His eyes were attracted by an idiot girl who suddenly accelerated.

Like most girls who refused to admit defeat, Sono Yushin was also stimulated by Shigen Ryoka, or thought she was very powerful and wanted to be like her, so she suddenly worked up her energy and accelerated a bit.

But the girl obviously underestimated her own ability. In less than twenty or thirty seconds, her physical strength was exhausted and she slowed down. Her current speed was actually slower than before she accelerated. It could be said that it was no different from walking, but And very tired.

His chest was rising and falling violently, he was breathing heavily, his throat was dry as if it was burning, his head was dizzy, and his numb feet were as heavy as lead.

The girl began to regret speeding up. Every step she took now felt extremely difficult, and the wind in her ears made a "rustling" sound.

‘Are we about to give up like this...Hold on! Just hold on! There are still 800 meters left, I will definitely be able to...'

Her thoughts began to become negative due to fatigue. Sono Yushin wanted to cheer herself up, but when she thought about running only two hundred meters, she suddenly lost all confidence.

The pace became slower and slower, and just when she was about to turn into walking, a figure quietly came to her side.

"Come on! Yushin-chan"

I heard a familiar gentle voice in my ears.

"Shh, don't talk, lest you get angry"

Aangano Yuexin turned around and looked away. Just as he was about to say something, He Feiyu interrupted.

The girl nodded. It seemed that because He Feiyu was beside her, her originally slow pace picked up again, running side by side with the boy.

"Idiot, if you don't have the physical strength to run like others, what will happen if you faint or die suddenly?"

He Feiyu looked at the girl with one hand on her waist and one hand waving helplessly. Her originally rosy cheeks were as pale as those of a person who had been cold for a few days, and he couldn't help but scold her.

'Damn Feiyu-kun, after school, I...I must tell Sister Hua Minato that you bullied me'

Hearing He Feiyu's scolding, Cang Nao felt grievances welling up in her heart, but she knew that He Feiyu was caring about her, so she could only think of it silently in her heart.

"Do as I say, breathe through your mouth and nose at the same time, open your mouth slightly, bite your teeth together, and touch the tip of your tongue lightly to your upper jaw."

He Feiyu felt that his tone seemed a bit harsh, so he slowed down and taught the girl how to run correctly.

Of course, skills are only an aid, and they are useless without physical strength, but they are better than nothing.

Aangano heard the words and started to do it in the mouth.

'Um! ? It actually works! ’

The girl was surprised. She didn't expect that after doing this, her breathing would become smoother and her body would feel much more comfortable and warm.

This feeling seems familiar to Sono Yusuke... It seems...

It was like being touched by his big hand on the rainy night when I first met He Feiyu.

Aangano Yushin turned her head, blinking her watery eyes, and stared at the boy beside her.

My heart beat for him countless times.

Chapter 212 Purple Palace Xia Ye

He Feiyu saw that Cang Naoyue's gray complexion had returned to a bit of rosy color.

He couldn't help but look at the shadow floating behind the girl.

I sighed that it was great to have Crazy Diamond.

Usually, like girls, after having sex with him, if the body feels tired, it can rely on its ability to relieve it to a certain extent.

As for the effect...it's minimal.

Aonano Yushin felt the warm temperature flowing throughout her body, warming her limbs and body.

Her originally heavy legs became much lighter now, her breathing became rhythmic according to the method taught to her by the young man, and her throat was no longer so burning.

The little hands on his waist began to swing again.

Her watery eyes seemed to be paying attention to the dilapidated road under her feet, but her peripheral vision fell on

The profile of the boy next to him.

Looking at the firm and angular outline, the desire to occupy him became stronger.

What annoyed the girl was.

It was obvious that Sister Hua Min was also involved in the matchmaking, and her own intentions were very clear.

But the wooden man Fei Yujun just refused to take the initiative to go further.

She was really pissed off. Did she, a girl, have to take the initiative? ! !

He Feiyu didn't know that the girl started to have random thoughts after regaining her mental and physical strength.

To be honest, He Feiyu actually has very complicated feelings towards Yushin Sono.

I definitely like it.

He made the decision not to attract bees or butterflies, but that was during the period after school started.

But he met the girl before school started, and besides, the girl's favorability level for him reached ninety-nine, and the only thing missing was that final touch.

It was obviously impossible for He Feiyu to give up Canono Yushin, but he couldn't bear to ask him to pick the delicate flower of the girl now.

Especially since his growing desire has been satisfied by the women he has had relationships with.

He Feiyu planned to let the girl volunteer herself. Although he felt that doing so was a bit scumbag, at least he respected the girl's wishes.

If Yushin-chan is willing, the two of them will confirm their relationship, or it will gradually become a matter of course.

As for Canano's usual clinging to him, sending lunch boxes and stealing kisses, He Feiyu thought it was normal, after all, he liked someone.

You can't just assume that someone wants to have a relationship with you just because they give you a gift.

He Feiyu didn't know what other people would think, but that's what he thought.

The two were running side by side, looking very intimate like a couple in love, at least that's what the people who witnessed the scene thought.

Some irregular otakus who stay at home all day long during the summer vacation, holding virtual idol pillows and watching love anime when they have nothing to do, feel lonely every time they take a step, just like Sono Yushin just now, Far behind everyone.

So unfortunately I ate "dog food".

The torture from the body can be alleviated by walking and stopping, but seeing this full scene made them envious and jealous.

Helpless and unable to surpass these two people, I could only complain crazily in my heart.

