the heart to go to court and listen to other people's gossips?

My eyes swept from the top to the bottom, and I saw the most beautiful place, and the most attractive place. It was a masterpiece that could only be produced by the miraculous workmanship of heaven and earth. It was also the final choice of evolution, in line with the path of yin and yang complementing each other, and the passage that breeds life.

He Feiyu knelt down on the sofa, moved back a few times, then leaned down again, with his head very close, looking at the water-stained Peach Blossom Spring with all his attention, wondering what kind of world was hidden inside, which could actually give birth to children. life.

Like a curious baby, he got closer and could clearly see the folds on the cliff at the entrance to the Peach Blossom Spring. Upon closer inspection, he felt a bit like a thousand-layer cake. Thinking of this, He Feiyu couldn't go back. And my stomach was inexplicably hungry at this time...

He swallowed again. On this occasion, his saliva secretion became more and more diligent.

He Feiyu swallowed his saliva and approached. Before tasting the delicious food, he carefully smelled it with his nose.

, and suddenly, a refreshing fragrance filled his nostrils.

good smell.

In this case, there was no danger, so He Feiyu boldly stuck out his tongue, first started licking along the folds, and swept most of the peach juice overflowing from the hole into his mouth. In this way, he still wasn't full, and then moved toward The Peach Blossom Spring Cave, which was filled with peach juice, began to attack.

With every movement of the narrow passage that had long been sensitive, a large stream of fresh peach juice flowed along He Feiyu's tongue and entered his mouth, and was finally swallowed into his belly.

Just when He Feiyu was indulging in collecting nectar, Hatou Mingri, who had been giving all the time, suddenly forced her shaky body to sit up. She stretched out her hand tremblingly, untied the seal that bound the dragon, and used her delicate and soft palms to He kneaded the ferocious dragon's head, trying to appease its anger, and became a dragon taming warrior.

He Feiyu stopped moving and raised his head. When he saw the longing in Aunt Mingli's moist eyes, he realized that he was too selfish and had been asking for it without reciprocating it.

He Feiyu stood up again and kissed Hatou Akari on the lips. After a while, he separated and readjusted their positions. The two of them were on the sofa in a yin-yang fish posture. Now Hatou Akari also had a plaything to explore.

Half an hour later, Hatou Mingri swallowed the hard-earned and long-awaited dragon saliva into her belly. Feeling the heat flowing through her throat, her normally normal green pupils instantly turned into peach, fleshy flesh. His face was full of obsession.

Hatou Mingri didn't know where she got the strength. She suddenly stood up and pushed He Feiyu down on the sofa. She stared at him like a slut, with burning eyes, obviously unsatisfied.

Chapter 199 Feiyu Baby

He is like a wolf at thirty and a tiger at forty, which is being displayed to the fullest by Hatou Mingri at this moment.

He Feiyu stared at Hattō Akari, who was pressing him under her, her eyes almost overflowing with spring water, and then he deeply realized the loneliness and passion of the beautiful woman.

He Feiyu didn't speak, just raised his hand, and slowly moved the hair stuck on Hatou Mingli's full forehead to the sides of her face. But just as he put down his hand, the few strands of short hair hung down naturally, and it seemed that they were This doesn't make any sense.

Hatsumi Akari saw this scene with blurred eyes, the lust in her eyes faded a lot, and she returned to a somewhat normal look. She only felt that the heart beating in her chest was getting more and more crazy.

It's amazing. This feeling has been there since the moment I opened the door and saw He Feiyu, and it reached its peak when I witnessed him drinking his own secret milk.

But why... it's not as violent as it was now.

Due to the previous hard work of training the dragon, Hatou Mingri's delicate body had already had a lot of fragrant sweat the size of particles. Her delicate and snow-white skin stuck tightly to He Feiyu through the layer of black gauze on her body. Together, if the colors are not obviously different, the boundary may not be distinguishable with the naked eye.

"Little brother Feiyu, aunt, I like you"

Hatou Mingri squinted her eyes, couldn't help but stretched out her hand, and carefully touched the young boy in front of her. Inexplicable emotions surged in her heart, and Tankou suddenly murmured uncontrollably.

But just after she finished speaking, her already rosy cheeks became even redder, and the hand that was originally on He Feiyu's face stopped for a moment, and then she quickly took it back to her chest, and buried her head into He Feiyu's chest.

Hearing this, He Feiyu's face was briefly stunned. He didn't expect that Hatou Mingri would confess to him, even though they had already had a relationship.

