"Does it taste good? Little brother Feiyu~"

Hatsuto Akari took the lead in speaking with a charming voice.


He Feiyu replied softly while rubbing his soft belly with his face.

"Then, little brother Feiyu comes over next time, and Auntie will give you a drink again, okay?"

Chuteng Mingri gently stroked He Feiyu's cheek with the hand behind his head.

"Even...even if...Auntie Mingli doesn't have these, I...will...come over to visit...Auntie Mingli."

He Feiyu buried his head between Xuefeng and Jiao belly, and said vaguely.

Hatou Mingri didn't speak anymore, but the movements of her hands were more gentle, and the confusion in her eyes was thicker.

He Feiyu didn't speak either, and the two of them stayed quiet for a while, and then he sat up from Hatou Mingri's arms, held her plump body in his arms, put his nose close to her fragrant neck, and breathed.

Without waiting for Chu Teng Mingli to say anything, He Feiyu's hands climbed to her towering snow peak again, kneading them through the gauze, and felt the red fruits swollen due to congestion with his palms. It wasn't because he was too greedy just now, but now that he squeezed it, no spring water came out, which made him feel a little regretful, but as he said before, regardless of whether there is or not, he will visit Hattou Akari.

After rubbing it for a moment, one of He Feiyu's hands went down and stayed on the soft belly for a moment. After crossing the thin jungle, his three fingers rhythmically dug into the already wet peach blossom garden.

In less than two and a half minutes, the sensitive Hatou Mingri's body undulated, and He Feiyu felt that his palms became wet.

"Are Aunt Mingli tired?"

He Feiyu didn't even look at it, but asked about Hatou Akari with concern.

"...not yet..."

Hatou Mingri, who was like a ball of soft mud in He Feiyu's arms, forced her mouth to say, although her body was limp, she still wanted more, her belly was much full, but...


He Feiyu nodded, kissed Hatou Mingli's sweaty neck, and then slid his hands down her plump thighs to the knees. In the past, he would spend most of his time on her feet. , but something else attracted him today, so in order not to waste time, he didn’t play with it in detail.

He Feiyu lifted Teng Mingli's knees up.


Chuteng Mingri screamed in surprise at He Feiyu's sudden movement, but she immediately knew what He Feiyu was thinking and turned around to give him a coquettish look.

This position was dangerous, and it was unsettling to hold onto something while carrying him.

"Don't be afraid, Aunt Mingli"

He Feiyu forcibly lifted Chuteng Mingli to his chest. Seeing her shaking her body in fear, he hurriedly said.

Hatou Mingri made him feel something different today, and He Feiyu also decided to let her feel a different kind of excitement, so he thought of the jumping machine he had played in the amusement park in his previous life.

"Yeah! Ah~"

Hatou Mingri's anxious heart was immediately shattered the moment He Feiyu led her body down, leaving only the filled joy, especially since she was almost completely knocked away from the city wall. Soft, He Feiyu lifted her high again, and then repeated the action, back and forth, allowing her to go through a complete reincarnation every time.

Looking at the two people from the front, their overlapping figures look like "city"

Forty minutes later, He Feiyu left after settling in Hattori Akari who had completely turned into a slime. After a day, he couldn't wait to see his Aunt Manko.

Chapter 201 Mitsuko Gunma who practices yoga

Knock on the door.

After two and a half minutes, the door was opened by Shanshan.

"Aunt Manzi!"

Looking at the familiar face that I haven’t seen for a day peeking out from behind the door

Kong, He Feiyu was in a surging mood, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but evoke a happy smile.

"Ha-chan, you're back, come in quickly, it's raining and cold outside."

When Gunma Mitsuko saw the handsome and upright figure outside the door, she also had a touching smile on her face. She caught a glimpse of the rain dripping outside the balcony and hurriedly greeted him.

Come in.

He Feiyu changed into his slippers, and his eyes stayed on Gunjian Manzi.

He saw that Mitsuko Gunma was dressed differently today. She wore a gray short-sleeved tights on her upper body, blue sports tights on her lower body that highlighted the graceful curves of her waist and thighs, and her feet were tightly wrapped in thick white socks. Strictly.

She also noticed that Gunjian Manzi's pretty face was flushed, as if she had just come out of the steamer. There were beads of sweat on her beautiful forehead, but before they could collect, she would quickly wipe them away with the towel she put on her fair neck. .

