It was clearly enough for a night attack, but the door that Group ⑥; ⑨ 493'⑥①'③ and Wu passed through side by side was blocked for a moment.

He Feiyu frowned and looked displeased at the four girls in front of him who were similar in age to him but whose faces were covered with thick foundation.

It wasn't their outfits that made him unhappy, but it was that he and Sono Yushin lined up in a row. As long as the four girls in front of him did the same, he guaranteed that the door would be wide enough for them to avoid physical contact. They passed without any problem, but they were deliberately huddled together.

It seems to be saying that if they are not allowed to go in first today, then it will stay like this.

Seeing their arrogant expressions, He Feiyu knew that it was impossible to talk to them properly.


Just when I was about to activate hypnosis, I wanted to teach these four little girls a lesson, but a gust of evil wind rose from the ground and blew up the skirts of the four little girls, revealing sexy lace that was not suitable for the age group of fifteen or sixteen years old. Fat times caused them to panic and rush to cover their skirts.

This fragrant scene made the boys who happened to pass by stare. There were also some people who were in the classroom, chatting, or eating. They heard the commotion and came out of the melon garden. They were also very lucky to feast their eyes on it.

The four little girls found that no matter how hard they covered, they couldn't stop it. Their faces turned red and the thick foundation on their faces made them look very funny.

"Feiyu-kun, don't look!"

Although Sono Yushin didn't know what was going on, she glanced around and found that most of the people watching were boys, and most of their eyes were filled with nakedness. She looked at He Feiyu again and found that he was also watching, thinking I had never been looked at by He Feiyu like this, and I couldn't help but feel jealous in my heart. I quickly stood up on my tiptoes, reached out and covered He Feiyu's eyes, and said angrily at the same time.

"I'm not interested in blobfish. Even if they were given to me for free, I wouldn't have the appetite."

He Feiyu couldn't help but feel funny when he heard Cang Nao's heart-warming voice. He raised his hand and held the girl's soft little hand. He took it down and said with undisguised disgust.

Aangano Yuxin didn't know what a blobfish was, but she still understood the meaning of He Feiyu's words. She nodded happily, then looked at her little hand that was being held, and felt the warmth of the big hand on it. His face suddenly turned red.

"Damn bastard, I remember you!"

The four little sisters also understood that He Feiyu was mocking them, and wanted to fight back, but seeing more and more people watching, the thick foundation could not block the face that was red from embarrassment, and they finished speaking harsh words towards He Feiyu. , and fled away in a flash.

Without something to attract attention, the people gathered together felt bored and laughed a few times. Finally, they took a few glances at He Feiyu and then went back to their respective homes.

He Feiyu didn't take this episode seriously. In such a world, it was considered an insignificant matter.


The three of them sat together.

No, there is one more person today, but it’s just invisible to the naked eye.

"Thank you"

He Feiyu said for no reason before eating.

"Feiyu-kun, who are you talking to?"

Canano looked at He Feiyu strangely and asked.

"Eat your food quickly, where do you come from with so much talk?"

Xiao Nizi liked to ask questions one day, and He Feiyu knocked her little head wordlessly.

Sono Yushin touched his head pitifully, Yueya's eyes were filled with grievances.

Didn't she just want to talk to him more? Is there any need to blame others for talking too much? snort! I won’t pay attention to you this afternoon!

Aoi felt aggrieved and started to eat.

Watching the two of them fighting, Amaga Minato covered her mouth and chuckled.

Seeing He Feiyu wink at her, she knew who he was talking to.

"Hmph! Big Carrot, I'm not helping you because of you. Why are they so annoying? They insist on blocking the road and not letting me eat."

A young and arrogant girl's voice sounded in He Feiyu's ears.

The strange thing is that He Feiyu heard it clearly, but the two women who were close to him had no idea.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense! I want to eat that sushi and fried shrimp."

He Feiyu originally wanted to say something, but the girl's impatient urging came to his ears.

Helpless, He Feiyu could only do the cooking. Thinking from his perspective, he finally understood that Canano Yu

What is the mood of my heart?

"Hmm~hmm~ The fried shrimps are crispy and crispy, (╯▽╰) so fragrant, and the sushi is also good. Wait, why is there coriander in the sushi!!! Spit it out quickly, woohoo~ it's too late, My innocence is gone”

Whenever He Feiyu puts food into his mouth, Hanako's comments of enjoyment will be heard in his ears. Until he eats sushi containing coriander, the girl screams in horror.

Chapter 207 No lunch box delivered

Huazi's "heartbreaking" cries rang in He Feiyu's ears.

He was so frightened that his hands shook, and the sushi he took a bite fell from the chopsticks and returned to the lunch box.

"Ugh~ You still swallowed it, uh~"

Adhering to the fine tradition of not wasting, He Feiyu still swallowed the sushi in his mouth, but it only made Hanako scream again.

He Feiyu felt funny in his heart, but he didn't expect that Huazi still refused to eat coriander party.

"Hanamato-chan, why is there cilantro in sushi?"

But he was also curious about why today's sushi was wrapped in coriander, so he asked Amaga Minato.

"Yujun, don't you like coriander? The steamed egg you made last time contained it. I thought it was delicious, so I added a little when making sushi. If Yujun doesn't eat it, then I will pick it all now. come out"

Tianhe Huamin heard He Feiyu's inquiry, put down the lunch box in her hand, looked at He Feiyu apologetically and explained, after saying that, she wanted to take He Feiyu's lunch box.

"Sister Hua Minato, if Feiyu doesn't want to eat it, I will."

Before He Feiyu could say anything, Sono Yushin quickly grabbed the lunch box and picked all the sushi into her lunch box.

"It's not that I don't eat, it's that she doesn't eat."

