The body had already been bent halfway, but suddenly he felt his shoulder being grasped by a warm and powerful hand, and then his slightly bent body was forcibly lifted up. Tsubaki Ayato looked pale, lowered his head and said to the owner of the big hand in shame.

"Ayato-kun, no matter how many times a man fails, he can do it, but never say you can't do it, otherwise

There is really no hope, and you must learn to resist in the face of oppression, otherwise they will always sit on your head and dominate you."

He Feiyu said to Chunno Ayato with good intentions. He knew that the weak character formed by years of bullying would not be easy to change, but he hoped that Chunno Ayato would at least learn to grow slowly, and maybe one day, he would break out of his cocoon and become a butterfly.

"As long as I'm by your side from now on, don't bow to evil forces, let alone be afraid."

He Feiyu stabilized Chunno Ayato and patted his weak body with a sincere voice.

Then, without waiting for Tsubaki Ayato to speak, He Feiyu turned around and stared at Nogami Izumi with his eyes playfully, without saying a word.

"You, what do you want to do!"

Nogami Quan's body trembled at He Feiyu's teasing eyes, and he couldn't help but said in fear.

"I'm talking to Tsubaki Ayato, what do you care about? A dog treats a mouse."

It seemed that he felt so embarrassed and embarrassed by He Feiyu's look, so Nogami Izumi deliberately raised his voice a few points, trying to cover up the lack of confidence in his previous words.

But he saw He Feiyu slowly raise his hand and make a slapping motion. With such a simple move, Nogami Quan inexplicably recalled the rain morning that humiliated her yesterday, and the shameful scene that she had tried so hard to forget came back to her. It appeared before my eyes as if it had happened just a second ago.


Before Nogami Izumi could finish his words, he felt his body go limp and he couldn't help but gasp.

"Quan, what's wrong with you?"

"Is it okay, Izumi?"

Minako Sanada and Sae Hinata, who were watching the show on either side of Nogami Izumi, heard an inexplicable gasp beside them. They looked at Nogami Izumi in surprise, only to find that she was unsteady. They hurriedly approached and stretched out their hands to support her.

Nogami Izumi was feeling ashamed and angry at the same time. He was ashamed that a hot girl of his had made such a shameful sound that only a little woman could make, and he was angry because He Feiyu dared to humiliate her.

"Okay, we are all classmates, don't get into conflicts. In fact, this little boy is right. You can't sit down immediately after running. It's best to wait for your heart rate to return to normal before sitting down and resting. And you won't be able to sit down for a rest within ten minutes." Don’t drink water. If you are really thirsty, you can rinse your mouth with water.”

Just when Nogami Izumi broke away from the support of his two best friends and wanted to say something to save face, Ikumi Haruhara walked between the two of them with a smile, blocking part of the view. First, he praised He Feiyu with praise, and then spoke professionally to everyone. Popular science.

Some people who originally wanted to sit down or prepare to drink water stopped when they heard this, and then started walking slowly to restore their heart rate.

Seeing this, Nogami Quan had to give up and glared at He Feiyu angrily.

He Feiyu wasn't angry either, after all, no matter how sharp his eyes were, he couldn't do anything to him.

Haruhara Ikumi felt relieved when she saw that the two of them were no longer arguing. She came over to break up the fight. In her eyes, the quarrel between He Feiyu and Nogami Izumi was like a quarrel between children. Although nothing would happen, they were both classmates in the same class. It's better not to hurt the harmony.

"Feiyu-kun, they are really annoying. Why are they interrupting while we are talking here and looking so fierce!"

Aangano Yushin stood beside He Feiyu, staring at the three hot girls not far away with unkind eyes and said.

"Don't worry about them, they are just little girls with immature minds."

He Feiyu touched Yu Xinjiang's hair and said.


Aonano Yushin felt the touch from the big hand above her head, squinted her eyes, and nodded with enjoyment.

Rested for about seven or eight minutes.

"Classmates, come and assemble"

Haruhara Ikumi clapped her hands and shouted loudly.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to her, and they started to move towards her.

