With the end of the penultimate class in the afternoon, the students who were originally looking sluggish due to the boring English class suddenly became energetic.

After getting off their seats, they gathered together in twos and threes, chatting with heartfelt smiles.

Because the next period is the physical education class where you can sweat as much as you want. You don’t have to sit in the classroom and feel like chewing wax.

There is another reason why people are happy, that is, they are at the peak of puberty and need to vent the excessive secretion of hormones in their bodies and attract the opposite sex through performance.

In particular, some old men are already observing the pretty girls in the class.

I fantasized for a while about how attractive the round and straight curls wrapped under Bruma were.

Just thinking about it, many people hunched over like shrimps to hide the reaction caused by fantasy.

He Feiyu sat in his seat and looked at the happy crowd calmly. It wasn't that he didn't like physical education class, but that he forgot to bring his sportswear.

He Feiyu's eyes were attracted to Yushin Sono, who was sitting sideways in front of him. He watched her take out a neatly folded block-shaped sportswear from her schoolbag and slowly opened it in front of her.

A pure white short-sleeved top and a pair of blue shorts.

That's right, it's such a simple and thin set.

No matter spring, summer, autumn or winter.

When he first went to junior high school, he was very surprised. Short-sleeved shorts were fine in summer, but in winter they were very cold.

But after a year, I gradually adapted to it.

"These pants are so short, will you reveal your nakedness and be peeped by others~"

Sono Yushin turned around completely and laid the blue shorts flat on He Feiyu's table, with complaints on her fair cheeks.

The girl went to junior high school in the countryside, where there were no formal sportswear. She usually just wore school uniforms during physical education classes, but now she obviously doesn't adapt.

"Don't worry, it will still be fine if it reaches the core of your thigh."

He Feiyu compared the shorts on the table with the size of the girl's buttocks in his impression, and said with a smile.

"And they won't necessarily look at you."

Also fearing that the girl would be worried, he added immediately.

He Feiyu originally comforted Cang Nao and asked her to wear it boldly, but he didn't expect that after hearing this, the girl's slender eyebrows beat wildly, her pink lips were raised high, and she seemed to be able to hang a small oil pot. After glaring at him, he pulled off his shorts, picked up his clothes, and followed the crowd of girls to the locker room to change.


Three question marks popped up in He Feiyu's mind. He must have said something right. Why was Xiao Nizi so angry? She was still as cute as when they first met her.

There is also a locker room for men. There is nothing special about it. Either there is no practice or less practice. The boys also left the classroom one after another. Only He Feiyu sat awkwardly.

"Brother Feiyu, don't you go to the locker room to change?"

He Feiyu looked at the clock hanging on the blackboard and felt that it was almost done. He was about to get up and go to the playground.

Tsubaki Ayato in sportswear walked next to him and said doubtfully.

"Brother Feiyu, didn't you bring any sportswear?"

Tsubaki Ayato looked at He Feiyu who was hesitant to speak, looked at him for a moment, and asked with concern.

"Brother Feiyu, use mine!"

Seeing He Feiyu nodded, Chunno Ayato didn't think at all. He blurted out while holding the sportswear in both hands and handed it to He Feiyu, with pleading and hope on his delicate face.

"Ayato-kun, I appreciate your kindness, but if I use yours, what will you wear?"

He Feiyu shook his head decisively and refused.

Hearing this, Tsubaki Ayato felt moved in his heart. He Feiyu helped him twice, and both times he stepped forward because he had offended the evil forces, and afterward, he did not ask for anything from him, even for such insignificant things. Thinking about him, Tsubaki Ayato felt a sore nose, and his outstretched hands were trembling slightly.

"Brother Feiyu, don't worry, I have another one."

Chunno Ayato looked at He Feiyu eagerly and said.

"Two sets?"

"Hmm! After the sportswear was distributed, there was one set that I never brought home. I didn't expect that I would be able to use it today. By the way! Brother Feiyu, I have already taken this set home and washed it. I don't have it either. Wear it, brother, you don’t have to worry about it being dirty!”

Tsubaki Ayato nodded quickly like a chicken pecking at rice and explained.

"So! Brother Feiyu, please use it!"

In the end, He Feiyu took Tsubaki Ayato's sportswear to the locker room with him, but it was the one he had not washed.

"Wow! Shengjun, your Kunba is so big! Do you have any secrets? Can you tell your brothers?"

As soon as He Feiyu and Tsubaki Ayato walked outside the locker room door, they heard incredible exclamations coming from inside.

The two opened the door and walked in without attracting any attention, because most of their attention was focused on a man with yellow hair and an indescribable appearance.

That person was Xionglu Sheng, and his plain face was filled with pride, like a white crane standing among a group of chickens.