"Aunt Manzi, what are you doing?"

He Feiyu listened to the soothing and relaxing music that came from the living room from time to time, and combined with the attire of Gunma Mitsuko, the word yoga came to his mind, so he asked curiously.

"Auntie is practicing yoga~How is it? Do you think Auntie has become much more beautiful?"

Hearing this, Mitsuko Gunma looked down at her own outfit, then raised her head to cover her mouth and said softly with a smile.

"Hey, Aunt Manzi has always been beautiful."

"You are the only one with a sweet mouth!"

He Feiyu's flattery made Qianjian Manzi squeal.

"Wait a minute, Auntie still has a few actions to do! And you don't mind being dirty, Yu-chan. Auntie brought you over before you even took a shower. It's true!"

Not sure whether it was because of the longing that he had not seen for a day, or whether it was because of the rosy cheeks of Gunjian Manzi that set off her beauty and charm, He Feiyu couldn't help but walk quickly in front of her, wanting to reach out and wrap his arms around her. He had a slender waist, but Mitsuru Gunma raised his hand to his chest, preventing him from succeeding.

"Even if Aunt Manzi doesn't take a shower, her whole body smells delicious~"

Smelling the fragrance of gunjian manzi's sweat, He Feiyu praised her directly, but he didn't hug her again.

"Glib tongue"

Gunma Mitsuko couldn't help but smile and said, then turned around and walked towards the living room.

"Are you hungry, Yu-chan? Do you want auntie to cook for you?"

In the living room, Manzi Gunma was lying on the yoga mat again and was just about to learn the movements shown on TV, but when he saw that the time had reached seven o'clock, he asked He Feiyu concernedly.

"No, Aunt Manzi, you go ahead and do your work first. I'm not hungry yet."

He Feiyu subconsciously touched his slightly bulging belly and refused. He had drank so much fresh milk before, and his stomach was full of lactose.

"Well, if you are hungry, Yu-chan will tell Auntie in time. Do you hear me? Studying for a day is so hard, but you can't starve!"


He Feiyu was sitting on the sofa, playing with his mobile phone and chatting with Tianhe Hana Minato, but his eyes were always attracted by Mitsuru Gunma who was posing in front of him.

Although Mitsuko Gunma's figure is not as hot and exaggerated as that of Hattou Akari, she still has what she should have, and overall, she is more slender and graceful.

At this time, his Aunt Manzi was imitating the people on TV doing difficult movements. To be honest, at her age, her bones were already set and she was not as flexible as a young woman. Many postures would be difficult for her to maintain after a few seconds. And she has only learned it for less than a day.

"Aunt Manzi, you don't have to be so lucky, you are already in good shape."

Seeing her beautiful frown, her red lips trembling slightly, and her delicate body rising and falling violently due to the tightness, He Feiyu couldn't help but put down the phone and said in distress.

"No...it's okay, for Yu-chan, I can persevere!"

Gunjian Manzi gritted his silver teeth and said firmly.

for me...

He Feiyu's expression froze, and then he suddenly thought of something, and the expression on his face became complicated.

Gunjian Manzi naturally knew that he had girlfriends outside. Of course, she definitely didn't know how many of them they were. He Feiyu also truthfully told Gunjian Manzi the reason why he didn't come back yesterday. In the past, his Manzi None of the aunts had the idea of ​​practicing yoga. He Feiyu guessed that it was because he was missing too many times and his Aunt Manzi felt a sense of crisis, so he started learning yoga in order to get in better shape and retain...


He Feiyu stared at Gunjian Manzi with even gentler eyes.

"Ha-chan, are you hungry now? If you are, Auntie will cook for you right away."

Finally, as the lessons on TV disappeared, Mitsuru Gunma rested on the mat for a while, then stood up shakily, wiping the sweat on his forehead with a towel, and said softly to He Feiyu.

"No, Aunt Manzi, you should rest first."

He Feiyu shook his head.

"By the way, Aunt Manzi, come here, sit on the sofa, and I'll massage you and relax."

Looking at Gunma Mitsuko's tired face, He Feiyu remembered that he could massage. Although he was not as good as a professional, after strengthening his body, he was definitely superb in controlling the intensity, and he had also massaged several women. , can be described as rich in experience.

"Yu-chan is so good, then Auntie, go take a bath first."

Gunjian Manzi's heart was beating, and he was about to step forward, but he felt sticky all over, so he stopped and said.