Show affection and love will die quickly!

A purple-haired girl with beautiful appearance, tall figure and natural charm, who would make people angry just by looking at her voluptuous back, also caught the sight of the two of them.

Her slender eyebrows wrinkled inadvertently, as if she was dissatisfied with He Feiyu and Sono Yui's blatant "show of affection".

Recalling the superficial but profound interactions between her and her childhood sweetheart, she relaxed her brows and felt even more disdainful towards these two people or people with this type of relationship.

The girl didn't want to see the two of them again, so she stepped forward with her long, strong legs and prepared to pass them.

Soon, the beautiful shadows came to He Feiyu's side.

She knew early on that the relationship between the two was unusual, after all, she was sitting next to them.

She often accidentally sees Canano turning her head and chatting with He Feiyu.

However, although the girl did not agree with the relationship between the two, she had to say that the two were a good match, especially He Feiyu, who was much prettier than most of the crooked melons and jujubes in the class.

In other words... slightly inferior to his childhood sweetheart.

Thinking of this, the purple-haired girl couldn't help but glance secretly at He Feiyu on the left.

The girl was subconsciously attracted to He Feiyu's well-defined abdominal muscles under the narrow clothes. Then, as if expecting but unintentionally, her beautiful red eyes glanced down. At this look, she seemed to have discovered something that shocked the past and the present. Her eyes were caught. Attracted to it, saliva quickly filled the mouth.

Just one glance made her crazy.

He Feiyu noticed someone driving beside him and couldn't help but feel curious, because the person next to him kept a certain distance from him.

He is actually similar to Sono Yushin in the class and doesn't have many friends.

He Feiyu didn't look like someone he knew based on his height.

So why are you still running with yourself?

He Feiyu looked curiously, and was first attracted by the big headlights that were shaking crazily due to running, although his Hua Minato-chan and Aunt Mingli were not inferior to these pair of headlights.

But it seems that even if you have a girlfriend, you will unconsciously look at the long legs wearing black stockings on the road.

Cough...cough, I can only say, instinct...

Two and a half seconds later, he took his eyes away from the car lights and saw the girl's side face clearly.


Seeing her appearance clearly, He Feiyu felt strange.

Isn't the girl next to me my deskmate on the right side of the class?

Her campaign for class president left an impression on him, so her name soon came to mind.

Purple palace summer leaves.

A name that goes very well with the girl's bright purple hair.

He Feiyu is strange.

Although the girl is his deskmate, the two of them have not crossed paths. Why is she running side by side with him now, and her eyes seem to be on his...

Before He Feiyu could finish his thoughts, he suddenly noticed from the corner of his eye that several figures were playing and chasing each other out of the playground. Both he and Sono Yushin took a step back, barely avoiding them (Sono Yushin).


Only Purple Palace Xia Ye turned a deaf ear to it, and Aang Naijiu saw this and reminded her loudly.

Xia Ye of the Purple Palace was awakened by the reminder from Sono Yui, but it was too late. The distance between the two was already gone.

It was very close, and we were about to hit it.

Seeing this, He Feiyu quickly stretched out his right hand, grabbed Zizhi Gong Xia Ye's arm, and then subconsciously pulled him into his arms to protect the girl from falling, and narrowly escaped.

"Don't you guys walk without eyes? Don't you know that it's dangerous to fight on the playground where there are still people running?"

He Feiyu stared unhappily at the students who almost bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! We didn't mean it!"

"You should apologize to her. After all, it wasn't me who almost hit her."

He Feiyu did not expect that these people had a good attitude in admitting their mistakes and did not care too much, so he motioned for them to apologize to Zizhi Gong Xia Ye.

Just when he was about to ask the girl in his arms what he meant, a soft touch came from a hand around her waist.

There was a feeling of déjà vu, so he moved his fingers again.


Before he could fully feel it, an accusation came out of the mouth of the girl in his arms, and then a strong wind blew towards his face, but it was obviously impossible to hit He Feiyu.

He immediately grabbed the soft jade hand that came from the fan.

Chapter 213 Awakening

He Feiyu didn't bother to feel the smooth skin of the girl's arm in detail.

Then he looked towards the purple palace Xia Ye who was close to his body.

He knew the reason for her anger, and no wonder he felt that his hand felt familiar. It turned out that it was grasping the girl's soft headlight.

He Feiyu immediately put his hand away and was about to apologize. After all, it was force majeure.

I guess Zinomiya Xiaye will forgive him, because compared to falling on the sandy soil and being bruised and bleeding, leaving scars, such an insignificant contact is not worth mentioning at all.

He looked at the girl's flushed face and found that Zizhigong Xia Ye was breathing heavily. Since their heads were not too far apart, he could clearly smell the rich fragrance.

And the girl's wine-red eyes seemed to be rippling with misty mist, revealing an appearance that was almost like a nympho.

Is it an illusion?

Of course, what attracted He Feiyu's attention the most was the transparent saliva flowing from Zizhigong Xia Ye's mouth to her chin.

Did this girl have a stroke? ? ?

He Feiyu couldn't help but guess in his heart.

Immediately, his expression became serious. A stroke is not a trivial matter. The cause of the disease is in the brain. If it is not treated in time, it may be directly cold and lying on the board.

The most urgent task now is to send the sick girl in his arms to the infirmary, and then find a way.

For sick people, Crazy Diamond can't play a big role at all. At most, it can delay a little insignificant time, because its ability is "repair".

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