His upper body was already clothed, but his lower body only had underwear, which was still a very sexy red color.

Those who looked at Buck Sheng focused their eyes on his red underwear, with a mixture of admiration and inferiority in their eyes.

If He Feiyu hadn't seen some of the boys with girlfriends looking at him, he would have almost thought that most of the boys in the class were gay, and considered whether he should choose another place to change into sportswear.

He Feiyu originally didn't want to get in the way. He was afraid that when he revealed his dragon, everyone would be timid, so he planned to quickly change into sportswear after finding his cabinet to avoid causing a commotion.

But after He Feiyu searched around, he found that his cabinet happened to be right next to Xiong Lusheng, and he had a helpless expression on his face.

Since his fate is like this, don't blame him for being ruthless.

He Feiyu slowly walked towards Xionglu Sheng.

At this time, Buck Sheng felt like he was like a lion in a doghouse. The male hormones emitted from his body dwarfed everyone else, and they could only look up at him. This feeling of dominance made him deeply fascinated.

'It seems that no one in this class is more awesome than me. Now I can pick up girls without worry. Hey~ how lonely it is to be invincible~'

Buck Sheng shook his head in vain. When everyone was changing clothes, he did not move. He observed in advance just for this moment.

‘There are still some blind people who dare to come here? ’

Buck Sheng felt that it was time to put on his sweatpants. Taking them off in front of boys only gave him a sense of accomplishment. It was better to show off in front of girls. He just bent down and saw a figure approaching from the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but sneer at the thought.

Buck Sheng deliberately slowed down the action of putting on his trousers and straightened his waist and abdomen very deliberately. He wanted to give this stupid young man a little male shock.

Xiong Lusheng's peripheral vision rested on He Feiyu, and he wanted to see Leng Touqing's shocked expression.

But when Buck Sheng saw He Feiyu take off his shirt, revealing his muscular lines that were as perfect as sculptures, and the bulging arcs that were as hard as steel, exuding formidable power, the pride on his deer-headed, mouse-eyed face was replaced by shock.

Before Buck Sheng could comfort himself, He Feiyu took off his pants again.

‘This...is this something a person would have? ? ? ’

Staring in horror at the giant thing as big as his calf, Xiong Lusheng's eyes were as wide as light bulbs, as if he had been shocked by electricity. He stood there blankly, his spirit in a state of half-dementia. Even after He Feiyu had left for a long time, he was stunned. have no idea.

Chapter 209: Sisters with very different personalities

【Ding! The host is detected to execute justice: soul critical strike! Let the arrogant Huang Mao know that there is someone outside the world, and there is a dragon outside the sculpture, and give the scumbag a real blow at the place that he is most proud of, causing him to easily break through the defense, successfully doubt his life, and leave a large shadow. The evaluation is C, and he won Reward—quick proficiency in ball games]

[Quick mastery of ball games: You don’t need to practice for two and a half years to learn about ball games. Once you get started, you will be like a god.]

He Feiyu, who was heading to the playground with Tsubaki Ayato, heard the system sound ringing in his ears and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

He didn't expect that this would trigger rewards. Even though it was just a skill that was not painful and related to life, he would be happy if he could collect wool.

At the same time, it also confirmed his idea that he had had a long time ago, that is, there are almost all people in this world who are difficult to describe.


It's not that He Feiyu is discriminating, but he summed it up based on the experience of the tauren in his previous life and this period of time.

The tauren in those previous lives all looked disgusting. They were either fat and ugly, or old and ugly. No matter what, ugly was the name of the game.

Although it is more exciting this way, it gives people a strong sense of contrast, just like the lotus that emerged from the mud and remained unstained has been desecrated at close range.

But this makes the audience feel completely uninvolved. Obviously there are handsome guys like Daniel Wu and Peng Yuyan behind the screen.

So, how do you, the audience, bring in the sinister people?

If the heroine hadn't been drawn so beautifully, I'm afraid the gentlemen wouldn't even be interested in reading it, except of course those with special quirks.

Since the buck can trigger the reward of the system, there is no doubt that he is the tauren. He Feiyu has completely remembered him, which means that his life will be difficult in the future.

When He Feiyu came to the playground, many people were already standing on the sand, and students wearing vests could be seen running in circles. They looked like people from the track and field club or the football club.

He Feiyu lowered his head and looked at the soft yellow soil under his feet due to yesterday's rain. He raised his foot and stepped lightly, leaving obvious footprints. Although it was not as flexible and tight as the rubber track in his previous life, it was a little more natural. .

Of course, it also has to do with funding and habits. He thinks each has its own pros and cons. Sports such as basketball and volleyball are almost impossible to find outdoors in neon lights. They are mostly played in small gymnasiums, which prevents many people from participating. .