"This month's physical education class, our theme is football. Of course, we will occasionally practice other sports. Now, let me explain some simple knowledge about football to you."

"Teacher Ikumi~ Didn't you say before that you can rest after running? Why are you still playing football now? Even a teacher can't break his promise~"

Some people who originally thought that the gathering was for disbanding heard Haruhara Ikumi's words and immediately showed depressed expressions. However, because Haruhara Ikumi was a teacher, they could only remain silent. However, a voice broke the harmony. Everyone followed the sound and were greatly disappointed. It was the yellow-haired Buck Sheng who failed to show off in Himuro's class last time and was punished by standing still.

Bucks Sheng is very eager to disband the free activities now because he has big things to do.

Seeing everyone looking at him, Buck Sheng couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Instead, he really enjoyed the feeling of being in the spotlight. Especially when the purple-haired girl he had been observing since the beginning of school looked over, he actually raised his hand in a coquettish way. He tidied up his yellow hair and wanted to impress everyone with his handsome appearance that resisted the teacher's oppression. It would be best if a girl liked him like this, and then...hehehe...

"This classmate is right. You did take a rest after running. Didn't you take a break? Did you understand it wrong, classmates?"

When Haruhara Ikumi saw the coquettish Shika Sheng, she was not angry because he contradicted her, but instead spoke with reason.


Everyone was silent for a while. Why are you playing word games with us here? ? ?

However, the power of interpretation rests with Haruhara Ikumi, and she did not say that they would disband after running. Although she was dissatisfied, she seemed to be unable to refute it.

"The fastest one you can run for one thousand meters is Liang Xiangjiang, three minutes and thirty seconds, the only perfect score, while most people are around five minutes, below the passing line, let alone the more difficult two thousand. "Hey, although it is not relevant to your future college entrance examination, if you have good physical fitness, your study and life will be much easier."

Haruhara Ikumi changed the smile on her face and said seriously with a straight face.

Seeing this, the dissatisfied people didn’t know what to say.

However, Buck Sheng's face was still anxious, and he fixed his eyes on the profile of the purple-haired girl.

Greed and obsession flashed in his eyes, as if a dog had seen...

Chapter 216 Have you heard of my story?

Everyone waited there for a while.

Shigen Ryoka and a few others were talking and laughing, pushing two carts filled with footballs towards the crowd.

Pushing the cart not far away from everyone, everyone except Shigen Ryoka returned to the team.

"Students, come and get the ball in a row, one for each person"

Haruhara Ikumi gave instructions.

Then the girls in the first row took the football from Ryoka Shigen in an orderly manner.

He Feiyu also followed the team and waited.

However, seeing the familiar yet unfamiliar scene in front of him, his mind couldn't help but be drawn back to his previous life when he was studying in college and taking sports and football elective courses.

I dare not say they are exactly the same, I can only say they are very similar.

When it was his turn, the football in the car was all gone.

Seeing the car that was almost reaching Shigen Ryoka's chest, He Feiyu was about to step forward and bend down to get it, but the girl still leaned against the car.

Holding the side of the car with one hand, he leaned forward and reached into the car.

I don’t know if it’s because the car is too tall or because the girl’s center of gravity has shifted too much.

Shigen Ryoka froze there for a moment, but Bruma's buttocks were raised high, so He Feiyu was forced to feast his eyes on it.

However, his attention was attracted by the girl's little feet, which were tilted, bent, and moved around, wearing white socks and black canvas shoes under her thighs used to maintain balance.

"What's going on in front? Hurry up."

The impatient urging from behind brought He Feiyu back to his senses. Seeing that the girl was still deadlocked, he stepped forward, grabbed Shigen Ryoka's shoulders, lifted her up, and then easily took out the football and threw it to the other side. At the feet of those in line.

Except for the person behind him who said thank you, everyone else looked at He Feiyu and the person who just urged him dissatisfied.

So the beautiful and delicious scenery is just gone? ?

Especially Bucks Sheng, his eyes were particularly dissatisfied.

If you wait until he arrives, you can take advantage of him by asking for help. Even if you are accused then, you can still say that he was just trying to help and accidentally bumped into him.

