It can repair any damaged items, but it cannot repair dead people, one's own injuries, diseases, and items with missing parts.

He Feiyu guessed that the substitute given to him by the system may not be exactly the same as the one in the previous animation, but the principle has definitely not changed.

Unless he now has the golden experience of taking out the girl's brain during a time lag and then creating a new brain and putting it back, of course, I don't know if there will be some mutation or something.


He Feiyu turned his head and was about to explain to Yuexin-chan that he was going to send the sick Murasaki Palace Xiaye to the infirmary, but he heard the girl in his arms gasping.

"You do not"


Come again?

Fortunately, the girl's wrist was held by He Feiyu, so she didn't score twice.

Feeling the strong masculine aura rushing towards her face, Zizhi Gong Xia Ye, who had not even held her hand, could only feel her little heart beating wildly, and the warm current rushing through her body, making her lower abdomen extremely hot.

"Suck it~ If you don't let me go quickly, how long are you going to take advantage of me?"

Purple Palace Xia Ye resisted the confusion, sucked the body fluid that was still flowing at the corner of her mouth back into her mouth, raised her other hand to wipe the water stains on her chin, and spoke in a neither salty nor bland manner, but anyone could see through her at a glance Pretending to be calm.


He Feiyu immediately let go of the girl's hand.


Zizhi Gong Xia Ye raised her hand again, but when she saw He Feiyu's hand reaching his face to resist, it hovered for a moment and then put it down.

Seeing this, He Feiyu let out a breath, and then prepared to have a good talk with Zizhi Gong Xia Ye. He couldn't blame him entirely for touching the car lights. There was a reason. Those students who were running around just now should be taught a lesson. , how can you put all the blame on him? Who will dare to be a good person in the future?

"I remember you, He Feiyu!"

Before He Feiyu could speak, Zizhi Gong Xia Ye turned her back, flicked her purple hair, and hit He Feiyu in the face, and heard her speak coldly.

After saying that, he ignored He Feiyu and stepped forward with his long legs, closing the distance in a few seconds.

"Um...I'm sorry, classmate, can we go..."

"Let's go, let's go, let's go"

He Feiyu waved his hand impatiently, and the students got the answer and ran away quickly.

"What are these things! These days, if you do good things, you will be scolded!"

He Feiyu shook his head angrily and said.

"that is"

Sono Yushin saw everything in his eyes and knew that He Feiyu had been wronged. Although he did touch a place he shouldn't have touched, there was nothing he could do about it. In that case, he could pull her back without getting hurt. Fortunately.

"Just fly

Yujun's fault, does it smell good? Isn’t it delicious? I want to tell Sister Hua Minato, Fei Yujun, that you deliberately took advantage of others and even sniffed them shamelessly! "

The girl was ready to say why Fei Yu was wronged, but when she saw him lift the hand that had just touched someone else's breast and put it under his nose and smell it, she immediately felt furious. It was clear that Fei Yu had never touched or smelled her own breasts. However, he actually did this to a girl he had just met, even though he was a classmate, so the girl immediately changed her words and said in the same cold tone.


He Feiyu was confused by Jie Xinjiang. What was going on?

Isn’t it normal to smell something subconsciously? It's like picking out hooks and feet. Although I know it smells, I still can't help but put it under my nose.

Just when he was about to explain, Xiao Nizi also followed the example of Zizhi Gong Xia Ye, and without looking at him, she opened her legs and started running, waving her hands.

He Feiyu gave a helpless smile and chased after him.

After his sharp tongue and good talk, Xiao Nizi believed that he was not the kind of person who deliberately took advantage of him, and agreed not to tell Amaga Minato, but there was a condition.

That means he must take the initiative to kiss her. He Feiyu is not the kind of man who is willing to be coerced, but seeing the girl's pink lips opening from time to time, he finally agreed in humiliation.

the other side.

Zi Zhi Gong Xia Ye stretched her long legs crazily without stopping for a moment.

Because she had practiced Aikido before, running a thousand meters was actually not very tiring. Although she was not as fierce as Shigen Ryoka, she was still much better than the average student.

She didn't have the slightest complaint against He Feiyu in her mind now.

