After being in contact again and feeling the beauty, He Feiyu knew that his persistence was correct.

Perhaps it was his second act of bravery that sublimated his soul, and He Feiyu became bolder.

The ten fingers were no longer as timid as before, but were pressing rhythmically like playing a piano.

After the song ended, He Feiyu realized it and hurriedly raised his hand.

I almost immersed myself in the beauty and got too carried away.

He was going to act secretly, and if Aunt Manzi noticed it, that feeling would be gone.

‘Aunt Manzi is really tired, she didn’t wake up even after such a big move’

Looking at Qianjian Manzi who was still silent, He Feiyu thought silently in his heart.

But he didn't see Mitsuru Gunma's long eyelashes tremble slightly because her sleeping position was partially blocked by her shoulders.

He Feiyu put his hand on Yuanyuan again, but this time, he just rubbed it back and forth a few times, and then he was ready to leave. His real destination was that

A pair of beautiful feet wrapped in white socks.

With his palms following the perfect arc formed by his hips and thighs, He Feiyu groped downwards, and after passing the ups and downs of the curves, he finally touched the treasure.

Because Gunjian Manzi was resting on the sofa, with her feet facing upwards and insteps downwards, He Feiyu could see her graceful and sunken arches at a glance.

Her hands soon gently grasped Gunma Mitsuko's soft heels. The white socks were wet with her sweat and felt sticky to the touch. But this way, part of the pink skin on her feet was sticky, and then It emerged, like a bud opening its calyx, and the stamens being exposed unintentionally.

Admire it for a while.

His fingertips slowly moved along the arch of the foot towards the toes. The movements were very gentle and extremely careful. This time it was different from before. The soles of the feet were a very sensitive part and could wake people up if they were not careful.

If someone asked him why he didn't just touch his toes? Then He Feiyu would definitely say that what is playing is the heartbeat.

Luckily we arrived without incident.

He Feiyu gently pinched the five toes in his hand. They were soft and bouncy, and felt a little warm to the touch because they were wet with sweat. Holding them in his hand, he couldn't help but think of the legendary Hetian jade. But then he shook his head, I'm afraid the priceless treasure is nothing more than this.

Play with it for a while.

The silent Gunma Manko made He Feiyu even more unscrupulous. Her feet, like the limbs of a puppet, were lifted up by He Feiyu.

He suddenly wanted a further challenge, to see if he could complete a series of bold moves without waking up Gunma Mitsuru, and was no longer satisfied with the slightest attempt.

He Feiyu tilted his body, put his face close to the nephrite, twitched his nostrils, and absorbed the smell from it.

An indescribable green fragrance rushed into his nose crazily, like a bottle of old wine. The more he sucked, the more it tasted.

Uncontrollably, He Feiyu showed an intoxicated (︾▽︾) look on his face.

After a while, he reluctantly raised his head.

Is everything finished?

of course not.

Because the sense of smell is satisfied...but the sense of taste is like a baby waiting to be fed, screaming desperately, as if to say that you can't be partial.

So He Feiyu opened his big mouth and bit the few pink toes exposed under the white socks.

Suddenly a salty and wet taste spread in his mouth.

He Feiyu didn't want to think so much anymore. The white socks that were completely soaked wrapped his beautiful feet, like gears that meshed tightly, completely revealing the shape of the toes in his mouth.

All his energy was focused on the round toes, slender toes, and the insurmountable toe gap.

Although the white socks made of fiber are astringent, the tenderness that follows is very delicious. It can be said that it is bitter at first and then sweet, and it is all worth it.

The feast lasted for a full twenty minutes, and after his taste buds were satisfied, He Feiyu left with a satisfied mouth.

‘Is Aunt Manzi pretending to sleep? ’

He Feiyu originally thought that such a violent move would wake up Gunma Manko in the middle, but until it was over now, she didn't react at all, and she couldn't help but wonder.

He Feiyu originally planned to end it there, but seeing this, a naughty idea came to his mind. He wanted to see if his Aunt Manzi was really pretending to sleep.

He stretched out his hand and slowly took off the white socks that reached Manzi's calves.

A pair of delicate feet carved with pink jade are completely exposed.

The blue veins on the instep and the pink cardamom on the toenails undoubtedly make these beautiful feet even more attractive.

There was no barrier of white socks now, and He Feiyu could smell the fragrant fragrance even if he wasn't close.

Take a day off

A bad day

Chapter 203 A different foot bath

Gaze at the red and white soles and the progressive texture.

He Feiyu couldn't help but gently rub the red and soft soles of his feet with his thumb.

Immediately, there was a silky touch on my fingers.

The feeling seemed to make him feel that what he was holding in his hands was not Gunma Mitsuko's beautiful feet but a soft sponge.

Rub it for a while.

He Feiyu's eyes became hot and his breathing became more rapid.

He swallowed and slowly bent down.

As the distance got closer, the stripes on the beautiful feet became clearer and clearer, until they were too close to be imaged on his retina and became blurry.

But there are gains and losses.

His face is now completely attached to it, as if he is applying a facial mask.

The green and astringent fragrance lingered in his nose, so strong that it almost seemed to solidify.

The vigorous sucking was accompanied by small shaking of the head from left to right. He Feiyu wanted to take all this beauty for himself.

I don't know whether his movements were too intense or whether the hot breath he exhaled hit the soles of his feet. Gunma Mitsuko's feet trembled obviously.

He Feiyu quickly raised his head.

But he found that Gunjian Manzi still didn't wake up, but Zhen Zhen changed his head and continued to take a nap.

He was in a very complicated mood at this time. He clearly didn't want to disturb his Aunt Manzi's rest, but he couldn't help but want to do bad things.