Standing on the moral high ground at that time, it was not up to him to say what he said, and he did not believe that he would be held accountable.

It's all this nosy guy's fault.

Why would such an idiot have a dick bigger than mine? God is so disdainful.

Bucks Sheng cursed crazily in his heart.

But the matter has come to an end, and that’s it. After all, it’s just a small fight, and the big one will come soon.


He Feiyu was just about to return to the team when he heard the hearty and sweet voice of a girl coming from behind.

"You're welcome, we're all classmates."

Turn around and smile lightly.

"Haha, my classmate should also say thank you. By the way, you are He Feiyu, right?"

Shigen Ryoka held the somewhat dirty football between her hands and looked at He Feiyu candidly, with admiration in her eyes.

"What, you've heard my story?"

He Feiyu looked at Shigen Ryoka who looked like a girl and said.

He is usually very low-key, so Shigen Ryoka should not know him unless she has heard things related to herself.

"Yes, if I had come earlier yesterday, I would have taken action to prevent those three girls from bullying others."

Shigen Ryoka nodded. She heard this from some good friends in the class. She admired such brave people. After her best friend casually identified him, she accidentally knew He Feiyu's appearance.

Sure enough, from her small actions just now, she was sure that He Feiyu was indeed a warm-hearted and good person.

However, the figure of He Feiyu in the girl's eyes was too obvious somewhere in the lower body, causing Shiyuan Ryoka's pretty face to be stained with a layer of pink.

When she looked at He Feiyu, she tried her best to focus on his upper body.


He Feiyu nodded nonchalantly. In fact, anyone with a kind heart can't stand bullying by bad people for no reason. As for why so few people come forward to help, it's not that they don't want to, but that there are many things to consider.

And since he has extraordinary power, he is not afraid of revenge from bad guys. At worst, all the people in his incarnation motherland will be slaughtered, and not even ashes will be left. Anyway, the existence of such garbage is a waste of food and air.

In He Feiyu's eyes, the tauren deserved to die, and so did the bad guys.

“What a nice guy”

Watching He Feiyu's leaving back, Siyuan Liangxiang murmured to herself, making no secret of her affection for him.

On the other side, He Feiyu didn't take such an episode seriously.

Instead, he played with the football in his hands thoughtfully.

The moment he touched the football, many strange and wonderful images suddenly came to his mind.

A stick figure with simple line drawing style kicked the football skillfully and proficiently, and even a bunch of stick figures appeared

The scene of the game.

It was so lively.

It felt like watching a cartoon.

And the magical thing was that he seemed to have a lot more insights into the football in his hand, like an athlete who often played football.

If it weren't for Haruhara Yumi asking them to stand still after getting the ball.

He Feiyu wanted to put the football under his feet and run it freely now.

"Okay, now that the students have got the football, the teacher will explain some simple ways to kick the ball to you now"

"Suzuka-chan, come and cooperate with the teacher"

"Okay, Teacher Yumi"

Haruhara Yumi and Shiyuan Suzuka stood between the boys and girls, cooperating with each other to demonstrate the simplest football moves.

Like how to kick, stop, dribble, etc.

Seeing the two beauties, one young and one mature, swinging their white thighs, twisting their proud waists, and their trembling breasts, some boys who originally had complaints were completely speechless, immersed in this beautiful scene.

Xiong Lusheng stared with his eyes wide open.

I just don’t know if he doesn’t want to miss this wonderful teaching or something else.

He Feiyu, however, showed a lack of interest, focusing all his attention on the football under his feet, and itching all over.

On the top of a certain teaching building that can directly see every move on the playground.

A middle-aged teacher in a suit and tie, dressed well, had one hand in his pocket and a half-burned cigarette in the other hand, staring aggressively at Haruhara Yumi who was teaching students to play football.

"It’s really worthy of Mr. Haruhara who was selected as a candidate for the swimming representative together with Mr. Makoto"

"You have a good body, just looking at it makes people feel excited, if..."

"Hehe, it’s almost time to start a new round of games"

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