"Brother Feiyu, where are the people from our class?"

Tsubaki Ayato stood on tiptoes, swept his eyes across the playground, and found his classmates who had already gathered together. He turned his head, stretched out his hand, and pointed the direction to He Feiyu.

"Well, let's go"

Regarding correcting Chunno Ayato's name, He Feiyu had already compromised and let him be called that.

He walked slowly and leisurely towards the class, his movements could be described as unsteady.

Feeling tight, as if his body was being restrained, He Feiyu suddenly began to regret borrowing Tsubaki Ayato's sportswear. He was almost 1.8 meters tall and was wearing clothes that were too small. He felt terribly uncomfortable.

Especially below, as the thighs cross each other, the bulging foreign body is very obvious. As long as someone pays a little attention, it will be seen.

‘Damn, don’t I still have a clothes camera? ? ’

He Feiyu suddenly had a flash of inspiration, remembered something, and couldn't help complaining in his heart.

He just needs to find someone who is similar in height and body shape to himself and take a photo with a clothes camera, wouldn't it be great?

No matter where I am, I will suffer like now. Unfortunately, it is very close. It will be troublesome to do it again, so let's do it.

After a lot of hard work, He Feiyu finally arrived, and at a glance he saw Sono Yushin in the crowd. She was talking to two twin sisters with short purple hair and almost identical looks.

He Feiyu felt familiar and familiar, so he searched his memory and remembered, weren't those girls the same sisters who went to the warehouse to move school uniforms with him?

He Feiyu didn't go up to join in the fun. Since he saved Sono Yushin, he found that the girl was always following him. It seemed that he had no other friends except Tianhe Hana Minato. He didn't want to see the girl just wandering around him. Now it's difficult Once she has her own social circle, she should be allowed to be independent.

He Feiyu was just about to turn around and take a casual look, but found that the girl among the sisters, who was not sure whether he was an older sister or a younger sister, saw him and said something to Sono Yushin. The girl turned around, her fair face filled with joy, and ran towards him. come over.

Then he reached out to hold his hand and dragged him towards the two women. This was very painful for He Feiyu, who tried every means not to make a fool of himself.

Fortunately, the two women's eyes stayed on his face and did not see the embarrassing part.

"Feiyu-kun, these are the friends I just met. They are twin sisters."

Canano smiled sweetly and introduced to He Feiyu.

"Who is this..."

But staring at two girls who looked almost exactly the same, she couldn't tell who was the sister and who was the sister just for a moment. She was afraid of saying something wrong and causing embarrassment, so her pretty face showed confusion and her words became hesitant. I.

He Feiyu looked at Canano Yuxin in a funny way. He looked at the sisters leaning on each other and guessed based on common sense that the one being leaned on was his sister.

"Hello, Yu... Mr. Feiyu, my name is Xingyue Feng, and I am my sister."

Sure enough, as he expected, the two sisters seemed to see Aangano Yu's embarrassment, so the girl who was leaning against explained herself to herself, and at the same time stretched out her small white hands as white as jade.

"Hello, my name is He Feiyu. We must have met before."

When He Feiyu saw Xing Yuefeng stretch out his hand, he couldn't help but refute the other person's face, so he also stretched out his hand and shook it with hers.

Xing Yuefeng's soft and slender grass-like hands were immediately wrapped by He Feiyu's big hands, giving him a very comfortable feeling, as if he had no bones.

Although it was very comfortable, He Feiyu was not the kind of rude person. In just a moment, he let go of his hand and wanted to get away, but the white and magazine-free little hand did not let go of him.

He Feiyu looked up in confusion, and happened to look into Xing Yuefeng's blue eyes, which were like a pair of blue waves. They were bright, clear, and full of perseverance. They couldn't help but make people feel good about them.

But at this moment, there were unspeakable emotions in those eyes, which seemed to have been there for a long time.

There is not only the joy of reunion, but also the loneliness mixed with sadness.

"Ah! Sorry, Yu...Feiyu-kun, I remembered something, so..."

It wasn't until the sister next to Xing Yuefeng shook her arm a few times that the girl let go and hurriedly bent down to apologize to He Feiyu.


Feeling the heat that had not yet dissipated on his hand, He Feiyu touched his head inexplicably and replied.

Could it be that he has reached the point where everyone loves him, flowers bloom, and cars have flat tires?

At the same time, he thought strangely in his heart, but then he felt funny again. How could it be possible? He was not in the world of love stories and had not reached that exaggerated level.

"Hello, I am Xingyue Ling"

Just when he was thinking wildly, the sister beside Xing Yuefeng said in a cold tone.

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