Seeing this, He Feiyu's mouth grew big. He didn't say he didn't like eating. What did this little girl want to do? But it was good, so as not to waste it. He looked at Amaga Minato, whose pretty face was full of self-blame, put his arm around her waist, and whispered in her ear.

After hearing the reason, Tianhehua Minato smiled and snuggled into He Feiyu's arms.

She thought it was her girlfriend who was negligent and didn't even figure out her boyfriend's preferences... It's okay.

"...Why am I a bad person... Cilantro is not delicious to begin with..."

Huazi, who was holding He Feiyu's neck, whispered softly.

Taste sharing only occurs when the food stays in He Feiyu's mouth and throat. When he swallows it, within a while, there is no taste left.

Seeing He Feiyu and Tianhe Hana Minato getting back together, Sono couldn't help but feel proud, thinking that her actions resolved the embarrassment. She happily ate the sushi with coriander, and even the portion that He Feiyu had bitten. I ate it without disgust.

Next, Hanako didn't speak again. If He Feiyu hadn't felt the chill on his neck, he would have thought that Hanako had left.

After the lunch break, He Feiyu asked the two girls to go back first. Tianhe Hana Minato understood what he wanted to do, so he took the confused Sono Yushin and left.

As soon as they left, a girl who looked like a girl appeared in front of He Feiyu out of thin air.

"It's disgusting. I've been dead for several years. I'm lucky to be able to experience the beauty of food again, but I still feel disgusted."

Hanako floated in the air, lowered her head, kicked her little feet wearing white socks, and said in a low tone.

"No, isn't it normal? Everyone has something they don't like to eat until they die."

He Feiyu knew that Hua Zi was still feeling guilty about what happened before, so he said with a smile.

"You really don't blame me? It's because of me that you made your girlfriend feel uncomfortable."

Hanako's eyes lit up, but then she remembered something.

"Hanamato-chan is not a stingy person. She may have forgotten it a long time ago. Since I agreed to your request, how can I blame you?"

He Feiyu said indifferently.


Hanako smiled.


The voice was too low and He Feiyu didn't hear it clearly.

"Hmph! Idiot!"

Hanako's fair cheeks were stained with a layer of pink clouds, and her figure disappeared in front of He Feiyu's eyes in an instant, leaving only the girl's coquettish cry.

He Feiyu spared Rao's head inexplicably. What happened?

"Are you still here? Why don't you go to class with me?"

After hearing about Hanako's past, he actually felt very sympathetic to the girl.

He was killed, cut into pieces, and buried in a dirty toilet for so long. Even if the bones were found, he could not die. He was trapped in the school and could not go anywhere. He was like a prisoner in a cage, but the girl was guilty. What sin?

"Idiot! I'm already a ghost, why are I still going to class?"

"Ahem...Ahem, it's not bad to be a knowledgeable ghost."

He Feiyu heard this and thought it seemed reasonable, but he replied stiffly.

However, Hanako's voice did not sound again. He Feiyu shook his head and left the rooftop immediately.

When he went downstairs and walked around the corner of the stairs, he saw the four little girls leaving his class at noon.

He Feiyu entered the classroom with doubts. Looking at the calm classroom, he couldn't help but feel strange that nothing happened.

After returning to his seat and sitting down, he raised his hand and pinched Sono Yushin's fair neck, wanting to ask her if anything happened.


The girl was pinched so suddenly, like a turtle, she shrank her neck. Her behavior made He Feiyu couldn't help but chuckle.

"Hey, Feiyu-kun, what are you doing!"

Aonano turned around, pursed his lips, and said angrily.

"I want to ask you, Zhong

What did those four girls do in the classroom just now? "

He Feiyu let go of his hand and asked the girl.

"Them!? I didn't pay much attention, but I seemed to hear them talking to Yoshida Saki-san just now."

Sono Yushin tilted his head and said.

"Yoshida Saki?"

"Well, they seem to know each other, but I didn't hear what they said clearly."

Aonano nodded heartily.

"What's wrong? Mr. Feiyu"

Seeing He Feiyu's silence and thinking, the girl asked.


"Feiyu-kun, if you have anything you can tell me, I'm also very powerful."

Hearing He Feiyu's perfunctory answer, Canono couldn't help but feel disappointed. Feiyu was always like this. He clearly had something to do, but he didn't tell her, so he picked up his sleeves and showed off his muscles to He Feiyu.

"Yeah, I will, thank you Yushin-chan."

He Feiyu did not laugh at the girl's slender arms, but touched her head gratefully.


Aonano couldn't help but laugh out loud when she was praised.


Yoshida Saki looked down at the already eaten lunch on the desk with a frustrated look on his face.

Originally, she wanted to give it to He Feiyu at noon to thank him for the lollipop, but she didn't find a good opportunity, and coincidentally, he had a conflict with her friends, so she didn't dare to bring it up.

Both parties were her friends, which made her feel very embarrassed to be caught in the middle, so Yoshida Saki chose to stand aside and watch, and fortunately the four people left.

But for some reason, she didn't want He Feiyu to know that she had a relationship with the four people... inexplicable worry... she didn't know why it was like this...

The four people were introduced to Yoshida Saki by her friends. She got to know them for a part-time job and wanted them to introduce her to KTV.

They came here at noon today to tell Yoshida Saki that the deal was done and that they could go as long as they had free time, just report their names.

Before they left, they saw the lunch box she put on the table, so they proposed to use it as a reward. Although Yoshida Saki was reluctant, she still gave it to them thinking of their help.

Yoshida Saki was thankful that they did not run into He Feiyu when they returned to return the lunch boxes.

Chapter 208: A grain of light dares to compete with the sun and the moon

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