Did he become a pervert after coming to this world? ?

But then he shook his head.

The only fault is that Aunt Manzi’s feet are so beautiful!

He Feiyu justified his explanation in his heart.

After feeling at ease, he turned his gaze back.

But this time

The target is the toes that are as tender as the tips of bamboo shoots.

The mixed glistening water stains on it made each toe look like freshly cut green bamboo shoots, extremely tender.

In fact, he didn't taste all the smell just now through the white socks, but now he could savor it carefully.

Open your steaming mouth and walk away slowly.

When the first half of the green bamboo shoots were in your mouth, all the delicacies from mountains and seas were not worth mentioning.

He Feiyu closed his eyes and wandered back and forth on the two green bamboo shoots in his hands in an immersive manner.

Just when He Feiyu was lingering, little did he know that Gunjian Manzi had quietly opened his beautiful eyes.

A seductive blush appeared on her mature and pretty face, and her eyes were moist, as if they contained a clear spring, flowing with indescribable emotions.

She woke up when Qiao Buttock was attacked by He Feiyu's claws, but she didn't interrupt He Feiyu's movements. She wanted to see how far He Feiyu could go.

Gunma Manko planned that even if He Feiyu did that, she would continue to pretend to be asleep and let her Yujiang experience the pleasure of eating secretly.

But she didn't expect that He Feiyu had always been obsessed with her feet and had no idea of ​​going further. Moreover, the constant itching sensation on her feet made her inexplicably uncomfortable, as if she was being bitten by countless ants.

Mitsuko Gunma thought about how her sweaty feet from practicing yoga were held and chewed by He Feiyu before they were washed. Not only did she not dislike it, but she was also so meticulous, and she couldn't help but feel sweet in her heart.

It was just her own feet that made He Feiyu covetous and enamored of them, let alone other places. The worries in her heart were reduced a lot. Even if He Feiyu's biological mother came to find him in the future, she would still have the capital to compete.

When she first abducted He Feiyu back, she still felt sorry and guilty for her behavior. However, as they got along with each other day by day, she... and even her two daughters, both mentally... and physically... , can no longer do without him.

Mitsuko Gunma had faced that dark and uncomfortable scene several times in her dreams, where her beloved Ha-chan left with his mother without looking back.

At that time, she would be awakened and feel bursts of pain and bitterness in her heart. It was not until she had a real relationship with He Feiyu and established a bond that the painful feeling faded away a lot.

Mitsuko Gunma knew that her behavior was bad, either due to genes or from that ethereal instinct. No matter what, she didn't want to become a slut who could do anything for anyone, a pig who only indulged in desire. , even if it is, she still wants to be her only Yu-chan!

Back to business.

"Ha-chan, what are you doing holding Auntie's feet?"

Gunjian Manzi slowly sat up, with a smile on his face, and asked funnyly towards He Feiyu, who was paying full attention.

He Feiyu, who was closing his eyes and immersed in the delicious food in his mouth, heard the sudden pleasant sound, his mouth movements froze, and then he slowly opened his eyes.


Looking at the pretty woman in front of him with a face as bright as a peach blossom and a complexion as bright as the clouds, He Feiyu was embarrassed for a moment. If Gunjian Manzi had woken up before, he could have been shameless and didn't care, but what a coincidence, He had to wake up when he was concentrating on tasting delicious food.

"Manzhi Ayi"

He Feiyu rolled his eyes and immediately thought of his words, but as soon as he blurted it out, he realized something was wrong. He still had his feet in his mouth.

"Cough...cough, Aunt Man...Manzi, I said this is the latest foot bath massage circulating on the Internet. Do you believe it?"

Quickly spit it out, He Feiyu said with a smile.


Gunjian Manzi replied with a half-smile.


"Naha-chan, please remember to wait until auntie washes her feet next time before giving her a footbath~"

Gunjian Manzi didn't expose He Feiyu, but looked at him like a kid looking for excuses to cover up after making a mistake, and couldn't help but raise his hand and smile.

"hehe, ok"

He Feiyu knew that Manzi Qianjian would let him down the stairs again, so he dealt with it.

"Auntie, I'd better take a bath first."

Gunjian Manzi shifted her gaze and looked at her feet that were still held by He Feiyu. There was a large amount of saliva on them. She could even feel the fluid between her toes sliding down the soles of her feet, and she couldn't help but subconsciously I moved my feet and saw something sticky, like snot, which was worse than being wet with sweat, so I said.


Naturally, He Feiyu didn't say anything more and quickly let go of his hand.

"Hold Auntie over"

Gunma Mitsuko was about to put his feet into the slippers, but when he saw the fluffy slippers, if he put his water-stained feet in them, they would probably get dirty, so he stopped and said to He Feiyu.

"Auntie, is it heavy?"

"It's not heavy. Aunt Manzi is so light. She feels like a doll in her arms."

Hearing this, He Feiyu naturally picked up Gunjian Manzi by the waist and walked towards the bathroom. On the way, he heard her ask and praised her directly without thinking.

"Ha-chan's little mouth is so sweet. I just don't know how many other girls I've told her about besides my aunt~"

Gunjian Manzi put his hands around He Feiyu's waist, raised his head, and said to him with a smile.

"Of course there is only Aunt Manzi!"


He Feiyu's confident answer made Gunjian Manzi burst into laughter.

"Would you like to take a bath with Auntie Yu-chan? It's been raining all day. Please warm up."

He Feiyu sent Gunjian Manzi to the bathroom. Just as he was about to turn around and leave, his hand was suddenly grabbed.

Arm asked.

"Hey~ Okay then"

Not sure whether it was because of the cold or other reasons, He Feiyu hesitated for two and a half seconds before decisively agreeing.

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