"Okay...it's okay. I'll take a shower after the massage. It will be more comfortable."

He Feiyu was about to nod in response, but when he saw Manzi sweating like a delicate blooming flower in the gun room

Rose Flower, the fine beads of sweat on her body were like morning dew, crystal clear, making her already charming figure even more charming, so he changed his words in a strange way.

"Eh? Is that so?"


He Feiyu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Gunjian Manzi walked to the sofa with hesitation. Under He Feiyu's earnest gaze, he took off his glasses and lay down lazily on the sofa.

He Feiyu also slowly sat beside the sofa. Suddenly, a refreshing scent of sweat and body fragrance mixed together lingered in his nose. It was not as pungent as perfume, nor as smoky as sweat, but it was strange. smells good.


"Oh, here it comes!

Gunjian Manzi's slightly confused voice made He Feiyu come back to his senses from the charming fragrance.

He Feiyu slowly placed his hands on Gunjian Manzi's slender waist, and started to press back and forth along her delicate and soft back through the tight clothes.


Feeling the delicate and powerful massage techniques on her back, Gunjian Manzi's physical fatigue and mental anxiety seemed to gradually disappear with each massage, and she suddenly felt relaxed and comfortable. Moreover, through the clothes, the warmth of He Feiyu's fingers made her delicate body numb. Gunjian Manzi's eyes couldn't help but be covered with a layer of mist.

Less than ten minutes later, He Feiyu, who was still immersed in massaging his Aunt Manzi, suddenly heard a gentle voice. He looked carefully and found that Gunjian Manzi was asleep.

Seeing this, He Feiyu was about to stop and let Gunjian Manzi have a good rest, but when he looked at the smooth lines wrapped in yoga pants, his heart began to beat violently, especially when he saw the pair of sweat-covered pairs. Her white socks were so wet that a little of her pink toes were exposed, and she couldn't move her eyes away, swallowing furiously.

‘Damn it! Aunt Manzi is so tired for you, and you still want to torment her, are you a human being! ’

But when he thought of the tired face of Manzi in the gun room, He Feiyu hurriedly shook his head and criticized himself in his heart.

But...the pair of white socks are like freshly baked steamed buns, with a few pink spots on them, which makes them even more delicious.

Chapter 202 Rich Fragrance

He Feiyu originally wanted to withdraw his hand, but after seeing such a scene, he was reluctant to leave. Instinctively, he continued to stay on Manzi's willow waist, and his eyes were fixed on the winding curves under her waist highlighted by tight yoga pants.

After another two and a half minutes of entanglement, He Feiyu finally lost to his true nature and made a decision in his mind that went against his heart.

He wanted to try a night raid without waking Aunt Manzi, group six; nine ④ nine ③' ⑥ one ' three five!

So choose.

He Feiyu looked up at Qiangjian Manzi with a guilty conscience. Seeing her peaceful sleeping face, he was sure that she was asleep, and he couldn't help but become a little bolder.

Although the relationship between the two had long been known, doing bad things in secret made He Feiyu feel strange.

It felt like playing with classmates while the teacher turned his back in class, nervous and exciting.

He Feiyu moved his eyes back, looking at the two round and perky peach buttocks and the ravines surrounded and hidden in them, and his hand on Qiangjian Manzi's waist began to slide down slowly.

Even in the process of moving, he was helping Qiangjian Manzi press gently, on the one hand, he had the idea of ​​relieving her pressure, on the other hand, he wanted to conceal the truth and get things done without anyone noticing.

When his hands were completely covering the white jade, He Feiyu subconsciously held his breath, looked up at Qiangjian Manzi again, and found that she was not unusual. Ten fingers could not help but exert force slightly, and in an instant, the wonderful, soft and elastic touch swept through the nerves on the palm and swept into the brain.

"Ying Ning~"

I don't know if He Feiyu's fingers were too strong or Qiangjian Manzi's body was more sensitive, she suddenly cried out and murmured, and scared He Feiyu to quickly release the fingers that were kneading slightly.

Fortunately, Qiangjian Manzi did not wake up, but just adjusted her sleeping position.

He Feiyu waited quietly for a moment, and then slowly exhaled.

Is it over?

He thought, looking at his palm.

That wonderful touch still remained on it, making people feel unsatisfied.

No! It's not over yet!

Since you have chosen to do it, you must stick to it to the end. Giving up is not a man's style.

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