Some are just the aftertaste of that strong body and strong hormonal scent, especially the shocking things that appear in front of you from time to time.

Why... why is he... so big there? Are all normal boys like this? He's still the only one... But he's clearly not in the movies I've seen...

If you were disturbed by such a big guy... would you faint to death...


Like... give it a try.

no! no!

Purple Palace Xia Ye, how could you become like this!

You have made an agreement with Xiaoyong. As long as he is admitted to this high school, you will hold hands with him and be together forever...

How could you have your mind shaken and have random thoughts because of such filthy things now?

Like a slut! ! !

Purple Palace Xia Ye hinted wildly to herself in her heart, trying to put the dirty thoughts behind her.

But the more this happened, the more deeply ingrained the image was in her mind.

She now felt that the only way to stop thinking so much was to keep running and let her body be immersed in fatigue.

Chapter 214 The knowledgeable He Feiyu

He Feiyu ran slowly with Cang Nao Yuexin.

At the end of the 1,000-meter race, many people were already standing in front of Haruhara Ikumi, and people were finishing the race one after another.

However, most people were hunched over, with their hands on their waists, breathing heavily. Obviously, this is a very fatal thing for people who have not exercised for a long time.

Only a few people could stand with normal expressions on their faces.

Sono Yushin was very tired at first, but when He Feiyu accompanied her, the fatigue lingering in her body and spirit disappeared. Especially with He Feiyu's promise, she thought about being able to kiss He Feiyu after school in the afternoon, or mouth to mouth. The girl felt that she had endless strength. Even if she ran another thousand, no, even if it was two thousand, she would not be afraid. Of course, He Feiyu must accompany her.

He Feiyu's eyes stayed on those few people standing safe and sound.

I can't help but sigh in my heart, the world in this world is full of yin and yang.

Because the majority of those standing there were girls, and they were from all different nationalities.

For example, the heroic Shigen Ryoka, the naturally charming Murasaki Natsuha, and a girl he couldn't understand.

The young girl stood calmly, showing a calmer expression than those of those others.

The girl who was facing He Feiyu seemed to notice that someone was looking at her.

The girl turned around and looked at He Feiyu without hesitation, as if she was not as shy as a young girl.

This sudden look at each other made He Feiyu feel guilty because the girls were all wearing Bruma, although he did not set his eyes on the girl's white thighs.

But for fear of causing misunderstanding, and for a moment of embarrassment, He Feiyu thought that Xiangzhuang didn't look at him intentionally, and then prepared to look away naturally.

But he saw the girl smiled at him inexplicably, then opened her pink lips, stretched out her bright red and slender tongue with a bit of white fluid, and licked around the slightly opened thin lips in an extremely exaggerated manner.

There is a charming face with all kinds of charm, especially the red gem-like eyes, which actually have a layer of black and white double pupils.

Weird and charming.

Before He Feiyu could react, he suddenly felt a ball of fire rising up in his lower abdomen, so violently that there was no reason at all.

Although the scene was indeed sexy, he had experienced so much, including big-breasted ones, mature ones, and seductive ones... Even if he was lustful, he wouldn't have such a big reaction.

Because his second brother was already holding his head high, and if it wasn't for the cover of his pants, he might have been eager to kill the enemy.

He Feiyu wanted to move his eyes away, but found it extremely difficult. The girl was like a black hole, tightly pulling his eyes.

Light, and slowly, a picture emerged in his mind, which was the scene of him and the girl in front of him making love.

The image in his mind was extremely beautiful, but He Feiyu's expression gradually became dull, as if he would sink into it forever if he didn't wake up soon.

The girl's face showed an imperceptible smile belonging to the winner.

At this critical moment, the hidden dragon-shaped tattoo on He Feiyu's chest suddenly lit up, and an ambiguous pink light instantly enveloped his whole body.

"Eh?? What's wrong with me? Why is my head so dizzy?"

He Feiyu shook his somewhat groggy head. He couldn't remember what happened.

He only knew that he was looking at those outstanding girls earlier and lamenting the prosperity and decline of the world in the world.

But it is really sad that such outstanding girls can be coerced by inexplicable threats, or indulge in lust, and then become mother dogs.