However, this inexplicable confession still made He Feiyu feel embarrassed. He looked down at Aunt Mingli, who was usually enthusiastic and unrestrained, but now she looked like a shy girl.

This huge contrast made the corners of He Feiyu's mouth curl up.

"Thank you Aunt Mingli for your love. It is my honor to be liked by Aunt Mingli. I also like Aunt Mingli very much."

After coming back to his senses, He Feiyu stroked Chu Teng Mingli's silky back and said slowly.

Hatou Mingri felt ashamed. She was more than twice as old as He Feiyu, and she could be his mother. He Feiyu didn't think she was too old. It would be good for the two to maintain such a relationship. She didn't know She made some mistake, she was so hot-headed, like an adolescent girl, she confessed her love to him, and then chose to be an ostrich to resolve this embarrassing situation.

"Really? Then, little brother Feiyu has been in love with Auntie for a long time."

It's just that Chuteng Mingli didn't expect to hear the words "I also like Aunt Mingli very much" from He Feiyu's mouth. She instantly raised her head, looked at He Feiyu earnestly and asked.

"Perhaps it started from Aunt Mingli's concern for me in the first half of the year."

He Feiyu recalled that in fact, he didn't really like her at that time, but just had a good impression. After all, if a beautiful widow is so interested in you, a normal man would have some random thoughts in his heart.

Listening to He Feiyu's words, Hatou Mingri recalled that memory, her green eyes flickering with shame. In fact, she had her own purpose for caring about He Feiyu at that time, and the result at this time was the best answer to that purpose. .

Hatou Mingri didn't regret it, she just felt guilty. She felt that He Feiyu's pure feelings had been deceived.

So Hatou Akari decided to do something to compensate He Feiyu. She looked at a small bean not far away in front of her, then stretched out her pink tongue and played around the little soybean with the tip of her tongue.

He Feiyu thought that Hatou Mingri would continue chatting with him, but it was not so. The two of them stuck together and felt each other.

The temperature on this body was also a very comfortable thing. Unexpectedly, there was something strange coming from a small soybean on his chest, which made his body that had just calmed down became hot again.

After a while of teasing, Chu Teng Mingli filled He Feiyu's chest with saliva. Under the reflection, he could see the chandelier hanging on the ceiling from his chest.

Chu Teng Mingli licked her lips, stood up with an unsatisfied look, sat on He Feiyu's body, swayed back and forth, rubbed the still violent dragon with her already wet peach garden, felt the burning heat from between her thighs, her eyes were filled with confusion again, and she was about to stand up and then sit down accurately, but she glanced at her peak that was emitting milky white hot springs, and changed her mind.

She stood up, leaned on the edge of the sofa, and put the snow peak on He Feiyu's face at a clever angle, twisting her waist, she wanted He Feiyu to discover the mystery by himself.

He Feiyu thought it was another simple taste, and was ready to let his cheeks enjoy the softness of the snow peak first, and then put it in his mouth and suck it slowly, but a familiar and unfamiliar smell came from his nose.

This fragrance...

He Feiyu closed his eyes, moved his nose, and walked along the soft snow peak.

The fragrance became stronger and stronger.

Until he felt the dampness at the tip of his nose and was sure that the source of the fragrance was right in front of him, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the peak where milky white liquid was bubbling out in disbelief.

And this smell so close reminded him of the milk he had drunk before.

This... How could it smell like milk?

Could it be...

He Feiyu suddenly thought of something and raised his head in disbelief. He wanted to ask Chu Teng Mingli about it, but he saw her smiling charmingly. Now, he knew it without asking.

Okay, okay, this is how to play, right? Scored twice, twice!

He Feiyu decided that when he went to other people's houses in the future, he would never drink the water they prepared easily.

"Aunt Mingli, what are you doing...?"

He Feiyu finally asked out loud, but he was curious why Chu Teng Mingli had female water, which she didn't have before.

"Auntie, I don't know why. It's probably because of you, little brother Feiyu. Auntie, I'm only with you~"

Hatsuteng Mingli heard He Feiyu's question and answered with a smile.

He Feiyu was confused. He didn't know that astringency could stimulate L...

He stared at the moist peak without blinking. He was still thinking about the reason, but as his throat rolled instinctively, his mind suddenly became blank. The only thought left was to taste it.


Hatsuteng Mingli felt the strangeness from her chest. The bloated discomfort gradually disappeared with each strong sucking. It was so comfortable that she couldn't help but hum.