But that's right, only when the girls are outstanding, being played by the ugly and down-to-earth fat uncle is exciting, and it feels like a villain is succeeding.

"Feiyu-kun, why are you distracted? You feel uncomfortable... Feiyu-kun, you, you, you"

He Feiyu was sighing in his heart. Beside him, Cang Naoyu noticed that the young man had been standing still, so he looked at the young man curiously. Before he could finish his doubtful words, he suddenly saw the towering small tent, and the girl's pretty face turned red. Shang Hongxia's tone became stammering and shy.


Hearing this, He Feiyu looked at Sono Yushin, who was speechless. Before he could ask a question, he followed the girl's shocked gaze. He was so embarrassed that he subconsciously revealed the quintessence of the Chinese nation.

Then he quickly bent down, found a good angle, and pressed his second brother to the inside of his thigh. He then raised his head and looked around, and found that no one was watching, so he slowly straightened up.


He Feiyu embarrassedly hinted to Yuexin-chan not to be too loud to avoid misunderstandings. He didn't know why his second brother turned into such a arrogant look.

Seeing He Feiyu's gesture, Sono Yushin blushed and nodded. She noticed He Feiyu's embarrassed look, and slowly moved her body to get closer to He Feiyu to help him shield him from other people's eyes.

"Fei...Feiyu-kun, if you want to...want it, Sister Hua Minato can't help you in time, and I...I can't help you."

He Feiyu felt warm in his heart, thinking that his love for Xiao Nizi was not in vain, but he heard the girl hesitantly say.

Okay, this is a misunderstanding that cannot be washed away even if you jump into Tokyo Bay. I am afraid that I have completely left the impression of a demon in the girl's heart.


'Haha, you can actually wake up from the charm I activated. You are indeed not an ordinary person. It's interesting~'

'What more interesting things can you bring to this king next, or...'



Feeling that his second brother had restrained himself a little, He Feiyu couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief, and he couldn't help but sigh. Damn it, he obviously just had a hard time yesterday, how come he can look like this when he looks at a girl's back.

Fortunately, only Yushin-chan saw it, so she didn't get too social.

Before everyone arrived, He Feiyu looked around and happened to see Ayato Chunno dragging his heavy steps to finish a kilometer. His face was pale, his body was shaking uncontrollably, and his body was bent, as if he was preparing to sit down. Next rest.

"Ayato-kun, wait a minute. Don't sit down yet. Take a few steps slowly and let your breathing slow down before talking."

Seeing this, He Feiyu quickly reminded him that since Chunno Ayato called him his eldest brother, he should take care of him no matter what.

Tsubaki Ayato heard He Feiyu's voice, his movements stagnated, he raised his pale face and looked at He Feiyu in confusion.

"Sitting down after exercise will hinder the return of blood in the lower limbs, affect blood circulation, deepen body fatigue, and in severe cases may cause gravitational shock."

He Feiyu patiently explained to Chunno Ayato.

After listening to He Feiyu's words, Aangano Yuexin stared at the young man's profile with admiration. His beautiful eyes were like shining stars, bright and moving.

Seeing that there was an audience listening, He Feiyu continued to talk. With his almost photographic memory ability, he quickly told the knowledge about sports that he had read when he was bored.

This attracted even more admiration from Yushin-chan and Tsubaki Ayato.

"Hmph! Alarmist, deliberately showing off knowledge, boring!"

A discordant voice suddenly sounded, interrupting He Feiyu who was talking incessantly.

He Feiyu glanced briefly and caught a glimpse of the speaker. He planned to ignore it and started talking to himself.

Chapter 215: Football as the theme

"Oh, Tsubaki Ayato, I order you to squat down immediately, and you are not allowed to get up without my permission!"

Seeing He Feiyu turning a deaf ear and ignoring him, Nogami Izumi felt a sudden anger in his heart. He also saw Tsubaki Ayato who was looking at He Feiyu with admiration. He suddenly had a whim and said arrogantly.

Although Tsubaki Ayato wanted to become a man, he was often bullied, and his weakness was already engraved in his bones. The stern threat from Nogami Izumi made him subconsciously prepare to squat down.

"'m sorry, I still can't..."

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