Slowly, Chu Teng Mingli was addicted to this action, which reminded her of the scene of feeding Chu Teng Jingjiu when she was young. She didn't expect that at this age, she could experience the joy of being a mother again. Her mood became complicated for a while.

But soon she was attracted by He Feiyu, who was like a baby.

"Good boy~ Feiyu... baby~"

Hatsuteng Mingli stared at He Feiyu sucking, her maternal radiance radiating, constantly adjusting her posture, and finally turned sideways, holding He Feiyu in her arms, unable to help but patting his back while saying lovingly.

There were only intermittent patting sounds in the living room, and the endless "suck" and "suck" sounds.

Take a day off

Go away and settle down for a day~

Chapter 200 Jumping Machine

The endless sweetness, like a raging storm, turned He Feiyu's mouth upside down.

An unprecedented sense of wonder continued to spread in his already erratic mind, and it was also derived and expanded with his constant sucking.

Although He Feiyu had experienced the same feeling several times on Gunjian Manzi, it was not as strong as what Chu Teng Mingli gave him at this time.

The remaining reason told He Feiyu that it was not that he did not love his Aunt Manzi enough, but it had a lot to do with the deliciousness that was now filling his mouth.

Every time he sucked, a large amount of sweetness flowed into his mouth, first satisfying his taste buds and then soothing his stomach.

He Feiyu closed his eyes and subconsciously put his hands around Chu Teng Mingli's plump waist.

If it were any other time, He Feiyu would definitely pinch the flesh on her waist and feel the softness, but now, all his attention was focused on one point.

During the sucking process, He Feiyu would occasionally use the tip of his tongue to sweep over the pink fallen cherry blossoms covering most of the snow peaks, and could clearly feel the unevenness on it, and occasionally even naughtily bite and grind it with his teeth.

He Feiyu's actions made Chu Teng Mingli cry out repeatedly. She did not stop He Feiyu's naughty actions because of the pain. Instead, she had a doting smile on her charming face, lowered her head, and stared at He Feiyu with seductiveness, while her hands continued to pat his back to help him digest.

"Don't worry~ Come one by one, Auntie will accompany you"

Realizing that He Feiyu wanted to open his mouth several times to suck both into his mouth, Chu Teng Mingli hurriedly cooperated, twisted his body, and tried several times. With the cooperation of the two, He Feiyu finally got what he wanted, but it only lasted for a while, and bounced back because of the squeezing, so Chu Teng Mingli comforted him in a charming voice.

"Auntie, help little brother Feiyu too"

As time passed, Chu Teng Mingli felt that the pressure accumulated in her chest for a few days was getting less and less, and her mood became happy, but instead, her body

was extremely hot. She saw the still ferocious dragon, and said to He Feiyu enthusiastically.

It was just that He Feiyu was completely immersed in the action of his mouth and did not answer her. Chu Teng Mingli did not care. She stretched out her hand, and her five fingers formed into claws, grabbing the dragon head, like twisting a bottle cap, rubbing back and forth, and sometimes moving her hands up and down.

Looking at the slightly opened dragon mouth of the giant dragon, Chu Teng Mingli had a bold idea. She looked at the size of her little finger and found that she could give it a try. The little finger followed the arc of the dragon head and moved to the dragon mouth, slowly moving down, and then going deeper little by little.

Really amazing...

Staring at the dragon mouth that swallowed half of her little finger, Chu Teng Mingli couldn't help but exclaimed in her heart, and even had a strange idea that went further, but it lasted for a moment and disappeared. This was her precious baby. If she broke it, the sin would be serious, so she didn't continue.

But in the process of rubbing the giant dragon, Chu Teng Mingli's little finger was also stirring the dragon mouth, until the giant dragon's body was violently ups and downs, she pulled out the little finger, allowing the dragon's saliva to gush out smoothly.

Looking at the ambergris on her hand, Chu Teng Mingli raised her hand and slowly moved it to her lips. She first sniffed it with her nose. The familiar smell made her dizzy. Then she stretched out her pink tongue and licked it repeatedly until there was no trace left. She put down her hand with reluctance.


During this period of time, He Feiyu was also satisfied. He couldn't help but touch his slightly swollen belly, and couldn't help but burp. Suddenly, the rich milky fragrance enveloped the two of them like a thick cloud.

After a while, He Feiyu came back to his senses from the delicious food, raised his eyelids, and looked into Chu Teng Mingli's emerald eyes.

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